998 resultados para G9P[8] strains
In a large Phase III trial conducted in 10 Latin American countries, the safety and efficacy of the live attenuated monovalent rotavirus vaccine RIX4414 was evaluated in 15,183 healthy infants followed up during the first two years of life. Belém was the only site in Brazil included in this multicentre trial. The study in Belém included a subset of 653 infants who were followed up until 24 months of age for protection against severe rotavirus gastroenteritis. These subjects were randomly assigned in a 1:1 ratio to receive two doses of vaccine (n = 328) or two doses of placebo (n = 325) at approximately two and four months of age. Of the 653 enrolled infants, 23 dropped out during the study period. For the combined two-year period, the efficacy of RIX4414 was 72.3% [95% confidence interval (CI) 37.5-89.1%] against severe rotavirus-related gastroenteritis, reaching a protection rate of 81.8% (95% CI 36.4-96.6%) against circulating wild-type G9 rotavirus strains. It is concluded that two doses of RIX4414 are highly efficacious against severe rotavirus gastroenteritis in Belém during the first two years of life and provide high protection against the worldwide emergence and spread of G9P[8] strains.
This study describes the genetic relationships of the first human astrovirus type-8 (HAstV-8) detected in Belém-Brazil, during a public hospital-based study. This strain was compared with other HAstV-8 strains identified elsewhere which have sequences available at GeneBank. The regions ORF1a (primers Mon348/Mon340) and ORF2 (primers Mon269/Mon270) were analyzed by nucleotide sequencing and a high similarity rate was observed among the Belém strain and other HAstV-8 strains. In ORF1a, homology values of 93-100% were detected, and in ORF2 96-99%. Considering the sequence variation (7%) observed in ORF2 region, it was suggested that HAstV-8 strains could be divided in three different lineages.
Rotaviruses are important enteric pathogens for humans and animals. Group A rotaviruses (RV-A) are the most common agents of severe gastroenteritis in infants and young children and vaccination is the most effective method to reduce RV-A-associated diseases. G1P[8], the most prevalent RV-A genotype worldwide, is included in the RV-A vaccine Rotarix®. The discrimination between wild-type G1P[8] and vaccine G1P[8] strains is an important topic in the study of RV-A epidemiology to manage outbreaks and to define control measures for vaccinated children. In this study, we developed a novel method to segregate the wild-type and vaccine strains using restriction endonucleases. The dsRNA from the Rotarix® vaccine was sequenced and the NSP3 gene was selected as the target gene. The vaccine strain has a restriction pattern that is different than that of wild-type RV-A G1P[8] isolates after digestion with the restriction endonuclease BspHI. This pattern could be used as a marker for the differentiation of wild-type G1P[8] strains from the vaccine strain.
SUMMARY Regarding public health in Brazil, a new scenario emerged with the establishment of universal rotavirus (RV) vaccination programs. Herein, the data from the five years of surveillance (2007-2012) of G- and P-type RV strains isolated from individuals with acute gastroenteritis in Brazil are reported. A total of 6,196 fecal specimens were investigated by ELISA and RT-PCR. RVs were detected in 19.1% (1,181/6,196). The peak of RV incidence moved from June-August to September. RV was detected less frequently (19.5%) among children ≤ 5 years than in older children and adolescents (6-18 years) (40.6%). Genotype distribution showed a different profile for each year: G2P[4] strains were most prevalent during 2007-2010, G9P[8] in 2011, and G12P[8] in 2012. Mixed infections (G1+G2P[4], G2+G3P[4]+P[8], G2+G12P[8]), unusual combinations (G1P[4], G2P[6]), and rare strains (G3P[3]) were also identified throughout the study period. Widespread vaccination may alter the RV seasonal pattern. The finding of RV disease affecting older children and adolescents after vaccine implementation has been reported worldwide. G2P[4] emergence most likely follows a global trend seemingly unrelated to vaccination, and G12, apparently, is emerging in the Brazilian population. The rapidly changing RV genotype patterns detected during this study illustrate a dynamic population of co-circulating wildtype RVs in Brazil.
Brazil was the first Latin American country to introduce universal group A rotavirus (RV-A) vaccination in March 2006, resulting in a unique epidemiological scenario. Since RV-A first identification in Brazil, 2,691 RV-A-positive stool samples, collected between 1982- 2007, were typed by independent research groups throughout the country. In the pre-vaccination era, 2,492 RV-A-positive samples collected from 1982-2005 were successfully typed, while 199 samples were analyzed from 2006-2007. According to the reviewed studies, there were two important times in the pre-vaccination era: (i) the period from 1982-1995, during which the detection of G5P[8] RV-A, in addition to the classical genotypes G1-4, challenged vaccine development programs; and (ii) the period from 1996-2005, during which genotype G9P[8] emerged, following a global trend. The rate of G2P[4] RV-A detection decreased from 26% (173/653) during 1982-1995 to 2% (43/1,839) during 1996-2005. The overall detection rate of RV-A genotypes from 1982-2005 was as follows: 43% (n = 1,079) G1P[8]/G1P[not typed (NT)]; 20% (n = 488) G9P[8]/G9P[NT]; 9% (n = 216) G2P[4]/G2P[NT]; 6% (n = 151) G3P[8]/G3P[NT]; 4% (n = 103) G4P[8]/G4P[NT]; and 4% (n = 94) G5P[8]/G5P[NT]. Mixed infections accounted for 189 (7%) of the positive samples, while atypical G/P combinations or other genotypes, including G6, G8, G10 and G12, were identified in 172 (7%) samples. The initial surveillance studies carried out in several Brazilian states with RV-A-positive samples collected in 2006 and 2007 show a predominance of G2P[4] strains (148/199 or 74%). Herein, we review RV-A typing studies carried out since the 1980s in Brazil, highlighting the dynamics of RV-A strain circulation profiles before and early after universal use of RV-A vaccine in Brazil.
Background. Rotavirus is a major cause of gastroenteritis in children. Knowledge of rotavirus genotypes is important for vaccination strategies. Methods. During 2005-2006, rotavirus surveillance studies were conducted in Sao Paulo, Salvador, Goiania, and Porto Alegre, Brazil. Stool samples were collected from children <5 years of age who had diarrhea and were screened by the Rotaclone Enzyme Immunoassay for the presence of rotavirus. Confirmed rotavirus-positive samples were characterized for P and G genotypes by reverse-transcriptase polymerase chain reaction. Results. A total of 510 stool samples were collected. Of these, 221 (43.3%) were positive for rotavirus. Overall, G9 was the predominant G type, followed by G2, and G1; P[4] and P[8] were the predominant P types. The most frequent G/P genotype combination detected was G2P[4], followed by G9P[8], G9P[4], and G1P[8]. G2P[4] was the predominant type in Goiania and Salvador; G9P[8] and G1P[8] were predominant in Sao Paulo and Porto Alegre, respectively. Conclusions. The prevalence, seasonality, and genotype distribution of rotavirus infection varied in different regions in Brazil. With immunization programs, continuous monitoring of rotavirus types is important to detect novel and emerging strains.
The aim of this study was to compare the prevalence of virulence genes in 158 Escherichia coli strains isolated from 51 clinical cases of UTIs, 52 of pyometra and from 55 fecal samples from healthy dogs by PCR. papC was found in 12 (23.5%) strains isolated from UTIs, 19 (36.5%) from pyometra and 10 (18.2%) from feces. papGII was observed in 3 (5.8%) strains from pyometra, and papGIII in 10 (19.6%) from UTIs, 15 (28.8%) from pyometra and 9 (16.4%) from feces. sfaS was detected in 22 (43.1%) strains from UTIs, 24 (46.1%) from pyometra and 19 (34.5%) from feces. hlyA was observed in 17 (33.3%) strains from UTIs, 18 (34.6%) from pyometra and 7 (12.7%) from feces, while cnf-1 was detected in 11 (21.6%) from UTIs, 21 (40.4%) from pyometra and 9 (16.4%) from feces. iucD was observed in 12 (23.5%) strains from UTIs, 9 (17.3%) from pyometra and 1 (1.8%) from feces. usp was found 17 (33.3%) isolates from UTIs and 36 (69.9%) from pyometra. (c) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Milk is considered a nutritious food because it contains several important nutrients including proteins and vitamins. Conversely, it can be a vehicle for several pathogenic bacteria such as Staphylococcus aureus. This study aimed to analyze the frequency of genes encoding the staphylococcal enterotoxins (SEs) SEA, SEB, SEC, SED, SEE, SEG, SEH, SEI and SEJ in S. aureus strains isolated from raw or pasteurized bovine milk. S. aureus was found in 38 (70.4%) out of 54 raw milk samples at concentrations of up to 8.9 X 10(5) CFU/ml. This microorganism was present in eight samples of pasteurized milk before the expiration date and in 11 samples analyzed on the expiration date. of the 57 strains studied, 68.4% were positive for one or more genes encoding the enterotoxins, and 12 different genotypes were identified. The gene coding for enterotoxin A, sea, was the most frequent ( 16 strains, 41%), followed by sec (8 strains, 20.5%), sed (5 strains, 12.8%). seb (3 strains. 7.7%) and see (2 strains, 5.1%). Among the genes encoding the other enterotoxins, seg was the most frequently observed (11 strains. 28.2%), followed by sei (10 strains) and seh and sej (3 strains each). With the recent identification of new SEs, the perceived frequency of enterotoxigenic strains has increased. suggesting that the pathogenic potential of staphylococci may be higher than previously thoughts however, further studies are required to assess the expression of these new SEs by S. aureus. and their impact in foodborne disease. The quality of Brazilian milk is still low. and efforts from the government and the entire productive chain are required to attain consumer safety. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
O rotavírus (RV) é o principal agente viral associado às gastrenterites, ocasionando em média 39% dos casos diarreicos que culminam em hospitalizações, sendo responsável por cerca de 520.000 óbitos entre crianças menores de cinco anos de idade a cada ano. Pertencem à família Reoviridae, gênero Rotavirus, possui RNA de dupla fita (dsRNA) com 11 segmentos codificando 12 proteínas, sendo seis estruturais (VPs) e seis não estruturais (NSPs). A proteína VP4, juntamente com a VP7, compõem a camada externa do RV, designando os genótipos P e G, respectivamente. Até o momento foram descritos 23 tipos G e 31 tipos P. O genótipo G9 emergiu em escala global e é possivelmente associado a manifestação clínica mais grave, estando geralmente acompanhado do genótipo P[8]. O genótipo G9 possui 6 linhagens distintas e o P[8] 4 linhagens. Este estudo objetivou caracterizar os genes VP7 e VP4 de RV do genótipo G9, circulantes na região metropolitana de Belém, Pará, no período de 1999 a 2007. O dsRNA viral de 38 amostras selecionadas foi extraído a partir das suspensões fecais e submetido à eletroforese em gel de poliacrilamida para determinação dos eletroferotipos, seguido da reação de seqüenciamento. Na presente investigação, foi possível a análise de 32 amostras selecionadas, sendo todas genótipo G9P[8] associadas ao eletroferotipo longo. A análise filogenética do gene VP7 demonstrou que as amostras G9 agruparam na linhagem 3 com elevados índices de similaridade, apresentando 8 substituições nucleotídicas. Contudo, apenas três modificações aminoacídicas foram observadas nas posições 43 (I→V), 66 (A→V) e 73 (Q→R), sendo estes resíduos 43 e 73 exclusivos das amostras do ano de 2007. A análise do gene VP4 demonstrou que as amostras P[8] agruparam na linhagem 3, identificando-se 15 substituições nucleotídicas, as quais ocasionaram quatro modificações aminoacídicas nos resíduos 108 (V→I), 172 (R→K), 173 (I→V) e 275 (K→R). As modificações nos resíduos 172 e 275 são exclusivos das amostras dos anos de 1999 a 2002. As amostras do presente estudo apresentaram elevada similaridade ao longo do tempo estudado. As amostras de 2007 foram as mais divergentes, tanto para o gene VP4 quanto para o gene VP7. É importante se proceder ao contínuo monitoramento do genótipo G9 na região metropolitana de Belém, a fim de detectar possíveis variantes emergentes que possam representar um desafio as estratégias de imunização atuais.
Através da eletroforese em gel de poliacrilamida e do ensaio imunenzimático combinado para rotavírus e adenovirus, foram analisadas 380 amostras fecais de crianças com até 3 anos, hospitalizadas com diarréia aguda, entre maio de 2000 e janeiro de 2004, em Campo Grande, MS. Do total de amostras, 88 (23,2%) foram positivas para Rotavirus A. Dentre essas, 81 (92%) tiveram padrão eletroferotípico definido, sendo 77 (87,5%) de padrão longo e quatro (4,5%) de padrão curto. A caracterização genotípica G e P foi feita por RT-Nested-PCR para 85 amostras, sendo 56 (65,9%) genotipáveis para genótipo G. Dentre essas, 49 (87,5%) foram G1, cinco (8,9%) G4, uma (1,8%) G3 e uma (1,8%) G9. Considerando a genotipagem P, 37 (43,5%) foram genotipáveis e todas eram P[8]. A associação G e P mais observada foi G1P[8], 33 (89,2%) amostras; seguida de G4P[8], duas (5,4%) amostras; G3P[8], uma (2,7%) amostra; e G9P[8], uma (2,7%) amostra.
Viruses are the leading cause for hospitalization due to gastroenteritis worldwide. Group A rotaviruses (RV) are the most prevalent and are assorted in glycoproteins (G) and protease sensitive (P) dual genotypes based on polymorphic genes that encode the external VP7 and VP4 capsid proteins, respectively. Noroviruses (NoV) have increasingly answered by sporadic gastroenteritis. This study aimed to determine the prevalence of NoV and RV in 68 hospitalized children, between July 2004 and November 2006, at a pediatric hospital in Vitória city, state of Espírito Santo, Southeastern Brazil. Nucleic acid was extracted from fecal suspension following the guanidine-silica procedure. Reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) and polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis were employed for NoV and RV detection, respectively. RV genotyping was accomplished using RT-PCR followed by heminested multiplex PCR with specific primers for the most prevalent types of G and P. Fecal samples were positive for NoV and RV in 39.7% (27/68) and 20.5% (14/68), respectively and together were responsible for 60% (41/68) of the cases. RV genotypes were: 50% G9P[8], 28.7% G2P[4], 7.1% G1P[8], G2P[8] and G?P[8]. Vomit was a prominent manifestation observed in 92% and 85% of the NoV and RV cases, respectively. The median hospitalization was 5 and 5.5 days for the patients infected with NoV and RV, respectively. The data showed that NoV prevailed over RV and it also corroborated the emergence of RV G9 genotype followed by G2P[4], reinforcing the need for RV genotype surveillance.
In this study, we enlarged our previous investigation focusing on the biodiversity of chlamydiae and amoebae in a drinking water treatment plant, by the inclusion of two additional plants and by searching also for the presence of legionellae and mycobacteria. Autochthonous amoebae were recovered onto non-nutritive agar, identified by 18S rRNA gene sequencing, and screened for the presence of bacterial endosymbionts. Bacteria were also searched for by Acanthamoeba co-culture. From a total of 125 samples, we recovered 38 amoebae, among which six harboured endosymbionts (three chlamydiae and three legionellae). In addition, we recovered by amoebal co-culture 11 chlamydiae, 36 legionellae (no L. pneumophila), and 24 mycobacteria (all rapid-growers). Two plants presented a similar percentage of samples positive for chlamydiae (11%), mycobacteria (20%) and amoebae (27%), whereas in the third plant the number of recovered bacteria was almost twice higher. Each plant exhibited a relatively high specific microbiota. Amoebae were mainly represented by various Naegleria species, Acanthamoeba species and Hartmannella vermiformis. Parachlamydiaceae were the most abundant chlamydiae (8 strains in total), and in this study we recovered a new genus-level strain, along with new chlamydiae previously reported. Similarly, about 66% of the recovered legionellae and 47% of the isolated mycobacteria could represent new species. Our work highlighted a high species diversity among legionellae and mycobacteria, dominated by putative new species, and it confirmed the presence of chlamydiae in these artificial water systems.
Acute gastroenteritis caused by viruses is one of the leading causes of infantile morbidity. The aim of the present study was to investigate the presence of human caliciviruses of the genera norovirus and sapovirus in children up to 3 years of age with acute gastroenteritis from low-income communities in the city of Salvador, Brazil. This study is an extension of previous work carried out to establish the profile of the most prevalent enteric pathogens present in these communities. In this report, 139 fecal samples, collected from July 2001 to January 2002 were analyzed by RT-PCR and 13 (9%) were positive for human caliciviruses. By sequencing, seven isolates were characterized as norovirus genogroup GII and one as sapovirus genotype GII/1. Sequencing of the previously detected group-A rotaviruses and human astroviruses was also performed and revealed the circulation of rotavirus group A genotypes G1P[8] and G9P[8], and human astrovirus genotypes 6, 7, and 8. No mixed infection was observed. Community-based studies provide geographically representative information on disease burden. However, there are only a few reports in developing countries concerning the genotypes of the most important gastroenteric viruses detected in such communities. The present findings demonstrate the wide diversity of genotypes of the most important viruses responsible for acute gastroenteritis circulating in low-income communities.
A infecção do trato urinário (ITU) é uma das doenças mais comuns na infância e em 80 a 90% dos casos é causada por bactérias da família Enterobacteriaceae, especialmente Escherichia coli e Klebsiella pneumoniae, as quais no mundo inteiro têm emergido como produtoras de ESBL, um dos principais mecanismos de resistência bacteriana a cefalosporinas de espectro-estendido e monobactans. A prevalência da ITU em crianças, bem como as variáveis, sexo, idade, febre, bactéria mais frequente, presença de refluxo vesico-ureteral (RVU), presença de cicatrizes renais foram avaliadas no período de janeiro de 2006 a março de 2009, em hospital público de belém, região norte do Brasil e no período de abril a agosto de 2009, isolados de cepas de E. coli e K. pneumoniae foram obtidos de urina de crianças menores de 16 anos e avaliados fenotipicamente através do método automatizado de caracterização de ESBL, Vitek2, juntamente com a PCR para determinar se os genes blaTEM, blaSHV e blaCTX-M1 estavam presentes em cada organismo. Foram confirmados 199 casos de ITU no período estudado, 54,2% eram do sexo feminino, 46,2% eram menores de 02 anos de idade, febre ocorreu em 37,3% dos casos, RVU foi identificado em 38,6% das crianças com ITU e cicatriz renal em 38%, a bactéria mais frequente foi a E. coli (60%). Foram isoladas 43 amostras ( E. coli e K. pneumoniae, 74,4% e 25,6%, respectivamente), 95% foi resistente a ampicilina e sulfametoxazol-trimetroprim; 23,2% apresentaram fenótipo ESBL. O gene blaCTX-M1 foi o mais prevalente, encontrado em 19 cepas, seguido do gene blaTEM (18 cepas) e blaSHV (8 cepas). Esse estudo mostrou que bactérias com perfil de resistência ESBLcirculam no ambiente hospitalar em Belém e que os genes blaCTX-M1 e blaTEM e blaSHV estão presentes em cepas de E. coli e K. pneumoniae causadoras de ITU em crianças na região norte do Brasil.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)