913 resultados para FoxP3, Galectin-10, autoimmunity, tolerance, CD4 CD25 regulatory T cells
CD4+CD25+ regulatorische T-Zellen (CD4+CD25+ Tregs) sind essentiell an der Homostase des Immunsystems beteiligt, indem sie eine antigenspezifische Toleranzinduktion in der Peripherie vermitteln und vor der Entstehung von Autoimmunerkrankungen schtzen. Darber hinaus sind diese Zellen wesentlich an der Kontrolle von Allergien, Infektionen und Tumoren beteiligt. Innerhalb dieser Arbeit konnten zwei bisher unbekannte Subpopulationen humaner CD4+CD25+ Tregs, isoliert aus dem peripheren Blut des Menschen, nachgewiesen werden. Diese Subpopulationen unterscheiden sich in ihrer Oberflchenexpression und exprimieren die Integrine a4b1 bzw. a4b7. Beide Treg-Subpopulationen supprimieren kokultivierte CD4+ T-Helferzellen Zellkontakt-abhngig und konvertieren gleichzeitig einen Teil dieser Zellen in sekundre Suppressorzellen (iTregs). a4b1+ Tregs induzieren TGF--sezernierende iTregs, a4b7+ Tregs fhren zur Bildung von IL-10-produzierenden iTregs. Differentielle Proteomanalysen humaner CD4+CD25+ Tregs, im Vergleich zu CD4+CD25- T-Helferzellen, fhrten zur Identifizierung von Galectin-10 als Markerprotein, das fast ausschlielich von CD4+CD25+ Tregs und nicht von CD4+ T-Helferzellen exprimiert wird. Galectin-10 ist ein intrazellulres Protein, das essentiell fr die funktionellen Eigenschaften humaner CD4+CD25+ Tregs ist. Die Blockade der Galectin-10-Bildung in den CD4+CD25+ Tregs durch RNA-Interferenz fhrte zu wesentlichen funktionellen Vernderungen der CD4+CD25+ Tregs. In Abwesenheit von Galectin-10 verlieren humane CD4+CD25+ Tregs ihre suppressiven Eigenschaften und ihren anergischen Phnotyp. Somit konnte mit Galectin-10 erstmals ein spezifischer Marker fr humane CD4+CD25+ Tregs identifiziert werden, der wesentlich fr den funktionellen Phnotyp dieser Regulatoren peripherer T-Zelltoleranz ist.
CD4+CD25+ regulatorische T-Zellen (CD4+CD25+ Tregs) sind in der Lage die Proliferation und Cytokin-Produktion konventioneller T-Zellen zu supprimieren. Obwohl ein entscheidender Mechanismus dieses Prozesses die Inhibition der Interleukin-2 Produktion ist, sind die beteiligten Molekle weitestgehend unbekannt. Interessanterweise entwickeln NFATc2-, NFATc3-doppeldefiziente Muse (DKO Muse) schwerste Autoimmunerkrankungen, so dass im Rahmen dieser Arbeit die Rolle der Transkriptionsfaktoren NFATc2 und NFATc3 bei der Entstehung von CD4+CD25+ Tregs und der CD4+CD25+ Treg-vermittelten Suppression konventioneller T-Zellen untersucht wurde. Es konnte gezeigt werden, dass zwar die Gesamtheit der peripheren CD4+CD25+ T-Zellen keinerlei suppressives Potential besitzt, eine Subpopulation dieser Zellpopulation, die sehr stark CD25 und GITR exprimiert (CD4+CD25++GITR++ T-Zellen), jedoch in der Lage ist kokultivierte konventionelle CD4+ T-Zellen in ihren Effektorfunktionen zu inhibieren. Allerdings lieen sich die konventionellen CD4+ T-Zellen aus DKO Musen nicht von CD4+CD25+ Tregs in ihrer Proliferation und Zytokinproduktion inhibieren. Es kann also abschlieend gesagt werden, dass das Fehlen der Transkriptionsfaktoren NFATc2 und NFATc3 die Entstehung und Funktion von CD4+CD25+ Tregs nicht beeinflusst, jedoch konventionelle CD4+ T-Zellen resistent gegen eine CD4+CD25+ Treg-vermittelte Suppression werden lsst.
Recent evidence suggests that in addition to their well known stimulatory properties, dendritic cells (DCs) may play a major role in peripheral tolerance. It is still unclear whether a distinct subtype or activation status of DC exists that promotes the differentiation of suppressor rather than effector T cells from naive precursors. In this work, we tested whether the naturally occurring CD4+ CD25+ regulatory T cells (Treg) may control immune responses induced by DCs in vivo. We characterized the immune response induced by adoptive transfer of antigen-pulsed mature DCs into mice depleted or not of CD25+ cells. We found that the development of major histocompatibility complex class I and II-restricted interferon gamma-producing cells was consistently enhanced in the absence of Treg. By contrast, T helper cell (Th)2 priming was down-regulated in the same conditions. This regulation was independent of interleukin 10 production by DCs. Of note, splenic DCs incubated in vitro with Toll-like receptor ligands (lipopolysaccharide or CpG) activated immune responses that remained sensitive to Treg function. Our data further show that mature DCs induced higher cytotoxic activity in CD25-depleted recipients as compared with untreated hosts. We conclude that Treg naturally exert a negative feedback mechanism on Th1-type responses induced by mature DCs in vivo.
We have previously shown that mice lacking the IL-12-specific receptor subunit 2 (IL-12R2) develop more severe experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis than wild-type (WT) mice. The mechanism underlying this phenomenon is not known; nor is it known whether deficiency of IL-12R2 impacts other autoimmune disorders similarly. In the present study we demonstrate that IL-12R2-/- mice develop earlier onset and more severe disease in the streptozotocin-induced model of diabetes, indicating predisposition of IL-12R2-deficient mice to autoimmune diseases. T cells from IL-12R2-/- mice exhibited significantly higher proliferative responses upon TCR stimulation. The numbers of naturally occurring CD25+CD4+ regulatory T cells (Tregs) in the thymus and spleen of IL-12R2-/- mice were comparable to those of WT mice. However, IL-12R2-/- mice exhibited a significantly reduced capacity to develop Tregs upon stimulation with TGF-, as shown by significantly lower numbers of CD25+CD4+ T cells that expressed Foxp3. Functionally, CD25+CD4+ Tregs derived from IL-12R2-/- mice were less efficient than those from WT mice in suppressing effector T cells. The role of IL-12R2 in the induction of Tregs was confirmed using small interfering RNA. These findings suggest that signaling via IL-12R2 regulates both the number and functional maturity of Treg cells, which indicates a novel mechanism underlying the regulation of autoimmune diseases by the IL-12 pathway. Copyright 2008 by The American Association of Immunologists, Inc.
Die Suppression von autoreaktiven T-Zellen ist eine Funktion von CD4+CD25+ regulatorischen T-Zellen (CD4+CD25+ Tregs). CD4+CD25+ Tregs unterdrcken autoaggressive Immunantworten. Galectin-10 und Foxp3 sind wichtige Proteine, die an dem supprimierenden Mechanismus der Tregs beteiligt sind. Galectin-10 ist eines der ltesten bekannten humanen Proteine, die nicht in anderen Spezies gefunden worden sind. Foxp3 ist ein Transkriptionsfaktor, der in menschlichen CD4+CD25+ Tregs und in CD4+CD25- T-Effektor-Zellen nach Aktivierung exprimiert wird. Ein siRNA-vermittelter Knockdown dieses intrazellulren lslichen Proteins hebt die supprimierende Funktion der humanen CD4+CD25+ Tregs auf.rnDiese Arbeit beinhaltet in vitro durchgefhrte Untersuchungen zur Ermglichung eines Knockdown von Galectin-10 und/oder Foxp3 in humanisierten Musen. Es war mglich, ein Verfahren fr die Produktion von lentiviralen Partikeln zu etablierten, die sich als effizientes Vehikel fr den Gentransfer in humane Stammzellen und verschiedene Tumor- und Immunzellen erwiesen. Nach der Transduktion von AML14.3D10 Tumorzellen mit GFP-codierenden lentiviralen Partikeln konnte eine langfristige Expression von GFP erreicht werden. Auerdem war es mglich lentivirale Partikel zu erzeugen, die mit shRNA gegen Galectin-10 codiert waren. Die erzeugten Partikel erwiesen sich als funktionell, indem sie eine deutliche Herunterregulation von Galectin-10 in konstitutiv Galectin-10 exprimierenden AML14.3D10 Tumorzellen bewirkten. Unsere Studie prsentierte auerdem eine erstmalige Untersuchung zum Nachweis von Galectin-10-Protein in Eosinophilen aus humanen CD34+ hmatopoetischen Stammzellen (HSC). Diese stabile in vitro Galectin-10-Expression bietet ein alternatives Untersuchungsmodell zu CD4+CD25+ Tregs, die nicht aus CD34+ HSC differenziert werden knnen. Der zustzliche Einbau des GFP-Gens in die mit shRNA gegen Galectin-10 codierende lentivirale Partikel war ein wichtiger Schritt zur Markierung von Zellen, die einen Galectin-10-Knockdown aufwiesen. Die neuen bicistronischen lentiviralen Partikel erwiesen sich sowohl in aus CD34+ HSC differenzierten Eosinophilen als auch in AML14.3D10 Zellen, die einen eosinophilen Phnotyp aufweisen, als funktionell. Schlielich konnte mit den bicistronischen lentiviralen Partikeln, die mit GFP und shRNA gegen Foxp3 codiert waren, eine Herunterregulation von Foxp3 in CD4+CD25- T-Effektor-Zellen erreicht werden, was erneut die erfolgreiche Herstellung von funktionellen lentiviralen Partikeln bewies.rn
The mechanisms by which CD4(+)CD25(+)Foxp3(+) T (Treg) cells regulate effector T cells in a transplantation setting and their in vivo homeostasis still remain to be clarified. Using a mouse adoptive transfer model, we analyzed the in vivo expansion, trafficking, and effector function of alloreactive T cells and donor-specific Treg cells, in response to a full-thickness skin allograft. Fluorescent-labeled CD4(+)CD25(-) and antigen-specific Treg cells were transferred alone or co-injected into syngeneic BALB/c-Nude recipients transplanted with skins from (C57BL/6 x BALB/c) F1 donors. Treg cells divided in vivo, migrated and accumulated in the allograft draining lymph nodes as well as within the graft. The co-transfer of Treg cells did not modify the early activation and homing of CD4(+)CD25(-) T cells in secondary lymphoid organs. However, in the presence of Treg cells, alloreactive CD4(+)CD25(-) T cells produced significantly less IFN-gamma and were present in reduced numbers in the secondary lymphoid organs. Furthermore, time-course studies showed that Treg cells were recruited into the allograft at a very early stage after transplantation and effectively prevented the infiltration of effector T cells. In conclusion, suppression of rejection requires the early recruitment to the site of antigenic challenge of donor-specific Treg cells, which then mainly regulate the effector arm of T cell alloresponses.
Horses are particularly prone to allergic and autoimmune diseases, but little information about equine regulatory T cells (Treg) is currently available. The aim of this study therefore was to investigate the existence of CD4(+) Treg cells in horses, determine their suppressive function as well as their mechanism of action. Freshly isolated peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) from healthy horses were examined for CD4, CD25 and forkhead box P3 (FoxP3) expression. We show that equine FoxP3 is expressed constitutively by a population of CD4(+) CD25(+) T cells, mainly in the CD4(+) CD25(high) subpopulation. Proliferation of CD4(+) CD25(-) sorted cells stimulated with irradiated allogenic PBMC was significantly suppressed in co-culture with CD4(+) CD25(high) sorted cells in a dose-dependent manner. The mechanism of suppression by the CD4(+) CD25(high) cell population is mediated by close contact as well as interleukin (IL)-10 and transforming growth factor-beta1 (TGF-beta1) and probably other factors. In addition, we studied the in vitro induction of CD4(+) Treg and their characteristics compared to those of freshly isolated CD4(+) Treg cells. Upon stimulation with a combination of concanavalin A, TGF-beta1 and IL-2, CD4(+) CD25(+) T cells which express FoxP3 and have suppressive capability were induced from CD4(+) CD25(-) cells. The induced CD4(+) CD25(high) express higher levels of IL-10 and TGF-beta1 mRNA compared to the freshly isolated ones. Thus, in horses as in man, the circulating CD4(+) CD25(high) subpopulation contains natural Treg cells and functional Treg can be induced in vitro upon appropriate stimulation. Our study provides the first evidence of the regulatory function of CD4(+) CD25(+) cells in horses and offers insights into ex vivo manipulation of Treg cells.
Adjuvants are substances that enhance immune responses and thus improve the efficacy of vaccination. Few adjuvants are available for use in humans, and the one that is most commonly used (alum) often induces suboptimal immunity for protection against many pathogens. There is thus an obvious need to develop new and improved adjuvants. We have therefore taken an approach to adjuvant discovery that uses in silico modeling and structure-based drug-design. As proof-of-principle we chose to target the interaction of the chemokines CCL22 and CCL17 with their receptor CCR4. CCR4 was posited as an adjuvant target based on its expression on CD4(+)CD25(+) regulatory T cells (Tregs), which negatively regulate immune responses induced by dendritic cells (DC), whereas CCL17 and CCL22 are chemotactic agents produced by DC, which are crucial in promoting contact between DC and CCR4(+) T cells. Molecules identified by virtual screening and molecular docking as CCR4 antagonists were able to block CCL22- and CCL17-mediated recruitment of human Tregs and Th2 cells. Furthermore, CCR4 antagonists enhanced DC-mediated human CD4(+) T cell proliferation in an in vitro immune response model and amplified cellular and humoral immune responses in vivo in experimental models when injected in combination with either Modified Vaccinia Ankara expressing Ag85A from Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MVA85A) or recombinant hepatitis B virus surface antigen (rHBsAg) vaccines. The significant adjuvant activity observed provides good evidence supporting our hypothesis that CCR4 is a viable target for rational adjuvant design.
OBJECTIVE: In a prospective study we investigated whether numerical and functional changes of CD4+CD25(high) regulatory T cells (Treg) were associated with changes of disease activity observed during pregnancy and post partum in patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA). METHODS: The frequency of CD4+CD25(high) T cells was determined by flow cytometry in 12 patients with RA and 14 healthy women during and after pregnancy. Fluorescence-activated cell sorting (FACS) was used to sort CD4+CD25(high) T cells and CD4+CD25- T cells were stimulated with anti-CD3 and anti-CD28 monoclonal antibodies alone or in co-culture to investigate proliferation and cytokine secretion. RESULTS: Frequencies of CD4+CD25(high) Treg were significantly higher in the third trimester compared to 8 weeks post partum in patients and controls. Numbers of CD4+CD25(high) Treg inversely correlated with disease activity in the third trimester and post partum. In co-culture experiments significantly higher amounts of IL10 and lowered levels of tumour necrosis factor (TNF)alpha and interferon (IFN)gamma were found in supernatants of the third trimester compared to postpartum samples. These findings were independent from health or disease in pregnancy, however postpartum TNFalpha and IFN gamma levels were higher in patients with disease flares. CONCLUSION: The amelioration of disease activity in the third trimester corresponded to the increased number of Treg that induced a pronounced anti-inflammatory cytokine milieu. The pregnancy related quantitative and qualitative changes of Treg suggest a beneficial effect of Treg on disease activity.
Ischemia reperfusion injury (IRI) is a potential contributor for the development of chronic allograft nephropathy. T cells are important mediators of injury, even in the absence of alloantigens. We performed a depletion of TCD4(+)CTLA4(+)Foxp3(+) cells with anti-CD25(PC61), a treatment with anti-GITR (DTA-1) and rat-IgG, followed by 45 min of ischemia and 24/72 h of reperfusion, and then analyzed blood urea, kidney histopathology and gene expression in kidneys by QReal Time PCR. After 24 h of reperfusion, depletion of TCD4(+)CTLA4(+)Foxp3(+) cells reached 30.3%(spleen) and 67.8%(lymph nodes). 72 h after reperfusion depletion reached 43.1%(spleen) and 90.22%(lymph nodes) and depleted animals presented with significantly poorer renal function, while DTA-1 (anti-GITR)-treated ones showed a significant protection, all compared to serum urea from control group (IgG: 150.10 +/- 50.04; PC61: 187.23 +/- 31.38; DTA-1: 64.53 +/- 25.65, mg/dL, p<0.05). These data were corroborated by histopathology. We observed an increase of HO-1 expression in animals treated with DTA-1 at 72 h of reperfusion with significant differences. Thus, our results suggest that PC61 (anti-CD25) mAb treatment is deleterious, while DTA-1 (anti-GITR) mAb treatment presents a protective role in the renal IRI, indicating that some regulatory populations of T cells might have a role in IRI. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Im Immunsystem spielen regulatorische T-Zellen (Treg) eine essentielle Rolle bei der Unterdrckung und Eindmmung von berschssigen oder schdlichen Immunreaktionen. Ihre suppressiven Eigenschaften wirken aber auch bei Immune Escape Mechanismen von Tumoren mit und knnen den Erfolg von Tumorimmuntherapien deutlich mindern.rnIn dieser Arbeit konnte zum ersten Mal die Frequenz verschiedener Treg Subpopulationen im peripheren Blut von gesunden Spendern und Melanompatienten in verschiedenen Stadien der Erkrankung verglichen werden. Dabei wurden Treg-Subpopulationen mit den Markerkombinationen CD4+CD25++, CD4+CD25+CD127low, CD4+CD25+HLA DR+, CD4+Foxp3+, CD4+Foxp3+CD25+, CD4+Foxp3+CD127low und CD4+Foxp3+HLA DR+ untersucht. Insbesondere bei den Subpopulationen, die durch die Expression von Foxp3 charakterisiert sind, konnten in Patienten im Sptstadium IV der Melanomerkrankung, verglichen mit Patienten im Stadium I-II oder gesunden Spendern, erhhte Treg Frequenzen im peripheren Blut festgestellt werden. Diese Funde korrelierten mit der Beobachtung einer verminderten antigenspezifischen T Zellreaktivitt in solchen Melanompatienten. Des Weiteren zeigte sich, dass eine DC basierte Tumorantigen-spezifische Immuntherapie bei einem Teil der behandelten Stadium IV Melanompatienten eine Abnahme der Treg Frequenzen im peripheren Blut zur Folge hatte. Dies korrelierte mit Beobachtungen aus vorangegangenen Studien unserer Arbeitsgruppe, bei denen sich zeigte, dass eine solche Immuntherapie die zuvor supprimierten T Zellantworten zumindest vorbergehend wiederherstellen kann. Bei Untersuchungen zur Expression des IL 1-Rezeptors-1 konnte dieser auf Proteinebene als verstrkt exprimierter Aktivierungsmarker auf Treg besttigt werden. In Anwesenheit von IL-1 wird die Suppressorfunktion der Treg inhibiert. Eine Konversion von humanen Treg zu nicht suppressorischen TH-17-Zellen durch die Kostimulation mit IL 1 konnte dabei nicht nachgewiesen werden. Vielmehr scheint die Induktion von IL 2 die entscheidende Wirkung von IL 1 auf humane Treg und Teff darzustellen.rn
CD4(+) CD25(+) regulatory T ( Tr) cells are critical in regulating the immune response and thereby play an important role in the defense against infection and control of autoimmune diseases. Our previous studies demonstrated the involvement of autoimmune responses in periodontitis. The aim of this study was to identify CD4(+) CD25(+) Tr cells in periodontitis tissues and compare them with those in gingivitis tissues. Immunohistological analysis of CD4, CD25, and CTLA- 4 and the gene expression analysis of FOXP3, TGF- beta 1, and IL-10 on gingival biopsies revealed the presence of CD4(+) CD25(+) Tr cells in all tissues. In periodontitis, the percentage of CD4(+) CD25(+) Tr cells increased with increasing proportions of B-cells relative to T- cells. FOXP3, a characteristic marker for CD4(+) CD25(+) Tr cells, TGF- beta 1 and IL-10 were expressed more highly in periodontitis compared with gingivitis. These findings suggest that CD4(+) CD25(+) Tr cells and possibly other regulatory T- cell populations do exist and may play regulatory roles in periodontal diseases.
Background: Myocardium damage during Chagas' disease results from the immunological imbalance between pro-and production of anti-inflammatory cytokines and has been explained based on the Th1-Th2 dichotomy and regulatory T cell activity. Recently, we demonstrated that IL-17 produced during experimental T. cruzi infection regulates Th1 cells differentiation and parasite induced myocarditis. Here, we investigated the role of IL-17 and regulatory T cell during human Chagas' disease. Methodology/Principal Findings: First, we observed CD4(+)IL-17(+) T cells in culture of peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) from Chagas' disease patients and we evaluated Th1, Th2, Th17 cytokine profile production in the PBMC cells from Chagas' disease patients (cardiomyopathy-free, and with mild, moderate or severe cardiomyopathy) cultured with T. cruzi antigen. Cultures of PBMC from patients with moderate and severe cardiomyopathy produced high levels of TNF-alpha, IFN-gamma and low levels of IL-10, when compared to mild cardiomyopathy or cardiomyopathy-free patients. Flow cytometry analysis showed higher CD4(+)IL-17(+) cells in PBMC cultured from patients without or with mild cardiomyopathy, in comparison to patients with moderate or severe cardiomyopathy. We then analyzed the presence and function of regulatory T cells in all patients. All groups of Chagas' disease patients presented the same frequency of CD4(+)CD25(+) regulatory T cells. However, CD4(+)CD25(+) T cells from patients with mild cardiomyopathy or cardiomyopathy-free showed higher suppressive activity than those with moderate and severe cardiomyopathy. IFN-gamma levels during chronic Chagas' disease are inversely correlated to the LVEF (P = 0.007, r = -0.614), while regulatory T cell activity is directly correlated with LVEF (P = 0.022, r = 0.500). Conclusion/Significance: These results indicate that reduced production of the cytokines IL-10 and IL-17 in association with high levels of IFN-gamma and TNF-alpha is correlated with the severity of the Chagas' disease cardiomyopathy, and the immunological imbalance observed may be causally related with deficient suppressor activity of regulatory T cells that controls myocardial inflammation.