995 resultados para Force distribution


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The problem of the appropriate distribution of forces among the fingers of a four-fingered robot hand is addressed. The finger-object interactions are modelled as point frictional contacts, hence the system is indeterminate and an optimal solution is required for controlling forces acting on an object. A fast and efficient method for computing the grasping and manipulation forces is presented, where computation has been based on using the true model of the nonlinear frictional cone of contact. Results are compared with previously employed methods of linearizing the cone constraints and minimizing the internal forces.


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Les résultats de récentes études supportent l’idée que la perception de la force aurait un rôle important dans la réalisation des tâches fonctionnelles telles que le passage assis à debout (PAD). Cependant, très peu d’études se sont attardées à quantifier la précision avec laquelle les individus en santé sont capables de percevoir la force musculaire. De plus, aucune étude n’a évalué la perception de la distribution du poids lors du PAD chez la clientèle saine. L’objectif principal était de recueillir des données sur la capacité des individus en santé, jeunes et âgés, à percevoir la force musculaire lors d’une contraction statique des extenseurs du genou et à percevoir la distribution du poids (DP) lorsqu’ils réalisent le passage assis à debout. Cette étude a été effectuée auprès de 31 individus, divisés en deux groupes d’âge (< 50 ans et > 60 ans). Les résultats du premier objectif visant à quantifier les erreurs de perception de la force lors d’une contraction statique des extenseurs du genou ont démontré que les erreurs absolues et brutes sont plus élevées pour les niveaux de force supérieurs à 50 % CVM et que les erreurs brutes sont plus importantes chez les jeunes pour les hauts niveaux de force. Les résultats du second objectif visant à évaluer l’effet de différentes références sensorimotrices sur les erreurs de perception de la force musculaire ont montré qu’une référence à 50 % CVM préalablement montrée au participant et qu’une contraction simultanée des muscles de la préhension de la main diminuent les erreurs brutes et absolues de perception pour le niveau de force 70%. Les résultats du troisième objectif visant à quantifier les erreurs de perception de la DP lors du PAD ont démontré que les sujets jeunes et âgés ont une bonne capacité à percevoir leur DP avec des erreurs absolues et brutes variant respectivement entre 2,9 % et 9,4 % et entre -5,7 % et 5,7 % et des coefficients de corrélations intra-classes supérieurs à 0,75 entre la DP produite et celle perçue. Les résultats contribuent à approfondir les connaissances relatives à la perception de la force et de la DP chez les individus en santé. Ces données pourront servir à titre comparatif lors d’études menées auprès des patients hémiparétiques afin d’évaluer s’ils ont des problèmes perceptifs pouvant expliquer l’asymétrie récurrente qu’ils présentent dans leurs tâches fonctionnelles.


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Dovetail joints are one of the most cornrnonly used joints during Gothic and Baroque periods. Despite being coristructed in the sarne way during the ages, there is no analyticai solution available to help its analysis and design so required in reconstruction works of existing timber structures. An analytical solution based on the principie of virtual works under different types of loading is presented in this paper as weli as differences in bearing capacity of the joint for chosen types of loading, when different wood species are used. The accuracy of the presented solution is confirrned by data obtained from experimental tests of scaied modeis of a dovetail joint.


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The paper addresses the problem of autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV) modelling and parameter estimation as a means to predict the dynamic performance of underwater vehicles and thus provide solid guidelines during their design phase. The use of analytical and semi-empirical (ASE) methods to estimate the hydrodynamic derivatives of a popular class of AUVs is discussed. A comparison is done with the results obtained by using computational fluid dynamics to evaluate the bare hull lift force distribution around a fully submerged body. An application is made to the estimation of the hydrodynamic derivatives of the MAYA AUV, an autonomous underwater vehicle developed under a joint Indian-Portuguese project. The estimates obtained were used to predict the turning diameter of the vehicle during sea trials. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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O uso da tecnologia tem crescido nas últimas décadas nas mais diversas áreas, seja na indústria ou no dia-a-dia, e é cada vez mais evidente os benefícios que traz. No desporto não é diferente. Cada dia surgem novos desenvolvimentos objetivando a melhoria do desempenho dos praticantes de atividades físicas, possibilitando atingir resultados nunca antes pensados. Além disto, a utilização da tecnologia no desporto permite a obtenção de dados biomecânicos que podem ser utilizados tanto no treinamento quando na melhoria da qualidade de vida dos atletas auxiliando na prevenção de lesões, por exemplo. Deste modo, o presente projeto se aplica na área do desporto, nomeadamente, na modalidade do surfe, onde a ausência de trabalhos científicos ainda é elevada, aliando a tecnologia eletrônica ao desporto para quantificar informações até então desconhecidas. Três fatores básicos de desempenho foram levantados, sendo eles: equilíbrio, posicionamento dos pés e movimentação da prancha de surfe. Estes fatores levaram ao desenvolvimento de um sistema capaz de medi-los dinamicamente através da medição das forças plantares e da rotação da prancha de surfe. Além da medição dos fatores, o sistema é capaz de armazenar os dados adquiridos localmente através de um cartão de memória, para posterior análise; e também enviá-los através de uma comunicação sem fio, permitindo a visualização do centro de pressões plantares; dos ângulos de rotação da prancha de surfe; e da ativação dos sensores; em tempo real. O dispositivo consiste em um sistema eletrônico embarcado composto por um microcontrolador ATMEGA1280; um circuito de aquisição e condicionamento de sinal analógico; uma central inercial; um módulo de comunicação sem fio RN131; e um conjunto de sensores de força Flexiforce. O firmware embarcado foi desenvolvido em linguagem C. O software Matlab foi utilizado para receção de dados e visualização em tempo real. Os testes realizados demostraram que o funcionamento do sistema atende aos requisitos propostos, fornecendo informação acerca do equilíbrio, através do centro de pressões; do posicionamento dos pés, através da distribuição das pressões plantares; e do movimento da prancha nos eixos pitch e roll, através da central inercial. O erro médio de medição de força verificado foi de -0.0012 ± 0.0064 N, enquanto a mínima distância alcançada na transmissão sem fios foi de 100 m. A potência medida do sistema foi de 330 mW.


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The force distribution inside a dovetail joint is complex. Wood is simultaneously loaded in different directions in the several connected surfaces. The analytical solutions available for the analysis of the behavior of those carpentry joints rely on the mechanical properties of wood. In particular, the stiffness properties of wood under compression are crucial for the forces equilibrium. Simulations showed that the stiffness values considered in each of the springs normally assumed in the analytical models, have great influence in the bearing capacity and stiffness of the dovetail joints, with important consequence on the stress distribution over the overall structure. In a wide experimental campaign, the properties under compression of the most common wood species of existing timber structures have been determined. Then, a solved example of a dovetail joint is presented assuming different wood species and the corresponding strength and stiffness properties values obtained in the tests.


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We present an experimental and numerical study on the influence that particle aspect ratio has on the mechanical and structural properties of granular packings. For grains with maximal symmetry (squares), the stress propagation in the packing localizes forming chainlike forces analogous to the ones observed for spherical grains. This scenario can be understood in terms of stochastic models of aggregation and random multiplicative processes. As the grains elongate, the stress propagation is strongly affected. The interparticle normal force distribution tends toward a Gaussian, and, correspondingly, the force chains spread leading to a more uniform stress distribution reminiscent of the hydrostatic profiles known for standard liquids


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The Phase I research, Iowa Department of Transportation (IDOT) Project HR-214, "Feasibility Study of Strengthening Existing Single Span Steel Beam Concrete Deck Bridges," verified that post-tensioning can be used to provide strengthening of the composite bridges under investigation. Phase II research, reported here, involved the strengthening of two full-scale prototype bridges - one a prototype of the model bridge tested during Phase I and the other larger and skewed. In addition to the field work, Phase II also involved a considerable amount of laboratory work. A literature search revealed that only minimal data existed on the angle-plus-bar shear connectors. Thus, several specimens utilizing angle-plus-bar, as well as channels, studs and high strength bolts as shear connectors were fabricated and tested. To obtain additional shear connector information, the bridge model of Phase I was sawed into four composite concrete slab and steel beam specimens. Two of the resulting specimens were tested with the original shear connection, while the other two specimens had additional shear connectors added before testing. Although orthotropic plate theory was shown in Phase I to predict vertical load distribution in bridge decks and to predict approximate distribution of post-tensioning for right-angle bridges, it was questioned whether the theory could also be used on skewed bridges. Thus, a small plexiglas model was constructed and used in vertical load distribution tests and post-tensioning force distribution tests for verification of the theory. Conclusions of this research are as follows: (1) The capacity of existing shear connectors must be checked as part of a bridge strengthening program. Determination of the concrete deck strength in advance of bridge strengthening is also recommended. (2) The ultimate capacity of angle-plus-bar shear connectors can be computed on the basis of a modified AASHTO channel connector formula and an angle-to-beam weld capacity check. (3) Existing shear connector capacity can be augmented by means of double-nut high strength bolt connectors. (4) Post-tensioning did not significantly affect truck load distribution for right angle or skewed bridges. (5) Approximate post-tensioning and truck load distribution for actual bridges can be predicted by orthotropic plate theory for vertical load; however, the agreement between actual distribution and theoretical distribution is not as close as that measured for the laboratory model in Phase I. (6) The right angle bridge exhibited considerable end restraint at what would be assumed to be simple support. The construction details at bridge abutments seem to be the reason for the restraint. (7) The skewed bridge exhibited more end restraint than the right angle bridge. Both skew effects and construction details at the abutments accounted for the restraint. (8) End restraint in the right angle and skewed bridges reduced tension strains in the steel bridge beams due to truck loading, but also reduced the compression strains caused by post-tensioning.


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The need for upgrading a large number of understrength bridges in the United States has been well documented in the literature. This manual presents two methods for strengthening continuous-span composite bridges: post-tensioning of the positive moment regions of the bridge stringers and the addition of superimposed trusses at the piers. The use of these two systems is an efficient method of reducing flexural overstresses in undercapacity bridges. Before strengthening a given bridge however, other deficiencies (inadequate shear connection, fatigue problems, extensive corrosion) should be addressed. Since continuous-span composite bridges are indeterminant structures, there is longitudinal and transverse distribution of the strengthening axial forces and moments. This manual basically provides the engineer with a procedure for determining the distribution of strengthening forces and moments throughout the bridge. As a result of the longitudinal and transverse force distribution, the design methodology presented in this manual for continuous-span composite bridges is extremely complex. To simplify the procedure, a spreadsheet has been developed for use by practicing engineers. This design aid greatly simplifies the design of a strengthening system for a given bridge in that it eliminates numerous tedious hand calculations, computes the required force and moment fractions, and performs the necessary iterations for determining the required strengthening forces. The force and moment distribution fraction formulas developed in this manual are primarily for the Iowa DOT V12 and V14 three-span four-stringer bridges. These formulas may be used on other bridges if they are within the limits stated in this manual. Use of the distribution fraction formulas for bridges not within the stated limits is not recommended.


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L’imagerie médicale a longtemps été limitée à cause des performances médiocres des fluorophores organiques. Récemment la recherche sur les nanocristaux semi-conducteurs a grandement contribué à l’élargissement de la gamme d’applications de la luminescence dans les domaines de l’imagerie et du diagnostic. Les points quantiques (QDs) sont des nanocristaux de taille similaire aux protéines (2-10 nm) dont la longueur d’onde d’émission dépend de leur taille et de leur composition. Le fait que leur surface peut être fonctionnalisée facilement avec des biomolécules rend leur application particulièrement attrayante dans le milieu biologique. Des QDs de structure « coeur-coquille » ont été synthétisés selon nos besoins en longueur d’onde d’émission. Dans un premier article nous avons modifié la surface des QDs avec des petites molécules bi-fonctionnelles portant des groupes amines, carboxyles ou zwitterions. L’effet de la charge a été analysé sur le mode d’entrée des QDs dans deux types cellulaires. À l’aide d’inhibiteurs pharmacologiques spécifiques à certains modes d’internalisation, nous avons déterminé le mode d’internalisation prédominant. L’endocytose par les radeaux lipidiques représente le mode d’entrée le plus employé pour ces QDs de tailles similaires. D’autres modes participent également, mais à des degrés moindres. Des disparités dans les modes d’entrée ont été observées selon le ligand de surface. Nous avons ensuite analysé l’effet de l’agglomération de différents QDs sur leur internalisation dans des cellules microgliales. La caractérisation des agglomérats dans le milieu de culture cellulaire a été faite par la technique de fractionnement par couplage flux-force (AF4) associé à un détecteur de diffusion de la lumière. En fonction du ligand de surface et de la présence ou non de protéines du sérum, chacun des types de QDs se sont agglomérés de façon différente. À l'aide d’inhibiteur des modes d’internalisation, nous avons corrélé les données de tailles d’agglomérats avec leur mode d’entrée cellulaire. Les cellules microgliales sont les cellules immunitaires du système nerveux central (CNS). Elles répondent aux blessures ou à la présence d’inflammagènes en relâchant des cytokines pro-inflammatoires. Une inflammation non contrôlée du CNS peut conduire à la neurodégénérescence neuronale et est souvent observée dans les cas de maladies chroniques. Nous nous sommes intéressés au développement d’un nanosenseur pour mesurer des biomarqueurs du début de l’inflammation. Les méthodes classiques pour étudier l’inflammation consistent à mesurer le niveau de protéines ou molécules relâchées par les cellules stressées (par exemple monoxyde d’azote, IL-1β). Bien que précises, ces méthodes ne mesurent qu’indirectement l’activité de la caspase-1, responsable de la libération du l’IL-1β. De plus ces méthode ne peuvent pas être utilisées avec des cellules vivantes. Nous avons construit un nanosenseur basé sur le FRET entre un QD et un fluorophore organique reliés entre eux par un peptide qui est spécifiquement clivé par la caspase-1. Pour induire l’inflammation, nous avons utilisé des molécules de lipopolysaccharides (LPS). La molécule de LPS est amphiphile. Dans l’eau le LPS forme des nanoparticules, avec des régions hydrophobes à l’intérieure. Nous avons incorporé des QDs dans ces régions ce qui nous a permis de suivre le cheminement du LPS dans les cellules microgliales. Les LPS-QDs sont internalisés spécifiquement par les récepteurs TLR-4 à la surface des microglies. Le nanosenseur s’est montré fonctionnel dans la détermination de l’activité de la caspase-1 dans cellules microgliales activées par le LPS. Éventuellement, le senseur permettrait d’observer en temps réel l’effet de thérapies ciblant l’inflammation, sur l’activité de la caspase-1.


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Since robots are typically designed with an individual actuator at each joint, the control of these systems is often difficult and non-intuitive. This thesis explains a more intuitive control scheme called Virtual Model Control. This thesis also demonstrates the simplicity and ease of this control method by using it to control a simulated walking hexapod. Virtual Model Control uses imagined mechanical components to create virtual forces, which are applied through the joint torques of real actuators. This method produces a straightforward means of controlling joint torques to produce a desired robot behavior. Due to the intuitive nature of this control scheme, the design of a virtual model controller is similar to the design of a controller with basic mechanical components. The ease of this control scheme facilitates the use of a high level control system which can be used above the low level virtual model controllers to modulate the parameters of the imaginary mechanical components. In order to apply Virtual Model Control to parallel mechanisms, a solution to the force distribution problem is required. This thesis uses an extension of Gardner`s Partitioned Force Control method which allows for the specification of constrained degrees of freedom. This virtual model control technique was applied to a simulated hexapod robot. Although the hexapod is a highly non-linear, parallel mechanism, the virtual models allowed text-book control solutions to be used while the robot was walking. Using a simple linear control law, the robot walked while simultaneously balancing a pendulum and tracking an object.


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Recently a substantial amount of research has been done in the field of dextrous manipulation and hand manoeuvres. The main concern has been how to control robot hands so that they can execute manipulation tasks with the same dexterity and intuition as human hands. This paper surveys multi-fingered robot hand research and development topics which include robot hand design, object force distribution and control, grip transform, grasp stability and its synthesis, grasp stiffness and compliance motion and robot arm-hand coordination. Three main topics are presented in this article. The first is an introduction to the subject. The second concentrates on examples of mechanical manipulators used in research and the methods employed to control them. The third presents work which has been done on the field of object manipulation.


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This work describes an electronic system implementation with two force plates, 24 load cells with strain gages, signal conditioning circuit, interfacing circuit and data acquisition system, designed for measuring plantar force distribution in patients. The system presented linear response, low hysteresis, with determination coefficient of 0.9997, precision better than 0,84% and resolution less than 0.5 N. The Measurements are presented on a computer screen and easier visualization to specialists, mainly physicians, physiotherapists and occupational therapists. Using the system, the distribution of weight in the plantar region of 100 normal subjects and 10 hemiplegic patients was investigated. There were determined the relationship between weight distribution on the right and left forefoot, hemiplegic patients and normal patients, with the implemented system. © 2013 Springer.


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Tensile strength (TS) of soil aggregates is an important indicator of soil quality. However, TS varies with aggregate shape. Thus, the objective of this study was to quantify the influence of aggregate shape on TS and propose a shape standardization protocol to increase accuracy in the measurement of TS. The latter was determined on 7,560 aggregates divided into three shapes, (i) irregular shape (IS), (ii) spherical shape (SS), and (iii) flat surface (FS), while preserving the inherent structure of the aggregate. The aggregates with IS had a larger range in the TS (306 kPa) because of the shape variability when compared with SS (238 kPa) and FS (129 kPa). The TS determined in aggregates with FS had smaller coefficient of variation (46%) in comparison with those of IS (70%) and SS (66%), indicating that the aggregate uniformity reduced the influence of shape on the TS. A smaller force (42.12 kPa) was needed to rupture aggregates with FS than IS (58.43 kPa) and SS (56.89 kPa) because of better force distribution in causing the tensile stress. The use of aggregates with the FS enables an accurate assessment of TS in relation to a wide range of management treatments. Copyright © 2013 by Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)