984 resultados para Fuzzy relations


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Heyting categories, a variant of Dedekind categories, and Arrow categories provide a convenient framework for expressing and reasoning about fuzzy relations and programs based on those methods. In this thesis we present an implementation of Heyting and arrow categories suitable for reasoning and program execution using Coq, an interactive theorem prover based on Higher-Order Logic (HOL) with dependent types. This implementation can be used to specify and develop correct software based on L-fuzzy relations such as fuzzy controllers. We give an overview of lattices, L-fuzzy relations, category theory and dependent type theory before describing our implementation. In addition, we provide examples of program executions based on our framework.


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Classical relational databases lack proper ways to manage certain real-world situations including imprecise or uncertain data. Fuzzy databases overcome this limitation by allowing each entry in the table to be a fuzzy set where each element of the corresponding domain is assigned a membership degree from the real interval [0…1]. But this fuzzy mechanism becomes inappropriate in modelling scenarios where data might be incomparable. Therefore, we become interested in further generalization of fuzzy database into L-fuzzy database. In such a database, the characteristic function for a fuzzy set maps to an arbitrary complete Brouwerian lattice L. From the query language perspectives, the language of fuzzy database, FSQL extends the regular Structured Query Language (SQL) by adding fuzzy specific constructions. In addition to that, L-fuzzy query language LFSQL introduces appropriate linguistic operations to define and manipulate inexact data in an L-fuzzy database. This research mainly focuses on defining the semantics of LFSQL. However, it requires an abstract algebraic theory which can be used to prove all the properties of, and operations on, L-fuzzy relations. In our study, we show that the theory of arrow categories forms a suitable framework for that. Therefore, we define the semantics of LFSQL in the abstract notion of an arrow category. In addition, we implement the operations of L-fuzzy relations in Haskell and develop a parser that translates algebraic expressions into our implementation.


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In this chapter we review several properties of Atanassov’s intuitionistic fuzzy relations, recalling the main concepts related to Atanassov’s intuitionistic fuzzy relations and the main properties that can be demanded to such conepts. We also consider the use of Atanassov’s operators over such relations.


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In this paper, two models of coalition and income's distribution in FSCS (fuzzy supply chain systems) are proposed based on the fuzzy set theory and fuzzy cooperative game theory. The fuzzy dynamic coalition choice's recursive equations are constructed in terms of sup-t composition of fuzzy relations, where t is a triangular norm. The existence of the fuzzy relations in FSCS is also proved. On the other hand, the approaches to ascertain the fuzzy coalition through the choice's recursive equations and distribute the fuzzy income in FSCS by the fuzzy Shapley values are also given. These models are discussed in two parts: the fuzzy dynamic coalition choice of different units in FSCS; the fuzzy income's distribution model among different participators in the same coalition. Furthermore, numerical examples are given aiming at illustrating these models., and the results show that these models are feasible and validity in FSCS.


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The prediction of the traffic behavior could help to make decision about the routing process, as well as enables gains on effectiveness and productivity on the physical distribution. This need motivated the search for technological improvements in the Routing performance in metropolitan areas. The purpose of this paper is to present computational evidences that Artificial Neural Network ANN could be use to predict the traffic behavior in a metropolitan area such So Paulo (around 16 million inhabitants). The proposed methodology involves the application of Rough-Fuzzy Sets to define inference morphology for insertion of the behavior of Dynamic Routing into a structured rule basis, without human expert aid. The dynamics of the traffic parameters are described through membership functions. Rough Sets Theory identifies the attributes that are important, and suggest Fuzzy relations to be inserted on a Rough Neuro Fuzzy Network (RNFN) type Multilayer Perceptron (MLP) and type Radial Basis Function (RBF), in order to get an optimal surface response. To measure the performance of the proposed RNFN, the responses of the unreduced rule basis are compared with the reduced rule one. The results show that by making use of the Feature Reduction through RNFN, it is possible to reduce the need for human expert in the construction of the Fuzzy inference mechanism in such flow process like traffic breakdown. © 2011 IEEE.


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Pós-graduação em Matemática Universitária - IGCE


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This paper presents a new complex system systemic. Here, we are working in a fuzzy environment, so we have to adapt all the previous concepts and results that were obtained in a non-fuzzy environment, for this fuzzy case. The direct and indirect influences between variables will provide the basis for obtaining fuzzy and/or non-fuzzy relationships, so that the concepts of coverage and invariability between sets of variables will appear naturally. These two concepts and their interconnections will be analyzed from the viewpoint of algebraic properties of inclusion, union and intersection (fuzzy and non-fuzzy), and also for the loop concept, which, as we shall see, will be of special importance.


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In this paper, we present a generalization of a new systemic approach to abstract fuzzy systems. Using a fuzzy relations structure will retain the information provided by degrees of membership. In addition, to better suit the situation to be modelled, it is advisable to use T-norm or T-conorm distinct from the minimum and maximum, respectively. This gain in generality is due to the completeness of the work on a higher level of abstraction. You cannot always reproduce the results obtained previously, and also sometimes different definitions with different views are obtained. In any case this approach proves to be much more effective when modelling reality.


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Aquesta memòria està estructurada en sis capítols amb l'objectiu final de fonamentar i desenvolupar les eines matemàtiques necessàries per a la classificació de conjunts de subconjunts borrosos. El nucli teòric del treball el formen els capítols 3, 4 i 5; els dos primers són dos capítols de caire més general, i l'últim és una aplicació dels anteriors a la classificació dels països de la Unió Europea en funció de determinades característiques borroses. En el capítol 1 s'analitzen les diferents connectives borroses posant una especial atenció en aquells aspectes que en altres capítols tindran una aplicació específica. És per aquest motiu que s'estudien les ordenacions de famílies de t-normes, donada la seva importància en la transitivitat de les relacions borroses. La verificació del principi del terç exclòs és necessària per assegurar que un conjunt significatiu de mesures borroses generalitzades, introduïdes en el capítol 3, siguin reflexives. Estudiem per a quines t-normes es verifica aquesta propietat i introduïm un nou conjunt de t-normes que verifiquen aquest principi. En el capítol 2 es fa un recorregut general per les relacions borroses centrant-nos en l'estudi de la clausura transitiva per a qualsevol t-norma, el càlcul de la qual és en molts casos fonamental per portar a terme el procés de classificació. Al final del capítol s'exposa un procediment pràctic per al càlcul d'una relació borrosa amb l'ajuda d'experts i de sèries estadístiques. El capítol 3 és un monogràfic sobre mesures borroses. El primer objectiu és relacionar les mesures (o distàncies) usualment utilitzades en les aplicacions borroses amb les mesures conjuntistes crisp. Es tracta d'un enfocament diferent del tradicional enfocament geomètric. El principal resultat és la introducció d'una família parametritzada de mesures que verifiquen unes propietats de caràcter conjuntista prou satisfactòries. L'estudi de la verificació del principi del terç exclòs té aquí la seva aplicació sobre la reflexivitat d'aquestes mesures, que són estudiades amb una certa profunditat en alguns casos particulars. El capítol 4 és, d'entrada, un repàs dels principals resultats i mètodes borrosos per a la classificació dels elements d'un mateix conjunt de subconjunts borrosos. És aquí on s'apliquen els resultats sobre les ordenacions de les famílies de t-normes i t-conormes estudiades en el capítol 1. S'introdueix un nou mètode de clusterització, canviant la matriu de la relació borrosa cada vegada que s'obté un nou clúster. Aquest mètode permet homogeneïtzar la metodologia del càlcul de la relació borrosa amb el mètode de clusterització. El capítol 5 tracta sobre l'agrupació d'objectes de diferent naturalesa; és a dir, subconjunts borrosos que pertanyen a diferents conjunts. Aquesta teoria ja ha estat desenvolupada en el cas binari; aquí, el que es presenta és la seva generalització al cas n-ari. Més endavant s'estudien certs aspectes de les projeccions de la relació sobre un cert espai i el recíproc, l'estudi de cilindres de relacions predeterminades. Una aplicació sobre l'agrupació de les comarques gironines en funció de certes variables borroses es presenta al final del capítol. L'últim capítol és eminentment pràctic, ja que s'aplica allò estudiat principalment en els capítols 3 i 4 a la classificació dels països de la Unió Europea en funció de determinades característiques borroses. Per tal de fer previsions per a anys venidors s'han utilitzat sèries temporals i xarxes neuronals. S'han emprat diverses mesures i mètodes de clusterització per tal de poder comparar els diversos dendogrames que resulten del procés de clusterització. Finalment, als annexos es poden consultar les sèries estadístiques utilitzades, la seva extrapolació, els càlculs per a la construcció de les matrius de les relacions borroses, les matrius de mesura i les seves clausures.


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The present work presents a new method for activity extraction and reporting from video based on the aggregation of fuzzy relations. Trajectory clustering is first employed mainly to discover the points of entry and exit of mobiles appearing in the scene. In a second step, proximity relations between resulting clusters of detected mobiles and contextual elements from the scene are modeled employing fuzzy relations. These can then be aggregated employing typical soft-computing algebra. A clustering algorithm based on the transitive closure calculation of the fuzzy relations allows building the structure of the scene and characterises the ongoing different activities of the scene. Discovered activity zones can be reported as activity maps with different granularities thanks to the analysis of the transitive closure matrix. Taking advantage of the soft relation properties, activity zones and related activities can be labeled in a more human-like language. We present results obtained on real videos corresponding to apron monitoring in the Toulouse airport in France.


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In the analysis of relations among the elements of two sets it is usual to obtain different values depending on the point of view from which these relations are measured. The main goal of the paper is the modelization of these situations by means of a generalization of the L-fuzzy concept analysis called L-fuzzy bicontext. We study the L-fuzzy concepts of these L-fuzzy bicontexts obtaining some interesting results. Specifically, we will be able to classify the biconcepts of the L-fuzzy bicontext. Finally, a practical case is developed using this new tool.


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In this paper, a new fuzzy ranking method for both type-1 and interval type-2 fuzzy sets (FSs) using fuzzy preference relations is proposed. The use of fuzzy preference relations to rank FSs with vertices has been introduced, and successfully implemented to undertake fuzzy multiple criteria hierarchical group decision-making problems. The proposed fuzzy ranking method is an extension of the results published in [1], and it is able to rank FSs with and without vertices. Besides that, it is important for a fuzzy ranking method to satisfy six reasonable fuzzy ordering properties as discussed in [6]-[8]. As a result, the capability of the proposed fuzzy ranking method in fulfilling these properties is analyzed and discussed. Issues related to time complexity of the proposed method are also examined.


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In group decision-making problems it is common to elicit preferences from human experts in the form of pairwise preference relations. When this is extended to a fuzzy setting, entries in the pairwise preference matrix are interpreted to denote strength of preference, however once logical properties such as consistency and transitivity are enforced, the resulting preference relation requires almost as much information as providing raw scores or a complete order over the alternatives. Here we instead interpret fuzzy degrees of preference to only apply where the preference over two alternatives is genuinely fuzzy and then suggest an aggregation procedure that minimizes a generalized Kemeny distance to the nearest complete or partial order. By focusing on the fuzzy partial order, the method is less affected by differences in the natural scale over which an expert expresses their preference, and can also limit the influence of extreme scores.