998 resultados para Fungal resistance
Cryptococcosis is an important systemic mycosis and the third most prevalent disease in human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-positive individuals. The incidence of cryptococcosis is high among the 25 million people with HIV/acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS), with recent estimates indicating that there are one million cases of cryptococcal meningitis globally per year in AIDS patients. In Cryptococcus neoformans, resistance to azoles may be associated with alterations in the target enzyme encoded by the gene ERG11, lanosterol 14α-demethylase. These alterations are obtained through mutations, or by overexpressing the gene encoding. In addition, C. gattii and C. neoformans present a heteroresistance phenotype, which may be related to increased virulence. Other species beyond C. neoformans and C. gattii, such as C. laurentii, have been diagnosed mainly in patients with immunosuppression. Infections of C. albidus have been isolated in cats and marine mammals. Recent evidence suggests that the majority of infections produced by this pathogen are associated with biofilm growth, which is also related with increased resistance to antifungal agents. Therefore, there is a great need to search for alternative antifungal agents for these fungi. The search for new molecules is currently occurring from nanoparticle drugs of plant peptide origin. This article presents a brief review of the literature regarding the epidemiology of cryptococcosis, as well as fungal resistance and new alternatives for treatment. © 2013 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.
The permanent contact with cork may lead to constant exposure to fungi, raising awareness as a potential occupational hazard in the cork industry.The presence of fungi belonging to the Penicillium glabrum complex has been associated with the development of respiratory diseases such as suberosis, one of the most prevalent diseases among workers from cork industries, besides occupational asthma. Azoles are used as pesticides but also the first line therapy in the treatment of Aspergillus infections; azole-resistance as been described as to have also an environmental source and is considered an emerging public health problem.The aim of this work was to characterize fungal distribution and to evaluate the presence of azole-resistant Aspergillus isolates in nose swab samples from the cork industry workers.
There is growing evidence that insects in high-density populations invest relatively more in pathogen resistance than those in low-density populations (i.e. density-dependent prophylaxis). Such increases in resistance are often accompanied by cuticular melanism, which is characteristic of the high-density form of many phase polyphenic insects. Both melanism and pathogen resistance involve the prophenoloxidase enzyme system. In this paper the link between resistance, melanism and phenoloxidase activity is examined in Spodoptera lanae. In S. exempta, cuticular melanism was positively correlated with phenoloxidase activity in the cuticle, haemolymph and midgut. Melanic S. exempta larvae were found to melanize a greater proportion of eggs of the ectoparasitoid Euplectrus laphygmae than non-melanic larvae, and melanic S. littoralis were more resistant to the entomopathogenic fungus Beauveria bassiana (in S. exempta the association between melanism and fungal resistance was non-signficant). These results strengthen the link between melanism and disease resistance and implicate the involvement of phenoloxidase.
In photodynamic antimicrobial chemotherapy (PACT), a combination of a sensitising drug and visible light causes selective destruction of microbial cells. The ability of light-drug combinations to kilt microorganisms has been known for over 100 years. However, it is only recently with the beginning of the search for alternative treatments for antibiotic-resistant pathogens that the phenomenon has been investigated in detail. Numerous studies have shown PACT to be highly effective in the in vitro destruction of viruses and protozoa, as well as Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria and fungi. Results of experimental investigations have demonstrated conclusively that both dermatomycetes and yeasts can be effectively killed by photodynamic action employing phenothiazinium, porphyrin and phthatocyanine photosensitisers. Importantly, considerable setectivity for fungi over human cells has been demonstrated, no reports of fungal resistance exist and the treatment is not associated with genotoxic or mutagenic effects to fungi or human cells. In spite of the success of cell culture investigations, only a very small number of in vivo animal. and human trials have been published. The present paper reviews the studies published to date on antifungal applications of PACT and aims to raise awareness of this area of research, which has the potential to make a significant impact in future treatment of fungal infections. (c) 2007 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.
Les travaux effectués dans le cadre de cette thèse de doctorat avaient pour but de mettre au point des nouvelles formulations d’antifongiques sous forme de nanoparticules polymériques (NP) en vue d’améliorer l’efficacité et la spécificité des traitements antifongiques sur des souches sensibles ou résistantes de Candida spp, d’Aspergillus spp et des souches de Candida albicans formant du biofilm. Dans la première partie de ce travail, nous avons synthétisé et caractérisé un polymère à base de polyester-co-polyéther branché avec du poly(éthylène glycol) (PEG-g-PLA). En plus d’être original et innovant, ce co-polymère a l’avantage d’être non-toxique et de posséder des caractéristiques de libération prolongée. Trois antifongiques couramment utilisés en clinique et présentant une biodisponibilité non optimale ont été choisis, soient deux azolés, le voriconazole (VRZ) et l’itraconazole (ITZ) et un polyène, l’amphotéricine B (AMB). Ces principes actifs (PA), en plus des problèmes d’administration, présentent aussi d’importants problèmes de toxicité. Des NP polymériques encapsulant ces PA ont été préparées par une technique d’émulsion huile-dans-l’eau (H/E) suivie d’évaporation de solvant. Une fois fabriquées, les NP ont été caractérisées et des particules de d’environ 200 nm de diamètre ont été obtenues. Les NP ont été conçues pour avoir une structure coeur/couronne avec un coeur constitué de polymère hydrophobe (PLA) et une couronne hydrophile de PEG. Une faible efficacité de chargement (1,3% m/m) a été obtenue pour la formulation VRZ encapsulé dans des NP (NP/VRZ). Toutefois, la formulation AMB encapsulée dans des NP (NP/AMB) a montré des taux de chargement satisfaisants (25,3% m/m). En effet, le caractère hydrophobe du PLA a assuré une bonne affinité avec les PA hydrophobes, particulièrement l’AMB qui est le plus hydrophobe des agents sélectionnés. Les études de libération contrôlée ont montré un relargage des PA sur plusieurs jours. La formulation NP/AMB a été testée sur un impacteur en cascade, un modèle in vitro de poumon et a permis de démontrer le potentiel de cette formulation à être administrée efficacement par voie pulmonaire. En effet, les résultats sur l’impacteur en cascade ont montré que la majorité de la formulation s’est retrouvée à l’étage de collecte correspondant au niveau bronchique, endroit où se situent majoritairement les infections fongiques pulmonaires. Dans la deuxième partie de ces travaux, nous avons testé les nouvelles formulations d’antifongiques sur des souches planctoniques de Candida spp., d’Aspergillus spp. et des souches de Candida albicans formant du biofilm selon les procédures standardisées du National Committee for Clinical Laboratory Standards (NCCLS). Les souches choisies ont démontré des résistances aux azolés et aux polyènes. Les études d’efficacité in vitro ont permis de prouver hors de tout doute que les nouvelles formulations offrent une efficacité nettement améliorée comparée à l’agent antifongique libre. Pour mettre en lumière si l’amélioration de l’efficacité antifongique était due à une internalisation des NP, nous avons évalué le comportement des NP avec les cellules de champignons. Nous avons procédé à des études qualitatives de microscopie de fluorescence sur des NP marquées avec de la rhodamine (Rh). Tel qu’attendu, les NP ont montré une localisation intracellulaire. Pour exclure la possibilité d’une simple adhésion des NP à la surface des levures, nous avons aussi confirmé leur internalisation en microscopie confocale de fluorescence. Il est important de noter que peu d’études à ce jour ont mis l’accent sur l’élaboration de nouvelles formulations d’antifongiques à base de polymères non toxiques destinées aux traitements des mycoses, donnant ainsi une grande valeur et originalité aux travaux effectués dans cette thèse. Les résultats probants obtenus ouvrent la voie vers une nouvelle approche pour contourner les problèmes de résistances fongiques, un problème de plus en plus important dans le domaine de l’infectiologie.
Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Proteção de Plantas) - FCA
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Women often develop vaginal infections that are caused primarily by organisms of the genus Candida. The current treatments of vaginal candidiasis usually involve azole-based antifungals, though fungal resistance to these compounds has become prevalent. Therefore, much attention has been given to molecules with antifungal properties from natural sources, such as curcumin (CUR). However, CUR has poor solubility in aqueous solvents and poor oral bioavailability. This study attempted to overcome this problem by developing, characterizing, and evaluating the in vitro antifungal action of a CUR-loaded liquid crystal precursor mucoadhesive system (LCPM) for vaginal administration. A low-viscosity LCPM (F) consisting of 40% wt/wt polyoxpropylene-(5)-polyoxyethylene-(20)-cetyl alcohol, 50% wt/wt oleic acid, and 10% wt/wt chitosan dispersion at 0.5% with the addition of 16% poloxamer 407 was developed to take advantage of the lyotropic phase behavior of this formulation. Notably, F could transform into liquid crystal systems when diluted with artificial vaginal mucus at ratios of 1:3 and 1:1 (wt/wt), resulting in the formation of F30 and F100, respectively. Polarized light microscopy and rheological studies revealed that F behaved like an isotropic formulation, whereas F30 and F100 behaved like an anisotropic liquid crystalline system (LCS). Moreover, F30 and F100 presented higher mucoadhesion to porcine vaginal mucosa than F. The analysis of the in vitro activity against Candida albicans revealed that CUR-loaded F was more potent against standard and clinical strains compared with a CUR solution. Therefore, the vaginal administration of CUR-loaded LCPMs represents a promising platform for the treatment of vaginal candidiasis.
153 Nachkommen einer Kreuzung aus der pilzresistenten Rebsorte ‘Regent‘ und ‘Lemberger‘ als klassischer pilzsensitiver Sorte zeigen quantitative Merkmalsvariation bezüglich der Resistenz gegen Plasmopara viticola und Uncinula necator sowie für weitere Eigenschaften, die z.B. das Eintreten der Beerenreife betreffen. Auf dem Weg über die genetische Kartierung mit molekularen Markern und der Lokalisierung von QTL-Effekten konnten Hinweise auf weinbaulich relevante Genomregionen gewonnen werden; dies liefert z.B. die Basis für markergestützte Selektion bei Zuchtvorhaben mit dem Resistenzträger ‘Regent’ (vgl. auch FISCHER et al., 2004). Ein Major-QTL für die Resistenz gegen den Echten Mehltau Uncinula necator sowie zwei Major QTL für die Resistenz gegen den Erreger des Falschen Mehltau, Plasmopara viticola, traten mit hoher Signifikanz auf drei verschiedenen Kopplungsgruppen von ‘Regent‘ auf. Auch Regionen mit Relevanz für das Eintreten der Beerenreife wurden beschrieben. Über die Isolierung, Sequenzierung und anschließende Analyse einzelner Markerfragmente mit Methoden der Bioinformatik ist es gelungen, ein putatives T10P12.4-Ortholog der Weinrebe (ein thioredoxinähnliches Protein) in enger Kopplung zu einem Major-QTL-Maximum für Plasmopara viticola-Resistenz zu identifizieren, das als Kandidat für die Beteiligung an der Pathogenantwort in Frage kommt. Es konnte exemplarisch gezeigt werden, dass die eingesetzten Methoden der Kartierung und QTL-Analyse unter Verwendung PCR-basierter Markertypen wie SSR und AFLP und einer beschleunigten Analyse über computergestützte Kapillargelelektrophorese in vertretbarem Zeitrahmen bis zur Isolation potentieller Schlüsselgene führen können. Die grundsätzliche Eignung der QTL-Analyse als effizientes Werkzeug gezielter Züchtungsplanung für den Weinbau bestätigte sich. Ihre Anwendung im Rahmen der vorliegenden Dissertation hat die Basis für die Nutzung von QTL-Information bei dem Vergleich etablierter und der Entwicklung neuer Sorten gelegt und zum Verständnis von Prozessen beigetragen, die den betrachteten Eigenschaften wie der Pilzresistenz möglicherweise zu Grunde liegen. Ein großer Teil der gewonnenen Daten bringt auch die Untersuchungen anderer Kultivare voran und ist intervarietal übertragbar. Darüber hinaus haben sich Chancen für vergleichende Studien zwischen der Weinrebe einerseits und der Modellpflanze Arabidopsis thaliana sowie weiteren Kulturpflanzen andererseits abgezeichnet. Die Hinweise auf die zentrale Rolle und universelle Natur des Redox-Signalling haben interessante Perspektiven zum Verständnis organismenübergreifender physiologischer Zusammenhänge eröffnet. Dies betrifft z.B. auch die Reaktion auf Verwundung oder die Pathogenantwort.
Fungal pathogens exploit diverse mechanisms to survive exposure to antifungal drugs. This poses concern given the limited number of clinically useful antifungals and the growing population of immunocompromised individuals vulnerable to life-threatening fungal infection. To identify molecules that abrogate resistance to the most widely deployed class of antifungals, the azoles, we conducted a screen of 1,280 pharmacologically active compounds. Three out of seven hits that abolished azole resistance of a resistant mutant of the model yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae and a clinical isolate of the leading human fungal pathogen Candida albicans were inhibitors of protein kinase C (PKC), which regulates cell wall integrity during growth, morphogenesis, and response to cell wall stress. Pharmacological or genetic impairment of Pkc1 conferred hypersensitivity to multiple drugs that target synthesis of the key cell membrane sterol ergosterol, including azoles, allylamines, and morpholines. Pkc1 enabled survival of cell membrane stress at least in part via the mitogen activated protein kinase (MAPK) cascade in both species, though through distinct downstream effectors. Strikingly, inhibition of Pkc1 phenocopied inhibition of the molecular chaperone Hsp90 or its client protein calcineurin. PKC signaling was required for calcineurin activation in response to drug exposure in S. cerevisiae. In contrast, Pkc1 and calcineurin independently regulate drug resistance via a common target in C. albicans. We identified an additional level of regulatory control in the C. albicans circuitry linking PKC signaling, Hsp90, and calcineurin as genetic reduction of Hsp90 led to depletion of the terminal MAPK, Mkc1. Deletion of C. albicans PKC1 rendered fungistatic ergosterol biosynthesis inhibitors fungicidal and attenuated virulence in a murine model of systemic candidiasis. This work establishes a new role for PKC signaling in drug resistance, novel circuitry through which Hsp90 regulates drug resistance, and that targeting stress response signaling provides a promising strategy for treating life-threatening fungal infections.
The influence of temperature on life history traits of four Acyrthosiphon pisum clones was investigated, together with their resistance to one genotype of the fungal entomopathogen Erynia neoaphidis . There was no difference among aphid clones in development rate, but they did differ in fecundity. Both development rate and fecundity were influenced by temperature, but all clones showed similar responses to the changes in temperature (i.e. the interaction term was nonsignificant). However, there were significant differences among clones in susceptibility to the pathogen, and this was influenced by temperature. Furthermore, the clones differed in how temperature influenced susceptibility, with susceptibility rankings changing with temperature. Two clones showed changes in susceptibility which mirrored changes in the in vitro vegetative growth rate of E. neoaphidis at different temperatures, whereas two other clones differed considerably from this expected response. Such interactions between genotype and temperature may help maintain heritable variation in aphid susceptibility to fungal pathogen attack and have implications for our understanding of disease dynamics in natural populations. This study also highlights the difficulties of drawing conclusions about the efficacy of a biological control agent when only a restricted range of pest genotypes or environmental conditions are considered.
We have employed Arabidopsis thaliana as a model host plant to genetically dissect the molecular pathways leading to disease resistance. A. thaliana accession Col-0 is susceptible to the bacterial pathogen Pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato strain DC3000 but resistant in a race-specific manner to DC3000 carrying any one of the cloned avirulence genes avrB, avrRpm1, avrRpt2, and avrPph3. Fast-neutron-mutagenized Col-0 M2 seed was screened to identify mutants susceptible to DC3000(avrB). Disease assays and analysis of in planta bacterial growth identified one mutant, ndr1-1 (nonrace-specific disease resistance), that was susceptible to DC3000 expressing any one of the four avirulence genes tested. Interestingly, a hypersensitive-like response was still induced by several of the strains. The ndr1-1 mutation also rendered the plant susceptible to several avirulent isolates of the fungal pathogen Peronospora parasitica. Genetic analysis of ndr1-1 demonstrated that the mutation segregated as a single recessive locus, located on chromosome III. Characterization of the ndr1-1 mutation suggests that a common step exists in pathways of resistance to two unrelated pathogens.
Development of recombinant DNA technology allowed scientists to manipulate plant genomes, making it possible to study genes and exploit them to modify novel agronomic traits. Here, we review the current and future potential of genetic modification (GM) strategies used to increase the resistance of plants to oomycete and fungal pathogens. Numerous resistance genes (R-genes) have been cloned, and under laboratory conditions, transgenic plants have given promising results against some important plant pathogens. However, only a few have so far been deployed as commercial crop plants.GMof plants to disrupt pathogenicity, such as by inhibiting or degrading pathogenicity factors, especially by necrotrophic pathogens, has also been exploited. The potential to engineer plants for the production of antimicrobial peptides or to modify defense-signaling pathways have been successfully demonstrated under laboratory conditions. The most promising current technology is genome editing, which allows researchers to edit DNA sequences directly in their endogenous environment. The potential of this approach is discussed in detail and examples where broad-spectrum resistance has been achieved are given.
Beech bark disease (BBD), a non-native association of the fungal pathogen Neonectria faginata and the beech scale insect Cryptococcus fagisuga, has dramatically affected American beech within North American forests. To monitor the spread and effects of BBD in Michigan, a network of forest health monitoring plots was established in 2001 following the disease discovery in Ludington State Park (Mason County). Forest health canopy condition and basic forestry measurements including basal area were reassessed on beech trees in these plots in 2011 and 2012. The influence of bark-inhabiting fungal endophytes on BBD resistance was investigated by collecting cambium tissue from apparently resistant and susceptible beech. Vigor rating showed significant influences of BBD in sample beech resulting in reduced health and substantiated by significant increases of dead beech basal area over time. C. fagisuga distribution was found to be spatially clustered and widespread in the 22 counties in Michigan's Lower Peninsula which contained monitoring plots. Neonectria has been found in Emmet, Cheboygan and Wexford in the Lower Peninsula which may coincide with additional BBD introduction locations. Surveys for BBD resistance resulted in five apparently resistant beech which were added to a BBD resistance database. The most frequently isolated endophytes from cambium tissue were identified by DNA sequencing primarily as Deuteromycetes and Ascomycetes including Chaetomium globosum, Neohendersonia kickxii and Fusarium flocciferum. N. faginata in antagonism trials showed significant growth reduction when paired with three beech fungal endophytes. The results of the antagonism trial and decay tests indicate that N. faginata may be a relatively poor competitor in vivo with limited ability to degrade cellulose.