950 resultados para Fractional Crystallisation


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We use published and new trace element data to identify element ratios which discriminate between arc magmas from the supra-subduction zone mantle wedge and those formed by direct melting of subducted crust (i.e. adakites). The clearest distinction is obtained with those element ratios which are strongly fractionated during refertilisation of the depleted mantle wedge, ultimately reflecting slab dehydration. Hence, adakites have significantly lower Pb/Nd and B/Be but higher Nb/Ta than typical arc magmas and continental crust as a whole. Although Li and Be are also overenriched in continental crust, behaviour of Li/Yb and Be/Nd is more complex and these ratios do not provide unique signatures of slab melting. Archaean tonalite-trondhjemite-granodiorites (TTGs) strongly resemble ordinary mantle wedge-derived arc magmas in terms of fluid-mobile trace element content, implying that they-did not form by slab melting but that they originated from mantle which was hydrated and enriched in elements lost from slabs during prograde dehydration. We suggest that Archaean TTGs formed by extensive fractional crystallisation from a mafic precursor. It is widely claimed that the time between the creation and subduction of oceanic lithosphere was significantly shorter in the Archaean (i.e. 20 Ma) than it is today. This difference was seen as an attractive explanation for the presumed preponderance of adakitic magmas during the first half of Earth's history. However, when we consider the effects of a higher potential mantle temperature on the thickness of oceanic crust, it follows that the mean age of oceanic lithosphere has remained virtually constant. Formation of adakites has therefore always depended on local plate geometry and not on potential mantle temperature.


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Trace element and isotopic data obtained for mantle spinel Iherzolites and diorite dykes from the Baldissero massif (Ivrea-Verbano Zone, Western Italy) provide new, valuable constraints on the petrologic and geodynamic evolution of the Southern Alps in Paleozoic to Mesozoic times. Whole rock and mineral chemistry indicates that Baldissero Iherzolites can be regarded as refractory mantle residues following limited melt extraction. In particular, the Light Rare Earth Elements (LREE)-depleted and fractionated compositions of whole rock and clinopyroxene closely match modelling results for refractory residues after low degrees (similar to 4-5%) of near-fractional melting of depleted mantle, possibly under garnet-facies conditions. Following this, the peridotite sequence experienced subsolidus re-equilibration at lithospheric spinel-facies conditions and intrusion of several generations of dykes. However, Iherzolites far from dykes show very modest metasomatic changes, as evidenced by the crystallisation of accessory titanian pargasite and the occurrence of very slight enrichments in highly incompatible trace elements (e.g. Nb). The Re-Os data for Iherzolites far from the dykes yield a 376 Ma (Upper Devonian) model age that is considered to record a partial melting event related to the Variscan orogenic cycle s.l. Dioritic dykes cutting the mantle sequence have whole rock, clinopyroxene and plagioclase characterised by high radiogenic Nd and low radiogenic Sr, which point to a depleted to slightly enriched mantle source. Whole rock and mafic phases of diorites have high Mg# values that positively correlate with the incompatible trace element concentrations. The peridotite at the dyke contact is enriched in orthopyroxene, iron and incompatible trace elements with respect to the Iherzolites far from dykes. Numerical simulations indicate that the geochemical characteristics of the diorites can be explained by flow of a hydrous, silica-saturated melt accompanied by reaction with the ambient peridotite and fractional crystallisation. The composition of the more primitive melts calculated in equilibrium with the diorite minerals show tholeiitic to transitional affinity. Internal Sm-Nd, three-point isochrons obtained for two dykes suggest an Upper Triassic-Lower Jurassic emplacement age (from 204 31 to 198 29 Ma). Mesozoic igneous events are unknown in the southern Ivrea-Verbano Zone (IVZ), but the intrusion of hydrous melts, mostly silica-saturated, have been well documented in the Finero region, i.e. the northernmost part of IVZ and Triassic magmatism with calc-alkaline to shoshonitic affinity is abundant throughout the Central-Eastern Alps. The geochemical and chronological features of the Baldissero diorites shed new light on the geodynamic evolution of the Southern Alps before the opening of the Jurassic Tethys. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Platinum-group elements (PGE), rhenium and osmium isotope data are reported for basalts from Deep Sea Drilling Project cores in the Philippine Sea Plate (PSP). Lithophile trace element and isotopic characteristics indicate a range of source components including DMM, EMII and subduction-enriched mantle. MORB-like basalts possess smooth, inclined chondrite-normalised PGE patterns with high palladium-PGE/iridium-PGE ratios, consistent with previously published data for MORB, and with the inferred compatibility of PGE. In contrast, while basalts with EMII-type lithophile element chemistry possess high Pt/Ir ratios, many have much lower Pd/Ir and unusually high Ru/Ir of >10. Similarly, back-arc samples from the Shikoku and Parece-Vela basins have very high Ru/Ir ratios (>30) and Pd/Ir as low as 1.1. Such extreme Pd/Ir and Ru/Ir ratios have not been previously reported in mafic volcanic suites and cannot be easily explained by variable degrees of melting, fractional crystallisation or by a shallow-level process such as alteration or degassing. The data appear most consistent with sampling of at least two mantle components with distinct PGE compositions. Peridotites with the required PGE characteristics (i.e. low Pd, but relatively high Ru and Re) have not been documented in oceanic mantle, but have been found in sub-continental mantle lithosphere and are the result of considerable melt depletion and selective metasomatic enrichment (mainly Re). The long-term presence of subduction zones surrounding the Philippine Sea Plate makes this a prime location for metasomatic enrichment of mantle, either through fluid enrichment or infiltration by small melt fractions. The Re-Os isotope data are difficult to interpret with confidence due to low Os concentrations in most samples and the uncertainty in sample age. Data for Site 444A (Shikoku Basin) give an age of 17.7+/-1.3 Ma (MSWD = 14), consistent with the proposed age of basement at the site and thus provides the first robust radiometric age for these samples. The initial 187Os/188Os of 0.1298+/-0.0069 is consistent with global MORB, and precludes significant metasomatic enrichment of Os by radiogenic slab fluids. Re-Os data for Sites 446A (two suites, Daito Basin) and 450 (Parece-Vela Basin) indicate ages of 73, 68 and 43 Ma, which are respectively, 30, 17 and >12 Ma older than previously proposed ages. The alkalic and tholeiitic suites from Site 446A define regression lines with different 187Os/188Osinitial (0.170+/-0.033 and 0.112+/-0.024, respectively) which could perhaps be explained by preferential sampling of interstitial, metasomatic sulphides (with higher time-integrated Re/Os ratios) by smaller percentage alkalic melts. One sample, with lithophile elements indistinguishable from MORB, is Os-rich (146 pg/g) and has an initial 187Os/188Os of 0.1594, which is at the upper limit of the accepted OIB range. Given the Os-rich nature of this sample and the lack of evidence for subduction or recycled crust inputs, this osmium isotope ratio likely reflects heterogeneity in the DMM. The dataset as a whole is a striking indication of the possible PGE and Os isotope variability within a region of mantle that has experienced a complex tectonic history.


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Pliocene to recent volcanic rocks from the Bulusan volcanic complex in the southern part of the Bicol arc (Philippines) exhibit a wide compositional range (medium- to high-K basaltic-andesites, andesites and a dacite/rhyolite suite), but are characterised by large ion lithophile element enrichments and HFS element depletions typical of subduction-related rocks. Field, petrographic and geochemical data indicate that the more silicic syn- and post-caldera magmas have been influenced by intracrustal processes such as magma mixing and fractional crystallisation. However, the available data indicate that the Bicol rocks as a group exhibit relatively lower and less variable 87Sr/86Sr ratios (0.7036-0.7039) compared with many of the other subduction-related volcanics from the Philippine archipelago. The Pb isotope ratios of the Bicol volcanics appear to be unlike those of other Philippine arc segments. They typically plot within and below the data field for the Philippine Sea Basin on 207Pb/204Pb versus 206Pb/204Pb and 208Pb/204Pb versus 206Pb/204Pb diagrams, implying a pre-subduction mantle wedge similar to that sampled by the Palau Kyushu Ridge, east of the Philippine Trench. 143Nd/144Nd ratios are moderately variable (0.51285-0.51300). Low silica (<55 wt%) samples that have lower 143Nd/144Nd tend to have high Th/Nd, high Th/Nb, and moderately low Ce/Ce* ratios. Unlike some other arc segments in the Philippines (e.g. the Babuyan-Taiwan segment), there is little evidence for the involvement of subducted terrigenous sediment. Instead, the moderately low 143Nd/144Nd ratios in some of the Bicol volcanics may result from subduction of pelagic sediment (low Ce/Ce*, high Th/Nd, and high Th/Nb) and its incorporation into the mantle wedge via a slabderived partial melt.


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A new model for Archaean granitoid magmatism is presented which reconciles the most important geochemical similarities and differences between tonalite-trondhjemite-granodiorite (TTG) and potassic granitoids. Trace element abundances reveal a strong arc magmatism signature in all studied granitoids from Barberton Mountain Land. Characteristic features include HFSE depletion as well as distinct enrichment peaks of fluid-sensitive trace elements such as Pb in N-MORB normalisation, clearly indicating that all studied granitoids are derived from refertilised mantle above subduction zones. We envisage hydrous basaltic (s.l.) melts as parental liquids, which underwent extensive fractional crystallisation. Distinctive residual cumulates evolved depending on initial water content. High-H2O melts crystallised garnet/amphibole together with pyroxenes and minor plagioclase, but no olivine. This fractionation path ultimately led to TTG-like melts. Less hydrous basaltic melts also crystallised garnet/amphibole, but the lower compatible element content indicates that olivine was also a liquidus phase. Pronounced negative Eu-anomalies of the granitic melts, correlating with Na, Ca and Al, indicate plagioclase to be of major importance. In the context of our model, the post-Archaean disappearance of TTG and concomitant preponderance of granites (s.l.), therefore, is explained with secular decrease of aqueous fluid transport into subduction zones and/or efficiency of deep fluid release from slabs.


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The Priestlaw and Cockburn Law intrusions are zoned granitoid plutons intruded into Lower Palaeozoic sediments at the margin of, and prior to closure of, the Iapetus Ocean. They vary from marginal basic rocks to more acid rocks towards their centres. The parental magmas to the plutons were derived from an isotopically depleted mantle modified by melts/fluids during subduction. Zonation in the plutons was caused by combined assimilation and fractional crystallisation (AFC), and rates of assimilation were low relative to rates of fractionation. A series of pyroxene-mica diorites in Priestlaw are however hybrids formed by simple mixing. Porphyrite-acid porphyrite dykes, associated with the plutons, represent chilled portions of the pluton magmas; more evolved quartz porphyry dykes represent crustal melts. Lamprophyre dykes have high LILE and LREE abundances and relative depletions of HFS elements, typical of subduction related ultra-potassic magmas. High Mg numbers, Ni and Cr contents and experimental constraints, imply near primary status for the least evolved lamprophyres. Their enrichments in incompatible elements, high La/Nb, La/Yb, Sr and low Nd indicate derivation from a previously metasomatised mantle source. Granitoid plutons and lavas in the northern Southern Uplands have high Nd and low Sr, whereas the younger plutons of the southern Southern Uplands have higher Sr, La/Yb and lower Nd, consistent with derivation from a more enriched source. No plutons however have remained as closed systems. Three magmatic suites are present in southern Scotland: (1) Midland Valley Suite (2) Northern Southern Uplands Suite and (3) Southern Southern Uplands Suite, consistent with previous models indicating northward underthrusting of English lithosphere below the southern Southern Uplands. Further underthrusting of decoupled lithospheric mantle is indicated by the presence of lamorophyres in the eastern Southern Uplands, and took place between 410 Ma and 400 Ma.


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The Criffell-Dalbeattie pluton from SW Scotland is one of a suite of late Caledonian granitoids which are associated with extensive, contemporaneous and compositionally diverse suits of minor intrusions. The minor intrusive suite associated with the Criffell-Dalbeattie pluton is dominantly composed of a series of porphyritic microdiorites, microgranodiorites and microgranites known collectively as the porphyrite-porphyry series. This series can be divided into two groups, the porphyrites and the quartz porphyries, on the basis of petrography and geochemistry although there is some compositional overlap between the two. Compositionally, the porphyrites and quartz porphyries appear to correspond to the granodiorites and granites, respectively, which comprise the Criffell-Dalbeattie pluton, suggesting that the porphyrite-porphyry series of dykes represent magmas which were tapped from the evolving granitic magma chamber. The most mafic component of the minor intrusive suite is represented by calc-alkaline hornblende- and mica bearing lamprophyres. Geochemical studies, including fractional crystallisation, combine assimilation-fractional crystallisation (AFC) show that these are mafic, LILE and LREE enriched melts derived by low degrees of partial melting of a subduction-modified mantle source. It is suggested that the source of the lamprophyres is "Lake District" lithosphere, metasomatised by Lower Palaeozoic subduction, and thrust under the southern part of the Southern Uplands. AFC modelling using chemical and isotopic data further suggest that there is a close genetic link between the lamprophyres and the Criffell-Dalbeattie granitoids and that lamprophyres represent the mantle derived precursors of the Criffell-Dalbeattie granitoids.


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We study the existence of weighted S-asymptotically omega-periodic mild solutions for a class of abstract fractional differential equations of the form u' = partial derivative (alpha vertical bar 1)Au + f(t, u), 1 < alpha < 2, where A is a linear sectorial operator of negative type.


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Magnetotransport measurements in triple-layer electron systems with high carrier density reveal fractional quantum Hall effect at total filling factors nu>2. With an in-plane magnetic field we are able to control the suppression of interlayer tunneling which causes a collapse of the integer quantum Hall plateaus at nu=2 and nu=4, and an emergence of fractional quantum Hall states with increasing tilt angles. The nu=4 state is replaced by three fractional quantum Hall states with denominator 3. The state nu=7/3 demonstrates reentrant behavior and the emergent state at nu=12/5 has a nonmonotonic behavior with increasing in-plane field. We attribute the observed fractional quantum Hall plateaus to correlated states in a trilayer system.


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We report on the observation of microwave-induced resistance oscillations associated with the fractional ratio n/m of the microwave irradiation frequency to the cyclotron frequency for m up to 8 in a two-dimensional electron system with high electron density. The features are quenched at high microwave frequencies independent of the fractional order m. We analyze temperature, power, and frequency dependencies of the magnetoresistance oscillations and discuss them in connection with existing theories.


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The crystallisation behaviour for alloys in the Al-rich corner in the Al-La-Ni system is reported in this paper Alloys were selected based on the topological instability criterion (lambda criterion) calculated from the alloy composition and metallic radii of the alloying elements and aluminum Amorphous ribbons were produced by melt-spinning and the crystallisation reactions were analysed by X-ray diffraction and calorimetry The results showed that increasing the values of lambda from 0.072 to 0.16 resulted in the following changes in the crystallisation behaviour, as predicted by the lambda criterion (a) nanocrystallisation of alpha-Al for the alloy composition corresponding to lambda = 0 072 and (b) detection of the glass transition temperature, T(g), for the alloys with composition close to lambda approximate to 0.1 line. For compositions corresponding to both ends of the lambda approximate to 0 1 line (near the binaries lines) T(g) could be detected only in the ""intermediary"" central region, and the alloy we produced in this region was considered the best glass former for the Al-rich corner Also, except for the alloys with the highest NI content, crystallisation proceeded by two distinct exothermic peaks which are typical of nanocrystallisation transformation. These behaviours are discussed in terms of compositional (lambda parameter) and topological aspects to account for cluster formation in the amorphous phase. Crown Copyright (C) 2009 Published by Elsevier B V All rights reserved


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The different types of thermal crystallisation behaviours observed during continuous heating of M-based metallic glasses have been successfully associated with the topological instability. criterion, which is simply calculated from the alloy composition and metallic radii of the alloying elements and aluminium. In the present work, we report on new results evidencing the correlation between the values of X and the crystallisation behaviours in Al-based alloys of the Al-Ni-Ce system and we compare the glass-forming abilities of alloys designed with compositions corresponding to the same topological instability condition. The results are discussed in terms of compositional and topological aspects emphasizing the relevance of the different types of clusters in the amorphous phase in defining the stability of the glass and the types of thermal crystallisation. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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An exhaustive analysis of the crystallisation behaviour of palm oil was performed using low-resolution magnetic pulsed nuclear resonance, differential scanning calorimetry, polarised light microscopy and X-ray diffraction. The aim of this study was to characterise the changes induced in the crystallisation of palm oil by the addition of two different levels of tripalmitin and two different types of monoacylglycerols. The addition of monoacylglycerols led to the formation of a large number of crystallisation nuclei without changing the final solids content, accelerating the process of crystal formation, leading to the formation of smaller crystals than those found in the refined palm oil. Higher levels of tripalmitin produced crystals with larger dimensions, reducing the induction period and resulted in a higher level of solids at the end of the crystallisation period. The addition of monoacylglycerols and tripalmitin induced the formation of a polymorphic beta-form. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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This article deals with the efficiency of fractional integration parameter estimators. This study was based on Monte Carlo experiments involving simulated stochastic processes with integration orders in the range]-1,1[. The evaluated estimation methods were classified into two groups: heuristics and semiparametric/maximum likelihood (ML). The study revealed that the comparative efficiency of the estimators, measured by the lesser mean squared error, depends on the stationary/non-stationary and persistency/anti-persistency conditions of the series. The ML estimator was shown to be superior for stationary persistent processes; the wavelet spectrum-based estimators were better for non-stationary mean reversible and invertible anti-persistent processes; the weighted periodogram-based estimator was shown to be superior for non-invertible anti-persistent processes.


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This note is motivated from some recent papers treating the problem of the existence of a solution for abstract differential equations with fractional derivatives. We show that the existence results in [Agarwal et al. (2009) [1], Belmekki and Benchohra (2010) [2], Darwish et al. (2009) [3], Hu et al. (2009) [4], Mophou and N`Guerekata (2009) [6,7], Mophou (2010) [8,9], Muslim (2009) [10], Pandey et al. (2009) [11], Rashid and El-Qaderi (2009) [12] and Tai and Wang (2009) [13]] are incorrect since the considered variation of constant formulas is not appropriate. In this note, we also consider a different approach to treat a general class of abstract fractional differential equations. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.