999 resultados para Front Crawl stroke


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Efficiency in front-crawl stroke has been inferred primarily by means of the analysis of arm actions, specifically, stroke frequency and stroke length. The objective of the present study was to investigate whether swimming efficiency could be better assessed in children still learning the front-crawl stroke by analyzing the movement pattern as a whole. Forty-two children enrolled in private swimming programs volunteered to participate in the study. The task consisted of swimming 30 m as fast as possible. Three experts analyzed the movement pattern of the participants using a checklist. Both stroke frequency and stroke length were calculated. The correlation coefficients between the time taken to swim and both the stroke frequency and stroke length were not significant, but the total and components of the checklist scores were. Results indicate that the swimming efficiency of children learning the front-crawl stroke can be better assessed by analyzing their whole movement pattern.


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The objective of this study was to analyze changes in stroke rate (SR), stroke length (SL) and stroke phases (entry and catch, pull, push and recovery) when swimming at (MLSS) and above (102.5% MLSS) the maximal lactate steady state. Twelve endurance swimmers (21±8 year, 1.77±0.10m and 71.6±7.7kg) performed in different days the following tests: (1) 200- and 400-m all-out tests, to determine critical speed (CS), and; (2) 2-4 30-min sub-maximal constant-speed tests, to determine the MLSS and 102.5% MLSS. There was significant difference among MLSS (1.22±0.05ms-1), 102.5% MLSS (1.25±0.04ms-1) and CS (1.30±0.08ms-1). SR and SL were maintained between the 10th and 30th minute of the test swum at MLSS and have modified significantly at 102.5% MLSS (SR - 30.9±3.4 and 32.2±3.5cyclesmin-1 and SL - 2.47±0.2 and 2.38±0.2mcycle-1, respectively). All stroke phases were maintained at 10th and 30th minute at MLSS. However, the relative duration of propulsive phase B (pull) increased significantly at 102.5% MLSS (21.7±3.4% and 22.9±3.9%, respectively). Therefore, the metabolic condition may influence the stroke parameters (SR and SL) and stroke strategy to maintain the speed during swim tests lasting 30min. © 2010 Sports Medicine Australia.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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O objetivo deste estudo foi investigar os efeitos de diferentes padrões respiratórios no desempenho e na organização temporal das braçadas do nado "Crawl" de atletas de elite. Vinte e um jovens atletas do gênero masculino participaram de forma voluntária do estudo. Eles foram filmados nadando 25 m do nado "Crawl", em velocidade máxima, em quatro condições de respiração: inspiração para o lado preferido (LP); para o lado não preferido (LNP); bilateral (B); e, sem respiração (S). Duas filmadoras digitais (60 fps) captaram as imagens que foram analisadas através do "software" Kinovea 0.8.7 nos 10 metros centrais do percurso. Para análise foram consideradas medidas de desempenho e de organização temporal das braçadas. Os resultados permitiram concluir que o padrão respiratório afeta o desempenho de atletas jovens de elite. Mostraram que, em termos de velocidade, tempo, frequência e comprimento de braçada, é mais vantajosa a condição de nadar "Crawl" em apneia (S) que em qualquer das condições com inspiração (B, LP e LNP). Portanto, o padrão preferido de respiração, não necessariamente, corresponde ao mais eficiente em termos do desempenho. Assim, professores e técnicos de Natação deveriam incentivar a prática e o emprego do padrão em apneia como estratégia tática para nadadores velocistas. Em relação à braçada, os resultados mostraram que diante da modificação do padrão respiratório, nadadores peritos jovens mantêm a estrutura temporal das braçadas direita e esquerda (aspectos invariantes da braçada) bem como a coordenação entre os braços inalterada enquanto efetuam ajustes na fase aérea da braçada (aspectos variantes). Assim sendo, atletas jovens de elite apresentam braçada com relativa autonomia frente ao componente respiração e nadam efetuando ajustes considerando a economia de recursos.


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Australia and, more specifically, a Solomon Island schoolboy named A lick Wickham, are credited with creating the swimming racing stroke, the crawl, or freestyle as it is known in contemporary parlance. Wickham's contribution constitutes a popular celebrated and enduring legend. While there is some factual basis to the legend, Wickham s contribution is a sport creation myth. The myth offers an example of the intersection of sport and constructions of Pacific islanders in the racial discourse of the Federation period. As a cultural discourse, the myth reflects how Wickham was accommodated as an exoticised islander and socially acceptable 'black' sportsman.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Solomon Islander swimmer Alick Wickham is a celebrated figure in Australian, Solomon Islander and international sport history. His iconic status is inextricably linked to the myth that he introduced the crawl stroke, commonly known as freestyle, to Australia and hence the wider world. The focus of this paper is not the mythic qualities of Wickham's contribution to the crawl stroke, but rather how this myth has been enmeshed in a range of discourses. Through the lens of postcolonialism and by focusing on the creation of social memory - in literature, postage stamps and documentaries Wickham's contribution to the crawl stroke has been represented in three dominant ways: as a racial discourse centring on the social construction of the 'nimble savage', as part of Australian nationalism in terms of the nation's contribution to world swimming, and as a discernible dimension in the construction of Solomon Islander identity after independence.


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O principal objetivo deste estudo foi verificar o efeito do nível de performance aeróbia na relação entre os índices técnicos correspondentes à velocidade crítica (VC) e à velocidade máxima de 30 minutos (V30) em nadadores. Participaram deste estudo, 23 nadadores do gênero masculino com características antropométricas similares, divididos segundo o nível de performance aeróbia em grupo G1 (maior performance) (n = 13) e G2 (menor performance) (n = 10). Os indivíduos tinham pelo menos quatro anos de experiência no esporte e treinavam um volume semanal de 30.000 a 45.000m. A VC foi determinada através do coeficiente angular da regressão linear entre as distâncias (200 e 400m) e seus respectivos tempos. A V30 foi determinada através da máxima distância realizada em um teste de 30 minutos. Todas as variáveis foram determinadas no nado crawl. A VC foi significantemente maior do que a V30 no grupo G1 (1,30 ± 0,04 vs. 1,23 ± 0,06m.s-1) e no G2 (1,17 ± 0,08 vs. 1,07 ± 0,06m.s-1). As duas variáveis foram maiores no grupo G1. As taxas de braçada correspondentes à VC (TBVC) e à V30 (TBV30) obtidas nos grupos G1 (33,07 ± 4,34 vs. 31,38 ± 4,15 ciclos.min-1) e G2 (35,57 ± 6,52 vs. 33,54 ± 5,89 ciclos.min-1) foram similares entre si. A TBVC foi significantemente menor no grupo 1 do que no grupo 2, enquanto que a TBV30 não foi diferente entre os grupos. Os comprimentos de braçada correspondentes à VC (CBVC) e à V30 (CBV30) foram significantemente maiores no grupo G1 (2,41 ± 0,33 vs. 2,38 ± 0,30m.ciclo-1) do que no G2 (2,04 ± 0,43 vs. 1,97 ± 0,40m.ciclo-1), e similares entre si nos dois grupos. As correlações (r) entre a VC e a V30 e as variáveis técnicas correspondentes às duas velocidades foram significantes em todas as comparações (0,68 a 0,91). Portanto, a relação entre a velocidade e as variáveis técnicas correspondentes à VC e à V30 não é modificada pelo nível de performance aeróbia.


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The aim of this study was to access the P-t(Lim) model in swimming, applying the load control available in full tethered swim condition. Its physiological meaning for the determination of boundary of heavy/severe domains was assessed from the relationships with critical velocity (CV), critical power (CP) and maximal lactate steady state (MLSS). The velocity at MLSS (v(MLSS) = 1.17 +/- 0.11 m/s) and CV (1.19 +/- 0.12 m/s) were significantly different. Similarly, the power at MLSS (p(MFEL) = 89.2 +/- 15.1 W) and CP (99.4 +/- 22.9 W) were significantly different. There was no difference between lactate concentration at vMLSS (3.54 +/- 0.9 mM) and p(MLSS) (3.76 +/- 0.6 mM). Significant Pearson's coefficients (r > 0.70) were observed among v(MLSS) and P-MLSS with their respective values on time-limited model. Thus, the tethered-crawl condition seems to be valid to determine the boundary of heavy/severe domains, and to access the aerobic capacity of swimmers.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Pós-graduação em Desenvolvimento Humano e Tecnologias - IBRC


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The purposes of this study were to investigate a) the effect of redundant and non-redundant instruction on external focus of attention adoption, b) the effect of adopting an external focus of attention on performance in a front crawl swimming task, and c) the effect of redundancy in the wording of a verbal instruction on the above variables. 43 college students (m/f) aged 17 to 46 swam 25 m crawl at maximum speed, once under each of three conditions: without focus instruction (SF), following a focus instruction (CF) and a redundant focus instruction (CFR), in counterbalanced order. For focus adoption control, after completing the task participants were asked about what they had focused on while swimming. As a measure of performance, time and number of strokes were taken and the stroke index was calculated. The results showed that under redundant focus instruction (CFR) condition, 42 % failed to adopt the attentional focus as asked, and following focus (CF) instruction, 23 %. Under CF condition, the frequency of participants that adopted the focus was higher than of those who did not. Performance did not differ significantly among the three conditions (p>0,05). These findings stress the need of manipulation checks in attentional focus research, regarding both performance and motor learning efficiency, as well as the need for further investigation into the relation between instruction extension and performance.


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O objetivo deste estudo foi analisar a reprodutibilidade dos parâmetros biomecânicos da curva força-tempo do estilo "Crawl" em um protocolo de 10 s no nado atado. Dezesseis nadadores do sexo masculino (idade: 20,4 ± 4,0 anos; tempo na prova de 100 m livre: 53,68 ± 0,99 s) realizaram dois esforços máximos de 10 s no nado atado. Os parâmetros força pico, força média, taxa de desenvolvimento de força, impulso, duração da braçada, tempo para atingir a força pico e força mínima foram representados pela média de oito braçadas consecutivas obtidas em cada tentativa. Utilizou-se o teste t para observar as diferenças entre os esforços para cada parâmetro. O nível de significância estabelecido foi de 5%. A reprodutibilidade relativa foi medida pelo coeficiente de correlação de Pearson e a consistência entre as duas tentativas pelo coeficiente de correlação intraclasse (CCI). A reprodutibilidade absoluta foi verificada pelo coeficiente de variação (CV). Não foi demonstrada diferença estatisticamente significante para nenhum parâmetro biomecânico quando comparados os dois esforços. Os elevados CCI e baixos CV indicaram alta consistência interna dos parâmetros analisados. Conclui-se que os parâmetros biomecânicos analisados a partir do nado atado são reprodutíveis quando empregado protocolo de curta duração o que demonstra a possibilidade de utilização do protocolo com alto grau de confiabilidade, por parte de treinadores e atletas.


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Coordinative couplings are commonly classified as interpersonal and intrapersonal. Interpersonal coordination is normally thought of as between organisms but a subset can also be considered where the co-actors movements are coupled to an environmental rhythm. This can be termed extrapersonal coordination. This study explores how coordination is achieved in a situation that demands that at least one actor makes use of extrapersonal sources. In this case multi-seat rowing, where one actor cannot see the other one behind them. A qualitative approach using experiential knowledge from expert rowers (N=9) and coaches (N=4) was used to examine how interpersonal coordination was achieved and maintained in 2 person rowing boats. It was reported that where possible, both rowers coordinated their movements by coupling with an invariant provided by the boat. This invariant is underpinned by perception of water flow past the boat; which is in turn used to determine changes in acceleration - 'rowing with the boat.' Bow seat also identified the rower in front and stroke seat identified the looming of the stern as viable alternative sources for coupling.