999 resultados para Francisco de Holanda


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Tese apresentada para cumprimento dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do grau de Doutor em Filosofia.


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Este artigo propõe-se evidenciar a originalidade artística, estética e teológica De Aetatibus Mundi Imagines. O autor, Francisco de Holanda, é reconhecido sobretudo pelo escrito, Pintura Antiga, primeiro tratado português de arte, mas a maior singularidade e genialidade do artista revela-se em De Aetatibus Mundi Imagines - obra concebida e desenhada entre 1543 e 1573. Neste álbum de desenhos, com 156 imagens e 250 medalhões complementares, o pintor não só concretiza os princípios que enuncia teoricamente em Pintura Antiga, como transmite a mensagem bíblica, usando toda uma plêiade de imagens visuais criativas e dando-lhe um sentido doutrinal, fruto da sua própria reflexão, devoção e experiência contemplativa.


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Revista do IHA, N.5 (2008), pp.96-113


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Revista do IHA, N.5 (2008), pp.114-131


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Stories of artists who were arrested and accused of spying while drawing landscape remain relatively unknown in the history of open-air drawing in the Renaissance period, when landscape raised new aesthetic issues as well as strategic and military tensions. This article focuses on Francisco de Holanda, a Portuguese artist who travelled through Italy between 1538 and 1542. Having embarked on a visual-spying mission of the peninsula's fortresses, he wrote essays on drawing and painting in which landscape representation took on a strategic dimension ans was celebrated as such. At the same time, treatises on the 'art of travelling' provided a great deal of advice on how to draw and map foreign territories 'without raising suspicion', while treatises on fortification often addressed military secret. Examining the figure of the draughtsman together with his graphic production at the service of art or war leads to a wider reflection on the development of a certain vision of landscape in the modern West.


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This work describes the study and the implementation of the speed control for a three-phase induction motor of 1,1 kW and 4 poles using the neural rotor flux estimation. The vector speed control operates together with the winding currents controller of the stator phasis. The neural flux estimation applied to the vector speed controls has the objective of compensating the parameter dependences of the conventional estimators in relation to the parameter machine s variations due to the temperature increases or due to the rotor magnetic saturation. The implemented control system allows a direct comparison between the respective responses of the speed controls to the machine oriented by the neural rotor flux estimator in relation to the conventional flux estimator. All the system control is executed by a program developed in the ANSI C language. The main DSP recources used by the system are, respectively, the Analog/Digital channels converters, the PWM outputs and the parallel and RS-232 serial interfaces, which are responsible, respectively, by the DSP programming and the data capture through the supervisory system


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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A erosão das margens de um rio causa a destruição das áreas ribeirinhas, contribui para a degradação de grandes áreas e produz efeitos catastróficos para o ambiente, ocorrendo a ruptura do equilíbrio ambiental. Este trabalho teve como objetivo quantificar as taxas de recuo da margem direita do rio São Francisco em três seções localizadas no Perímetro Irrigado Cotinguiba/Pindoba - Baixo São Francisco Sergipano - no período de fevereiro de 1999 a julho de 2000 e estudar as possíveis causas do processo. Para quantificar as taxas erosivas, foram utilizados os métodos dos pinos e das estacas e para descrever o processo erosivo foi utilizado o método das perfilagens sucessivas. As taxas anuais de erosão (recuo da margem), obtidas nas três seções da margem estudada, foram de 8,30m na seção A; 47,30m na seçãoB e 4,45m na seçãoC. A variação das taxas de erosão foi influenciada, principalmente, pela composição granulométrica das camadas que compõem a face da margem e altura do barranco, como também pela associação dos dados climáticos e hidrológicos - velocidade do vento, amplitude mensal da cota, cota máxima mensal e velocidade do fluxo próxima à margem.


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Changes in the hydrological regime of the Lower São Francisco River, located in Northeastern Brazil have brought negative environmental impacts, jeopardizing the flora and fauna of a global biodiversity hotspot, due to implementation of hydroelectric power dams and surface water withdrawal for irrigation in public and private perimeters. Remnants of the riparian stratum associated to the riverbank destabilization in six fragments were studied by surveying trees, shrubs, herbs, and aquatic species. The calculation of the Factor of Safety (FS) was performed in order to understand the riverbank's stability related to soil texture and vegetation cover. An overall number of 51 botanic families distributed in 71 genera and 79 species were recorded, predominantly from the families Mimosaceae, Myrtaceae, and Fabaceae. The fragmented riparian vegetation is mostly covered by secondary species under a strong anthropogenic impact such as deforestation, mining and irrigation, with an advanced erosion process in the river margins. Strong species that withstand the waves present in the river flow are needed to reduce the constant landslides that are mainly responsible for the river sedimentation and loss of productive lands. A lack of preservation attitude among the local landholders was identified, and constitutes a continuing threat to the riparian ecosystem biodiversity.


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The objective of this work was to evaluate the feasibility of vegetative propagation through cutting technique of seven tree species with strong occurrence in the riparian forest of the Lower São Francisco River in Sergipe State, under different concentrations of indolbutiric acid at 0, 2500, and 5000 mg.L-1, for potentialization of its use in soil bioengineering technique. It was used a complete random block design with three replicates, and a total of twenty-one treatments. The evaluation period was 120 days for each species, and the data collection was made in intervals of fifteen days, in a total of eight evaluations for each species. The evaluated parameters were: Survival Rate, callus formation, and Root Dry matter Weight. Among the studied species, Schinus terebinthifolius Raddi presented the best results related to cutting technique mainly under the indolbutiric acid concentration of 2500 mg.L-1.


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Monográfico con el título: 'Formación del profesorado de Música : planes de estudio en Europa y América Latina'. Resumen basado en el de la publicación


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Censura de Francisco de la Torre y Ocón, miembro del Consejo de Indias (œ5-8), Aprobación por Jerónimo de Uztáriz (2œ1-8, 3œ1) y prólogo del traductor al lector por Francisco Javier de Goyeneche (3œ3-8), en donde se trata sobre el comercio en España.