830 resultados para GARP (Genetic Algorithm for Rule-Set Prediction)


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Many shallow landslides are triggered by heavy rainfall on hill slopes resulting in enormous casualties and huge economic losses in mountainous regions. Hill slope failure usually occurs as soil resistance deteriorates in the presence of the acting stress developed due to a number of reasons such as increased soil moisture content, change in land use causing slope instability, etc. Landslides triggered by rainfall can possibly be foreseen in real time by jointly using rainfall intensity-duration and information related to land surface susceptibility. Terrain analysis applications using spatial data such as aspect, slope, flow direction, compound topographic index, etc. along with information derived from remotely sensed data such as land cover / land use maps permit us to quantify and characterise the physical processes governing the landslide occurrence phenomenon. In this work, the probable landslide prone areas are predicted using two different algorithms – GARP (Genetic Algorithm for Rule-set Prediction) and Support Vector Machine (SVM) in a free and open source software package - openModeller. Several environmental layers such as aspect, digital elevation data, flow accumulation, flow direction, slope, land cover, compound topographic index, and precipitation data were used in modelling. A comparison of the simulated outputs, validated by overlaying the actual landslide occurrence points showed 92% accuracy with GARP and 96% accuracy with SVM in predicting landslide prone areas considering precipitation in the wettest month whereas 91% and 94% accuracy were obtained from GARP and SVM considering precipitation in the wettest quarter of the year.


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杜鹃属(Rhododendron L.)是中国种子植物中最大的属,其现代分布和分化中心是我国西南部的横断山区和东喜马拉雅地区。我国西部、西南部的云南、四川、西藏等地共有杜鹃达450种,仅特有种就有约300种。对杜鹃属分布的深入研究是横断山区生物多样性保护不可缺少的重要部分。 由于物种分布与环境因子之间存在着紧密的联系,利用环境因子作为预测物种分布模型的变量是当前最普遍的建模思路。但是绝大多数物种分布预测模型都遇到了难以解决的“高维小样本”问题――模型在标本数据不足时无法给出合理的预测,或者模型无法处理大量的环境变量。机器学习领域的理论和实践已经证明,基于结构风险最小化原理的支持向量机(Support Vector Machine, SVM)算法非常适合“高维小样本”的分类问题。为了探索其应用在物种分布预测问题上的可能性,本文创新性的实现了基于SVM算法的物种分布预测系统。然后,本文以30个杜鹃属(Rhododendron L.)物种为检验对象,利用其标本数据和11个1km的栅格环境变量图层作为模型变量,预测其在中国的潜在分布区。本文通过全面的模型评估——专家评估,ROC (Receiver Operator Characteristic)曲线和曲线下方面积AUC (Area Under the Curve)——来比较模型的性能。试验结果表明,我们所实现的以SVM为核心的物种分布预测系统无论在计算速度还是预测效果上都远远优于当前广泛使用的GARP (Genetic Algorithm for Rule-Set Prediction)预测系统。 之后,本文进一步探讨了SVM预测系统预测效果与环境变量维数和标本点个数的关系。试验结果表明,对于只有少量标本点的物种SVM的预测结果仍然具有相当的合理性。由此可见, SVM预测系统很好的解决了以前众多模型无法克服的稀有种和标本点稀少的物种的潜在分布区模拟问题。同时本文发现大的环境维数(高维)对于物种潜在分布区的预测有着决定性的作用,因此模型处理高维问题的能力显得至关重要。 最后,我们使用中国所有可获取的杜鹃属标本数据,以及83个1km的栅格环境变量图层,对400种杜鹃属物种的潜在分布区进行预测。根据预测出来的物种潜在分布区,我们得到了中国杜鹃属物种潜在多样性分布格局,特有物种潜在多样性分布格局,濒危杜物种潜在的分布格局,各亚属物种潜在分布格局,以及不同生活型物种潜在多样性分布格局。这些分布区图不仅可以对杜鹃属起源研究提供分析验证的条件,还能为其引种、保护和新种的搜寻提供有利的空间依据。


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Genetic Algorithm for Rule-set Prediction (GARP) and Support Vector Machine (SVM) with free and open source software (FOSS) - Open Modeller were used to model the probable landslide occurrence points. Environmental layers such as aspect, digital elevation, flow accumulation, flow direction, slope, land cover, compound topographic index and precipitation have been used in modeling. Simulated output of these techniques is validated with the actual landslide occurrence points, which showed 92% (GARP) and 96% (SVM) accuracy considering precipitation in the wettest month and 91% and 94% accuracy considering precipitation in the wettest quarter of the year.


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Atualmente vêm sendo desenvolvidas e utilizadas várias técnicas de modelagem de distribuição geográfica de espécies com os mais variados objetivos. Algumas dessas técnicas envolvem modelagem baseada em análise ambiental, nas quais os algoritmos procuram por condições ambientais semelhantes àquelas onde as espécies foram encontradas, resultando em áreas potenciais onde as condições ambientais seriam propícias ao desenvolvimento dessas espécies. O presente estudo trata do uso da modelagem preditiva de distribuição geográfica, através da utilização de algoritmo genético e algoritmo de distância, de espécies como ferramenta para a conservação de espécies vegetais, em três situações distintas: modelagem da distribuição do bioma cerrado no estado de São Paulo; previsão da ocorrência de espécies arbóreas visando à restauração da cobertura vegetal na bacia do Médio Paranapanema e modelagem da distribuição de espécies ameaçadas de extinção (Byrsonima subterranea). A metodologia empregada e os resultados obtidos foram considerados satisfatórios para a geração de modelos de distribuição geográfica de espécies vegetais, baseados em dados abióticos, para as regiões de estudo. A eficácia do modelo em predizer a ocorrência de espécies do cerrado é maior se forem utilizados apenas pontos de amostragem com fisionomias de cerrado, excluindo-se áreas de transição. Para minimizar problemas decorrentes da falta de convergência do algoritmo utilizado GARP (Genetic Algorithm for Rule Set Production), foram gerados 100 modelos para cada espécie modelada. O uso de modelagem pode auxiliar no entendimento dos padrões de distribuição de um bioma ou ecossistema em uma análise regional e local.


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This paper presents a new type of genetic algorithm for the set covering problem. It differs from previous evolutionary approaches first because it is an indirect algorithm, i.e. the actual solutions are found by an external decoder function. The genetic algorithm itself provides this decoder with permutations of the solution variables and other parameters. Second, it will be shown that results can be further improved by adding another indirect optimisation layer. The decoder will not directly seek out low cost solutions but instead aims for good exploitable solutions. These are then post optimised by another hill-climbing algorithm. Although seemingly more complicated, we will show that this three-stage approach has advantages in terms of solution quality, speed and adaptability to new types of problems over more direct approaches. Extensive computational results are presented and compared to the latest evolutionary and other heuristic approaches to the same data instances.


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This paper presents a new type of genetic algorithm for the set covering problem. It differs from previous evolutionary approaches first because it is an indirect algorithm, i.e. the actual solutions are found by an external decoder function. The genetic algorithm itself provides this decoder with permutations of the solution variables and other parameters. Second, it will be shown that results can be further improved by adding another indirect optimisation layer. The decoder will not directly seek out low cost solutions but instead aims for good exploitable solutions. These are then post optimised by another hill-climbing algorithm. Although seemingly more complicated, we will show that this three-stage approach has advantages in terms of solution quality, speed and adaptability to new types of problems over more direct approaches. Extensive computational results are presented and compared to the latest evolutionary and other heuristic approaches to the same data instances.


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Considerable research effort has been devoted in predicting the exon regions of genes. The binary indicator (BI), Electron ion interaction pseudo potential (EIIP), Filter method are some of the methods. All these methods make use of the period three behavior of the exon region. Even though the method suggested in this paper is similar to above mentioned methods , it introduces a set of sequences for mapping the nucleotides selected by applying genetic algorithm and found to be more promising


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The alternate combinational approach of genetic algorithm and neural network (AGANN) has been presented to correct the systematic error of the density functional theory (DFT) calculation. It treats the DFT as a black box and models the error through external statistical information. As a demonstration, the AGANN method has been applied in the correction of the lattice energies from the DFT calculation for 72 metal halides and hydrides. Through the AGANN correction, the mean absolute value of the relative errors of the calculated lattice energies to the experimental values decreases from 4.93% to 1.20% in the testing set. For comparison, the neural network approach reduces the mean value to 2.56%. And for the common combinational approach of genetic algorithm and neural network, the value drops to 2.15%. The multiple linear regression method almost has no correction effect here.


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This paper presents a biased random-key genetic algorithm for the resource constrained project scheduling problem. The chromosome representation of the problem is based on random keys. Active schedules are constructed using a priority-rule heuristic in which the priorities of the activities are defined by the genetic algorithm. A forward-backward improvement procedure is applied to all solutions. The chromosomes supplied by the genetic algorithm are adjusted to reflect the solutions obtained by the improvement procedure. The heuristic is tested on a set of standard problems taken from the literature and compared with other approaches. The computational results validate the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm.


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This paper presents a genetic algorithm for the Resource Constrained Project Scheduling Problem (RCPSP). The chromosome representation of the problem is based on random keys. The schedule is constructed using a heuristic priority rule in which the priorities of the activities are defined by the genetic algorithm. The heuristic generates parameterized active schedules. The approach was tested on a set of standard problems taken from the literature and compared with other approaches. The computational results validate the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm.


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In this work, genetic algorithms concepts along with a rotamer library for proteins side chains are used to optimize the tertiary structure of the hydrophobic core of Cytochrome b(562) starting from the known PDB structure of its backbone which is kept fixed while the side chains of the hydrophobic core are allowed to adopt the conformations present in the rotamer library. The atoms of the side chains forming the core interact via van der Waals energy. Besides the prediction of the native core structure, it is also suggested a set of different amino acid sequences for this core. Comparison between these new cores and the native are made in terms of their volumes, van der Waals energies values and the numbers of contacts made by the side chains forming the cores. This paper proves that genetic algorithms area efficient to design new sequence for the protein core. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The data acquired by Remote Sensing systems allow obtaining thematic maps of the earth's surface, by means of the registered image classification. This implies the identification and categorization of all pixels into land cover classes. Traditionally, methods based on statistical parameters have been widely used, although they show some disadvantages. Nevertheless, some authors indicate that those methods based on artificial intelligence, may be a good alternative. Thus, fuzzy classifiers, which are based on Fuzzy Logic, include additional information in the classification process through based-rule systems. In this work, we propose the use of a genetic algorithm (GA) to select the optimal and minimum set of fuzzy rules to classify remotely sensed images. Input information of GA has been obtained through the training space determined by two uncorrelated spectral bands (2D scatter diagrams), which has been irregularly divided by five linguistic terms defined in each band. The proposed methodology has been applied to Landsat-TM images and it has showed that this set of rules provides a higher accuracy level in the classification process


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Background: The multitude of motif detection algorithms developed to date have largely focused on the detection of patterns in primary sequence. Since sequence-dependent DNA structure and flexibility may also play a role in protein-DNA interactions, the simultaneous exploration of sequence-and structure-based hypotheses about the composition of binding sites and the ordering of features in a regulatory region should be considered as well. The consideration of structural features requires the development of new detection tools that can deal with data types other than primary sequence. Results: GANN ( available at http://bioinformatics.org.au/gann) is a machine learning tool for the detection of conserved features in DNA. The software suite contains programs to extract different regions of genomic DNA from flat files and convert these sequences to indices that reflect sequence and structural composition or the presence of specific protein binding sites. The machine learning component allows the classification of different types of sequences based on subsamples of these indices, and can identify the best combinations of indices and machine learning architecture for sequence discrimination. Another key feature of GANN is the replicated splitting of data into training and test sets, and the implementation of negative controls. In validation experiments, GANN successfully merged important sequence and structural features to yield good predictive models for synthetic and real regulatory regions. Conclusion: GANN is a flexible tool that can search through large sets of sequence and structural feature combinations to identify those that best characterize a set of sequences.


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An indirect genetic algorithm for the non-unicost set covering problem is presented. The algorithm is a two-stage meta-heuristic, which in the past was successfully applied to similar multiple-choice optimisation problems. The two stages of the algorithm are an ‘indirect’ genetic algorithm and a decoder routine. First, the solutions to the problem are encoded as permutations of the rows to be covered, which are subsequently ordered by the genetic algorithm. Fitness assignment is handled by the decoder, which transforms the permutations into actual solutions to the set covering problem. This is done by exploiting both problem structure and problem specific information. However, flexibility is retained by a self-adjusting element within the decoder, which allows adjustments to both the data and to stages within the search process. Computational results are presented.