999 resultados para Force de cisaillement (load-force)


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Suite à un accident vasculaire cérébral (AVC), des déficits au membre controlatéral et ipsilatéral à la lésion cérébrale sont observés chez les personnes avec un AVC. La performance du membre ipsilatéral est déterminée par l’importance de la sévérité clinique du membre controlatéral ainsi que par l’adéquation du traitement bihémisphérique des informations sensori-motrices. L’objectif de la présente étude est de comparer la performance motrice de la main ipsilatérale lors de diverses tâches nécessitant un niveau plus ou moins complexe de traitement de l’information chez une clientèle hémiplégique ayant une faible sévérité clinique. Les résultats démontrent que les forces de pinces entre le pouce et l’index du membre ipsilatéral sont modulées et anticipées adéquatement chez les personnes avec un AVC ayant une faible sévérité clinique tel que démontré par des scores de cinq ou plus au Chedoke-McMaster Stroke Assessment (modules bras et main). La performance motrice du membre ipsilatéral lors de l’exécution d’une tâche de coordination bilatérale est comparable à celle du membre dominant des sujets sains lorsque la tâche est réalisée sans interaction entre les membres supérieurs (deux objets) et elle est perturbée lorsqu’elle implique une action coordonnée et réciproque des membres supérieurs sur un même objet. Ces personnes, ayant une bonne récupération motrice, ont donc une problématique centrale d’intégration et de traitement de l’information sensori-motrice lorsqu’il y a une complexification de la tâche à réaliser. Ces résultats suggèrent donc que les cliniciens devraient porter une attention plus particulière aux activités unilatérales et de coordination bilatérales lors le l’exécution de tâches complexes nécessitant un niveau d’intégration sensori-motrice élevé.


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Background: The relationship between normal and tangential force components (grip force - GF and load force - LF, respectively) acting on the digits-object interface during object manipulation reveals neural mechanisms involved in movement control. Here, we examined whether the feedback type provided to the participants during exertion of LF would influence GF-LF coordination and task performance. Methods. Sixteen young (24.7 ±3.8 years-old) volunteers isometrically exerted continuously sinusoidal FZ (vertical component of LF) by pulling a fixed instrumented handle up and relaxing under two feedback conditions: targeting and tracking. In targeting condition, FZ exertion range was determined by horizontal lines representing the upper (10 N) and lower (1 N) targets, with frequency (0.77 or 1.53 Hz) dictated by a metronome. In tracking condition, a sinusoidal template set at similar frequencies and range was presented and should be superposed by the participants' exerted FZ. Task performance was assessed by absolute errors at peaks (AEPeak) and valleys (AEValley) and GF-LF coordination by GF-LF ratios, maximum cross-correlation coefficients (r max), and time lags. Results: The results revealed no effect of feedback and no feedback by frequency interaction on any variable. AE Peak and GF-LF ratio were higher and rmax lower at 1.53 Hz than at 0.77 Hz. Conclusion: These findings indicate that the type of feedback does not influence task performance and GF-LF coordination. Therefore, we recommend the use of tracking tasks when assessing GF-LF coordination during isometric LF exertion in externally fixed instrumented handles because they are easier to understand and provide additional indices (e.g., RMSE) of voluntary force control. © 2013 Pedão et al.; licensee BioMed Central Ltd.


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The aim of this study was to examine the wear behavior of conical crowns of gold alloy and zirconium dioxide ceramics facing electroplated gold copings.


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The aetiology behind overuse injuries such as stress fractures is complex and multi-factorial. In sporting events where the loading is likely to be uneven (e.g. hurdling and jumps), research has suggested that the frequency of stress fractures seems to favour the athlete’s dominant limb. The tendency for an individual to have a preferred limb for voluntary motor acts makes limb selection a possible factor behind the development of unilateral overuse injuries, particularly when repeatedly used during high loading activities. The event of sprint hurdling is well suited for the study of loading asymmetry as the hurdling technique is repetitive and the limb movement asymmetrical. Of relevance to this study is the high incidence of Navicular Stress Fractures (NSF) in hurdlers, with suggestions there is a tendency for the fracture to develop in the trail leg foot, although this is not fully accepted. The Ground Reaction Force (GRF) with each foot contact is influenced by the hurdle action, with research finding step-to-step loading variations. However, it is unknown if this loading asymmetry extends to individual forefoot joints, thereby influencing stress fracture development. The first part of the study involved a series of investigations using a commercially available matrix style in-shoe sensor system (FscanTM, Tekscan Inc.). The suitability of insole sensor systems and custom made discrete sensors for use in hurdling-related training activities was assessed. The methodology used to analyse foot loading with each technology was investigated. The insole and discrete sensors systems tested proved to be unsuitable for use during full pace hurdling. Instead, a running barrier task designed to replicate the four repetitive foot contacts present during hurdling was assessed. This involved the clearance of a series of 6 barriers (low training hurdles), place in a straight line, using 4 strides between each. The second part of the study involved the analysis of "inter-limb" and "within foot loading asymmetries" using stance duration as well as vertical GRF under the Hallux (T1), the first metatarsal head (M1) and the central forefoot peak pressure site (M2), during walking, running, and running with barrier clearances. The contribution to loading asymmetry that each of the four repetitive foot contacts made during a series of barrier clearances was also assessed. Inter-limb asymmetry, in forefoot loading, occurred at discrete forefoot sites in a non-uniform manner across the three gait conditions. When the individual barrier foot contacts were compared, the stance duration was asymmetrical and the proportion of total forefoot load at M2 was asymmetrical. There were no significant differences between the proportion of forefoot load at M1, compared to M2; for any of the steps involved in the barrier clearance. A case study testing experimental (discrete) sensors during full pace sprinting and hurdling found that during both gait conditions, the trail limb experienced the greater vertical GRF at M1 and M2. During full pace hurdling, increased stance duration and vertical loading was a characteristic of the trail limb hurdle foot contacts. Commercially available in-shoe systems are not suitable for on field assessment of full pace hurdling. For the use of discrete sensor technology to become commonplace in the field, more robust sensors need to be developed.


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When wheels pass over insulated rail joints (IRJs) a vertical impact force is generated. The ability to measure the impact force is valuable as the force signature helps understand the behaviour of the IRJs, in particular their potential for failure. The impact forces are thought to be one of the main factors that cause damage to the IRJ and track components. Study of the deterioration mechanism helps finding new methods to improve the service life of IRJs in track. In this research, the strain-gage-based wheel load detector, for the first time, is employed to measure the wheel–rail contact-impact force at an IRJ in a heavy haul rail line. In this technique, the strain gages are installed within the IRJ assembly without disturbing the structural integrity of IRJ and arranged in a full wheatstone bridge to form a wheel load detector. The instrumented IRJ is first tested and calibrated in the lab and then installed in the field. For comparison purposes, a reference rail section is also instrumented with the same strain gage pattern as the IRJ. In this paper the measurement technique, the process of instrumentation, and tests as well as some typical data obtained from the field and the inferences are presented.


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In order to assess the structural reliability of bridges, an accurate and cost effective Non-Destructive Evaluation (NDE) technology is required to ensure their safe and reliable operation. Over 60% of the Australian National Highway System is prestressed concrete (PSC) bridges according to the Bureau of Transport and Communication Economics (1997). Most of the in-service bridges are more than 30 years old and may experience a heavier traffic load than their original intended level. Use of Ultrasonic waves is continuously increasing for (NDE) and Structural Health Monitoring (SHM) in civil, aerospace, electrical, mechanical applications. Ultrasonic Lamb waves are becoming more popular for NDE because it can propagate long distance and reach hidden regions with less energy loses. The purpose of this study is to numerically quantify prestress force (PSF) of (PSC) beam using the fundamental theory of acoustic-elasticity. A three-dimension finite element modelling approach is set up to perform parametric studies in order to better understand how the lamb wave propagation in PSC beam is affected by changing in the PSF level. Results from acoustic-elastic measurement on prestressed beam are presented, showing the feasibility of the lamb wave for PSF evaluation in PSC bridges.


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In this paper, dynamic response of an infinitely long beam resting on a foundation of finite depth, under a moving force is studied. The effect of foundation inertia is included in the analysis by modelling the foundation as a series of closely spaced axially vibrating rods of finite depth, fixed at the bottom and connected to the beam at the top. Viscous damping in the beam and foundation is included in the analysis. Steady state response of the beam-foundation system is obtained. Detailed numerical results are presented to study the effect of various parameters such as foundation mass, velocity of the moving load, damping and axial force on the beam. It is shown that foundation inertia can considerably reduce the critical velocity and can also amplify the beam response.


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In a reinforced soil bed system reinforcement layer is usually placed with or without end anchorage. Since soil is weak in tension reinforcement develop tension under the applied load or the displacement of the footing. This tensile force is distributed along the length of the reinforcement subjected to the end condition. The reinforccement tension helps in distributing the load over a wider area, and becomes more effective at large induced settlements. As a result, vertical componenent of tensile force generated becomes effective in reducing applied load. However, very few studies to quantify the tensile force along the reinforcement have been reported in the literature. In this paper an attempt has been made to obtain the true nature of tensile force distribution along the reinforcement. For a reinforced soil bed below a strip footing this paper brings out induced tensile force distribution along the reinforcement at different load levels and for different types of reinforcements.


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A steel frame is designed to measure the existing prestressing force in the concrete beams and slabs when embedded inside the concrete members. The steel frame is designed to work on the principles of a vibrating wire strain gauge and in the present study is referred to as a vibrating beam strain gauge (VBSG). The existing strain in the VBSG is evaluated using both frequency data on the stretched member and static strain corresponding to a fixed static load, measured using electrical strain gauges. The evaluated strain in the VBSG corresponds to the existing stain in the concrete surrounding the prestressing strands. The crack reopening load method is used to compute the existing prestressing force in the concrete members and is then compared with the existing prestressing force obtained from the VBSG at that section. Digital image correlation based surface deformation and change in neutral axis monitored by putting electrical strain gauges across the cross section, are used to compute the crack reopening load accurately. (C) 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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We study the behavior of granular materials at three length scales. At the smallest length scale, the grain-scale, we study inter-particle forces and "force chains". Inter-particle forces are the natural building blocks of constitutive laws for granular materials. Force chains are a key signature of the heterogeneity of granular systems. Despite their fundamental importance for calibrating grain-scale numerical models and elucidating constitutive laws, inter-particle forces have not been fully quantified in natural granular materials. We present a numerical force inference technique for determining inter-particle forces from experimental data and apply the technique to two-dimensional and three-dimensional systems under quasi-static and dynamic load. These experiments validate the technique and provide insight into the quasi-static and dynamic behavior of granular materials.

At a larger length scale, the mesoscale, we study the emergent frictional behavior of a collection of grains. Properties of granular materials at this intermediate scale are crucial inputs for macro-scale continuum models. We derive friction laws for granular materials at the mesoscale by applying averaging techniques to grain-scale quantities. These laws portray the nature of steady-state frictional strength as a competition between steady-state dilation and grain-scale dissipation rates. The laws also directly link the rate of dilation to the non-steady-state frictional strength.

At the macro-scale, we investigate continuum modeling techniques capable of simulating the distinct solid-like, liquid-like, and gas-like behaviors exhibited by granular materials in a single computational domain. We propose a Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH) approach for granular materials with a viscoplastic constitutive law. The constitutive law uses a rate-dependent and dilation-dependent friction law. We provide a theoretical basis for a dilation-dependent friction law using similar analysis to that performed at the mesoscale. We provide several qualitative and quantitative validations of the technique and discuss ongoing work aiming to couple the granular flow with gas and fluid flows.


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Nanometer-scale elastic moduli and yield strengths of polycarbonate (PC) and polystyrene (PS) thin films were measured with atomic force microscopy (AFM) indentation measurements. By analysis of the AFM indentation force curves with the method by Oliver and Pharr, Young's moduli of PC and PS thin films could be obtained as 2.2 +/- 0.1 and 2.6 +/- 0.1 GPa, respectively, which agree well with the literature values. By fitting Johnson's conical spherical cavity model to the measured plastic zone sizes, we obtained yield strengths of 141.2 MPa for PC thin films and 178.7 MPa for PS thin films, which are similar to2 times the values expected from the literature. We propose that it is due to the AFM indentation being asymmetric, which was not accounted for in Johnson's model. A correction factor, epsilon, of similar to0.72 was introduced to rescale the plastic zone size, whereupon good agreement between theory and experiment was achieved.


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Nanoindentation technique and scanning force microscopy have been used to measure directly the polyethylene modulus along the chain axis. Single crystals of polyethylene were employed in order to obtain well-aligned chain segments. To minimize effects of scanner creep, a Z scan rate of 3 Hz was employed. The "X Rotate" value of 25 degrees was selected to eliminate effects of lateral tip motion. The results were analyzed by the Oliver -Pharr method for which direct observation and measurement of the contact area are not required. Considering the influence of tip roundness on the projected contact area, the nanoindentation results were analyzed by the Sawa method. The chain modulus obtained from the thinner polyethylene single crystal sample was 204 +/- 21 GPa by the Oliver-Pharr method and 168 +/- 17 GPa by the Sawa method. The lower values than expected were due to substrate effects and anisotropy of chain deformation during nanoindentation. An extrapolation of the chain modulus obtained by various strains to zero nanoindentation eliminated the effect of substrate and anisotropy of chain deformation. The corresponding chain modulus obtained from the thicker sample was 278 GPa by the Oliver-Pharr method and 267 GPa by the Sawa method, respectively, in better agreement with the value of 340 Cpa determined theoretically. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The purpose of this study was to examine the capacity of resistance training to enhance the rapid and coordinated production of force by older people. Thirty adults (greater than or equal to 60 years) completed a visually guided aiming task that required the generation of isometric torque in 2 df about the elbow prior to and following a 4-week training period. Groups of six participants were allocated to two progressive ( 40 - 100% maximal voluntary contraction (MVC)) resistance-training (PRT) groups, to two constant low-load (10% MVC) training groups (CLO) and to one no-training control group. Training movements required the generation of either combined flexion and supination (FLESUP), or combined extension and supination (EXTSUP). In response to training, target acquisition times in the aiming task decreased for all groups; however, both the nature of the training load and the training movement influenced the pattern and magnitude of improvements (EXTSUP_ CLO: 36%, FLESUP_ PRT 26%, EXTSUP_ PRT 22%, FLESUP_ CLO 20%, CONTROL 15%). For one group that trained with progressively increasing loads, there arose a subsequent decrease in performance in one condition of the transfer task. For each group, these adaptations were accompanied by systematic changes in the coordination of muscles about the elbow joint, particularly the biceps brachii.


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This study evaluated sex-related differences in the tibialis anterior (TA) surface electromyography (EMG) to force relationship. One-hundred participants (50 males and 50 females) performed three isometric contractions at 20, 40, 60, 80, and 100% of maximal voluntary contraction (MVC) in an apparatus designed to isolate the action of the dorsiflexors. The surface EMG signal was amplified (lOOOx), band-pass filtered (10-500Hz), and sampled at 2048 Hz. The load cell signal was low-passed filtered at 100 Hz and sampled at the same rate. Males were stronger than females {P <0.05). However, there was no significant difference in root-mean-square (RMS) values between sexes {P <0.05). Both sexes exhibited a quadratic increase in RMS across force levels (P <0.05). The mean power frequency (MNF) for males was greater than for females {P <0.05). Males and females exhibited a linear increase in both frequency measures up to 80% of MVC (P <0.05). Between 80 and 100% MVC, the frequency values for the females plateaued while males showed a decrease {P <0.05). The magnitude of the difference in MNF between males and females was consistent with sex-specific TA physiology. In general, the pattern of means for RMS and MNF between males and females revealed no sex-related differences in the surface EMG/force relationship. We therefore conclude that there are no sex-related differences in the gradation of muscle force.