991 resultados para Fragmentation dynamics


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Land cover (LC) and land use (LU) dynamics induced by human and natural processes play a major role in global as well as regional patterns of landscapes influencing biodiversity, hydrology, ecology and climate. Changes in LC features resulting in forest fragmentations have posed direct threats to biodiversity, endangering the sustainability of ecological goods and services. Habitat fragmentation is of added concern as the residual spatial patterns mitigate or exacerbate edge effects. LU dynamics are obtained by classifying temporal remotely sensed satellite imagery of different spatial and spectral resolutions. This paper reviews five different image classification algorithms using spatio-temporal data of a temperate watershed in Himachal Pradesh, India. Gaussian Maximum Likelihood classifier was found to be apt for analysing spatial pattern at regional scale based on accuracy assessment through error matrix and ROC (receiver operating characteristic) curves. The LU information thus derived was then used to assess spatial changes from temporal data using principal component analysis and correspondence analysis based image differencing. The forest area dynamics was further studied by analysing the different types of fragmentation through forest fragmentation models. The computed forest fragmentation and landscape metrics show a decline of interior intact forests with a substantial increase in patch forest during 1972-2007.


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Recent research on particle size distributions and particle concentrations near a busy road cannot be explained by the conventional mechanisms for particle evolution of combustion aerosols. Specifically they appear to be inadequate to explain the experimental observations of particle transformation and the evolution of the total number concentration. This resulted in the development of a new mechanism based on their thermal fragmentation, for the evolution of combustion aerosol nano-particles. A complex and comprehensive pattern of evolution of combustion aerosols, involving particle fragmentation, was then proposed and justified. In that model it was suggested that thermal fragmentation occurs in aggregates of primary particles each of which contains a solid graphite/carbon core surrounded by volatile molecules bonded to the core by strong covalent bonds. Due to the presence of strong covalent bonds between the core and the volatile (frill) molecules, such primary composite particles can be regarded as solid, despite the presence of significant (possibly, dominant) volatile component. Fragmentation occurs when weak van der Waals forces between such primary particles are overcome by their thermal (Brownian) motion. In this work, the accepted concept of thermal fragmentation is advanced to determine whether fragmentation is likely in liquid composite nano-particles. It has been demonstrated that at least at some stages of evolution, combustion aerosols contain a large number of composite liquid particles containing presumably several components such as water, oil, volatile compounds, and minerals. It is possible that such composite liquid particles may also experience thermal fragmentation and thus contribute to, for example, the evolution of the total number concentration as a function of distance from the source. Therefore, the aim of this project is to examine theoretically the possibility of thermal fragmentation of composite liquid nano-particles consisting of immiscible liquid v components. The specific focus is on ternary systems which include two immiscible liquid droplets surrounded by another medium (e.g., air). The analysis shows that three different structures are possible, the complete encapsulation of one liquid by the other, partial encapsulation of the two liquids in a composite particle, and the two droplets separated from each other. The probability of thermal fragmentation of two coagulated liquid droplets is discussed and examined for different volumes of the immiscible fluids in a composite liquid particle and their surface and interfacial tensions through the determination of the Gibbs free energy difference between the coagulated and fragmented states, and comparison of this energy difference with the typical thermal energy kT. The analysis reveals that fragmentation was found to be much more likely for a partially encapsulated particle than a completely encapsulated particle. In particular, it was found that thermal fragmentation was much more likely when the volume ratio of the two liquid droplets that constitute the composite particle are very different. Conversely, when the two liquid droplets are of similar volumes, the probability of thermal fragmentation is small. It is also demonstrated that the Gibbs free energy difference between the coagulated and fragmented states is not the only important factor determining the probability of thermal fragmentation of composite liquid particles. The second essential factor is the actual structure of the composite particle. It is shown that the probability of thermal fragmentation is also strongly dependent on the distance that each of the liquid droplets should travel to reach the fragmented state. In particular, if this distance is larger than the mean free path for the considered droplets in the air, the probability of thermal fragmentation should be negligible. In particular, it follows form here that fragmentation of the composite particle in the state with complete encapsulation is highly unlikely because of the larger distance that the two droplets must travel in order to separate. The analysis of composite liquid particles with the interfacial parameters that are expected in combustion aerosols demonstrates that thermal fragmentation of these vi particles may occur, and this mechanism may play a role in the evolution of combustion aerosols. Conditions for thermal fragmentation to play a significant role (for aerosol particles other than those from motor vehicle exhaust) are determined and examined theoretically. Conditions for spontaneous transformation between the states of composite particles with complete and partial encapsulation are also examined, demonstrating the possibility of such transformation in combustion aerosols. Indeed it was shown that for some typical components found in aerosols that transformation could take place on time scales less than 20 s. The analysis showed that factors that influenced surface and interfacial tension played an important role in this transformation process. It is suggested that such transformation may, for example, result in a delayed evaporation of composite particles with significant water component, leading to observable effects in evolution of combustion aerosols (including possible local humidity maximums near a source, such as a busy road). The obtained results will be important for further development and understanding of aerosol physics and technologies, including combustion aerosols and their evolution near a source.


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The real-time dynamics of multiphoton ionization and fragmentation of molecules - Na_2 , Na_3 - and clusters - Na_n, Hg_n - has been studied in molecular beam experiments employing ion and electron spectroscopy together with femtosecond pump-probe techniques. Experiments with Na_2 and Na_3 reveal unexpected features of the dynamics of the absorption of several photons as seen in the one- and three dimensional vibrational wave packet motion in different potential surfaces and in high laser fields. Cluster size dependent studies of physical properties such as absorption resonances, lifetimes and decay channels have been performed using tunable femtosecond light pulses in resonance enhanced multiphoton ionization (REMPI) of the cluster size under investigation. This method failed in ns-laser experiments due to the ultrafast decay of the studied cluster. For Na_n, cluster we find that for cluster sizes n \le 21 molecular excitations and properties prevail over collective excitations of plasmon-like resonances. In the case of Hg_n cluster prompt formation of singly and doubly charged cluster are observed up to n \approx 60. The transient multiphoton ionization spectra show a 'short' time wave packet dynamics, which is identical for singly and doubly charged mercury clusters while the 'long' time fragmentation dynamics is different.


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A nonthermal quantum mechanical statistical fragmentation model based on tunneling of particles through potential barriers is studied in compact two- and three-dimensional systems. It is shown that this fragmentation dynamics gives origin to several static and dynamic scaling relations. The critical exponents are found and compared with those obtained in classical statistical models of fragmentation of general interest, in particular with thermal fragmentation involving classical processes over potential barriers. Besides its general theoretical interest, the fragmentation dynamics discussed here is complementary to classical fragmentation dynamics of interest in chemical kinetics and can be useful in the study of a number of other dynamic processes such as nuclear fragmentation. ©2000 The American Physical Society.


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Femtosecond reaction dynamics of OClO in a supersonic molecular beam are reported. The system is excited to the A^2A_2 state with a femtosecond pulse, covering a range of excitation in the symmetric stretch between v_1 = 17 to v_1 = 11 (308-352 nm). A time-delayed femtosecond probe pulse ionizes the OClO, and OClO^+ is detected. This ion has not been observed in previous experiments because of its ultrafast fragmentation. Transients are reported for the mass of the parent OClO as well as the mass of the ClO. Apparent biexponential decays are observed and related to the fragmentation dynamics: OClO+hv \rightarrow (OClO)^{(++)*} \rightarrow ClO+O \rightarrow Cl+O_2. Clusters of OClO with water (OClO)_n (H_2 0)_m with n from 1 to 3 and m from 0 to 3 are also observed. The dynamics of the fragmentation reveal the nuclear motions and the electronic coupling between surfaces. The time scale for bond breakage is in the range of 300-500 fs, depending on v_1; surface crossing to form new intermediates is a pathway for the two channels of fragmentation: ClO+O (primary) and Cl+O_2 (minor). Comparisons with results of ab initio calculations are made.


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It was observed in the ‘80s that the radiation damage on biological systems strongly depends on processes occurring at the microscopic level, involving the elementary constituents of biological cells. Since then, lot of attention has been paid to study elementary processes of photo- and ion-chemistry of isolated organic molecule of biological interest. This work fits in this framework and aims to study the radiation damage mechanisms induced by different types of radiations on simple halogenated biomolecules used as radiosensitizers in radiotherapy. The research is focused on the photofragmentation of halogenated pyrimidine molecules (5Br-pyrimidine, 2Br-pyrimidine and 2Cl-pyrimidine) in the VUV range and on the 12C4+ ion-impact fragmentation of the 5Br-uracil and its homogeneous and hydrated clusters. Although halogen substituted pyrimidines have similar structure to the pyrimidine molecule, their photodissociation dynamics is quite different. These targets have been chosen with the purpose of investigating the effect of the specific halogen atom and site of halogenation on the fragmentation dynamics. Theoretical and experimental studies have highlighted that the site of halogenation and the type of halogen atom, lead either to the preferential breaking of the pyrimidinic ring or to the release of halogen/hydrogen radicals. The two processes can subsequently trigger different mechanisms of biological damage. To understand the effect of the environment on the fragmentation dynamic of the single molecule, the ion-induced fragmentation of homogenous and hydrated clusters of 5Br-uracil have been studied and compared to similar studies on the isolated molecule. The results show that the “protective effect” of the environment on the single molecule hold in the homogeneous clusters, but not in the hydrated clusters, where several hydrated fragments have been observed. This indicates that the presence of water molecules can inhibit some fragmentation channels and promote the keto-enol tautomerization, which is very important in the mutagenesis of the DNA.


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A cartografia temática surge como um aliado indispensável ao estudo e conhecimento do estado da paisagem e dos ecossistemas terrestres. Angola é um país com uma enorme lacuna em termos de informação cartográfica para suporte a diversas actividades desenvolvidas em várias áreas. É por isso necessária informação sobre a superfície terrestre que registe as alterações temporais ocorridas nos ecossistemas e identifique os factores que estão na sua origem de forma a implementar medidas que permitam uma gestão mais sustentável do seu enorme território. O presente estudo foi realizado no sector Sudoeste de Angola, abrangendo os municípios do Lubango, Humpata e Chibia, com uma área aproximada de 9600 km2. Os objectivos foram: a) cartografar o coberto do solo e monitorizar as alterações ocorridas na área de estudo no período 1990-2010, b) analisar e interpretar as alterações da estrutura da paisagem nos últimos 20 anos usando cartografia de ocupação do solo, produzida recorrendo a imagens de satélite, e métricas da paisagem, e c) quantificar e examinar a relação entre a fragmentação da paisagem e os factores geradores. A metodologia utilizada no estudo é composta por duas partes, sendo a primeira dedicada às operações de processamento e interpretação de imagens de satélite Landsat e, a segunda dedicada à produção de novas métricas de fragmentação da paisagem com recurso à ferramenta SIG utilizando operações de álgebra de mapas. O comportamento da fragmentação é analisado, à luz do efeito dos fatores ambientais e socioeconómicas ao nível da região. Os resultados obtidos, através da aplicação de técnicas de deteção remota e usando imagens Landsat TM e ETM+, permitiram a elaboração de mapas de coberto do solo, onde se distinguiram 8 classes temáticas e espectralmente diferentes. Verificou-se em termos globais que aproximadamente 38% da área sofreu algum tipo de alteração no período estudado, sendo as classes de miombo e áreas cultivadas as que mais alterações sofreram. A fragmentação da paisagem foi avaliada através da implementação de novas métricas, mostrando os resultados, que no período 1990-2000, a fragmentação foi superior à que se verificou entre 2000-2010. A nível espacial, a dinâmica de fragmentação foi mais acentuada, entre 1990-2000, na Humpata e, entre 2000-2010, no Lubango; ANALYSIS OF LANDSCAPE AND LAND USE LAND COVER CHANGE IN LUBANGO AND SURROUNDINGS ABSTRACT: Thematic cartography shows up as an essential ally in the study and knowledge of the state of landscapes and terrestrial ecosystems. Angola is a country with an enormous lack of cartographic information to support the several activities carried out in a variety of areas. This is the reason information on the earth’s surface is necessary, registering alterations which occur over time in ecosystems and identifying the associated factors in its origin, so as to implement metrics that allow a more sustainable management of its enormous territory. This study was carried out in the Southeast of Angola in the Lubango, Humpata and Chibia Municipalities, with an area of approximately 9600 km2. Our objectives were the following: a) land cover mapping and land cover changes monitoring over the period 1990 to 2010 using Landsat images, b) to analyze and interpret landscape structures changes using land cover maps, and landscapes metrics, and c) to quantify and to examine the relationship between landscape fragmentation and its drivers. The methodology developed in the study has two parts, the first includes Landsat satellite images processing and interpretation and, the second the production of new landscape fragmentation metrics with support to a GIS tool and algebraic mapping operations. The fragmentation behavior is analyzed, taking into account the effect of environmental and socioeconomic factors at a regional level. The results allowed obtaining land cover maps, in which 8 spectrally different thematic classes were distinguished. It was observed that 38% of the area suffered some type of alteration in the studied period, with higher changes observed in the classes of miombo and agriculture. Landscapes fragmentation results, evaluated through the implementation of new metrics, show that, values are greater in the period 1990-2000 than in 2000-2010. At municipality level, fragmentation dynamics were more accentuated in Humpata between 1990 -2000 and in Lubango between 2000 -2010.


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The real-time dynamics of molecular (Na_2 . Na_3) and cluster Na_n (n=4-2l) multiphoton ionization and -fragmentation has been studied in beam experiments applying femtosecond pump-probe techniques in combination with ion and electron spectroscopy. Wave packet motion in the dimer Na_2 reveals two independent multiphoton ionization processes while the higher dimensional motion in the trimer Na_3 reflects the chaotic vibrational motion in this floppy system. The first studies of cluster properties (energy, bandwidth and lifetime of intermediate resonances Na^*_n) ) with femtosecond laser pulses give a striking illustration of the transition from "molecule-like" excitations to "surfaceplasma"-like resonances for increasing cluster sizes. Time-resolved fragmentation of cluster ions Na_n^* indicate that direct photo-induced fragmentation processes are more important at short times than the statistical unimolecular decay.


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Background: Microtine species in Fennoscandia display a distinct north-south gradient from regular cycles to stable populations. The gradient has often been attributed to changes in the interactions between microtines and their predators. Although the spatial structure of the environment is known to influence predator-prey dynamics of a wide range of species, it has scarcely been considered in relation to the Fennoscandian gradient. Furthermore, the length of microtine breeding season also displays a north-south gradient. However, little consideration has been given to its role in shaping or generating population cycles. Because these factors covary along the gradient it is difficult to distinguish their effects experimentally in the field. The distinction is here attempted using realistic agent-based modelling. Methodology/Principal Findings: By using a spatially explicit computer simulation model based on behavioural and ecological data from the field vole (Microtus agrestis), we generated a number of repeated time series of vole densities whose mean population size and amplitude were measured. Subsequently, these time series were subjected to statistical autoregressive modelling, to investigate the effects on vole population dynamics of making predators more specialised, of altering the breeding season, and increasing the level of habitat fragmentation. We found that fragmentation as well as the presence of specialist predators are necessary for the occurrence of population cycles. Habitat fragmentation and predator assembly jointly determined cycle length and amplitude. Length of vole breeding season had little impact on the oscillations. Significance: There is good agreement between our results and the experimental work from Fennoscandia, but our results allow distinction of causation that is hard to unravel in field experiments. We hope our results will help understand the reasons for cycle gradients observed in other areas. Our results clearly demonstrate the importance of landscape fragmentation for population cycling and we recommend that the degree of fragmentation be more fully considered in future analyses of vole dynamics.


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Concern regarding the health effects of indoor air quality has grown in recent years, due to the increased prevalence of many diseases, as well as the fact that many people now spend most of their time indoors. While numerous studies have reported on the dynamics of aerosols indoors, the dynamics of bioaerosols in indoor environments are still poorly understood and very few studies have focused on fungal spore dynamics in indoor environments. Consequently, this work investigated the dynamics of fungal spores in indoor air, including fungal spore release and deposition, as well as investigating the mechanisms involved in the fungal spore fragmentation process. In relation to the investigation of fungal spore dynamics, it was found that the deposition rates of the bioaerosols (fungal propagules) were in the same range as the deposition rates of nonbiological particles and that they were a function of their aerodynamic diameters. It was also found that fungal particle deposition rates increased with increasing ventilation rates. These results (which are reported for the first time) are important for developing an understanding of the dynamics of fungal spores in the air. In relation to the process of fungal spore fragmentation, important information was generated concerning the airborne dynamics of the spores, as well as the part/s of the fungi which undergo fragmentation. The results obtained from these investigations into the dynamics of fungal propagules in indoor air significantly advance knowledge about the fate of fungal propagules in indoor air, as well as their deposition in the respiratory tract. The need to develop an advanced, real-time method for monitoring bioaerosols has become increasingly important in recent years, particularly as a result of the increased threat from biological weapons and bioterrorism. However, to date, the Ultraviolet Aerodynamic Particle Sizer (UVAPS, Model 3312, TSI, St Paul, MN) is the only commercially available instrument capable of monitoring and measuring viable airborne micro-organisms in real-time. Therefore (for the first time), this work also investigated the ability of the UVAPS to measure and characterise fungal spores in indoor air. The UVAPS was found to be sufficiently sensitive for detecting and measuring fungal propagules. Based on fungal spore size distributions, together with fluorescent percentages and intensities, it was also found to be capable of discriminating between two fungal spore species, under controlled laboratory conditions. In the field, however, it would not be possible to use the UVAPS to differentiate between different fungal spore species because the different micro-organisms present in the air may not only vary in age, but may have also been subjected to different environmental conditions. In addition, while the real-time UVAPS was found to be a good tool for the investigation of fungal particles under controlled conditions, it was not found to be selective for bioaerosols only (as per design specifications). In conclusion, the UVAPS is not recommended for use in the direct measurement of airborne viable bioaerosols in the field, including fungal particles, and further investigations into the nature of the micro-organisms, the UVAPS itself and/or its use in conjunction with other conventional biosamplers, are necessary in order to obtain more realistic results. Overall, the results obtained from this work on airborne fungal particle dynamics will contribute towards improving the detection capabilities of the UVAPS, so that it is capable of selectively monitoring and measuring bioaerosols, for which it was originally designed. This work will assist in finding and/or improving other technologies capable of the real-time monitoring of bioaerosols. The knowledge obtained from this work will also be of benefit in various other bioaerosol applications, such as understanding the transport of bioaerosols indoors.


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Nisäkkäiden levinneisyyteen, niiden morfologisiin ja ekologisiin piirteisiin vaikuttavat ympäristön sekä lyhyet että pitkäkestoiset muutokset, etenkin ilmaston ja kasvillisuuden vaihtelut. Työssä tutkittiin nisäkkäiden sopeutumista ilmastonmuutoksiin Euraasiassa viimeisen 24 miljoonan vuoden aikana. Tutkimuksessa keskityttiin varsinkin viimeiseen kahteen miljoonaan vuoteen, jonka aikana ilmasto muuttui voimakkaasti ja ihmisen toiminta alkoi tulla merkittäväksi. Tämän takia on usein vaikea erottaa, kummasta em. seikasta jonkin nisäkäslajin sukupuutto tai häviäminen alueelta johtui. Aineistona käytettiin laajaa venäjänkielistä kirjallisuutta, josta löytyvät tiedot ovat kääntämättöminä jääneet aiemmin länsimaisen tutkimuksen ulkopuolelle. Työssä käytettiin myös NOW-tietokantaa, jossa on fossiilisten nisäkkäiden löytöpaikat sekä niiden iät.


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Environmental variation is a fact of life for all the species on earth: for any population of any particular species, the local environmental conditions are liable to vary in both time and space. In today's world, anthropogenic activity is causing habitat loss and fragmentation for many species, which may profoundly alter the characteristics of environmental variation in remaining habitat. Previous research indicates that, as habitat is lost, the spatial configuration of remaining habitat will increasingly affect the dynamics by which populations are governed. Through the use of mathematical models, this thesis asks how environmental variation interacts with species properties to influence population dynamics, local adaptation, and dispersal evolution. More specifically, we couple continuous-time continuous-space stochastic population dynamic models to landscape models. We manipulate environmental variation via parameters such as mean patch size, patch density, and patch longevity. Among other findings, we show that a mixture of high and low quality habitat is commonly better for a population than uniformly mediocre habitat. This conclusion is justified by purely ecological arguments, yet the positive effects of landscape heterogeneity may be enhanced further by local adaptation, and by the evolution of short-ranged dispersal. The predicted evolutionary responses to environmental variation are complex, however, since they involve numerous conflicting factors. We discuss why the species that have high levels of local adaptation within their ranges may not be the same species that benefit from local adaptation during range expansion. We show how habitat loss can lead to either increased or decreased selection for dispersal depending on the type of habitat and the manner in which it is lost. To study the models, we develop a recent analytical method, Perturbation expansion, to enable the incorporation of environmental variation. Within this context, we use two methods to address evolutionary dynamics: Adaptive dynamics, which assumes mutations occur infrequently so that the ecological and evolutionary timescales can be separated, and via Genotype distributions, which assume mutations are more frequent. The two approaches generally lead to similar predictions yet, exceptionally, we show how the evolutionary response of dispersal behaviour to habitat turnover may qualitatively depend on the mutation rate.


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In my thesis I have been studying the effects of population fragmentation and extinction-recolonization dynamics on genetic and evolutionary processes in the Glanville fritillary butterfly (Melitaea cinxia). By conducting crosses within and among newly-colonized populations and using several fitness measures, I found a strong decrease in fitness following colonization by a few related individuals, and a strong negative relationship between parental relatedness and offspring fitness. Thereafter, I was interested in determining the number and relatedness of individuals colonizing new populations, which I did using a set of microsatellites I had previously developed for this species. Additionally, I am interested in the evolution of key life-history traits. By following the lifetime reproductive success of males emerging at different times in a semi-natural setup, I demonstrated that protandry is adaptive in males, and I was able to rule out, for M. cinxia, alternative incidental hypotheses evoked to explain the evolution of protandry in insects. Finally, in work I did together with Prof. Hanna Kokko, I am proposing bet-hedging as a new mechanism that could explain the evolution of polyandry in M. cinxia.


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Poly(methacrylonitrile peroxide) (PMNP) has been synthesized from methacrylonitrile by free radical initiated oxidative polymerization and characterized by different spectroscopic methods. NMR spectroscopy confirmed the alternating copolymer structure with labile peroxy bonds in the main chain. The extreme instability of PMNP was noted from FTIR spectroscopy. Thermal degradation studies by using differential scanning calorimetry and thermogravimetry have revealed that PMNP degrades highly exothermically and the heat of degradation, 42.5 kcal mol−1, is of the same order as that reported for other vinyl polyperoxides. Mass spectral fragmentation pattern under electron impact (EI) condition has also been investigated. The mechanism of the primary exothermic degradation has been substantiated by thermochemical calculations. The chain dynamics of the polyperoxide chain has been studied by means of 13C spin–lattice relaxation times (T1) of the main chain as well as the side chain carbons. The temperature dependence of the spin–lattice relaxation times shows that the PMNP is more flexible compared to the analogous poly(styrene peroxide).


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Land use (LU) land cover (LC) information at a temporal scale illustrates the physical coverage of the Earth's terrestrial surface according to its use and provides the intricate information for effective planning and management activities. LULC changes are stated as local and location specific, collectively they act as drivers of global environmental changes. Understanding and predicting the impact of LULC change processes requires long term historical restorations and projecting into the future of land cover changes at regional to global scales. The present study aims at quantifying spatio temporal landscape dynamics along the gradient of varying terrains presented in the landscape by multi-data approach (MDA). MDA incorporates multi temporal satellite imagery with demographic data and other additional relevant data sets. The gradient covers three different types of topographic features, planes; hilly terrain and coastal region to account the significant role of elevation in land cover change. The seasonality is another aspect to be considered in the vegetation dominated landscapes; variations are accounted using multi seasonal data. Spatial patterns of the various patches are identified and analysed using landscape metrics to understand the forest fragmentation. The prediction of likely changes in 2020 through scenario analysis has been done to account for the changes, considering the present growth rates and due to the proposed developmental projects. This work summarizes recent estimates on changes in cropland, agricultural intensification, deforestation, pasture expansion, and urbanization as the causal factors for LULC change.