995 resultados para Free love.


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La present tesi doctoral té com a objectiu delimitar, descriure i analitzar el discurs ideològic, en clau interna, de l'anarquisme individualista, una de les tendències minoritàries i més mal conegudes de l'anarquisme a Espanya entre 1923 i 1938. A la part preliminar de la investigació es tracta d'acotar les bases epistemològiques del subjecte d'investigació. I en aquest sentit, es realitza un esforç per tractar d'arribar a una definició sobre l'anarquisme individualista. També s'analitzen els antecedents historiogràfics, es duu a terme un estat historiogràfic de la qüestió i s'exposen els criteris metodològics emprats. La primera part de la investigació tracta d'analitzar, en capítols successius, els fonaments teòrics de l'individualisme anarquista, ressegueix i descriu els processos de penetració a l'estat espanyol i exposa i analitza la trajectòria de les principals vies de debat i difusió a l'entorn de la teoria individualsta. En el primer cas, l'autor es remunta als orígens ideològics, fonamentats en l'obra fundacional de L'Ego i la seva propietat, del filòsof bavarès Max Stirner. Posteriorment es comenta el substrat filosòfic individualista de procedència nord-americana, amb autors com Henry David Thoreau, Josiah Warren o Benjamin Tucker i es destaca la influència de l'individualisme d'arrel francesa, de finals de segle XIX, amb el rol jugat per anarcoindividualistes com Émile Armand o Han Ryner. En el següent capítol s'exposa l'absència d'un individualisme espanyol autòcton i la dependència ideològica dels corrents foranis, en especial del francès, donats els estrets contactes a banda i banda del Pirineu. També es planteja la qüestió de la diferent intensitat de la presència d'individualisme entre diferents sectors pertanyents al complex univers individualista. També es realitza una descripció de la trajectòria cronològica d'aquest corrent, remuntant-se des de finals del segle XIX, amb la irrupció de la filosofia de Nietzsche, fins a l'acabament de la guerra civil espanyola. El quart capítol enumera els diferents òrgans de propaganda des del qual s'expressa aquest pensament i es descriu breument les tendències individualistes de cadascun d'ells. La segona part de la investigació analitza, en clau interna, el pensament individualista, a partir del seu material imprès i publicat. Així es descriuen els principis generals, els intens associacionistes, o es comenta el paper dels individualisme al llarg de la guerra civil. Posteriorment es comenten aspectes més concrets, com ara la filosofia educativa del moviment, la extraordinària importància que té la qüestió de l'amor lliure i l'emancipació sexual per als seus seguidors, i altres aspectes complementaris que tindran una extraordinària presència i importància en l'anarquisme individualista com serà l'annacionalisme, l'antimilitarisme i el naturisme. Es conclou la tesi destacant les aportacions al panorama historiogràfic i a l'esforç realitzat pel seu autor per recuperar la memòria col·lectiva.


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The following text addresses the magical-religious experience carried on by many individuals when they seek to solve their love, financial and health problems by means of white magic spells done by pais-de-santo e mães-de-santo (saint s father and saint s mother) from umbanda. The rites through which this seek can be detected are free love spells, troublesolving spells, and healing spell. The concept of experience, here understood as the thing which gives sense to the sense, has been the main guiding idea of the reflections here enclosed. People who seek the umbandista spells as a way of solving their daily afflictions have the opportunity of living a rich magical-religious experience in which several dimensions intersect. Among these dimensions I decided to study the performance, the knowhow and the subjetivity. Each one gave rise to the opportunity of studying a range of other themes, such as the corporeity, the gestuality, vocality, the world knowledge, the science, the secret, the emotions and the moral. The ethnographic research was carried on in the yards which are named after Dona Luiza, Pai Gledson, Pai Salviano and Dona Terezinha umbanda, all of them situated in the town of Limoeiro do Norte, Ceará


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Mode of access: Internet.


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Russia’s annexation of Crimea and destabilization of Ukraine have created a new context for Kazakhstan’s foreign and domestic policy. The ongoing crisis in the relations with Russia and the West has also changed the current order in the entire post-Soviet area. From Astana’s perspective, the Kremlin’s policy towards Ukraine can be considered dangerous since it shows Russia’s determination to interfere with the domestic affairs of its neighbours in the pursuit of its own interests. Furthermore, this policy reveals and raises the price a country needs to pay for its potential attempts to break free from the Russian zone of influence. At present the biggest challenge for the authorities in Astana is the accelerated implementation of the idea of the Eurasian Union promoted by Moscow, which is to be another stage in the integration of post-Soviet states (presently Russia, Kazakhstan and Belarus). The signing of the Eurasian Union’s founding documents planned for late May 2014 and the launch of this organisation (scheduled for January 2015) is sure to bring Kazakhstan closer to Russia and simultaneously limit its economic and political independence. Nevertheless, Astana’s position in relations with Moscow will to a large extent depend on the new shape of the relations between Russia and China. China is pursuing its own strategic interests in Central Asia (including in the energy sector) and its main partner in the region is Kazakhstan. At the domestic level, Russia’s actions in Ukraine made the authorities in Astana fear that measures similar to those used in Ukraine could be applied towards Kazakhstan. On the one hand this has led to increased efforts aimed at consolidating the state and strengthening its structures, and on the other hand it has brought about a revision of those aspects of domestic policy which Russia could interpret as a pretext for interfering.


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The recent two cases related to seals in Japan illustrate the nature of the “values” created for animals in today’s societies: one that appeared in a river in Tokyo and gained a national pop star fame, the other supposedly extinct Japanese seal re-gaining an endangered status. This paper argues that the contrast of these cases exemplifies the images and values of nature are created, and the “wilderness” becomes over-romanticised and idealised as societies become further removed from the biosphere. This questions the meaning of the intrinsic value of nature—can it be totally free from our social needs and vested interest; is a truly bio-centric perspective possible? The paper suggests the irrelevance of the eco-centric- anthropocentric dichotomy to today’s social contexts where complex socio-cultural, economic, political issues are interwoven.


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This poetry collection moves from the narrator’s childhood in the marshes of Canada to her coming of age in a new, southern swamp in South Florida. Many of the poems use free verse as well as fairly recent poetic forms like the Golden Shovel and the Pecha Kucha. Others rely on wordplay and nonce forms. Influenced by Hector Veil Temperly, Matthew Zapruder, Dorothea Lasky, Laura Kasischke and Anne Carson, the poems often employ simple language in stream of consciousness, and oscillate between lyric and narrative. These poems are feverish creations inspired by the oracular tradition and induced by the psychic crush of modern life: depression of the body and mind, cultural paranoia, and the decline of nature. The reader is privy not only to the personal biography of the narrator, but also to the inner workings of the narrator’s mind as it encounters and interprets the world.