977 resultados para Forest ecology -- Catalonia -- Bianya, Vall de


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Estudi basat en la gestió de forests i concretament, la gestió de la finca forestal de l’Espunya (comarca de la Garrotxa). Aquest bosc, però, íntimament lligat a una sèrie de valors de qualitat ecològica i forestal excepcionals, presenta deficiències pel que fa a una protecció de caràcter tècnic, integral i estratègic, degut a la seva situació. Fora dels límits administratius del Parc Natural de la Zona Volcànica de la Garrotxa no se’n reconeixen els seus valors ni s’hi aplica un nivell adequat de protecció. El que es planteja és la gestió del bosc per millorar-ne la seva qualitat mitjançant una explotació sostenible, amb un diagnòstic previ. Es donarà importància de conservació a aquelles àrees que es considerin potencials d’estar en estadis avançats de la successió ecològica o les àrees que pel seu historial forestal, presenten certs valors a protegir. En aquest projecte es pretén creuar els criteris forestals que conformen un pla tècnic de gestió i millora forestal (PTGMF), un estudi fitosociològic i un conjunt de paràmetres que mesuren la maduresa dels boscos d’una propietat


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Estudi basat en la gestió de forests i concretament, la gestió de la finca forestal de l’Espunya (comarca de la Garrotxa). Aquest bosc, però, íntimament lligat a una sèrie de valors de qualitat ecològica i forestal excepcionals, presenta deficiències pel que fa a una protecció de caràcter tècnic, integral i estratègic, degut a la seva situació. Fora dels límits administratius del Parc Natural de la Zona Volcànica de la Garrotxa no se’n reconeixen els seus valors ni s’hi aplica un nivell adequat de protecció. El que es planteja és la gestió del bosc per millorar-ne la seva qualitat mitjançant una explotació sostenible, amb un diagnòstic previ. Es donarà importància de conservació a aquelles àrees que es considerin potencials d’estar en estadis avançats de la successió ecològica o les àrees que pel seu historial forestal, presenten certs valors a protegir. En aquest projecte es pretén creuar els criteris forestals que conformen un pla tècnic de gestió i millora forestal (PTGMF), un estudi fitosociològic i un conjunt de paràmetres que mesuren la maduresa dels boscos d’una propietat


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Includes bibliography.


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L’inventari forestal és una eina molt important per obtenir la informació necessària, sobre una massa arbrada, respecte a la seva situació actual i la seva possible evolució en el temps, a fi i efecte de poder prendre les decisions necessàries sobre la seva planificació i gestió. Amb aquest treball s’ha volgut avaluar la possible millora que es pot obtenir aplicant les noves tecnologies en la realització dels inventaris forestals, com la tecnologia LiDAR (Light Detection and Ranging). El mètode tradicional de realitzar un inventari forestal, consisteix en anar a camp i prendre dades d’unes mostres representatives, de les variables dasomètriques que caracteritzen una massa forestal. La tecnologia LiDAR és un sistema de teledetecció que calcula distàncies a partir de, la mesura del temps entre l’emissió d’un làser polsat i el seu retorn desprès de la seva reflexió en tocar terra. El resultat és un núvol de punts a diferents alçades, amb el qual s’aconsegueix un Model Digital del Terreny (MDT) i un Model Digital de Superfície (MDS). De la resta d’aquests dos models s’obté una imatge de l’estructura vertical de la vegetació, a partir de la qual es poden deduir dades bàsiques del bosc amb mesures per tot el territori. L’àrea d’estudi on es va dur a terme el present treball, és una finca del terme municipal de Benifallet, al Baix Ebre, província de Tarragona. L’estudi ha consistit en la comparació dels dos mètodes, tradicional i LiDAR, a l’hora d’obtenir les variables de densitat, alçada i fracció de cabuda coberta (FCC). El mètode tradicional consisteix en mesurar les variables en 24 parcel•les representatives i posteriorment, en extrapolar-les als estrats, que són les unitats en que es divideix la part de la finca on es realitza l’inventari. En el mètode utilitzant la tecnologia LiDAR, s’utilitzen dos tipus de resolucions (8 píxels i 24 píxels) a l’hora de treballar amb les dades


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"May 1996."


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We considered whether ecological restoration using high diversity of native tree species serves to restore nitrogen dynamics in the Brazilian Atlantic Forest. We measured delta(15)N and N content in green foliage and soil; vegetation N:P ratio; and soil N mineralization in a preserved natural forest and restored forests of ages 21 and 52 years. Green foliage delta(15)N values, N content, N:P ratio, inorganic N and net mineralization and nitrification rates were all higher, the older the forest. Our findings indicate that the recuperation of N cycling has not been achieved yet in the restored forests even after 52 years, but show that they are following a trajectory of development that is characterized by their N cycling intensity becoming similar to a natural mature forest of the same original forest formation. This study demonstrated that some young restored forests are more limited by N compared to mature natural forests. We document that the recuperation of N cycling in tropical forests can be achieved through ecological restoration actions. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Live aboveground biomass (AGB) is an important source of uncertainty in the carbon balance from the tropical regions in part due scarcity of reliable estimates of live AGB and its variation across landscapes and forest types. Studies of forest structure and biomass stocks of Neotropical forests are biased toward Amazonian and Central American sites. In particular, standardized estimates of aboveground biomass stocks for the Brazilian Atlantic forest are rarely available. Notwithstanding the role of environmental variables that control the distribution and abundance of biomass in tropical lowland forests has been the subject of considerable research, the effect of short, steep elevational gradients on tropical forest structure and carbon dynamics is not well known. In order to evaluate forest structure and live AGB variation along an elevational gradient (0-1100 m a.s.l.) of coastal Atlantic Forest in SE Brazil, we carried out a standard census of woody stems >= 4.8 cm dbh in 13 1-ha permanent plots established on four different sites in 2006-2007. Live AGB ranged from 166.3 Mg ha(-1) (bootstrapped 95% CI: 1444,187.0) to 283.2 Mg ha(-1) (bootstrapped 95% CI: 253.0,325.2) and increased with elevation. We found that local-scale topographic variation associated with elevation influences the distribution of trees >50 cm dbh and total live AGB. Across all elevations, we found more stems (64-75%) with limited crown illumination but the largest proportion of the live AGB (68-85%) was stored in stems with highly illuminated or fully exposed crowns. Topography, disturbance and associated changes in light and nutrient supply probably control biomass distribution along this short but representative elevational gradient. Our findings also showed that intact Atlantic forest sites stored substantial amounts of carbon aboveground. The live tree AGB of the stands was found to be lower than Central Amazonian forests, but within the range of Neotropical forests, in particular when compared to Central American forests. Our comparative data suggests that differences in live tree AGB among Neotropical forests are probably related to the heterogeneous distribution of large and medium-sized diameter trees within forests and how the live biomass is partitioned among those size classes, in accordance with general trends found by previous studies. In addition, the elevational variation in live AGB stocks suggests a large spatial variability over coastal Atlantic forests in Brazil, clearly indicating that it is important to consider regional differences in biomass stocks for evaluating the role of this threatened tropical biome in the global carbon cycle. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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There is more to sustainable forest management than reduced impact logging. Partnerships between multiple actors are needed in order to create the institutional context for good forest governance and sustainable forest management and stimulate the necessary local community involvement. The idea behind this is that the parties would be able to achieve more jointly than on their own by combining assets, knowledge, skills and political power of actors at different levels of scale. This article aims to demonstrate by example the nature and variety of forest-related partnerships in Brazilian Amazonia. Based on the lessons learned from these cases and the authors` experience, the principal characteristics of successful partnerships are described, with a focus on political and socioeconomic aspects. These characteristics include fairly negotiated partnership objectives, the active involvement of the public sector as well as impartial brokers, equitable and cost-effective institutional arrangements, sufficient and equitably shared benefits for all the parties involved, addressing socioeconomic drawbacks, and taking measures to maintain sustainable exploitation levels. The authors argue that, in addition to product-oriented partnerships which focus on sustainable forest management, there is also a need for politically oriented partnerships based on civil society coalitions. The watchdog function of these politically oriented partnerships, their awareness-raising campaigns regarding detrimental policies and practices, and advocacy for good forest governance are essential for the creation of the appropriate legal and political framework for sustainable forest management. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Tropical countries face special specific problems in implementing sustainable forest management (SFM). In many countries, questions are raised on whether tropical forests should be publicly, commonly or privately owned and managed in order to enhance sustainability. Other debates also focus on whether small-scale enterprises are better positioned than large-scale industrial concessions to reduce poverty and attain sustainable management. In countries where large tracts of forest are state-owned, concessions are viewed as a means of delivering services of public and collective interest through an association of private investment and public regulation. However, the success of an industrial concession model in countries with large forest resource endowment to achieve multiple goals such as sustainable forest management and local/regional development depends on two critical assumptions. First, forest functions and services should be managed and maintained as public goods. In many cases, additional uses - and corresponding rights - can take place alongside logging activities. Industrial concessions can be more efficient than other tenure models (such as community-based forest management and small-scale enterprises) in achieving SFM, add value to raw material and comply with growing environmental norms. This is especially the case in market-remote areas with low population density and poor infrastructure. Secondly, to achieve these different outcomes, any concession system needs to be monitored and regulated, especially in contexts dominated by asymmetrical information between regulating authorities and concessionaires. New institutional responses have recently been put forward in several countries, providing valuable materials to design a renewed policy mix which associates public and private incentives. This paper provides a survey of the experience of forest concessions in several Central African and South American countries. The concession system is examined in order to clarify the issues involved, the problems encountered, and what can be learned from the shared experience of these countries in the last decade. This paper argues that despite a sometimes patchy record, concessions can help promote SFM so long as they are packaged with a certain number of specific measures. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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(Impact of seedling removal on regenerating community structure of a seasonal semideciduous forest). Transplanting seedlings and saplings from natural forests has been considered an alternative to producing saplings of native species for forest restoration purposes, but the possible impact of this procedure on plant community regeneration has not been investigated. This work evaluates the impact of different treatments of shrub and tree-seedling (up to 30 cm) removal from a seasonal semideciduous forest fragment located in southeastern Brazil on the natural regeneration process. Eighty 2x2 m plots were installed in two habitats (forest edge and interior) and submitted to four seedling-removal treatments (I, II - 100% removal with or without soil mixing; III - 50% removal without soil mixing: and IV - control treatment Without seedling removal). Regeneration density and richness were evaluated before treatment as well as 6, 12 and 18 months later. The results were compared among treatments for each evaluation period and among periods within treatments. There were similarities between edge and interior. The natural regeneration process did not improve with soil mixing. Plots submitted to seedling removal partially recovered plant density; however, these plots had lower species richness when compared to the control and to the initial values before treatment. Seedling removal has a negative impact on the regeneration process of low-density species, thus the use of natural regeneration as a sapling source for forest restoration purposes should focus only on high-density species with well-known regeneration strategies and not on the community as a whole.


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The expansion of agricultural and pasture areas over native forest areas has been broadly documented and represents the main cause of deforestation that has occurred for the last decades. Such reality is not different in indigenous lands, and has been considered as an important obstacle for individuals who directly depend upon the appropriate management of natural resources to maintain their traditions. We investigated the seed rain, seed bank and natural regeneration of native woody species within a degraded pasture land in different distances from an adjacent seasonal semideciduous forest fragment to define methodological procedures based on ecological processes that might subsidize forest restoration in an indigenous land. Most seeds and seedlings picked from the seed rain and seed bank belonged to anemochoric and autochoric dispersing shrubby and herbaceous species originated in the pasture land. The woody species regeneration, on the other hand, reached higher levels, in terms of abundance and richness, as the forest fragment became closer. Zoochoric dispersal was predominant among such species and was mainly detected closer to the forest fragment. Several woody species picked in the forest fragment were also found in the pasture land, thus reinforcing their important role in supplying propagules and easing the successional process. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Some Eucalyptus species are widely used as a plantation crop in tropical and subtropical regions. One reason for this is the diversity of end uses, but the main reason is the high level of wood production obtained from commercial plantings. With the advancement of biotechnology it will be possible to expand the geographical area in which eucalypts can be used as commercial plantation crops, especially in regions with current climatic restrictions. Despite the popularity of eucalypts and their increasing range, questions still exist, in both traditional planting areas and in the new regions: Can eucalypts invade areas of native vegetation, causing damage to natural ecosystems biodiversity? The objective of this study it was to assess whether eucalypts can invade native vegetation fragments in proximity to commercial stands, and what factors promote this invasive growth. Thus, three experiments were established in forest fragments located in three different regions of Brazil. Each experiment was composed of 40 plots (1 m(2) each one), 20 plots located at the border between the forest fragment and eucalypts plantation, and 20 plots in the interior of the forest fragments. In each experimental site, the plots were paired by two soil exposure conditions, 10 plots in natural conditions and 10 plots with soil exposure (no plant and no litter). During the rainy season, 2 g of eucalypts seeds were sown in each plot, including Eucalyptus grandis or a hybrid of E. urophylla x E. grandis, the most common commercial eucalypt species planted in the three region. At 15, 30, 45, 90, 180, 270 and 360 days after sowing, we assessed the number of seedlings of eucalypts and the number of seedlings of native species resulting from natural regeneration. Fifteen days after sowing, the greatest number of eucalypts seedlings (37 m(-2)) was observed in the plots with lower luminosity and exposed soil. Also, for native species, it was observed that exposed soil improved natural germination reaching the highest number of 163 seedlings per square meter. Site and soil exposure were the factors that have the greatest influence on seed germination of both eucalypt and native species. However, 270 days after sowing, eucalypt seedlings were not observed at any of the three experimental sites. The result shows the inability of eucalypts to adapt to condition outside of their natural range. However, native species demonstrated their strong capacity for natural regeneration in forest fragments under the same conditions where eucalypts were seeded. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Using data from a logging experiment in the eastern Brazilian Amazon region, we develop a matrix growth and yield model that captures the dynamic effects of harvest system choice on forest structure and composition. Multinomial logistic regression is used to estimate the growth transition parameters for a 10-year time step, while a Poisson regression model is used to estimate recruitment parameters. The model is designed to be easily integrated with an economic model of decisionmaking to perform tropical forest policy analysis. The model is used to compare the long-run structure and composition of a stand arising from the choice of implementing either conventional logging techniques or more carefully planned and executed reduced-impact logging (RIL) techniques, contrasted against a baseline projection of an unlogged forest. Results from log and leave scenarios show that a stand logged according to Brazilian management requirements will require well over 120 years to recover its initial commercial volume, regardless of logging technique employed. Implementing RIL, however, accelerates this recovery. Scenarios imposing a 40-year cutting cycle raise the possibility of sustainable harvest volumes, although at significantly lower levels than is implied by current regulations. Meeting current Brazilian forest policy goals may require an increase in the planned total area of permanent production forest or the widespread adoption of silvicultural practices that increase stand recovery and volume accumulation rates after RIL harvests. Published by Elsevier B.V.


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The general objective of this study was to evaluate the ordered weighted averaging (OWA) method, integrated to a geographic information systems (GIS), in the definition of priority areas for forest conservation in a Brazilian river basin, aiming at to increase the regional biodiversity. We demonstrated how one could obtain a range of alternatives by applying OWA, including the one obtained by the weighted linear combination method and, also the use of the analytic hierarchy process (AHP) to structure the decision problem and to assign the importance to each criterion. The criteria considered important to this study were: proximity to forest patches; proximity among forest patches with larger core area; proximity to surface water; distance from roads: distance from urban areas; and vulnerability to erosion. OWA requires two sets of criteria weights: the weights of relative criterion importance and the order weights. Thus, Participatory Technique was used to define the criteria set and the criterion importance (based in AHP). In order to obtain the second set of weights we considered the influence of each criterion, as well as the importance of each one, on this decision-making process. The sensitivity analysis indicated coherence among the criterion importance weights, the order weights, and the solution. According to this analysis, only the proximity to surface water criterion is not important to identify priority areas for forest conservation. Finally, we can highlight that the OWA method is flexible, easy to be implemented and, mainly, it facilitates a better understanding of the alternative land-use suitability patterns. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.