207 resultados para Formica pratensis
Le formiche svolgono un importante ruolo all’interno degli ecosistemi ed alcune specie sono considerate keystone in quanto in grado di modificare la componente biotica e/o abiotica dell’ecosistema stesso. Sono animali ubiquitari che hanno colonizzato molteplici ambienti, compresi gli agroecosistemi. Negli agroecosistemi spesso svolgono un ruolo impattante determinando la diffusione o il regresso di specie di artropodi, alcune delle quali dannose alle colture. La presente ricerca tiene conto di un’ampia visione dei rapporti ecoetologici intercorrenti tra le formiche e la componente biotica di un ecosistema, utilizzando il concetto di rete multitrofica. In quest’ottica, si è pensato di costruire un sistema multitrofico costituito da una specie vegetale di interesse agrario (Cucumis sativus), dai suoi fitofagi naturali, divisi in fitomizi (afidi) (Aphis gossypii e Myzus persicae) e fitofagi masticatori (bruchi del lepidottero Mamestra brassicae), formiche (Formica pratensis) e predatori afidofagi (Aphidolets aphidimyza). Il sistema multitrofico è stato utilizzato sia per studiare l’aggressività delle formiche, sia per verificare l’esistenza di una comunicazione interspecifica tra le formiche e le piante (allelochimici). Gli studi sull’aggressività sono consistiti nel: • Verificare il livello di aggressività delle formiche nei confronti di un fitofago masticatore, competitore degli afidi nello sfruttare la pianta ospite. • Verificare se la presenza di afidi mutualisti fa variare il livello di aggressività delle formiche verso il competitore. • Verificare se esiste aggressività verso un predatore di afidi, i quali, secondo il paradigma della trofobiosi, dovrebbero essere difesi dalle formiche in cambio della melata. • Verificare se il predatore ha evoluto strategie volte ad eludere il controllo delle formiche sugli insetti che si approcciano alla colonia di afidi. Gli studi sui rapporti piante-formiche sono stati effettuati mediante olfattometro, osservando la risposta delle formiche alle sostanze volatili provenienti da piante infestate in modo differente con i fitofagi del sistema. Attraverso il trappolaggio e l’analisi gas-cromatografica delle sostanze prodotte dalle piante oggetto di studio abbiamo quindi individuato tipo e quantità di ogni composto volatile. Oltre alle piante di cetriolo, per questi esperimenti sono state utilizzate anche piante di patata (Solanum tuberosum). Dagli esperimenti sull’aggressività è risultato che le formiche manifestano un elevato potenziale predatorio, eradicando completamente la presenza dei bruchi sulle piante. Questo livello di aggressività tuttavia non cresce con la presenza degli afidi mutualisti che dovrebbero essere difesi dai competitori. Le formiche inoltre non sono in grado di sopprimere i predatori afidofagi che ipotizziamo riescano ad effettuare un camuffamento chimico, assumendo gli odori degli afidi dei quali si nutrono. I risultati degli esperimenti in olfattometro mostrano una chiara risposta positiva delle formiche verso gli odori di alcune delle piante infestate. Vi sono delle differenze nella risposta in funzione della specie di fitofago presente e della specie di pianta utilizzata. Nei trattamenti in cui erano presenti le piante di C. sativus, gli esperimenti in olfattometro hanno mostrato che le formiche rispondono in modo significativo agli odori emessi dalle piante in cui vi era la presenza del fitofago masticatore M. brassicae, solo o in associazione con A. gossypii. La presenza dei soli afidi, sia mutualisti (A. gossypii) sia non mutualisti (M. persicae), non ha invece indotto una risposta significativa nelle formiche rispetto agli odori delle piante non infestate. Nei trattamenti in cui erano presenti le piante di S. tuberosum la scelta delle formiche è stata significativa verso gli odori emessi dalle piante infestate con ciascuna delle singole specie di erbivori rispetto alle piante non infestate. Gli esperimenti sull’analisi delle sostanze volatili emesse dalle piante hanno confermato che gli organismi vegetali sono una vera centrale di produzione biochimica, infatti ben 91 composti volatili diversi sono stati individuati dall’analisi gas-cromatografica delle piante di cetriolo e 85 in quelle di patata. Dalle elaborazioni effettuate, rispettivamente 27 e 4 di essi sono prodotti esclusivamente dalle piante attaccate dai fitofagi. In generale, il cambiamento più consistente è dato dalla quantità di alcune sostanze volatili emesse dalle piante infestate rispetto a quelle integre che determina un cambiamento nei rapporti tra le sostanze che compongono i volatiles. E’ probabile che l’effetto attrattivo esercitato sulle formiche sia dato da un Blend di sostanze più che dai singoli composti presenti
Human actions cause destruction and fragmentation of natural habitats, predisposing populations to loss of genetic diversity and inbreeding, which may further decrease their fitness and survival. Understanding these processes is a main concern in conservation genetics. Yet data from natural populations is scarce, particularly on invertebrates, owing to difficulties in measuring both fitness and inbreeding in the wild. Ants are social insects, and a prime example of an ecologically important group for which the effects of inbreeding remain largely unstudied. Social insects serve key roles in all terrestrial ecosystems, and the division of labor between the females in the colonies queens reproduce, workers tend to the developing brood probably is central to their ecological success. Sociality also has important implications for the effects of inbreeding. Despite their relative abundance, the effective population sizes of social insects tend to be small, owing to the low numbers of reproductive individuals relative to the numbers of sterile workers. This may subject social insects to loss of genetic diversity and subsequent inbreeding depression. Moreover, both the workers and queens can be inbred, with different and possibly multiplicative consequences. The aim of this study was to investigate causes and consequences of inbreeding in a natural population of ants. I used a combination of long-term field and genetic data from colonies of the narrow-headed ant Formica exsecta to examine dispersal, mating behavior and the occurrence of inbreeding, and its consequences on individual and colony traits. Mating in this species takes place in nuptial flights that have been assumed to be population-wide and panmictic. My results, however, show that dispersal is local, with queens establishing new colonies as close as 60 meters from their natal colony. Even though actual sib-mating was rare, individuals from different but related colonies pair, which causes the population to be inbred. Furthermore, multiple mates of queens were related to each other, which also indicates localized mating flights. Hence, known mechanisms of inbreeding avoidance, dispersal and multiple mating, were not effective in this population, as neither reduced inbreeding level of the future colony. Inbreeding had negative consequences both at the individual and colony level. A queen that has mated with a related male produces inbred workers, which impairs the colony s reproductive success. The inbred colonies were less productive and, specifically, produced fewer new queens, possibly owing to effects of inbreeding on the caste determination of female larvae. A striking finding was that males raised in colonies with inbred workers were smaller, which reflects an effect of the social environment as males, being haploid, cannot be inbred themselves. The queens produced in the inbred colonies, in contrast, were not smaller, but their immune response was up-regulated. Inbreeding had no effect on queen dispersal, but inbred queens had a lower probability of successfully founding a new colony. Ultimately, queens that survived through the colony founding phase had a shorter lifespan. This supports the idea that inbreeding imposes a genetic stress, leading to inbreeding depression on both the queen and the colony level. My results show that inbreeding can have profound consequences on insects in the wild, and that in social species the effects of inbreeding may be multiplicative and mediated through the diversity of the social environment, as well as the genetic makeup of the individuals themselves. This emphasizes the need to take into account all levels of organization when assessing the effects of genetic diversity in social animals.
J. H. Macduff and A. K. Bakken. (2003). Diurnal variation in uptake and xylem contents of inorganic and assimilated N under continuous and interrupted N supply to Phleum pratense and Festuca pratensis. Journal of Experimental Botany, 54 (381) pp.431-444 Sponsorship: BBSRC / Norwegian Crop Research Institute RAE2008
Iain S. Donnison, Donal M. O Sullivan, Ann Thomas, Peter Canter, Beverley Moore, Ian Armstead, Howard Thomas, Keith J. Edwards and Ian P. King (2005). Construction of a Festuca pratensis BAC library for map-based cloning in Festulolium substitution lines. Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 110 (5) pp.846-851 Sponsorship: BBSRC;BBSRC RAE2008
This thesis is based on studies of Formica lugubris from 1972-1975. While this species' range is diminishing in Ireland, the nests are quite common in the State plantations of South Tipperary. It is not certain that the species is indigenous. Above-ground activity occurs from late-February to the end of October; foraging begins in April. Two territorial "spring-battles" between neighbouring nests are described. Most active nests produced alatae of both sexes and flights were observed on successive June mornings above l7.5°C air temperature. Both polygyny and polycaly seem to be rare. Where the nests occur commonly, the recorded densities are similar to those reported from the continent. Most nests persisted at the same site since 1973. The nest-sites are described by recording an array of nest, soil, tree, vegetation and location variables at each site. Pinus sylvestris is the most important overhead tree. Nests seem to be the same age as their surrounding plantation and reach a maximum of c. 30 years. Nearest-neighbour analysis suggests the sites are overdispersed. Forager route-fidelity was studied and long-term absence from the route, anaesthetization and "removal" of an aphid tree had little effect on this fidelity. There were no identifiable groups of workers specifically honeydew or prey-carriers. Size-duty relationships of workers participating in adult transport are described. Foraging rhythms were studied on representative days: the numbers foraging were linearly related to temperature. Route-traffic passed randomly and an average foraging trip lasted c. four hours. Annual food intake to a nest with 25 000 foragers was estimated at approximately 75 kg honeydew and 2 million prey-items. Forager-numbers and colony-size were estimated using the capture-mark - recapture method: paint marking was used for the forager estimate and an interval radiophosphorus mark, detected by autoradiography, was used for the colony-size estimate. The aphids attended by lugubris and the nest myrmecophiles are recorded.
Covariation between colony social structure and immune defences of workers in the ant Formica selysi
Several ant species vary in the number of queens per colony, yet the causes and consequences of this variation remain poorly understood. In previous experiments, we found that Formica selysi workers originating from multiple-queen (=polygyne) colonies had a lower resistance to a fungal pathogen than workers originating from single-queen (=monogyne) colonies. In contrast, group diversity improved disease resistance in experimental colonies. This discrepancy between field and experimental colonies suggested that variation in social structure in the field had antagonistic effects on worker resistance, possibly through a down-regulation of the immune system balancing the positive effect of genetic diversity. Here, we examined if workers originating from field colonies with alternative social structure differed in three major components of their immune system. We found that workers from polygyne colonies had a lower bacterial growth inhibitory activity than workers from monogyne colonies. In contrast, workers from the two types of colonies did not differ significantly in bacterial cell wall lytic activity and prophenoloxidase activity. Overall, the presence of multiple queens in a colony correlated with a slight reduction in one inducible component of the immune system of individual workers. This reduced level of immune defence might explain the lower resistance of workers originating from polygyne colonies despite the positive effect of genetic diversity. More generally, these results indicate that social changes at the group level can modulate individual immune defences.
Following the discovery of numerous pseudogynes (= secretergates) in a polycalic colony ofFormica lugubris Zett, the author describes the qualitative and quantitative aspects of the distribution of individuals inside the nest. Workers are distributed in three clusters, the first (21 %) could consist of foragers, living in the upper part of the nest, and is distinguished by a low percentage of secretergates (1 %). The two others contain mainly domestic workers. Queens inhabit two areas (intermediate and deep). The percentage of secretergates increases with depth in the nest. Measurements of normal workers and secretergates show that the latter are significantly smaller.
Resumen en inglés
Introgression in Festulolium is a potentially powerful tool to isolate genes for a large number of traits which differ between Festuca pratensis Huds. and Lolium perenne L. Not only are hybrids between the two species fertile, but the two genomes can be distinguished by genomic in situ hybridisation and a high frequency of recombination occurs between homoeologous chromosomes and chromosome segments. By a programme of introgression and a series of backcrosses, L. perenne lines have been produced which contain small F. pratensis substitutions. This material is a rich source of polymorphic markers targeted towards any trait carried on the F. pratensis substitution not observed in the L. perenne background. We describe here the construction of an F. pratensis BAC library, which establishes the basis of a map-based cloning strategy in L. perenne. The library contains 49,152 clones, with an average insert size of 112 kbp, providing coverage of 2.5 haploid genome equivalents. We have screened the library for eight amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) derived markers known to be linked to an F. pratensis gene introgressed into L. perenne and conferring a staygreen phenotype as a consequence of a mutation in primary chlorophyll catabolism. While for four of the markers it was possible to identify bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) clones, the other four AFLPs were too repetitive to enable reliable identification of locus-specific BACs. Moreover, when the four BACs were partially sequenced, no obvious coding regions could be identified. This contrasted to BACs identified using cDNA sequences, when multiple genes were identified on the same BAC.
La scarsità di informazioni sulle reazioni che intervengono nel processo di stiratura semipermanente dei capelli e la necessità di trovare prodotti alternativi all’uso della formaldeide ha portato a intraprendere questo lavoro di tesi. Esso si è svolto seguendo due linee principali: l’indagine sui possibili meccanismi di reazione che intervengono fra composti aventi gruppi aldeidici, quali formaldeide o acido gliossilico (particolarmente efficaci nel processo di stiratura), e alcuni amminoacidi presenti nei capelli da un lato, e uno studio sulle modificazioni che intervengono nella fibra attraverso spettroscopia Raman e ATR-FT-IR e microscopia elettronica a scansione (SEM) dall’altro. Partendo dall’ipotesi più plausibile di una addizione sull’atomo di carbonio carbonilico da parte di nucleofili presenti su alcuni residui amminoacidici della catena polipeptidica, sono stati presi in considerazioni tre gruppi funzionali presenti sugli amminoacidi che possono dar luogo ad addizione reversibile al carbonio carbonilico: il gruppo tiolico che comportandosi come nucleofilo allo zolfo potrebbe dare formazione di semitioacetali, il gruppo ossidrilico di amminoacidi come serina e treonina che potrebbe dare semiacetali, ed il gruppo amminico di amminoacidi basici che agendo da nucleofilo all’azoto potrebbe generare immine. Dopo aver indagato sulla reazione fra aldeide formica (o acido gliossilico) con cisteina e derivati, l’indagine è proseguita utilizzando come amminoacido basico modello N-acetil-L-lisina, dove il gruppo amminico in posizione alfa al carbossile è protetto per cercare di mimare la situazione nel polipeptide. Alcune prove sono state condotte facendo reagire questo substrato sia con una serie di aldeidi aromatiche in diverse condizioni sperimentali che con acido gliossilico. In seguito sono state svolte analisi mediante spettroscopia Raman e ATR-FT-IR su ciocche di pelo di yak nelle diverse fasi del trattamento più comunemente utilizzato nella stiratura semipermanente. Questo ha permesso di ottenere indicazioni sia sulle modificazioni della struttura secondaria subite dalla fibra che sul verificarsi di reazioni fra agente lisciante e residui amminoacidici presenti su di essa. Infine è stata svolta un’indagine SEM sia su fibre di yak che su capelli umani ricci per osservare le variazioni superficiali nei diversi stadi del trattamento.
Repetitive DNA sequences present in the genome of Dicrocoelium dendriticum were identified by hybridization of genomic DNA that had been digested with different restriction enzymes with 32P-labeled genomic D. dendriticum DNA. DNA fragments containing repetitive sequences were isolated from PstI-digested D. dendriticum DNA and were subcloned into a plasmid vector. Plasmids containing repetitive sequences were identified by colony hybridization. One of these plasmids, designated Ddr-IV, was isolated and used as a probe in further studies. Ddr-IV is specific for D. dendriticum since it does not hybridize to DNA isolated from other trematodes. In addition, Ddr-IV was capable of detecting D. dendriticum metacercariae in ants (Formica cunicularia, F. rufibarbis, and Lasius sp.), which act as second intermediate hosts in the parasite's life cycle. Since metacercariae constitute the infectious stage of the parasite for grazing animals, Ddr-IV will provide a useful tool for epidemiology studies of dicrocoeliosis.
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