861 resultados para Freshwater Lens


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In small islands, a freshwater lens can develop due to the recharge induced by rain. Magnitude and spatial distribution of this recharge control the elevation of freshwater and the depth of its interface with salt water. Therefore, the study of lens morphology gives useful information on both the recharge and water uptake due to evapotranspiration by vegetation. Electrical resistivity tomography was applied on a small coral reef island, giving relevant information on the lens structure. Variable density groundwater flow models were then applied to simulate freshwater behavior. Cross validation of the geoelectrical model and the groundwater model showed that recharge exceeds water uptake in dunes with little vegetation, allowing the lens to develop. Conversely, in the low-lying and densely vegetated sectors, where water uptake exceeds recharge, the lens cannot develop and seawater intrusion occurs. This combined modeling method constitutes an original approach to evaluate effective groundwater recharge in such environments.
[Comte, J.-C., O. Banton, J.-L. Join, and G. Cabioch (2010), Evaluation of effective groundwater recharge of freshwater lens in small islands by the combined modeling of geoelectrical data and water heads, Water Resour. Res., 46, W06601, doi:10.1029/2009WR008058.]


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The tidal influence on the Big Pine Key saltwater/freshwater interface was analyzed using time-lapse electrical resistivity imaging and shallow well measurements. The transition zone at the saltwater/freshwater interface was measured over part of a tidal cycle along three profiles. The resistivity was converted to salinity by deriving a formation factor for the Miami Oolite. A SEAWAT model was created to attempt to recreate the field measurements and test previously established hydrogeologic parameters. The results imply that the tide only affects the groundwater within 20 to 30 m of the coast. The effect is small and caused by flooding from the high tide. The low relief of the island means this effect is very sensitive to small changes in the magnitude. The SEAWAT model proved to be insufficient in modeling this effect. The study suggests that the extent of flooding is the largest influence on the salinity of the groundwater.


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We investigated groundwater salinity as a key element in both the short and long-term evolution of the island of Grande Glorieuse. Firstly, we demonstrated that its evolution involved the integration of the whole range of variables forcing climate change. Piezometric surveys designed to sample the salinity of the subsoil waters of Grande Glorieuse could therefore provide an objective indicator of the environment’s evolution. Then, based on information from geoelectrical investigations, we proved that the spatial distribution of salinity is strongly dependent on the geological structure of the island. Structural heterogeneities can influence vulnerability of the island environment to salinization of the freshwater lens. Thus, characterization and monitoring of the freshwater lens will provide a reliable means of observing and managing anticipated climate changes on small islands. [Join J.-L., Banton O., Comte J.-C., Leze J., Massin F., Nicolini E. (2011), Assessing spatio-temporal patterns of groundwater salinity in small coral islands in the Western Indian Ocean, Western Indian Ocean Journal of Marine Science, 10(1), 1-12]


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In coral islands, groundwater is a crucial freshwater resource for terrestrial life, including human water supply. Response of the freshwater lens to expected climate changes and subsequent vegetation alterations is quantified for Grande Glorieuse, a low-lying coral island in the Western Indian Ocean. Distributed models of recharge, evapotranspiration and saltwater phytotoxicity are integrated into a variable-density groundwater model to simulate the evolution of groundwater salinity. Model results are assessed against field observations including groundwater and geophysical measurements. Simulations show the major control currently exerted by the vegetation with regards to the lens morphology and the high sensitivity of the lens to climate alterations, impacting both quantity and salinity. Long-term changes in mean sea level and climatic conditions (rainfall and evapotranspiration) are predicted to be responsible for an average increase in salinity approaching 140 % (+8 kg m-3) when combined. In low-lying areas with high vegetation density, these changes top +300 % (+10 kg m-3). However, due to salinity increase and its phytotoxicity, it is shown that a corollary drop in vegetation activity can buffer the alteration of fresh groundwater. This illustrates the importance of accounting for vegetation dynamics to study groundwater in coral islands.


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L’acquifero freatico costiero ravennate è intensamente salinizzato fino a diversi km nell’entroterra. Il corpo dell’acquifero è formato da sabbie che poggiano su un substrato argilloso ad una profondità media di 25 m, i depositi affioranti sono sabbie e argille. Il lavoro svolto consiste in una caratterizzazione dello stato di salinizzazione con metodologie indirette (geoelettrica) e metodologie dirette (letture dei parametri fisici delle acque in pozzo). I sondaggi elettrici verticali (V.E.S.) mostrano stagionalità dovuta alle differenti quantità di pioggia e quindi di ricarica, le aree con depositi superficiali ad alta conducibilità idraulica (sabbie) hanno una lente d’acqua dolce compresa tra 0,1 e 2,25 m di spessore, al di sotto della quale troviamo una zona di mescolamento con spessori che vanno da 1,00 a 12,00 m, mentre quando in superficie abbiamo depositi a bassa conducibilità idraulica (limi sabbiosi e argille sabbiose) la lente d’acqua dolce scompare e la zona di mescolamento è sottile. Le misure dirette in pozzo mostrano una profondità della tavola d’acqua quasi ovunque sotto il livello del mare in entrambi i mesi monitorati, Giugno e Dicembre 2010, presentando una profondità leggermente maggiore nel mese di Dicembre. Dalla ricostruzione litologica risulta un acquifero composto da 4×109 m3 di sabbia, per cui ipotizzando una porosità media del 30% sono presenti 1,2×109 m3 di acqua. Dalla modellazione numerica (Modflow-SEAWAT 2000) risulta che l’origine dell’acqua salata che si trova in falda trova più facilmente spiegazione ipotizzando la sua presenza fin dalla formazione dell’acquifero, residuo delle acque marine che regredivano. Un’altra problematica analizzata è valutare l’applicazione della metodologia a minifiltri in uno studio sulla salinizzazione delle acque di falda. É stata implementata la costruzione di un transetto sperimentale, che ha permesso la mappatura dell’interfaccia acqua dolce/salmastra/salata con una precisione finora non raggiungibile.


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Nel Comune di Ravenna, oltre 6.800 ettari di terreni agricoli sono a rischio salinizzazione, a causa dell’alta salinità delle acque sotterranee presenti all’interno dell’acquifero freatico costiero. L'area è interessata da subsidenza naturale, per compattazione dei sedimenti alluvionali e antropica, causata dall’estrazione di gas e dall’eccessivo sfruttamento delle acque sotterranee. Ne deriva che la maggior parte di questo territorio è sotto il livello medio del mare e l'agricoltura, così come ogni altra attività umana, è possibile grazie ad una fitta rete di canali di drenaggio che garantiscono il franco di coltivazione. L’agricoltura è una risorsa importante per la zona, ma a causa della scarsa disponibilità di acque dolci e per l’aumento dei processi di salinizzazione dei suoli, necessita di un cambiamento. Servono pratiche agricole sostenibili, con idonei requisiti irrigui, di drenaggio del suolo, di resistenza alla salinizzazione e di controllo del suolo. Dopo un’analisi generale sulle condizioni dell’acquifero, è stato monitorato un transetto di 10km rappresentativo della parte costiera di Ravenna. Infine, con l'obiettivo di comprendere l'interazione tra un canale d'irrigazione e le acque sotterranee, una piccola area agricola (12 ettari), è stata monitorata nel corso del 2011 utilizzando metodi idrologici, geochimici e geofisici. I risultati di questo lavoro mostrano una diffusa salinizzazione della falda freatica, ma anche la presenza di una lente d'acqua dolce spessa 5m, a 400m dalla linea di riva, con caratteristiche chimiche (hydrofacies) tipici di acque continentali e con dimensioni variabili stagionalmente. Questa bolla di acqua dolce si è originata esclusivamente dalle infiltrazioni dal canale d’irrigazione presente, in quanto, il contributo dell’irrigazione superficiale è stato nullo. Sfruttando la rete di canali di drenaggio già presente sarebbe possibile estendere questo processo d’infiltrazione da canale in altre porzioni dell’acquifero allo scopo di ricaricare l’acquifero stesso e limitare la salinizzazione dei suoli.


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Talus deposits recovered from Site 536 show evidence of aragonite dissolution, secondary porosity development, and calcite cementation. Although freshwater diagenesis could account for the petrographic features of the altered talus deposits, it does not uniquely account for isotopic or trace-element characteristics. Also, the hydrologic setting required for freshwater alteration is not easily demonstrated for the Campeche Bank. A mixing-zone model does not account for the available trace-element data, but does require somewhat less drastic assumptions about the size of the freshwater lens. Although a seawater (bottom-water) alteration model requires no hydrologic difficulties, unusual circumstances are required to account for the geochemical characteristics of the talus deposits using this model.


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The Bahamas is a small island nation that is dealing with the problem of freshwater shortage. All of the country’s freshwater is contained in shallow lens aquifers that are recharged solely by rainfall. The country has been struggling to meet the water demands by employing a combination of over-pumping of aquifers, transport of water by barge between islands, and desalination of sea water. In recent decades, new development on New Providence, where the capital city of Nassau is located, has created a large area of impervious surfaces and thereby a substantial amount of runoff with the result that several of the aquifers are not being recharged. A geodatabase was assembled to assess and estimate the quantity of runoff from these impervious surfaces and potential recharge locations were identified using a combination of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and remote sensing. This study showed that runoff from impervious surfaces in New Providence represents a large freshwater resource that could potentially be used to recharge the lens aquifers on New Providence.


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We identified policies that may be effective in reducing smoking among socioeconomically disadvantaged groups, and examined trends in their level of application between 1985 and 2000 in six western-European countries (Sweden, Finland, the United Kingdom, the Netherlands, Germany, and Spain). We located studies from literature searches in major databases, and acquired policy data from international data banks and questionnaires distributed to tobacco policy organisations/researchers. Advertising bans, smoking bans in workplaces, removing barriers to smoking cessation therapies, and increasing the cost of cigarettes have the potential to reduce socioeconomic inequalities in smoking. Between 1985 and 2000, tobacco control policies in most countries have become more targeted to decrease the smoking behaviour of low-socioeconomic groups. Despite this, many national tobacco-control strategies in western-European countries still fall short of a comprehensive policy approach to addressing smoking inequalities.


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Designers and artists have integrated recent advances in interactive, tangible and ubiquitous computing technologies to create new forms of interactive environments in the domains of work, recreation, culture and leisure. Many designs of technology systems begin with the workplace in mind, and with function, ease of use, and efficiency high on the list of priorities. [1] These priorities do not fit well with works designed for an interactive art environment, where the aims are many, and where the focus on utility and functionality is to support a playful, ambiguous or even experimental experience for the participants. To evaluate such works requires an integration of art-criticism techniques with more recent Human Computer Interaction (HCI) methods, and an understanding of the different nature of engagement in these environments. This paper begins a process of mapping a set of priorities for amplifying engagement in interactive art installations. I first define the concept of ludic engagement and its usefulness as a lens for both design and evaluation in these settings. I then detail two fieldwork evaluations I conducted within two exhibitions of interactive artworks, and discuss their outcomes and the future directions of this research.