995 resultados para Forest law
The overarching objective of the research was to identify the existence and nature of international legal principles governing sustainable forest use and management. This research intended to uncover a set of forest legal considerations that are relevant for consideration across the globe. The purpose behind this, is to create a theoretical base of international forest law literature which be drawn upon to inform future international forestry research. This research will be of relevance to those undertaking examination of a particular forest issue or those focusing on forests in a particular region. The thesis explains the underlying legal issues in forest regulation, the dominant international regulatory approaches and makes suggestions as to how international and national forest policy could be improved.
The purpose of this study was to produce information on and practical recommendations for informed decision-making on and capacity building for sustainable forest management (SFM) and good forest governance. This was done within the overall global framework for sustainable development with special emphasis on the EU and African frameworks and on Southern Sudan and Ethiopia in particular. The case studies on Southern Sudan and Ethiopia focused on local, national and regional issues. Moreover, this study attempted to provide both theoretical and practical new insight. The aim was to build an overall theoretical framework and to study its key contents and main implications for SFM and good forest governance at all administration levels, for providing new tools for capacity building in natural resources management. The theoretical framework and research approach were based on the original research problem and the general and specific aims of the study. The key elements of the framework encompass sustainable development, global and EU governance, sustainable forest management (SFM), good forest governance, as well as international and EU law. The selected research approach comprised matrix-based assessment of international, regional (EU and Africa) and national (Southern Sudan and Ethiopia) policy and legal documents. The specific case study on Southern Sudan also involved interviews and group discussions with local community members and government officials. As a whole, this study attempted to link the global, regional, national and local levels in forest-sector development and especially to analyse how the international policy development in environmental and forestry issues is reflected in field-level progress towards SFM and good forest governance, for the specific cases of Southern Sudan and Ethiopia. The results on Southern Sudan focused on the existing situation and perceived needs in capacity building for SFM and good forest governance at all administration levels. Specifically, the results of the case study on Southern Sudan presented the current situation in selected villages in the northern parts of Renk County in Upper Nile State, and the implications of Multilateral Environmental Agreements (MEAs) and of the new forest policy framework for capacity building actions. The results on Ethiopia focused on training, extension, research, education and new curriculum development within higher education institutions and particularly at the Wondo Genet College of Forestry and Natural Resources (WGCF-NR), which administratively lies under Hawassa University. The results suggest that, for both cases studies, informed decision-making on and capacity building for SFM and good forest governance require comprehensive, long-term, cross-sectoral, coherent and consistent approaches within the dynamic and evolving overall global framework, including its multiple inter-linked levels. The specific priority development and focus areas comprised the establishment of SFM and good forest governance in accordance with the overall sustainable development priorities and with more focus on the international trade in forest products that are derived from sustainable and legal sources with an emphasis on effective forest law enforcement and governance at all levels. In Upper Nile State in Southern Sudan there were positive development signals such as the will of the local people to plant more multipurpose trees on farmlands and range lands as well as the recognition of the importance of forests and trees for sustainable rural development where food security is a key element. In addition, it was evident that the local communities studied in Southern Sudan also wanted to establish good governance systems through partnerships with all actors and through increased local responsibilities. The results also suggest that the implementation of MEAs at the local level in Southern Sudan requires mutually supportive and coherent approaches within the agreements as well as significantly more resources and financial and technical assistance for capacity building, training and extension. Finally, the findings confirm the importance of full utilization of the existing local governance and management systems and their traditional and customary knowledge and practices, and of new development partnerships with full participation of all stakeholders. The planned new forest law for Southern Sudan, based on an already existing new forest policy, is expected to recognize the roles of local-level actors, and it would thus obviously facilitate the achieving of sustainable forest management.
The "Forest laws" have special t.p.: An abridgment of Manwood's forest law and of all the acts of Parliament ... which related to hunting, hawking, fishing or fowling. London : Printed by H.P. for N.C., 1721.
Forest regulation is never far from the headlines. The recent COP 18 negotiations held in Doha towards the end of 2012 were criticized by observers for slowing the development of the ‘REDD+’ initiative and for marking the end of ‘Forest Day’, whilst in the last month controversy has arisen following reports that the World Bank’s investment in forestry-related projects has failed to address poverty or benefit local communities. Dr Rowena Maguire’s research focuses on international climate and forest regulation and indigenous and community groups rights and responsibilities in connection with environmental management. Her new book, Global Forest Governance, identifies the fundamental legal principles and governance requirements of Sustainable Forest Management, an introduction to which is provided in her article below.
Este trabalho teve como principal objetivo definir padrões fotográficos que representem o uso e a ocupação do solo da cabeceira de drenagem do Córrego Rico, localizada no Município de Monte Alto, Estado de São Paulo, para fins de adequação ambiental no que tange à legislação florestal brasileira. O mapeamento foi realizado utilizando técnicas de sensoriamento remoto e interpretação visual da imagem World View, seguida da digitalização da rede de drenagem e vegetações (naturais e agrícolas) no AutoCad, com auxílio de documentos e trabalho de campo. A área de estudo apresenta uma superfície de 2.141,53 ha, e os resultados permitiram constatar que a principal cultura é a cana-de-açúcar, com 546,34 ha, seguida de pastagens, com 251,22 ha, culturas perenes, com 191,71 ha, Eucalipto, com 57,31 ha, e a cebola, com 49,52 ha da área total, confirmando o avanço dos canaviais na região. A área possui 375,04 ha de áreas de preservação permanente (APPs), e desta superfície verificou-se que apenas 72,17 ha (19,24%) encontram-se compostos por vegetação arbórea ou mata, e destas 302,87 ha precisam ser enriquecidos e reflorestados com vegetação nativa da região, de acordo com legislação vigente. Os dados de área possibilitam futuras propostas de modelos de adequação ambiental para a microbacia, de acordo com a legislação ambiental vigente.
The brazilian legislation has sufored changes by the law no 1876/99, without the scientific community consultation, causing grave consequences for the country natural patrimony. The goal of this research is to investigate what the professors and students community of a São Paulo University know about the theme, as much as a rural and urban portion of persons; what they consider important and which atributes are taken in consideration. By the elaboration of closed questionnaires, qualitative and quantitative datas were collected, organized and analysed. The datas showed a low schooling by the countrified people, which reflected the low forest law knowledge. The distance between the university and society was also noticed, which indicates the lack of extension activities, ethical commitment against knowledge, technology and the sustainable development of the country. Due to, highlight the importance of extension activities towards the university, community and a knowledge future of all
Tomando la perspectiva de la ecología política, el artículo analiza los conflictos socioambientales que contextualizaron la sanción de la Ley de Ordenamiento Territorial de Bosques Nativos de la Provincia de Córdoba (Ley 9814/2010). Se caracterizan los actores sociales en disputa y sus lógicas e intereses en juego, y se analizan los argumentos que justificaron las posiciones que asumieron durante el conflicto que precedió a la sanción de la ley. Se identifican las alianzas generadas a fin de constituir grupos de interés para accionar políticamente en la arena legislativa, y se contextualiza la disputa local/provincial en el modelo agropecuario dominante a nivel nacional/global. El trabajo concluye que la ley expresa una alianza de poder consolidada históricamente entre los sectores hegemónicos de poder económico y político local, quienes usan y construyen el marco institucional del Estado en su propio beneficio sin importar los costos ambientales y sociales. Esta alianza contribuye a debilitar las demandas y derechos de los sectores más vulnerables de la sociedad, desconoce los procesos de participación ciudadana y compromete la oferta futura de servicios ambientales por parte del bosque nativo
Tomando la perspectiva de la ecología política, el artículo analiza los conflictos socioambientales que contextualizaron la sanción de la Ley de Ordenamiento Territorial de Bosques Nativos de la Provincia de Córdoba (Ley 9814/2010). Se caracterizan los actores sociales en disputa y sus lógicas e intereses en juego, y se analizan los argumentos que justificaron las posiciones que asumieron durante el conflicto que precedió a la sanción de la ley. Se identifican las alianzas generadas a fin de constituir grupos de interés para accionar políticamente en la arena legislativa, y se contextualiza la disputa local/provincial en el modelo agropecuario dominante a nivel nacional/global. El trabajo concluye que la ley expresa una alianza de poder consolidada históricamente entre los sectores hegemónicos de poder económico y político local, quienes usan y construyen el marco institucional del Estado en su propio beneficio sin importar los costos ambientales y sociales. Esta alianza contribuye a debilitar las demandas y derechos de los sectores más vulnerables de la sociedad, desconoce los procesos de participación ciudadana y compromete la oferta futura de servicios ambientales por parte del bosque nativo
Tomando la perspectiva de la ecología política, el artículo analiza los conflictos socioambientales que contextualizaron la sanción de la Ley de Ordenamiento Territorial de Bosques Nativos de la Provincia de Córdoba (Ley 9814/2010). Se caracterizan los actores sociales en disputa y sus lógicas e intereses en juego, y se analizan los argumentos que justificaron las posiciones que asumieron durante el conflicto que precedió a la sanción de la ley. Se identifican las alianzas generadas a fin de constituir grupos de interés para accionar políticamente en la arena legislativa, y se contextualiza la disputa local/provincial en el modelo agropecuario dominante a nivel nacional/global. El trabajo concluye que la ley expresa una alianza de poder consolidada históricamente entre los sectores hegemónicos de poder económico y político local, quienes usan y construyen el marco institucional del Estado en su propio beneficio sin importar los costos ambientales y sociales. Esta alianza contribuye a debilitar las demandas y derechos de los sectores más vulnerables de la sociedad, desconoce los procesos de participación ciudadana y compromete la oferta futura de servicios ambientales por parte del bosque nativo
The use of camera traps in wildlife management is an increasingly common practice. A phenomenon which is also becoming more common is for such camera traps to unintentionally film individuals engaged in a variety of activities, ranging from the innocent to the nefarious and including lewd or potentially embarrassing behaviour. It is therefore possible for the use of camera traps to accidentally encroach upon the privacy rights of persons who venture into the area of surveillance. In this chapter we describe the legal framework of privacy in Australia and discuss the potential risk of this sleeping tiger for users of camera traps. We also present the results of a survey of camera trap users to assess the frequency of such unintended captures and the nature of activity being filmed before discussing the practical implications of these laws for camera traps users in this country and make recommendations.
Forest is essential for the healthy subsistence of human being on earth. Law has been framed to regulate exploitation of forest.This study is an analysis of the law relating to forest from an environmental perspective.Practical suggestions are also made for the better protection of forest .Forest is a valuable component of human environment.For healthy subsistence of human beings on earth it is essential that at least one third of the land area on earth should be under forest cover. Forest helps in keeping air and water fresh and climate good.The Indian Forest Act 1927 and State legislation relating to forest impose Governmental control over forests by classifying them into reserved forests. Protected forests and village forests.Effective environmental impact studies facilitate adoption of the practice of sustainable development.Permission should not be granted for a project before examination of its impact on the flora and fauna in forest.Kerala, much of the vested forest remains under the control of the State Government and are managed like reserved forests.Infrastructural facilities require improvement in almost all States for protecting forest.Inter-State problems can be minimised if a central forest legislation is applied uniformly throughout India.Voluntary organisations should be encouraged to taxe part actively in the programmes for conserving forest and wildlife.The new Forest Act should provide for effective environmental impact study before development projects are undertaken in forest areas. The guidelines for this should be clearly laid down in the Act.The law relating to forest should also clearly lay down the guidelines for implementing social forestry programmes. The Forest Department should be authorised to lease lands for planting useful trees. The new forest legislation should also recognise the traditional tribal rights in forest. The Indian Forest Act 1927 and the State legislation relating to forest with their outdated revenue policy and scheme should be replaced by such a new forest legislation framed with an environmental peres-pective. The new law should be uniformly applied throughout India .
"Serial no. 100-92."
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