782 resultados para G7 countries
Using the theoretical framework of Lettau and Ludvigson (2001), we perform an empirical investigation on how widespread is the predictability of cay {a modi ed consumption-wealth ratio { once we consider a set of important countries from a global perspective. We chose to work with the set of G7 countries, which represent more than 64% of net global wealth and 46% of global GDP at market exchange rates. We evaluate the forecasting performance of cay using a panel-data approach, since applying cointegration and other time-series techniques is now standard practice in the panel-data literature. Hence, we generalize Lettau and Ludvigson's tests for a panel of important countries. We employ macroeconomic and nancial quarterly data for the group of G7 countries, forming an unbalanced panel. For most countries, data is available from the early 1990s until 2014Q1, but for the U.S. economy it is available from 1981Q1 through 2014Q1. Results of an exhaustive empirical investigation are overwhelmingly in favor of the predictive power of cay in forecasting future stock returns and excess returns.
Lehet-e beszélni a 2011-ig felgyülemlett empirikus tapasztalatok tükrében egy egységes válságlefolyásról, amely a fejlett ipari országok egészére általában jellemző, és a meghatározó országok esetében is megragadható? Megállapíthatók-e olyan univerzális változások a kibocsátás, a munkapiacok, a fogyasztás, valamint a beruházás tekintetében, amelyek jól illeszkednek a korábbi tapasztalatokhoz, nem kevésbé az ismert makromodellek predikcióihoz? A válasz – legalábbis jelen sorok írásakor – nemleges: sem a válság lefolyásának jellegzetességeiben és a makrogazdasági teljesítmények romlásának ütemében, sem a visszacsúszás mértékében és időbeli kiterjedésében sincsenek jól azonosítható közös jegyek, olyanok, amelyek a meglévő elméleti keretekbe jól beilleszthetők. A tanulmány áttekinti a válsággal és a makrogazdasági sokkokkal foglalkozó empirikus irodalom – a pénzügyi globalizáció értelmezései nyomán – relevánsnak tartott munkáit. Ezt követően egy 60 év távlatát átfogó vizsgálatban próbáljuk megítélni a recessziós időszakokban az amerikai gazdaság teljesítményét azzal a célkitűzéssel, hogy az elmúlt válság súlyosságának megítélése kellően objektív lehessen, legalább a fontosabb makrováltozók elmozdulásának nagyságrendje tekintetében. / === / Based on the empirical evidence accumulated until 2011, using official statistics from the OECD data bank and the US Commerce Department, the article addresses the question whether one can, or cannot, speak about generally observable recession/crisis patterns, such that were to be universally recognized in all major industrial countries (the G7). The answer to this question is a firm no. Changes and volatility in most major macroeconomic indicators such as output-gap, labor market distortions and large deviations from trend in consumption and in investment did all, respectively, exhibit wide differences in depth and width across the G7 countries. The large deviations in output-gaps and especially strong distortions in labor market inputs and hours per capita worked over the crisis months can hardly be explained by the existing model classes of DSGE and those of the real business cycle. Especially bothering are the difficulties in fitting the data into any established model whether business cycle or some other types, in which financial distress reduces economic activity. It is argued that standard business cycle models with financial market imperfections have no mechanism for generating deviation from standard theory, thus they do not shed light on the key factors underlying the 2007–2009 recession. That does not imply that the financial crisis is unimportant in understanding the recession, but it does indicate however, that we do not fully understand the channels through which financial distress reduced labor input. Long historical trends on the privately held portion of the federal debt in the US economy indicate that the standard macro proposition of public debt crowding out private investment and thus inhibiting growth, can be strongly challenged in so far as this ratio is neither a direct indicator of growth slowing down, nor for recession.
Following the methodology of Ferreira and Dionísio (2016), the objective of this paper is to analyze the behavior stock markets in the G7 countries and find which of those countries is the first to reach levels of long-range correlations that are not significant. We carry out this analysis using detrended cross-correlation analysis and its correlation coefficient, to check for the existence of long-range dependence in time series. The existence of long-range dependence could be understood as a possibility of EMH violation. This analysis remains interesting because studies are not conclusive about the existence or not of long memory in stock return rates.
This paper studies the proposition that an inflation bias can arise in a setup where a central banker with asymmetric preferences targets the natural unemployment rate. Preferences are asymmetric in the sense that positive unemployment deviations from the natural rate are weighted more (or less) severely than negative deviations in the central banker's loss function. The bias is proportional to the conditional variance of unemployment. The time-series predictions of the model are evaluated using data from G7 countries. Econometric estimates support the prediction that the conditional variance of unemployment and the rate of inflation are positively related.
Note d'analyse
The dissertation consists of three essays on international research and development spillovers. In the first essay, I investigate the degree to which differences in institutional arrangements among Sub-Saharan African countries determine the extent of benefits they derive from foreign research and development spillovers. In particular, I compare the international research and development spillovers for English common law and French civil law Sub-Saharan African countries. I show that differences in the legal origin of the company law or commercial codes in these countries may reflect the extent of barriers they place in the paths of firms that engage in the investment process. To tests this hypothesis, I constructed foreign R&D spillovers variable using imports as weights and employed the endogenous growth framework to estimate elasticities of productivity with respect to foreign R&D spillovers for a sample of 17 English common law and French Civil law Sub-Saharan African countries over the period 1980-2004. My results find support for the hypothesis. In particular, foreign R&D spillovers were higher in the English common law countries than in the French civil law countries. In the second essay, I examine the question of whether technical cooperation grants and overseas development assistance grants induce R&D knowledge spillovers in Sub-Saharan African countries. I test this hypothesis using data for 11 Sub-Saharan African countries over the period 1980-2004. I constructed foreign R&D spillovers using the technical cooperation grants and overseas development assistance grants as weights and employed the endogenous growth framework to provide quantitative estimates of foreign R&D spillover effects in 11 Sub-Saharan African countries. I find that technical cooperation grants and overseas development assistance grants are major mechanisms through which returns to R&D investments in G7 countries flows to Sub-Saharan African countries. However, their influence has declined over the years. Finally, the third essay tests the hypothesis that the relationship between a country's exporters and their foreign purchasing agents may lead to the exchange of ideas and thereby improve the manufacturing process and productivity in the exporting country. I test this hypothesis using disaggregated export data from OECD countries. The foreign R&D capital stock in this essay was constructed as exports weighted average of domestic R&D capital stock. I find empirical support for the hypothesis. In particular, capital goods exports generate more learning effects and therefore best explain productivity in OECD countries than non-capital goods exports.
This note takes a look at the development of monetary aggregates and debt in the G7 (US, UK, France, Germany, Italy, Canada and Japan), plus non-G7 euro-area countries, which have an important bearing on the future development of price levels. It also discusses the problem of restoring external competitiveness in the weaker euro-area countries without aggravating their debt burden. The key conclusions are i) monetary and debt developments in the G7 countries point to relatively sluggish growth but do not signal deflation risks and ii) the realignment of ‘internal real exchange rates’ in the euro area will most likely come through a rise in prices in Germany (and a few other stronger countries). The lessons learned in the early 1930s have made a come-back of deflation quite unlikely.
We examine the efficiency of multivariate macroeconomic forecasts by estimating a vector autoregressive model on the forecast revisions of four variables (GDP, inflation, unemployment and wages). Using a data set of professional forecasts for the G7 countries, we find evidence of cross‐series revision dynamics. Specifically, forecasts revisions are conditionally correlated to the lagged forecast revisions of other macroeconomic variables, and the sign of the correlation is as predicted by conventional economic theory. This indicates that forecasters are slow to incorporate news across variables. We show that this finding can be explained by forecast underreaction.
During the 2008 financial crisis, the G20 was hastily elevated to ‘global economic steering committee’. In the early stages of the crisis, the G20 was an effective forum for crisis containment. As the crisis has eased, however, the G20 has lost both direction and momentum. Governments and policymakers have felt less need to act in unison and have rather refocused on their national agendas, as is their duty and primary function. However, effective global governance is needed permanently, not just in crisis times. It is desirable to have more representative and effective global governance that, among other things, is equipped to prevent crises rather than just react to them. In an environment of rapid change in global patterns of trade and wealth creation, a new revamped (but highly representative) grouping should be created within the G20, to provide leadership on key economic policy matters. Euro-area members should give up their individual seats in this G7+, allowing room for China and other large emerging economies. Without euro-area countries taking such a step, it would be impossible to reconcile effectiveness and representation in this new G7+, which would take charge of decision making on global economic imbalances, financial and monetary issues. All existing G20 countries, including individual euro-area countries, would however remain in the G20, which could potentially expand and would remain the prime forum for discussion on all remaining matters at global level.
Az első rész az USA és a legfejlettebb ipari országok, a G7 konjunkturális ingadozásait kívánja értelmezni egy pénzügyileg jóval globalizáltabb világgazdaságban egy hosszabb1970-2010 és egy rövidebb 2001-2010 közötti időszakban. Mindenekelőtt arra keresve választ, hogy mennyire lehetett előre látni a súlyos pénzügyi válság és outputvesztés jövetelét. Továbbá arra, hogy a 2011-ig felgyülemlett empirikus tapasztalatok tükrében vajon beszélhetünk-e egységes, a fejlett ipari országok, /G7/ egészére általában jellemző, és a meghatározó országok esetében is megragadható válságlefolyásról? Megállapíthatók-e olyan univerzálisan megjelenő változások a kibocsátás, a munkapiacok, a fogyasztás, a beruházás tekintetében, amelyek jól illeszkednek a korábbi tapasztalatokhoz, nem kevésbé az ismert makro modellek predikcióihoz? A válasz nemleges. Sem a válság lefolyásának jellegzetességei és a makrogazdasági teljesítmények romlásának ütemei, sem a visszacsúszás mértékei és időbeli kiterjedésében a vizsgált fejlett országok nem mutattak jól azonosítható közös jegyeket, olyanokat, amelyeket a meglévő elméleti keretekbe jól beilleszthetők. A válság lefolyása és mélysége sokféle volt a G7 ország-csoportban. A korábbi válságértelmezések, főleg a pénzügyi csatornák szerepei tekintetében és a nemzetközi konjunkturális összefonódás jelentőségét és mechanizmusait, valamint a globális válságterjedés illetően elégtelennek bizonyultak. A tanulmány áttekinti a válsággal és makrogazdasági sokkokkal foglalkozó empirikus irodalom pénzügyi globalizáció értelmezési nyomán relevánsnak tartott gyakran idézett munkákat. Ezt követően egy hosszú történelemi, a II. vh. utáni 60 év távlatát átfogó vizsgálatban próbáljuk megítélni a recessziós időszakokban az amerikai gazdaság teljesítményét, annak érdekében, hogy az elmúlt válság súlyosságának megítélése legalább a fontosabb makro-változók változásának a nagyságrendje tekintetében a helyére kerüljön. A tartós output rés /output gap/ és munkapiaci eltérések magyarázata más és más elemeket takart az USA-ban, Japánban és Németországban. A pénzügyi csatornákban keletkező, a növekedést és a konjunktúrát érdemben befolyásoló, torzító és sokk-gerjesztő mechanizmusok nem tejesen új-keletűek, az USA-ban. A privát szféra eladósodottsági mutatói - a szövetségi kormány adósság-terheinek cipelésében - a bevett makro felfogással ellentétben - az elmúlt 30 évben nem mutattak szoros és egyirányú (negatív) összefüggést a növekedéssel és recessziókkal. A második rész a pénzügyi globalizáció után kialakult nemzeti alkalmazkodás lehetőségeit vizsgálja, különös tekintettel a kis nyitott gazdaságokra, és így Magyarországra nézve. E tanulmány a globális pénzügyi folyamatok két fontos kérdését taglalja: a nemzetközi tőkeáramlás fokozott liberalizációjából húzható előnyök közgazdasági lényegét; valamint a fokozott nemzetközi tőkeáramláshoz leginkább illeszkedő, „adekvát” árfolyamrendszer kérdését. A következetések részben elméletiek, részben gyakorlatorientáltak. Megerősítésre kerül azon állítás, hogy a tőkeforgalom liberalizációjának és a megvalósítandó árfolyam-politikának a kérdése mind a mai napig erősen problematikus. Sem a tőkeforgalom liberalizációját, sem a megvalósítandó adekvát árfolyamrezsimet illetően nem lehet egységes és elméletileg minden tekintetben megalapozott álláspontról beszélni. Az ún. „lehetetlen szentháromság”, a külföldi és a belföldi célok szimultán követésének különös nehézsége a kis nyitott gazdaságok, és így a magyar gazdaságban még fokozottabban érvényesül. A nemzetközi pénzügyi integráltság magas foka miatt a hagyományos eszközökkel – kamat és fiskális gazdaságélénkítő lépésekkel - nem lehetséges, egy irányba mutató, vagy egymást nem gyengítő, szimultán lépésekkel szabályozni a belföldi és külföldi hitelkeresletet, illetve a konjunktúrát. A kamatpolitika, a forint- és devizahitelezés nehézségei ezt fokozottan illusztrálják Magyarországon is. Ugyanakkor a mindenkori gazdaságpolitika nem bújhat ki azon kényszer alól, hogy egy változó globális pénzügyi környezetben is tatható arányokat találjon a belföldi és a külgazdasági célok között. „Királyi út” azonban nincs a gazdaságpolitika számára. Ez a megállapítás igaz a jegybanki szerepvállalásra is, amely a felduzzadt magyar devizaadósság által okozott bankrendszer szintű kockázatok kezelésére irányul.
We identified policies that may be effective in reducing smoking among socioeconomically disadvantaged groups, and examined trends in their level of application between 1985 and 2000 in six western-European countries (Sweden, Finland, the United Kingdom, the Netherlands, Germany, and Spain). We located studies from literature searches in major databases, and acquired policy data from international data banks and questionnaires distributed to tobacco policy organisations/researchers. Advertising bans, smoking bans in workplaces, removing barriers to smoking cessation therapies, and increasing the cost of cigarettes have the potential to reduce socioeconomic inequalities in smoking. Between 1985 and 2000, tobacco control policies in most countries have become more targeted to decrease the smoking behaviour of low-socioeconomic groups. Despite this, many national tobacco-control strategies in western-European countries still fall short of a comprehensive policy approach to addressing smoking inequalities.
Objectives. Considerable evidence suggests that enforcement efforts cannot fully explain the high degree of tax compliance. To resolve this puzzle of tax compliance, several researchers have argued that citizens' attitudes toward paying taxes, defined as tax morale, helps to explain the high degree of tax compliance. However, most studies have treated tax morale as a black box, without discussing which factors shape it. Additionally, the tax compliance literature provides little empirical research that investigates attitudes toward paying taxes in Europe. Methods. Thus, this article is unique in its examination of citizen tax morale within three multicultural European countries, Switzerland, Belgium, and Spain, a choice that allows far more detailed examination of the impact of culture and institutions using data sets from the World Values Survey and the European Values Survey. Results. The results indicate the tendency that cultural and regional differences affect tax morale. Conclusion. The findings suggest that higher legitimacy for political institutions leads to higher tax morale.
Principal Topic Small and micro-enterprises are believed to play a significant part in economic growth and poverty allevition in developing countries. However, there are a range of issues that arise when looking at the support required for local enterprise development, the role of micro finance and sustainability. This paper explores the issues associated with the establishment and resourcing of micro-enterprise develoment and proposes a model of sustainable support of enterprise development in very poor developing economies, particularly in Africa. The purpose of this paper is to identify and address the range of issues raised by the literature and empirical research in Africa, regarding micro-finance and small business support, and to develop a model for sustainable support for enterprise development within a particular cultural and economic context. Micro-finance has become big business with a range of models - from those that operate on a strictly business basis to those that come from a philanthropic base. The models used grow from a range of philosophical and cultural perspectives. Entrepreneurship training is provided around the world. Success is often measured by the number involved and the repayment rates - which are very high, largely because of the lending models used. This paper will explore the range of options available and propose a model that can be implemented and evaluated in rapidly changing developing economies. Methodology/Key Propositions The research draws on entrepreneurial and micro-finance literature and empirical research undertaken in Mozambique, which lies along the Indian ocean sea border of Southern Africa. As a result of war and natural disasters over a prolonged period, there is little industry, primary industries are primitive and there is virtually no infrastructure. Mozambique is ranked as one of the poorest countries in the world. The conditions in Mozambique, though not identical, reflect conditions in many other parts of Africa. A numebr of key elements in the development of enterprises in poor countries are explored including: Impact of micro-finance Sustainable models of micro-finance Education and training Capacity building Support mechanisms Impact on poverty, families and the local economy Survival entrepreneurship versus growth entrepreneurship Transitions to the formal sector. Results and Implications The result of this study is the development of a model for providing intellectual and financial resources to micro-entrepreneurs in poor developing countries in a sustainable way. The model provides a base for ongoing research into the process of entrepreneurial growth in African developing economies. The research raises a numeber of issues regarding sustainability including the nature of the donor/recipient relationship, access to affordable resources, the impact of individual entrepreneurial activity on the local economny and the need for ongoing research to understand the whole process and its impact, intended and unintended.