70 resultados para Frotas cativas
This work was motivated by the importance of conducting a study of vehicle emissions in captive fleets with diesel engine, coupled with the predictive maintenance plan. This type of maintenance includes techniques designed to meet the growing market demand to reduce maintenance costs by increasing the reliability of diagnoses, which has increased interest in automated predictive maintenance on diesel engines, preventing problems that might evolve into routine turn into serious situations, solved only with complex and costly repairs, the Reliability Centered Maintenance, will be the methodology that will make our goal is reached, beyond maintaining the vehicles regulated as fuel consumption and emissions. To Therefore, technical improvements were estimated capable of penetrating the automotive market and give the inshore fleet emission rates of opacity of the vehicles, being directly related to the conditions of the lubricating oil thus contributing to reducing maintenance costs by contributing significantly to emissions of pollutants and an improvement in the air in large cities. This criterion was adopted and implemented, em 241 buses and produced a diagnosis of possible failures by the correlation between the characterization of used lubricating oils and the analysis of opacity, with the objective of the aid the detection and solution of failures for the maintenance of sub-systems according to design criteria, and for this to be a deductive methodology to determine potential causes of failures, has been automated to implement a predictive maintenance system for this purpose was used in our study a mobile unit equipped with a opacimeter and a kit for collection and analysis of lubricating oil and the construction of the network diagnostics, we used a computer program in Microsoft Office Access 2007 platform tool is indispensable for creating a database data, this method is being used and successfully implemented in seven (7) bus companies from the city of Natal (RN) Brazil
Com o objectivo de desenvolver um sistema de monitorização de frotas de transportes públicos urbanos, cujo posicionamento de veículos seja feito com precisão superior a 10 m, a Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa juntamente com o Instituto das Ciências da Terra e do Espaço iniciaram o desenvolvimento de um protótipo, denominado SIMOV (Sistema de Monitorização de Veículos), com base na frota da CARRIS de Lisboa, usando o GPS (Global Positioning System) como único sistema de posicionamento. O sistema em desenvolvimento é composto por três módulos: posicionamento, comunicação e monitorização. Deste estudo apenas serão apresentadas as soluções para o posicionamento e para a monitorização. Relativamente ao posicionamento a apresentação centrar-se-á no estudo desenvolvido com vista ao uso de apenas dois satélites da constelação GPS em curtos períodos de tempo, frequente em circuitos urbanos, já que o posicionamento com três ou mais satélites é um dado adquirido, resultando fiável em termos da precisão pretendida. Para a monitorização (visualização do posicionamento) serão projectadas duas soluções, usando dados GPS recolhidos na execução do percurso habitual da carreira 38 da CARRIS, a primeira sobre uma base de dados cartográfica de eixos de via da cidade com precisão aproximada do metro e a segunda sobre a representação do trajecto como uma linha recta.
A história social de Macau constitui um campo de estudo largamente por cultivar, mais ainda quando se procura reconstruir e interpretar a circulação de crianças, jovens e mulheres que, de origem fundamentalmente chinesa e asiática, em profunda situação de subalternidade e exploração sociais, foram concorrendo quase paradoxalmente para a sobrevivência de uma presença política, económica, cultural e simbólica que se reivindicava «portuguesa». No território macaense, distinguindo-se do que se passava em outros espaços coloniais, como Goa ou o Brasil, a presença de mulheres europeias é praticamente inexistente ou fragmentária até quase finais do século XIX, quando o estado central começa sistematicamente a funcionalizar e a assalariar as longínquas administrações, contingentes militares e burocracias coloniais. Em rigor, de forma generalizada, a presença social portuguesa nos diferentes enclaves asiáticos que se organizavam sob a tutela político-institucional do chamado «Estado da Índia», da África Oriental a Timor, não mobilizava mulheres de origens europeias, descontados alguns exemplos, aventuras e esforços de circulação de orfãs, maioritariamente limitados ao enclave goês,2 mas quase sem expressão no devir social de Macau.
This paper aims to propose a hybrid meta-heuristics for the Heterogeneous Fleet Vehicle Routing Problem (HVRP), which is a combinatorial optimization problem NP-hard, and is characterized by the use of a limited fleet consists of different vehicles with different capacities. The hybrid method developed makes use of a memetic algorithm associated with the component optimizer Vocabulary Building. The resulting hybrid meta-heuristic was implemented in the programming language C + + and computational experiments generated good results in relation to meta-heuristic applied in isolation, proving the efficiency of the proposed method.
The aim of this study was investigate the consolidation of the biodiesel fuel used in (a) engines of urban and intercity bus companies, (b) a stationary engine. It was necessary to investigate and analyze, technologically, if the biodiesel fuels were presenting troubleshooting relative to wear of parts lied to fuel and to evaluate the consumption fluctuations of this fuel. The urban and intercity bus companies, localized in Natal, Rio Grande do Norte state, Brazil, had 41 and 12 vehicles, respectively. It were analyzed datasheet of each one vehicle during three years, since 2008 until 2010 and were interviewed the management of the maintenance team of bus companies relative to aspects concerning the substitution of the diesel fuel by the B5 biodiesel. The second aim of this study was visually inspect the wear of the parts directly lied to combustion process. For this reason, it was investigated a stationary engine, manufactured by Branco BD5, 5 HP of power, fueled by (a) diesel, (b) biodiesel B5, (c) biodiesel B20 and (d) diesel or biodiesel, both contaminated by distilled water. In this engine, its power utilizing biodiesel B5 versus diesel was lower about 5.2% and, in the investigated case of B20 versus diesel, it was lower around 11.5%
Currently there are two car models that use electricity in their propulsion systems, the electric vehicle and the hybrid electric vehicle. The electric vehicles are classified as vehicles that use electric motors in their propulsion system and batteries as a power source, on the other hand, the hybrid vehicles are classified as vehicles that use both electric motors and internal combustion engines in their propulsion system, using both batteries and líquid fuels as a power source. The main goal of this work is to analyze the characteristics of electric and hybrid electric vehicles and demonstrate the unfeasibility of the electric vehicle in the current economic, political, energetic and environmental brazilian scenario, for this purpose it was realized a study about the current brazilian situation regarding to electricity generation, current conservation status of road network, lack of electrical infrastructure for charging batteries, national lithium reserves, environmental characteristics, tax incentives, economic scenario, oil market and political positioning related to the implantation of electric or hybrid electric fleets in nacional territory. The operational characteristics analysis of electric and hybrid electric vehicles in this current scenario leads to the conclusion that currently a growth of electric vehicles fleets on a national scale is totally impractical in the Brazil, Thus, the introduction of green vehicles probably will occur primarily with hybrid electric models, motivated mainly due the bigger autonomy of this models compared to electric models, lower cost of hybrid electric models compared to electric models, factors related to the lack of recharging infrastructure and also factors related to political positioning
Currently there are two car models that use electricity in their propulsion systems, the electric vehicle and the hybrid electric vehicle. The electric vehicles are classified as vehicles that use electric motors in their propulsion system and batteries as a power source, on the other hand, the hybrid vehicles are classified as vehicles that use both electric motors and internal combustion engines in their propulsion system, using both batteries and líquid fuels as a power source. The main goal of this work is to analyze the characteristics of electric and hybrid electric vehicles and demonstrate the unfeasibility of the electric vehicle in the current economic, political, energetic and environmental brazilian scenario, for this purpose it was realized a study about the current brazilian situation regarding to electricity generation, current conservation status of road network, lack of electrical infrastructure for charging batteries, national lithium reserves, environmental characteristics, tax incentives, economic scenario, oil market and political positioning related to the implantation of electric or hybrid electric fleets in nacional territory. The operational characteristics analysis of electric and hybrid electric vehicles in this current scenario leads to the conclusion that currently a growth of electric vehicles fleets on a national scale is totally impractical in the Brazil, Thus, the introduction of green vehicles probably will occur primarily with hybrid electric models, motivated mainly due the bigger autonomy of this models compared to electric models, lower cost of hybrid electric models compared to electric models, factors related to the lack of recharging infrastructure and also factors related to political positioning
Business intelligence em sistemas de apoio à gestão de frotas: Análise de Tecnologias e metodologias
O objecto de estudo desta tese de mestrado surgiu da necessidade de dar resposta a uma proposta para uma solução de business intelligence a pedido de um cliente da empresa onde até à data me encontro a desempenhar funções de analista programador júnior. O projecto consistiu na realização de um sistema de monitorização de eventos e análise de operações, portanto um sistema integrado de gestão de frotas com módulo de business intelligence. Durante o decurso deste projecto foi necessário analisar metodologias de desenvolvimento, aprender novas linguagens, ferramentas, como C#, JasperReport, visual studio, Microsoft SQL Server entre outros. ABSTRACT: Business Intelligence applied to fleet management systems - Technologies and Methodologies Analysis. The object of study of this master's thesis was the necessity of responding to a proposal for a business intelligence solution at the request of a client company where so far I find the duties of junior programmer. The project consisted of a system event monitoring and analysis of operations, so an integrated fleet management with integrated business intelligence. During the course of this project was necessary to analyze development methodologies, learn new languages, tools such as C #, JasperReports, visual studio, Microsoft Sql Server and others.
El presente trabajo se realizó en la finca de l señor Aurelio López, ubicada en la comunidad de Pacora del municipio de San Francisco Li bre, Managua, durante la época de postrera (Agosto a Diciembre del 2003), con el propósito de determinar el efecto de dos sistema de manejo sobre el rendimiento de los cultivos y las propiedades químicas del suelo. El diseño utilizado fue en bloques completos al azar (BCA) con dos tratamientos (sorgo como monocultivo y sorgo asociado con maíz) y tres repeticiones, la variedad de sorgo ( Sorghun bicolor L. Moench) evaluado fue tortillero precoz y en el maíz ( Zea mays L.) la variedad NB-S. Los resultados provenientes del análisis estadísticos en las variables de crecimiento (altura de la planta, diámetro del tallo y num ero de hojas), nitróge no en grano y nitrógeno en biomasa no presentaron diferencias signifi cativas; pero las variables rendimiento del grano y biomasa seca producida mostraron difere ncias significativas siendo el sistema de manejo sorgo como monocultivo el que obtuvo los valores mayores con 4,520 y 12,361 kg ha -1 respectivamente. En las variables del suel o la materia orgánica, nitrógeno, fósforo, y capacidad de intercambio catiónico aumentaron su contenido en el suelo en comparación a su contenido inicial en los dos sistemas de manejo, en cuanto al pH disminuyó levemente y el potasio disminuyó bruscamente probablemente a que el sorgo es un gran extractor de este elemento y pudiendo ser mayor cuando se combina con el maíz. En el balance aparente de nutrientes los dos sistemas de manejo presentaron balances positivos, pero cabe destacar que fue el sistema sorgo asociado con maíz el que presentó el mejor balance, probablemente aque recibió la misma entrada de nutrientes y exportó menos nutrientes vía rendimiento de grano y biomasa producida
A nova Constituição e a melhoria do transporte coletivo. Cidadãos falam do transporte em Curitiba. Roberto Requião, prefeito de Curitiba, explica as melhorias do transporte coletivo na cidade e sugere que a Constituição garanta maior controle público sobre as frotas. Afonso Camargo (PMDB-PR) relata que é preciso o vale transporte para garantir o transporte público bom e barato. O substitutivo do Relator da Assembleia Nacional Constituinte (ANC) Bernardo Cabral garante eleições para governador do Distrito Federal. Mas o Presidente da República José Sarney considera que o Distrito Federal deve ter um prefeito nomeado. Cidadãos opinam sobre o tema. Bancada do Distrito Federal unida em favor das eleições. O Deputado Walmir Campelo (PFL-DF) informa que a eleição para governador é uma conquista que não pode ser alterada. O Deputado Sigmaringa Seixas (PT-SP) afirma que a tese de autonomia para o Distrito Federal conquistou os constituintes e que a opinião do Presidente não vai prevalecer. Rex Nazaré, Presidente do Conselho Nacional de Energia Nuclear, debate com os constituintes do Nordeste e Norte o uso pacífico da energia nuclear para resolver problemas como irrigação, conservação de alimentos e maior produção agrícola. O Deputado Jalles Fontoura (PFL-GO) declara que esse tipo de aplicação moderna da energia nuclear é perfeitamente viável. O Deputado Albérico Cordeiro (PFL-AL) opina sobre a questão.
Dissertação de mestrado, Engenharia Elétrica e Eletrónica (Tecnologias de Informação e Telecomunicações), Instituto Superior de Engenharia, Universidade do Algarve, 2015
Projecto para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Informática e de computadores