966 resultados para Fuzzy number centroid


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 Some illustrative examples are provided to identify the ineffective and unrealistic characteristics of existing approaches to solving fuzzy linear programming (FLP) problems (with single or multiple objectives). We point out the error in existing methods concerning the ranking of fuzzy numbers and thence suggest an effective method to solve the FLP. Based on the consistent centroid-based ranking of fuzzy numbers, the FLP problems are transformed into non-fuzzy single (or multiple) objective linear programming. Solutions of FLP are then crisp single or multiple objective programming problems, which can respectively be obtained by conventional methods.


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Solving fuzzy linear programming (FLP) requires the employment of a consistent ranking of fuzzy numbers. Ineffective fuzzy number ranking would lead to a flawed and erroneous solving approach. This paper presents a comprehensive and extensive review on fuzzy number ranking methods. Ranking techniques are categorised into six classes based on their characteristics. They include centroid methods, distance methods, area methods, lexicographical methods, methods based on decision maker's viewpoint, and methods based on left and right spreads. A survey on solving approaches to FLP is also reported. We then point out errors in several existing methods that are relevant to the ranking of fuzzy numbers and thence suggest an effective method to solve FLP. Consequently, FLP problems are converted into non-fuzzy single (or multiple) objective linear programming based on a consistent centroid-based ranking of fuzzy numbers. Solutions of FLP are then obtained by solving corresponding crisp single (or multiple) objective programming problems by conventional methods.


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Increasing global competitiveness worldwide has forced manufacturing organizations to produce high-quality products more quickly and at a competitive cost. In order to reach these goals, they need good quality components from suppliers at optimum price and lead time. This actually forced all the companies to adapt different improvement practices such as lean manufacturing, Just in Time (JIT) and effective supply chain management. Applying new improvement techniques and tools cause higher establishment costs and more Information Delay (ID). On the contrary, these new techniques may reduce the risk of stock outs and affect supply chain flexibility to give a better overall performance. But industry people are unable to measure the overall affects of those improvement techniques with a standard evaluation model .So an effective overall supply chain performance evaluation model is essential for suppliers as well as manufacturers to assess their companies under different supply chain strategies. However, literature on lean supply chain performance evaluation is comparatively limited. Moreover, most of the models assumed random values for performance variables. The purpose of this paper is to propose an effective supply chain performance evaluation model using triangular linguistic fuzzy numbers and to recommend optimum ranges for performance variables for lean implementation. The model initially considers all the supply chain performance criteria (input, output and flexibility), converts the values to triangular linguistic fuzzy numbers and evaluates overall supply chain performance under different situations. Results show that with the proposed performance measurement model, improvement area for each variable can be accurately identified.


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The idea of considering imprecision in probabilities is old, beginning with the Booles George work, who in 1854 wanted to reconcile the classical logic, which allows the modeling of complete ignorance, with probabilities. In 1921, John Maynard Keynes in his book made explicit use of intervals to represent the imprecision in probabilities. But only from the work ofWalley in 1991 that were established principles that should be respected by a probability theory that deals with inaccuracies. With the emergence of the theory of fuzzy sets by Lotfi Zadeh in 1965, there is another way of dealing with uncertainty and imprecision of concepts. Quickly, they began to propose several ways to consider the ideas of Zadeh in probabilities, to deal with inaccuracies, either in the events associated with the probabilities or in the values of probabilities. In particular, James Buckley, from 2003 begins to develop a probability theory in which the fuzzy values of the probabilities are fuzzy numbers. This fuzzy probability, follows analogous principles to Walley imprecise probabilities. On the other hand, the uses of real numbers between 0 and 1 as truth degrees, as originally proposed by Zadeh, has the drawback to use very precise values for dealing with uncertainties (as one can distinguish a fairly element satisfies a property with a 0.423 level of something that meets with grade 0.424?). This motivated the development of several extensions of fuzzy set theory which includes some kind of inaccuracy. This work consider the Krassimir Atanassov extension proposed in 1983, which add an extra degree of uncertainty to model the moment of hesitation to assign the membership degree, and therefore a value indicate the degree to which the object belongs to the set while the other, the degree to which it not belongs to the set. In the Zadeh fuzzy set theory, this non membership degree is, by default, the complement of the membership degree. Thus, in this approach the non-membership degree is somehow independent of the membership degree, and this difference between the non-membership degree and the complement of the membership degree reveals the hesitation at the moment to assign a membership degree. This new extension today is called of Atanassov s intuitionistic fuzzy sets theory. It is worth noting that the term intuitionistic here has no relation to the term intuitionistic as known in the context of intuitionistic logic. In this work, will be developed two proposals for interval probability: the restricted interval probability and the unrestricted interval probability, are also introduced two notions of fuzzy probability: the constrained fuzzy probability and the unconstrained fuzzy probability and will eventually be introduced two notions of intuitionistic fuzzy probability: the restricted intuitionistic fuzzy probability and the unrestricted intuitionistic fuzzy probability


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The purpose of this paper is to introduce a new approach for edge detection in gray shaded images. The proposed approach is based on the fuzzy number theory. The idea is to deal with the uncertainties concerning the gray shades making up the image, and thus calculate the appropriateness of the pixels in relation to an homogeneous region around them. The pixels not belonging to the region are then classified as border pixels. The results have shown that the technique is simple, computationally efficient and with good results when compared with both the traditional border detectors and the fuzzy edge detectors. © 2007 IEEE.


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The purpose of this paper is to introduce a new approach for edge detection in grey shaded images. The proposed approach is based on the fuzzy number theory. The idea is to deal with the uncertainties concerning the grey shades making up the image and, thus, calculate the appropriateness of the pixels in relation to a homogeneous region around them. The pixels not belonging to the region are then classified as border pixels. The results have shown that the technique is simple, computationally efficient and with good results when compared with both the traditional border detectors and the fuzzy edge detectors. Copyright © 2009, Inderscience Publishers.


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Due to an increased awareness and significant environmental pressures from various stakeholders, companies have begun to realize the significance of incorporating green practices into their daily activities. This paper proposes a framework using Fuzzy TOPSIS to select green suppliers for a Brazilian electronics company; our framework is built on the criteria of green supply chain management (GSCM) practices. An empirical analysis is made, and the data are collected from a set of 12 available suppliers. We use a fuzzy TOPSIS approach to rank the suppliers, and the results of the proposed framework are compared with the ranks obtained by both the geometric mean and the graded mean methods of fuzzy TOPSIS methodology. Then a Spearman rank correlation coefficient is used to find the statistical difference between the ranks obtained by the three methods. Finally, a sensitivity analysis has been performed to examine the influence of the preferences given by the decision makers for the chosen GSCM practices on the selection of green suppliers. Results indicate that the four dominant criteria are Commitment of senior management to GSCM; Product designs that reduce, reuse, recycle, or reclaim materials, components, or energy; Compliance with legal environmental requirements and auditing programs; and Product designs that avoid or reduce toxic or hazardous material use. © 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The Pridneprovsky Chemical Plant was one of the largest uranium processing enterprises in the former USSR, producing a huge amount of uranium residues. The Zapadnoe tailings site contains most of these residues. We propose a theoretical framework based on multicriteria decision analysis and fuzzy logic to analyze different remediation alternatives for the Zapadnoe tailings, which simultaneously accounts for potentially conflicting economic, social and environmental objectives. We build an objective hierarchy that includes all the relevant aspects. Fuzzy rather than precise values are proposed for use to evaluate remediation alternatives against the different criteria and to quantify preferences, such as the weights representing the relative importance of criteria identified in the objective hierarchy. Finally, we suggest that remediation alternatives should be evaluated by means of a fuzzy additive multi-attribute utility function and ranked on the basis of the respective trapezoidal fuzzy number representing their overall utility.


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Expert knowledge is used to assign probabilities to events in many risk analysis models. However, experts sometimes find it hard to provide specific values for these probabilities, preferring to express vague or imprecise terms that are mapped using a previously defined fuzzy number scale. The rigidity of these scales generates bias in the probability elicitation process and does not allow experts to adequately express their probabilistic judgments. We present an interactive method for extracting a fuzzy number from experts that represents their probabilistic judgments for a given event, along with a quality measure of the probabilistic judgments, useful in a final information filtering and analysis sensitivity process.


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The Pridneprovsky Chemical Plant was a largest uranium processing enterprises, producing a huge amount of uranium residues. The Zapadnoe tailings site contains the majority of these residues. We propose a theoretical framework based on Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis and fuzzy logic to analyse different remediation alternatives for the Zapadnoe tailings, in which potentially conflicting economic, radiological, social and environmental objectives are simultaneously taken into account. An objective hierarchy is built that includes all the relevant aspects. Fuzzy rather than precise values are proposed for use to evaluate remediation alternatives against the different criteria and to quantify preferences, such as the weights representing the relative importance of criteria identified in the objective hierarchy. Finally, it is proposed that remediation alternatives should be evaluated by means of a fuzzy additive multi-attribute utility function and ranked on the basis of the respective trapezoidal fuzzy number representing their overall utility.


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The existing assignment problems for assigning n jobs to n individuals are limited to the considerations of cost or profit measured as crisp. However, in many real applications, costs are not deterministic numbers. This paper develops a procedure based on Data Envelopment Analysis method to solve the assignment problems with fuzzy costs or fuzzy profits for each possible assignment. It aims to obtain the points with maximum membership values for the fuzzy parameters while maximizing the profit or minimizing the assignment cost. In this method, a discrete approach is presented to rank the fuzzy numbers first. Then, corresponding to each fuzzy number, we introduce a crisp number using the efficiency concept. A numerical example is used to illustrate the usefulness of this new method. © 2012 Operational Research Society Ltd. All rights reserved.


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O presente trabalho faz um enlace de teorias propostas por dois trabalhos: Transformação de valores crisp em valores fuzzy e construção de gráfico de controle fuzzy. O resultado desse enlace é um gráfico de controle fuzzy que foi aplicado em um processo de produção de iogurte, onde as variáveis analisadas foram: Cor, Aroma, Consistência, Sabor e Acidez. São características que dependem da percepção dos indivíduos, então a forma utilizada para coletar informações a respeito de tais característica foi a análise sensorial. Nas analises um grupo denominado de juízes, atribuía individualmente notas para cada amostra de iogurte em uma escala de 0 a 10. Esses valores crisp, notas atribuídas pelos juízes, foram então, transformados em valores fuzzy, na forma de número fuzzy triangular. Com os números fuzzy, foram construídos os gráficos de controle fuzzy de média e amplitude. Com os valores crisp foram construídos gráficos de controle de Shewhart para média e amplitude, já consolidados pela literatura. Por fim, os resultados encontrados nos gráficos tradicionais foram comparados aos encontrados nos gráficos de controle fuzzy. O que pode-se observar é que o gráfico de controle fuzzy, parece satisfazer de forma significativa a realidade do processo, pois na construção do número fuzzy é considerada a variabilidade do processo. Além disso, caracteriza o processo de produção em alguns níveis, onde nem sempre o processo estará totalmente em controle ou totalmente fora de controle. O que vai ao encontro da teoria fuzzy: se não é possível prever com exatidão determinados resultados é melhor ter uma margem de aceitação, o que implicará na redução de erros.


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软件估算是有半个世纪发展历史的计算机科学领域的一个巨大挑战,因为软件估算涉及到软件项目的成本和计划。开发人员需要能够获得基于他们自己的程序得到的包含了工作量估算的实践。软件成本估算主要估算开发软件系统所需的工作量、时间、人力资源等。一种有效的方式是在项目早期确定成本时估算工作量。软件成本主要依据项目的需求规格说明书来确定。目前,实施可靠、准确的成本估算仍是软件工程领域的一个挑战。 在项目早期阶段,许多项目属性尚未确定。此时的软件估算通常是不准确的,估算 的准确程度取决于用于估算的可靠且可用的信息的数量。在后续的项目分析和设计阶段,对项目的了解更加深入,估算不确定性减少,估算准确性提高。大部分估算模型未考虑这种不确定性,只是得到了确定的估算结果。这些模型需要改进,以得到估计范围和估算结果的发生概率。 新的方法(如:模糊逻辑)可能提供了软件工作量估算的替代方案。软件开发总是可以用一组具有一定程度模糊性的参数来表征。这就需要在模型中引入一定程度的不确定性,以使模型更接近实际。模糊逻辑在这方面很合适。应用模糊逻辑可以解决目前工作量估算模型存在的许多问题。而且,模糊逻辑已经与算法的和非算法的工作量估算模型结合,用于解决固有不确定性问题。 本文提出一种基于模糊逻辑规模的软件开发工作量估算方法。软件规模不是一个单个数字,可以看作是一个三角模糊数(triangular fuzzy number, TFN)。应用本文方法,可以通过改变约束条件对任意常数中的工作量估算结果进行优化。基于对本文方法中模糊权重的平均方差解释%(Variance Accounted For, VAF%) , 提出了一种最优化算法。应用COCOMO 公开数据集进行了验证实验。与实际工作量估算的比较结果表明,基于偏差系数,本文提出的模型提供了较好的估算结果。 最后,提出了一种改进的基于模糊案例的推理(Fuzzy Case-Based Reasoning , FCBR)方法,该方法集成了agent 技术,可以从多个组织的分布式数据库中找到相似项目。基于该方法,可以从分布式预定义的项目成本数据库中收集软件成本数据,进而建立软件成本估算模型。该模型应用FCBR 方法,在不同软件组织的历史软件项目度量数据中找到类似项目。


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In group decision making (GDM) problems, it is natural for decision makers (DMs) to provide different preferences and evaluations owing to varying domain knowledge and cultural values. When the number of DMs is large, a higher degree of heterogeneity is expected, and it is difficult to translate heterogeneous information into one unified preference without loss of context. In this aspect, the current GDM models face two main challenges, i.e., handling the complexity pertaining to the unification of heterogeneous information from a large number of DMs, and providing optimal solutions based on unification methods. This paper presents a new consensus-based GDM model to manage heterogeneous information. In the new GDM model, an aggregation of individual priority (AIP)-based aggregation mechanism, which is able to employ flexible methods for deriving each DM's individual priority and to avoid information loss caused by unifying heterogeneous information, is utilized to aggregate the individual preferences. To reach a consensus more efficiently, different revision schemes are employed to reward/penalize the cooperative/non-cooperative DMs, respectively. The temporary collective opinion used to guide the revision process is derived by aggregating only those non-conflicting opinions at each round of revision. In order to measure the consensus in a robust manner, a position-based dissimilarity measure is developed. Compared with the existing GDM models, the proposed GDM model is more effective and flexible in processing heterogeneous information. It can be used to handle different types of information with different degrees of granularity. Six types of information are exemplified in this paper, i.e., ordinal, interval, fuzzy number, linguistic, intuitionistic fuzzy set, and real number. The results indicate that the position-based consensus measure is able to overcome possible distortions of the results in large-scale GDM problems.