206 resultados para Fovea centralis
Das Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit bestand darin, ausgehend von der Bewegungswahrnehmung des Menschen durch psychophysische Methoden eine mögliche geometrische retinale Struktur der Bewegungswahrnehmung ähnlich der Fovea für räumliche Auflösung mit verschiedenen Mustern zu bestimmen. Zur Klärung dieser Frage wurde die Induktion von Scheinbewegungen in unbewegten Objekten näher untersucht. Diese Bewegungswahrnehmung muss bei solchen Objekten aus dem detektierenden System selber generiert sein. Die Eigenschaften der zu untersuchenden Bewegungsdetektion sollten dabei durch die Veränderung der Eingangsreizmuster charakterisiert werden. Hierzu wurde auf einem PC und einem Videoprojektor eine bewegte, großflächige, geometrisch modifizierbare Reizung benutzt. Durch unterschiedliche psychophysische Versuchsmethoden wurden voneinander differenzierbare Ergebnisse gewonnen. Die Reizmuster wurden dabei im Rahmen der vorhandenen Technik optimiert. Aufgrund dieser Versuchsmethode konnte das Zusammenspiel von Objekterkennung und Bewegungsdetektion in psychophysischen Versuchen gezeigt werden. Es wurde dabei bestätigt, dass eine Objekterkennung und die Wahrnehmung von Tiefe, auch wenn es sich dabei um Scheintiefe handelt, die differenzierte Bewegungswahrnehmung an sich beeinflussen oder sogar vollständig unterdrücken kann. Die vergleichende Betrachtung aller Ergebnisse zeigt, dass auch schon bei sehr langsamen Bewegungen mehr als nur ein System mit nur einer geometrischen retinalen Struktur die Bewegung detektieren muss. Diese Systeme lassen sich mit psychophysischen Methoden kaum voneinander trennen. Im Verlauf der Untersuchungen stellte sich so heraus, dass die von Rodieck postulierte Hypothese, dass jede visuelle Funktion des Gehirns eine eigene spezifische retinale Struktur aufweist, auf diesen Bereich der Bewegungswahrnehmung nicht direkt übertragen lässt, da sie einerseits der wesentlich genauer arbeitenden Objekterkennung streng untergeordnet ist und stets mindestens zwei verschiedene Mechanismen diese Art von Bewegung wahrnehmen. Eine eigene Art von Fovea für die Bewegungswahrnehmung, also einen besonders empfindlichen Bereich für langsame Bewegungen ist mit den untersuchten Scheinbewegungen nicht feststellbar. Dies liegt vor allem an der kaum quantifizierbaren Größe der induzierten Scheinbewegung. Mit mehr Computerrechenleistung, einem feiner aufgelösten Videoprojektor mit deutlich mehr Kontrast und feineren chromatischen Abstufungen könnte mit der hier angewendeten Methode die Arbeitsweise der an der räumlichen Bewegungswahrnehmung beteiligten subkortikalen Verarbeitungswege mit Hilfe farbiger, geometrisch angepasster Reizmuster eventuell genauer aufgeschlüsselt werden.
Purpose: To analyze the effects of 100 mg of sildenafil citrate (Viagra®) on the retrobulbar circulation and visual field. Methods: A double masked, placebo controlled study was conducted in 10 males with a mean age of 27.7 + 5.68 years. The right eye of each volunteer underwent orbital color Doppler imaging and automated perimetry (Humphrey, program 30-2, Full-Threshold Strategy) at 3 occasions: baseline, 1 hour after placebo and 1 hour after 100 mg of sildenafil. The foveal threshold and the mean deviation (MD) were analyzed by automated perimetry on the three occasions. Color Doppler imaging allowed the measurement of the peak systolic velocity (PSV), end diastolic velocity (EDV) and Pourcelot index (PI) in the central retinal artery and ophthalmic artery. Results: The foveal threshold and the mean deviation did not show a significant change following the administration of sildenafil. The ophthalmic artery peak systolic velocity and end diastolic velocity significantly increased after the administration of sildenafil (p<0.001). The hemodynamic parameters in the central retinal artery and the ophthalmic artery PI did not significantly change. Conclusions: Sildefanil citrate increased the blood flow velocities in the ophthalmic artery in normal subjects, with no significant changes in the foveal threshold and mean deviation in the automated perimetry.
PURPOSE: To characterize in detail the phenotype of five unrelated families with autosomal dominant bull's eye maculopathy (BEM) due to the R373C mutation in the PROM1 gene. METHODS: Forty-one individuals of five families of Caribbean (family A), British (families B, D, E), and Italian (family C) origin, segregating the R373C mutation in PROM1, were ascertained. Electrophysiological assessment, fundus autofluorescence (FAF) imaging, fundus fluorescein angiography (FFA), and optical coherence tomography (OCT) were performed in available subjects. Mutation screening of PROM1 was performed. RESULTS: The R373C mutant was present heterozygously in all affected patients. The age at onset was variable and ranged between 9 and 58 years, with most of the individuals presenting with reading difficulties. Subjects commonly had a mild to moderate reduction in visual acuity except for members of family C who experienced markedly reduced central vision. The retinal phenotype was characterized by macular dystrophy, with retinal pigment epithelial mottling in younger subjects, progressing to typical BEM over time, with the development of macular atrophy in older patients. In addition, all members of family C had typical features of RP. The electrophysiological findings were variable both within and between families. CONCLUSIONS: Mutations in PROM1 have been described to cause a severe form of autosomal recessive RP in two families of Indian and Pakistani descent. The results of this study have demonstrated that a distinct redundant PROM1 mutation (R373C) can also produce an autosomal dominant, fully penetrant retinopathy, characterized by BEM with little inter- and intrafamilial variability, and retinal dystrophy with variable rod or rod-cone dysfunction and marked intra- and interfamilial variability, ranging from isolated maculopathy without generalized photoreceptor dysfunction to maculopathy associated with very severe rod-cone dysfunction.
The foveal and non-foveal retinal regions of the pipefish, Corythoichthyes paxtoni (Syngnathidae, Teleostei) are examined at the level of the light and electron microscopes. The pipefish possesses a deep, pit (convexiclivate) fovea which, although lacking the displacement of the inner retinal layers as described in other vertebrate foveae, is characterised by the exclusion of rods, a marked increase in the density of photoreceptors and a regular square mosaic of four double cones surrounding a central single cone. In the perifoveal and peripheral retinal regions, the photoreceptor mosaic is disrupted by the insertion of large numbers of rods, which reduce spatial resolving power but may uniformly increase sensitivity for off-axis rays. In addition to a temporal fovea subtending the frontal binocular field, there is also a central area centralis subtending the monocular visual field. Based on morphological comparisons with other foveate teleosts, four foveal types are characterised and foveal function discussed with respect to the theoretical advantage of a regular square mosaic.
From January, 1997 to April, 1998, we studied breeding activity in a population of Scinax centralis Pombal & Bastos, 1996, in the state of Goiás, inside the Cerrado Biome, Brazil. The behavior of males and females in the choruses, the relationships between environmental variables and the presence of individuals, the spatial distribution pattern, amplexus and clutches were analyzed. The breeding season occurred from November to May. The majority of males began to call when they entered the chorus; they were defending their calling sites against other males. We found a positive correlation between the number of females and males in the choruses, but no significant correlation was observed between the operational sexual ratio (OSR, number of reproducing females/number of reproducing males) and the number of calling males. OSR was highly male-biased; on average, there were 40 males for each female. The presence of individuals was positively correlated with air temperature of two previous days and negatively correlated with rainfall on the observation day. Generally, males were non-randomly distributed and satellite males were observed. Females were larger and heavier than males. Egg number, but not diameter of the egg, was correlated with the female size.
Reproductive anomalies associated with the tsetse DNA virus infection in the female tsetse hosts, Glossina morsitans centralis Machado and Glossina morsitans morsitans Westwood, inoculated with the virus during the 3rd instar larval stage were studied and the data compared to those obtained from the control females injected with sterile physiological saline. Virus infected flies had significantly longer first and second pregnancy cycles (P<0.0001) and produced pupae that were of significantly less weight in milligrams (P<0.0001) compared to controls. Transmission of the virus to progeny was not absolute and only 21% of G. m. centralis and 48% of G. m. morsitans first progeny flies from infected females developed salivary gland hypertrophy as a result of transmission from mother to progeny. The virus infected females produced significantly fewere pupae compared to the controls during the experimental period (P<0.00001).
Dans le contexte d’urbanisation fulgurante de l’Asie du sud-est, les zones périurbaines agricoles vietnamiennes subissent des pressions environnementales croissantes et sont loin d’être équipées en infrastructures. L’assainissement présente un important manque d’investissement. La thèse s’est intéressée aux stratégies et aux mécanismes de financement qui aideront à réduire l’écart entre l’offre et la demande d’assainissement. Deux hypothèses principales ont été posées. D’abord, des fonds supplémentaires doivent provenir des ressources nationales, locales et celles des utilisateurs. La seconde hypothèse pose qu’il faudra investir avantage dans des activités qui augmenteront la durabilité des services d’assainissement, comme l’éducation et la promotion, qui en plus favorisent les contributions locales. La thèse a tenté de répondre à la question suivante : Dans le contexte périurbain d’Hanoi, comment mettre à contribution les ressources locales pour améliorer l’accès et la durabilité de l’assainissement? L’étude de cas est un projet communautaire pilote de gestion des eaux usées en banlieue d’Hanoi. Les facteurs de demande pour de l’assainissement et leurs effets sur la durabilité du projet ont été analysés auprès des ménages, des acteurs du village et des acteurs nationaux liés à l’assainissement. La thèse a d’abord permis d’actualiser les connaissances sur deux aspects importants : le cadre institutionnel qui encadre le financement de l’assainissement et les coûts et bénéfices de l’assainissement alternatif au Vietnam. Ces deux sujets présentaient une lacune sérieuse au niveau de la documentation. Puis, malgré de faibles capacités au niveau local, la demande réelle pour de l’assainissement était beaucoup plus importante que celle relevée dans la littérature. La recherche a permis de conclure que les institutions gouvernementales pourraient compter sur une plus grande contribution du milieu local si la planification ciblait ces facteurs : l’éducation et promotion, une grande part de décision et de gestion au niveau local et des technologies plus simples.
Bibliograph. Nachweis: Wolf, Sylvia: Politische Karikaturen in Deutschland 1848/49. Mittenwald 1982. – 1.27 Nr. 12
Free paper session INTRODUCTION. Microaneurysms and haemorrhages within the macula area are a poor predictor of macular oedema as shown by optical coherence tomography (OCT). Our research suggests that it is safe and cost effective to screen patients who present with these surrogate markers annually. PURPOSE. To determine whether microaneurysms (ma) and haemorrhages (hm) within one optic disc diameter of the fovea (ma/hm<1DD) are significant predictors of macular oedema. METHODS. Data were collected over a one-year period from patients attending digital diabetic retinopathy screening. Patients who presented with ma/hm<1DD also had an OCT scan. The fast macula scan on the Stratus OCT was used and an ophthalmologist reviewed the scans to determine whether macular oedema was present. Macular oedema was identified by thickening on the OCT cross-sections. Patients were split into two groups. Group one (325 eyes) included those with best VA?6/9 and group two (30 eyes) with best VA =6/12. Only patients who had no other referable features of diabetic retinopathy were selected. RESULTS. In group one, 6 (1.8%) out of 325 eyes showed thickening on the OCT and were referred to hospital eye service (HES) for further investigation. In group two, 6 (20%) out of 30 eyes showed thickening and were referred to HES. CONCLUSIONS. Ma/hm<1DD become more significant predictors of macular oedema when VA is reduced. Results confirm the grading criteria concerning microaneurysms predicting macular oedema for referable maculopathy in the English national screening programme. OCT is a useful method to accurately identify patients requiring referral to HES.
The deep-sea pearleye, Scopelarchus michaelsarsi (Scopelarchidae) is a mesopelagic teleost with asymmetric or tubular eyes. The main retina subtends a large dorsal binocular field, while the accessory retina subtends a restricted monocular field of lateral visual space. Ocular specializations to increase the lateral visual field include an oblique pupil and a corneal lens pad. A detailed morphological and topographic study of the photoreceptors and retinal ganglion cells reveals seven specializations: a centronasal region of the main retina with ungrouped rod-like photoreceptors overlying a retinal tapetum; a region of high ganglion cell density (area centralis of 56.1x10(3) cells per mm(2)) in the centrolateral region of the main retina; a centrotemporal region of the main retina with grouped rod-like photoreceptors; a region (area giganto cellularis) of large (32.2+/-5.6 mu m(2)), alpha-like ganglion cells arranged in a regular array (nearest neighbour distance 53.5+/-9.3 mu m with a conformity ratio of 5.8) in the temporal main retina; an accessory retina with grouped rod-like photoreceptors; a nasotemporal band of a mixture of rod-and cone-like photoreceptors restricted to the ventral accessory retina; and a retinal diverticulum comprised of a ventral region of differentiated accessory retina located medial to the optic nerve head. Retrograde labelling from the optic nerve with DiI shows that approximately 14% of the cells in the ganglion cell layer of the main retina are displaced amacrine cells at 1.5 mm eccentricity. Cryosectioning of the tubular eye confirms Matthiessen's ratio (2.59), and calculations of the spatial resolving power suggests that the function of the area centralis (7.4 cycles per degree/8.1 minutes of are) and the cohort of temporal alpha-like ganglion cells (0.85 cycles per degree/70.6 minutes of are) in the main retina may be different. Low summation ratios in these various retinal zones suggests that each zone may mediate distinct visual tasks in a certain region of the visual field by optimizing sensitivity and/or resolving power.
The eyes of the sandlance, Limnichthyes fasciatus (Creediidae. Teleostei) move independently and possess a refractive cornea, a convexiclivate fovea and a non-spherical lens giving rise to a wide separation of the nodal point from the axis of rotation of the eye much like that of a chameleon. To investigate this apparent convergence of the visual optics in these phylogenetically disparate species, we examine feeding behaviour and accommodation in the sandlance with special reference to the possibility that sandlances use accommodation as a depth cue to judge strike length. Frame-by-frame analysis of over 2000 strikes show a 100% success rate. Explosive strikes are completed in 50 ms over prey distances of four body lengths. Close-up video confirms that successful strikes can be initiated monocularly (both normally and after monocular occlusion) showing that binocular cues are not necessary to judge the length of a strike. Additional means of judging prey distance may also be derived from parallax information generated by rotation of the eye as suggested for chameleons. Using photorefraction on anaesthetised sandlances, accommodative changes were induced with acetylcholine and found to range between 120 D and 180 D at a speed of 600-720 D s(-1). The large range of accommodation (25% of the total power) is also thought to be mediated by corneal accommodation where the contraction of a unique cornealis muscle acts to change the corneal curvatures.