992 resultados para Frequency stability
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The free running linewidth of an external cavity grating feedback diode laser is on the order of a few megahertz and is limited by the mechanical and acoustic vibrations of the external cavity. Such frequency fluctuations can be removed by electronic feedback. We present a hybrid stabilisation technique that uses both a Fabry-Perot confocal cavity and an atomic resonance to achieve excellent short and long term frequency stability. The system has been shown to reduce the laser linewidth of an external cavity diode laser by an order of magnitude to 140 kHz, while limiting frequency excursions to 60 kHz relative to an absolute reference over periods of several hours. The scheme also presents a simple way to frequency offset two lasers many gigahertz apart which should find a use in atom cooling experiments, where hyperfine ground-state frequency separations are often required.
Purpose: This clinical study aimed to evaluate initial, 4-months, and 1-year stability of immediately loaded dental implants inserted according to a protocol of lower rehabilitation with prefabricated bars. Materials and Methods: The sample was composed of 11 edentulous patients. In each patient, 4 interforaminal implants were inserted. Immediately after implant installation, resonance frequency analysis (RFA) for each fixation was registered as well as after 4 months and 1 year with the prosthetic bar removed as it is a screwed system. Results: The clinical implant survival rate was 100%. The RFA showed an increase in stability after 4 months from 64.09 +/- 648 to 64.31 +/- 4.96 and I year, 67.11 +/- 4.37. The analysis of variance showed a statistically significant result (P = 0.015) among implant stability quotient values for the different periods evaluated. Tukey test results showed statistically significant differences between 1-year results and the initial periods but there was no statistically significant difference between initial and 4-month results (P > 0.05). Conclusion: These preliminary 1-year results indicate that immediate loading of mandibular dental implants using the studied prefabricated bars protocol is a reliable treatment as it is in accordance with the results described in the literature for other similar techniques. (Implant Dent 2009; 18:530-538)
This work presents a methodology to analyze transient stability for electric energy systems using artificial neural networks based on fuzzy ARTMAP architecture. This architecture seeks exploring similarity with computational concepts on fuzzy set theory and ART (Adaptive Resonance Theory) neural network. The ART architectures show plasticity and stability characteristics, which are essential qualities to provide the training and to execute the analysis. Therefore, it is used a very fast training, when compared to the conventional backpropagation algorithm formulation. Consequently, the analysis becomes more competitive, compared to the principal methods found in the specialized literature. Results considering a system composed of 45 buses, 72 transmission lines and 10 synchronous machines are presented. © 2003 IEEE.
Interferometric sensors for slowly varying measurands, such as temperature or pressure, require a long term frequency stability of the source. We describe a system for frequency locking a laser diode to an atomic transition in a hollow cathode lamp using the optogalvanic effect.
A highly sensitive liquid-level sensor based on dual-wavelength single-longitudinal-mode fiber laser is proposed and demonstrated. The laser is formed by exploiting two parallel arranged phase-shift fiber Bragg gratings (ps-FBGs), acting as ultra-narrow bandwidth filters, into a doublering resonators. By beating the dual-wavelength lasing output, a stable microwave signal with frequency stability better than 5 MHz is obtained. The generated beat frequency varies with the change of dual-wavelength spacing. Based on this characteristic, with one ps-FBG serving as the sensing element and the other one acting as the reference element, a highly sensitive liquid level sensor is realized by monitoring the beat frequency shift of the laser. The sensor head is directly bonded to a float which can transfer buoyancy into axial strain on the fiber without introducing other elastic elements. The experimental results show that an ultra-high liquidlevel sensitivity of 2.12 × 107 MHz/m within the measurement range of 1.5 mm is achieved. The sensor presents multiple merits including ultra-high sensitivity, thermal insensitive, good reliability and stability. © 2012 Optical Society of America.
Quadrature oscillators are key elements in modern radio frequency (RF) transceivers and very useful nowadays in wireless communications, since they can provide: low quadrature error, low phase-noise, and wide tuning range (useful to cover several bands). RC oscillators can be fully integrated without the need of external components (external high Q-inductors), optimizing area, cost, and power consumption. The conventional structure of ring oscillator offers poor frequency stability and phasenoise, low quality factor (Q), and besides being vulnerable to process, voltage and temperature (PVT) variations, its performance degrades as the frequency of operation increases. This thesis is devoted to quadrature oscillators and presents a detailed comparative study of ring oscillator and shift register (SR) approaches. It is shown that in SRs both phase-noise and phase error are reduced, while ring oscillators have the advantage of occupying less area and less consumption due to the reduced number of components in the circuit. Thus, although ring oscillators are more suitable for biomedical applications, SRs are more appropriate for wireless applications, especially when specification requirements are more stringent and demanding. The first architecture studied consists in a simple CMOS ring oscillator employing an odd number of static single-ended inverters as delay cells. Subsequently, the quadrature 4-stage ring oscillator concept is shown and post-layout simulations are presented. The 3 and 4-phase single-frequency local oscillator (LO) generators employing SRs are presented, the latter with 50% and 25% duty-cycles. The circuits operate at 600 MHz and 900 MHz, and were designed in a 130 nm standard CMOS technology with a voltage supply of 1.2 V.
El present projecte tracta sobre la caracterització d'oscil·ladors basats en ressonadors micro/nanoelectromecànics (M/NEMS) i la seva aplicació com a sensors de massa. Els oscil·ladors utilitzats es basen en un pont i una palanca ressoants M/NEMS, integrats en tecnologia CMOS. En primer lloc s'ha fet una introducció teòrica als conceptes utilitzats per a entendre el funcionament i la caracterització dels dispositius. A continuació s'han realitzat proves per tal de caracteritzar els paràmetres importants per a l'ús dels oscil·ladors com a sensors de massa, com la seva estabilitat en freqüència. Per acabar s'han aplicat aquests sensors en la caracterització i modelització del flux de massa a través d'obertures de dimensions micromètriques.
For microwave applications, including mobile and satellite communications, ceramic resonators should have a high dielectric constant, low dielectric losses, and high frequency stability. In this sense, TiO2-ZrO 2 ceramics have been investigated as a function of sintering behavior, phase composition, and microstructure. The ceramics were densified reaching a value of about 86% of theoretical density at 1400°C sintering temperature. The ceramics are prepared by mixing raw materials with the following TiO2-ZrO2 weight % ratio: 100 to 0, 90 to 10, and 80 to 20, respectively. The measured dielectric constants are between 79 and 88 values, while the quality factor due to dielectric losses are between 2820 and 5170. These results point out the influence of Ti/Zr ratio on controlling the dielectric properties. © (2010) Trans Tech Publications.
Die Invarianz physikalischer Gesetze unter Lorentztransformationen ist eines der fundamentalen Postulate der modernen Physik und alle Theorien der grundlegenden Wechselwirkungen sind in kovarianter Form formuliert. Obwohl die Spezielle Relativitätstheorie (SRT) in einer Vielzahl von Experimenten mit hoher Genauigkeit überprüft und bestätigt wurde, sind aufgrund der weitreichenden Bedeutung dieses Postulats weitere verbesserte Tests von grundsätzlichem Interesse. Darüber hinaus weisen moderne Ansätze zur Vereinheitlichung der Gravitation mit den anderen Wechselwirkungen auf eine mögliche Verletzung der Lorentzinvarianz hin. In diesem Zusammenhang spielen Ives-Stilwell Experimente zum Test der Zeitdilatation in der SRT eine bedeutende Rolle. Dabei wird die hochauflösende Laserspektroskopie eingesetzt, um die Gültigkeit der relativistischen Dopplerformel – und damit des Zeitdilatationsfaktors γ – an relativistischen Teilchenstrahlen zu untersuchen. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wurde ein Ives-Stilwell Experiment an 7Li+-Ionen, die bei einer Geschwindigkeit von 34 % der Lichtgeschwindigkeit im Experimentierspeicherring (ESR) des GSI Helmholtzzentrums für Schwerionenforschung gespeichert waren, durchgeführt. Unter Verwendung des 1s2s3S1→ 1s2p3P2-Übergangs wurde sowohl Λ-Spektroskopie als auch Sättigungsspektroskopie betrieben. Durch die computergestützte Analyse des Fluoreszenznachweises und unter Verwendung optimierter Kantenfilter für den Nachweis konnte das Signal zu Rauschverhältnis entscheidend verbessert und unter Einsatz eines zusätzlichen Pumplasers erstmals ein Sättigungssignal beobachtet werden. Die Frequenzstabilität der beiden verwendeten Lasersysteme wurde mit Hilfe eines Frequenzkamms spezifiziert, um eine möglichst hohe Genauigkeit zu erreichen. Die aus den Strahlzeiten gewonnen Daten wurden im Rahmen der Robertson-Mansouri-Sexl-Testtheorie (RMS) und der Standard Model Extension (SME) interpretiert und entsprechende Obergrenzen für die relevanten Testparameter der jeweiligen Theorie bestimmt. Die Obergrenze für den Testparameter α der RMS-Theorie konnte gegenüber den früheren Messungen bei 6,4 % der Lichtgeschwindigkeit am Testspeicherring (TSR) des Max-Planck-Instituts für Kernphysik in Heidelberg um einen Faktor 4 verbessert werden.
With the increasing use of digital computers for data acquisition and digital process control, frequency domain transducers have become very attractive due to their virtual digital output. Essentially they are electrically maintained oscillators where the sensor is the controlling resonator.They are designed to make the frequency a function of the physical parameter being measured. Because of their high quality factor, mechanical resonators give very good frequency stability and are widely used as sensors. For this work symmetrical mechanical resonators such as the tuning fork were considered, to be the most promising. These are dynamically clamped and can be designed to have extensive regions where no vibrations occur.This enables the resonators to be robustly mounted in a way convenient for various applications. Designs for the measurement of fluid density and tension have been produced. The principle of the design of the resonator for fluid density measurement is a thin gap (trapping a lamina of fluid) between its two members which vibrate in antiphase.An analysis of the inter action between this resonator and the fluid lamina has carried out.In gases narrow gaps are needed for a good sensitivity and the use of the material fused quartz, because of its low density and very low temperature coefficient, is ideally suitable. In liquids an adequate sensitivity is achieved even with a wide lamina gap. Practical designs of such transducers have been evolved. The accuracy for liquid measurements is better than 1%. For gases it was found that, in air, a change of atmospheric pressure of 0.3% could be detected. In constructing a tension transducer using such a mechanical sensor as a wire or a beam, major difficulties are encountered in making an efficient clamping arrangement for the sensor. The use of dynamically clamped beams has been found to overcome the problem and this is the basis of the transducer investigated.
Background: Resonance frequency analysis (RFA) is a noninvasive technique for the quantitative assessment of implant stability. Information on the implant stability quotient (ISQ) of transmucosally inserted implants is limited. Purpose: The aim of this investigation was to compare the ISQ of conventionally inserted implants by raising a muco-periostal flap with implants inserted using a flapless procedure. Materials and Methods: Forty elderly patients with complete edentulous maxilla were consecutively admitted for treatment with implant-supported prostheses. A computer tomography was obtained for the computer-assisted implant planning. One hundred ten implants were placed conventionally in 23 patients (flap-group) and 85 implants in 17 patients by means of the flapless method (flapless-group) using a stereolithographic template. RFA measurements were performed after implant placement (baseline) and after a healing time of 12 weeks (reentry). Results: All implants exhibited clinically and radiographically successful osseointegration. Bone level did not change significantly neither for genders nor type of surgical protocol. Mean ISQ values of the flapless-group were significantly higher at baseline (p < .001) and at reentry (p < .001) compared with the flap-group. The ISQ values were significantly lower at reentry compared with baseline for the flap-group (p = .028) but not for the flapless-group. This group showed a moderate, but insignificant increase. RFA measurements of males resulted in ISQ values that were thoroughly higher as compared with females at both time-points in both groups. Correlation between RFA and bone level was not found. Conclusions: The flapless procedure showed favorable conditions with regard to implant stability and crestal bone level. Some changes of the ISQ values that represent primary (mechanical) and secondary (bone remodeling) implant stability were observed in slight favor of the flapless method and male patients. In properly planned and well-selected cases, the minimal invasive transmucosal technique using a drill-guide is a safe procedure.
PURPOSE: Two noninvasive methods to measure dental implant stability are damping capacity assessment (Periotest) and resonance frequency analysis (Osstell). The objective of the present study was to assess the correlation of these 2 techniques in clinical use. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Implant stability of 213 clinically stable loaded and unloaded 1-stage implants in 65 patients was measured in triplicate by means of resonance frequency analysis and Periotest. Descriptive statistics as well as Pearson's, Spearman's, and intraclass correlation coefficients were calculated with SPSS 11.0.2. RESULTS: The mean values were 57.66 +/- 8.19 implant stability quotient for the resonance frequency analysis and -5.08 +/- 2.02 for the Periotest. The correlation of both measuring techniques was -0.64 (Pearson) and -0.65 (Spearman). The single-measure intraclass correlation coefficients for the ISQ and Periotest values were 0.99 and 0.88, respectively (95% CI). No significant correlation of implant length with either resonance frequency analysis or Periotest could be found. However, a significant correlation of implant diameter with both techniques was found (P < .005). The correlation of both measuring systems is moderate to good. It seems that the Periotest is more susceptible to clinical measurement variables than the Osstell device. The intraclass correlation indicated lower measurement precision for the Periotest technique. Additionally, the Periotest values differed more from the normal (Gaussian) curve of distribution than the ISQs. Both measurement techniques show a significant correlation to the implant diameter. CONCLUSION: Resonance frequency analysis appeared to be the more precise technique.
OBJECTIVE: Resonance frequency analysis (RFA) is a method of measuring implant stability. However, little is known about RFA of implants with long loading periods. The objective of the present study was to determine standard implant stability quotients (ISQs) for clinical successfully osseointegrated 1-stage implants in the edentulous mandible. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Stability measurements by means of RFA were performed in regularly followed patients who had received 1- stage implants for overdenture support. The time interval between implant placement and measurement ranged from 1 year up to 10 years. The short-term group comprised patients who were followed up to 5 years, while the long-term group included patients with an observation time of > 5 years up to 10 years. For further comparison RFA measurements were performed in a matching group with unloaded implants at the end of the surgical procedure. For statistical analysis various parameters that might influence the ISQs of loaded implants were included, and a mixed-effects model applied (regression analysis, P <.0125). RESULTS: Ninety-four patients were available with a total of 205 loaded implants, and 16 patients with 36 implants immediately after the surgical procedure. The mean ISQ of all measured implants was 64.5 +/- 7.9 (range, 58 to 72). Statistical analysis did not reveal significant differences in the mean ISQ related to the observation time. The parameters with overall statistical significance were the diameter of the implants and changes in the attachment level. In the short-term group, the gender and the clinically measured attachment level had a significant effect. Implant diameter had a significant effect in the long-term group. CONCLUSIONS: A mean ISQ of 64.5 +/- 7.9 was found to be representative for stable asymptomatic interforaminal implants measured by the RFA instrument at any given time point. No significant differences in ISQ values were found between implants with different postsurgical time intervals. Implant diameter appears to influence the ISQ of interforaminal implants.