738 resultados para Fusarium-oxysporum
Genetic variation among Australian isolates of the fungus Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. cubense (Foc), which causes Fusarium wilt in banana, was examined using DNA amplification fingerprinting (DAF). Ninety-four isolates which represented Races 1, 2, 3, and 4, and vegetative compatibility groups (VCGs) 0120, 0124, 0125, 0128, 0129, 01211, 01213/16, and 01220 were analysed. The genetic relatedness among isolates within each VCG, and between the 8 different VCGs of Foc present in Australia was determined. The DNA fingerprint patterns were VCG-specific, with each VCG representing a unique genotype. The genetic similarity among isolates within each VCG ranged from 97% to 100%. Among the different VCGs of Foc, 3 major clusters were distinguished which corresponded with race. All Race 1 and 2 isolates (VCGs 0124, 0125, 0128, and 01220) were closely related and clustered together, the Race 3 isolates from Heliconia clustered separately, and all Race 4 isolates (VCGs 0120, 0129, 01211, and 01213/16) clustered together. Fifteen isolates from Alstonville, NSW, were characterised because although they were classified as Race 2 based on their recovery from cooking banana cultivars, they belonged in VCG 0124, which had previously contained only Race 1 isolates. The occurrence of more than one race within a VCG means that vegetative compatibility grouping cannot be used to assign pathotype to pathogenic race as previously thought. It was possible to distinguish the Race 1 and Race 2 isolates within VCG 0124 using DNA fingerprinting, as each race produced a unique DNA fingerprint pattern. Among the Australian isolates, DNA fingerprinting analysis identified 9 different VCGs and genotypes of Foc.
Mechanism of extracellular silver nanoparticles synthesis by Stereum hirsutum and Fusarium oxysporum
The increasing interest for greener and biological methods of synthesis has led to the development of non-toxic and comparatively more bioactive nanoparticles. Unlike physical and chemical methods of nanoparticle synthesis, microbial synthesis in general and mycosynthesis in particular is cost-effective and environment-friendly. However, different aspects, such as the rate of synthesis, monodispersity and downstream processing, need to be improved. Many fungal-based mechanisms have been proposed for the formation of silver nanoparticles (AgNPs), mainly those involving the presence of nitrate reductase, which has been detected in filtered fungus cell used for AgNPs production. There is a general acceptance that nitrate reductase is the main responsible for the reduction of Ag ions for the formation of AgNPs. However, this generally accepted mechanism for fungal AgNPs production is not totally understood. In order to elucidate the molecules participating in the mechanistic formation of metal nanoparticles, the current study is focused on the enzymes and other organic compounds involved in the biosynthesis of AgNPs. The use of each free fungal mycelium of both Stereum hirsutum and Fusarium oxysporum will be assessed. In order to identify defective mutants on the nitrate reductase structural gene niaD, fungal cultures of S.hirsutum and F.oxysporum will be selected by chlorate resistance. In addition, in order to verify if each compound identified as key-molecule influenced on the production of nanoparticles, an in vitro assay using different nitrogen sources will be developed. Lately, fungal extracellular enzymes will be measured and an in vitro assay will be done. Finally, The nanoparticle formation and its characterization will be evaluated by UV-visible spectroscopy, electron microscopy (TEM), X-ray diffraction analysis (XRD), Fourier transforms infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), and LC-MS/MS.
O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a atividade fungicida in vitro do óleo essencial das folhas de Piper hispidinervum sobre Bipolaris sorokiniana, Fusarium oxysporum e Colletotrichum gloeosporioides. Para os ensaios biológicos, empregou-se o teste bioanalítico in vitro utilizando as concentrações de 100, 200, 500, 1000, 1500 e 2000 µg.mL-1 do óleo essencial. Estas foram incorporadas no meio de cultura BDA (batata-dextrose-ágar) para avaliação do crescimento ou inibição micelial. O delineamento estatístico utilizado foi o inteiramente casualizado, com quatro repetições. Na concentração de 200 µg.mL-1, observou-se uma inibição total do fitopatógeno Bipolaris sorokiniana enquanto que, para o Fusarium oxysporum e o Colletotrichum gloeosporioides esta ocorreu na concentração de 1000 µg.mL-1.
A finalidade do trabalho, foi obter dados para o melhor conhecimento dos fatôres físicos do solo, que influenciam a incidência de murcha do algodoeiro, causada por Fusarium oxysporum f. vasinfectum (Atk.) Snyder & Hansen. Foi estudada a influência do tamanho das partículas de areia e porcentagem da mesma no solo. O primeiro ensaio mostrou que, a porcentagem de areia tinha um efeito sôbre a incidência de murcha na variedade IAC - 12. A maior incidência de murcha, foi notada nos tratamentos que possuiam maior porcentagem de areia. No segundo ensaio, foi notado o efeito do tamanho das partículas de areia sôbre a incidência de murcha na variedade IAC - 12. A incidência foi mais intensa nos substratos com Areias Fina e Média. O terceiro ensaio mostrou que a resistência da variedade RM4, ao Fusarium, aparentemente não foi afetada pela porcentagem de areia ou pelo tamanho das partículas.
A Murcha de Fusarium em tomateiro não está sendo eficientemente controlada no Estado de São Paulo, devido a falta de variedades resistentes, adequadas ao mercado. Como na produção destas, variedades resistentes é necessário um estudo sôbre a variabilidade do fango quanto a raças fisiológicas os autores pesquisaram 48 linhagens de Fusarium coletados em todo o Estado de São Paulo e através de testes em variedades diferenciais Bonny Best., Santa Cruz (Kobayashi) e S-34 em condições de casa de vegetação com contrôle parcial de temperatura e inoculaçôes artificiais. Concluiram que das 48 linhagens estudadas uma desta apresentava reação de raça 2 as demais 47 a da raça 1 sendo possível reparar as linhagens pelo gráu de patogenicidade.
O presente trabalho teve por finalidade estudar o efeito das diferentes porcentagens de areia, em substratos artificiais sobre a severidade de murcha do algodoeiro. Para êste fim foram utilizados substratos artificiais com quantidades variáveis de areia. Como inóculo foram utilizados suspensões de Meloidogyne, Fusarium e Fusarium mais Meloidogyne. Os três inóculos foram testados em duas; variedades de algodão. Os resultados obtidos com a variedade RM2 no 1.° ensaio mostraram uma maior incidência de murcha nos substratos, com maior porcentagem de areia, isto é, 90% e 60%. Quanto ao inóculo utilizado, a maior incidência da doença ocorreu nos tratamentos que receberam inoculação conjunta de Fusarium mais Meloidogyne. No segundo ensaio, utilizando-se a variedade RM4 não foram obtidos dados que mostrassem diferenças significativas entre substratos. Isto provavelmente se deve a um aumento no potencial de inóculo e uma melhor distribuição do mesmo. No entanto, houve uma diferença significativa para os tipos de inóculo utilizados, sendo que a maior severidade de doença ocorreu quando o inóculo era constituído de fungo e de nematóide, seguindo-se o tratamento cujo inóculo era constituido só de fungo No ensaio feito com variedade RM4 foi obtida significância para a interação tipos de inóculo versus substratos. A interação mostrou que o inóculo constituído só de Fusarium comportou-se diferentemente nos diferentes, tipos de substratos, utilizados. Tendo a maior severidade da doença ocorrido no substrato contendo a maior porcentagem de areia. No entanto, não houve diferenças significativas para a severidade da doença causada pelo inóculo constituido do fungo mais nematóides nos diferentes substratos, o que mostra efeito do inóculo de Meloidogyne sôbre o inóculo em potencial de Fusarium. Os diferentes tipos de inóculo comportaram-se de modo diferentes nos substratos de terra roxa, e nos substratos contendo 60% e 90% de areia, sendo que a maior coloração dos vasos foi obtida nos tratamentos que receberam os inóculos de Fusarium e Fusarium mais Meloidogyne.
Os autores procuraram, face às evidências acumuladas, determinar: 1) a que raça fisiológica pertence o isolado T-18-1, descrito como raça 3 de Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. lycopersici; 2) qual o tipo de resistência que apresenta a linhagem CAST-M-Wd, usada como diferencial na determinação da raça 3. Para alcançar os objetivos almejados, instalaram-se 2 ensaios em casa de vegetação com controle parcial de temperatura. No ensaio I estudou-se a reação de 27 progênies de Cast-M-Wd ao isolado T-18-1, usando-se como diferenciais, a variedade Walter e a linhagem S-34, que possuem resistência monogênica às raças 1 e 2 e à raça 1, respectivamente. No ensaio II comparou-se a patogenicidade entre o isolado T-18-1 e a raça 2 do patógeno. Neste ensaio foram incluídas 6 progênies de CAST-M-Wd, considerando-se o comportamento destas no ensaio I. Usou-se, também, como diferenciais, a variedade Walter e a linhagem S-34. Os resultados obtidos permitiram tirar as seguintes conclusões: 1) o isolado T-18-1 pertence à raça 2 de Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. lycopersici; 2) a linhagem de tomateiro CAST-M-Wd, usada como diferencial na determinação da raça 3 do patógeno, não possui resistência monogênica e sim, resistência poligênica à raça 2; 3) o gene, 1-2 encontrado na variedade Walter, mostra-se eficiente no controle da raça 2 (isolado T-18-1) assinalada no Brasil.
Seventy bacterial isolates from the rhizosphere of tomato were screened for antagonistic activity against the tomato foot and root rot-causing fungal pathogen Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. radicis-lycopersici. One isolate, strain PCL1391, appeared to be an efficient colonizer of tomato roots and an excellent biocontrol strain in an F. oxysporum/tomato test system. Strain PCL1391 was identified as Pseudomonas chlororaphis and further characterization showed that it produces a broad spectrum of antifungal factors (AFFs), including a hydrophobic compound, hydrogen cyanide, chitinase(s), and protease(s). Through mass spectrometry and nuclear magnetic resonance, the hydrophobic compound was identified as phenazine-1-carboxamide (PCN). We have studied the production and action of this AFF both in vitro and in vivo. Using a PCL1391 transposon mutant, with a lux reporter gene inserted in the phenazine biosynthetic operon (phz), we showed that this phenazine biosynthetic mutant was substantially decreased in both in vitro antifungal activity and biocontrol activity. Moreover, with the same mutant it was shown that the phz biosynthetic operon is expressed in the tomato rhizosphere. Comparison of the biocontrol activity of the PCN-producing strain PCL1391 with those of phenazine-1-carboxylic acid (PCA)-producing strains P. fluorescens 2-79 and P. aureofaciens 30-84 showed that the PCN-producing strain is able to suppress disease in the tomato/F. oxysporum system, whereas the PCA-producing strains are not. Comparison of in vitro antifungal activity of PCN and PCA showed that the antifungal activity of PCN was at least 10 times higher at neutral pH, suggesting that this may contribute to the superior biocontrol performance of strain PCL1391 in the tomato/F. oxysporum system.
The microbial synthesis of nanoparticles is a green chemistry approach that combines nanotechnology and microbial biotechnology. The aim of this study was to obtain silver nanoparticles (SNPs) using aqueous extract from the filamentous fungus Fusarium oxysporum as an alternative to chemical procedures and to evaluate its antifungal activity. SNPs production increased in a concentration-dependent way up to 1 mM silver nitrate until 30 days of reaction. Monodispersed and spherical SNPs were predominantly produced. After 60 days, it was possible to observe degenerated SNPs with in additional needle morphology. The SNPs showed a high antifungal activity against Candida and Cryptococcus , with minimum inhibitory concentration values ≤ 1.68 µg/mL for both genera. Morphological alterations of Cryptococcus neoformans treated with SNPs were observed such as disruption of the cell wall and cytoplasmic membrane and lost of the cytoplasm content. This work revealed that SNPs can be easily produced by F. oxysporum aqueous extracts and may be a feasible, low-cost, environmentally friendly method for generating stable and uniformly sized SNPs. Finally, we have demonstrated that these SNPs are active against pathogenic fungi, such as Candida and Cryptococcus .
Foi avaliado no presente trabalho o comportamento dos genótipos de feijoeiro (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) PI 150414, PI 163117, PI 175829 branco, PI 175829 roxo, PI 175858, PI 197687, A 417, A 420, A 429, Xan 160, Xan 161, WISHBR 40 e IAC Carioca inoculados com Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. phaseoli, Macrophomina phaseolina e Xanthomonas campestris pv. phaseoli, sob condições de telado/casa de vegetação. Verificou-se que os genótipos Xan 160, PI 150414, A 417, PI 175829 roxo, Xan 161, A 420, PI 163117 e PI 175829 branco foram resistentes a F. oxysporum f. sp. phaseoli e somente o PI 175829 branco apresentou bom nível de resistência a M. phaseolina. Com relação ao comportamento desses genótipos a X. campestris pv. phaseoli, eles foram altamente suscetíveis ao isolado Feij-4 e apenas o genótipo Xan 161 apresentou nível moderado de resistência foliar ao isolado Feij-41.
Before planning the large-scale use of nonpathogenic strains of Fusarium oxysporum as biocontrol agents of Fusarium wilt, their behaviour and potential impact on soil ecosystems should be carefully studied as part of risk assessment. The aim of this work was to evaluate the effects of antagonistic F. oxysporum strains, genetically manipulated (T26/6) or not (233/1), on soil microbial biomass and activity. The effects were evaluated, in North-western Italy, in two soils from different sites at Albenga, one natural and the other previously solarized, and in a third soil obtained from a 10-year-old poplar stand (Popolus sp.), near Carignano. There were no detectable effects on ATP, fluorescein diacetate hydrolysis, and biomass P that could be attributed to the introduction of the antagonists. A transient increase of carbon dioxide evolution and biomass C was observed in response to the added inoculum. Although the results showed only some transient alterations, further studies are required to evaluate effects on specific microorganism populations.
The objective of this work was to determine the transcript profile of tomato plants (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.), during Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. lycopersici infection and after foliar application of salicylic acid. The suppression subtractive hybridization (SSH) technique was used to generate a cDNA library enriched for transcripts differentially expressed. A total of 307 clones was identified in two subtractive libraries, which allowed the isolation of several defense-related genes that play roles in different mechanisms of plant resistance to phytopathogens. Genes with unknown roles were also isolated from the two libraries, which indicates the possibility of identifying new genes not yet reported in studies of stress/defense response. The SSH technique is effective for identification of resistance genes activated by salicylic acid and F. oxysporum f. sp. lycopersici infection. Not only the application of this technique enables a cost effective isolation of differentially expressed sequences, but also it allows the identification of novel sequences in tomato from a relative small number of sequences.