997 resultados para Foraminifera, Fossil.


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Mixed assemblages of Pliocene and Quaternary foraminifera occur within the Quaternary succession of the CRP-1 drillhole. Pliocene foraminifera are not present in the lowermost Unit 4.1. are rare in Unit 3.1 and 2.3, are relatively common in Units 2.2 and 2.1, and are absent in Unit 1.1. Fifteen and twelve species were documented in two of the samples from Units 2.2 and 2.1 respectively. A census count of foraminifera in a sample at 26.89 mbsf (Unit 2.2) indicated that 39% of the tests were from a Pliocene source, with the remaining 61% tests assigned to the in situ Quaternary assemblage. There appears to be a close correlation between the stratigraphic distribution of ice-rafted sediments and the test number and diversity of Pliocene taxa. It is concluded that Pliocene assemblages were not derived from submarine outcrops on Roberts Ridge, but are more likely to have been rafted to the site via major trunk valley drainage systems such as operated within the Mackay and Ferrar glacial valleys. The co-occurrence of marine biota (including foraminifera), fossil wood, pollen, and igneous clasts in the Quaternary succession of CRP-l, points to the marine and terrestrial facies of the Pliocene Sirius Group as a likely source. A major episode of erosion and transport of sediment into the offshore marine basins at about ~1 Ma may have been triggered by dynamism in the ice sheet-glacier system, an episode of regional uplift in the Transantarctic Mountains, sea level oscillations and associated changes in the land-to-sea drainage baselines, or some combination of these factors.


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A faunal comprising 18 foraminiferal taxa wa recovered from a suite of 52 core samples from lower Miocene sandstone, claystone and diamictite in the CRP-1 drillhole, Cape Roberts, Antarctica. The fauna is characterised by low foraminiferal abundance and diversity, the absence of planktics, and typically, the presence of Cribroelphidium sp. and/or Melonis spp. These factors indicate deposition in an inner shelf or nearshore environment. Many of the foraminifers found in CRP-1 also occure in the upper Oligocene-Miocene sequences in CIROS-1 and DSDP-270, but the fauna provides no precise indication of age. Typical and distinctive species from CRP-1 are illustrated with SEM photomicrographs.


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The loess-paleosol sequence in China is one of the best archives for studying paleoenvironmental and paleoclimatic processes. The loess deposits in the coast of the Bohai Sea are suitable for the study of aridification in the northern China during glacial periods (fig.2-1). In this paper, stratigraphy was correlated by using magnetic susceptibility, grain size, and thermoluminence (TL) and accelerater mass spectrometer (AMS) ~(14)C ages. Based on the loess records, an interpretation has been made for paleoenvironmental changes on the coast of the Bohai Sea during the last glacials. The results of magnetic susceptibility, grain size, biostratigraphy, TL and ~(14)C dating, suggest that the loess-paleosol sequence in the coast of the Bohai Sea is discontinuous. The loess deposits correlated with the marine δ~(18)O stage 2 are usually absent in some profiles. Also, the thickness of the loess deposits in the same period varied significantly in different sections. In the coast of the Bohai Sea, the higher magnetic susceptibility corresponds to the finer grain size, consistent with the results of the Loess Plateau. It is indicated that the changes in magnetic susceptibility and grain size may record the paleoclimatic fluctuations of the last glacial. Although the loess deposits during the last glacial have been slightly altered by slope runoff, they have still remained main characters as the representative loess deposits of the Loess Plateau. During the last glacial, the less accumulation rate in the coast of the Bohai Sea is similar to that of the desert-loess transition zone in the northwestern Loess Plateau, and the all section contain high concentrations of sand (>60μm), indicate that the aridification in the Bohai Sea occurred during the glacial. But the changes in sand content of loess deposits along a north-south transect of the Bohai Sea and the changes of magnetic susceptibility implicate that desertification might not occur in the shelf of the Bohai Sea during the last glacial. The frequent fluctuations of summer monsoon during the marine δ~(18)O stage 4 are demonstrated by magnetic susceptibility, frequency-dependent susceptibility and the abundance of foraminifera. 46 genera, 71 species of foraminifera were identified from 138 loess samples. Almost all of the foraminifera are present in the last glacial loess, but the distribution patterns of foraminifera show significant temporal changes. The results of magnetic susceptibility, grain size and XRD indicate that not only sea-level changes had influences on foraminifera abundance, but also variations in sediment flux by rivers when sea-level drops might control the abundance of foraminifera. In addition, the diversity and exquitability of the foraminifera suggest that the frequent fluctuations of foraminifera fossil abundance during the marine δ~(18)O stages could be partly attributed to leaching. In summary, the changes in foraminifera of abundance related to the paleoclimatic variations, and the aridification extends to the coast of the eastern China during the last glacial.


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"Published through aid of Susan Minns Publication Fund."


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Mode of access: Internet.


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Part of illustrative material in pocket (1 folded leaf).


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Die in den Ablagerungen des marinen Elster-Saale-Interglazials (= Holstein-See = Stör-Meer) gefundenen und als autochthon betrachteten Foraminiferen und Ostrakoden kommen alle noch rezent vor. In vielen Proben wurden daneben aus dem Tertiär und der Oberkreide aufgearbeitete Foraminiferen gefunden. In den Proben aus Muldsberg, Albersdorf und Esbjerg konnte eine gleichgerichtete Faunen-veränderung vom Liegenden zum Hangenden beobachtet werden. Die Formen der jeweils unteren Proben gehören subarktischen bis hochborealen Temperaturen, etwa vollmarinem Milieu und mindestens 30 m Wassertiefe an. Ins Hangende hinein wurde nach Foraminiferen und Ostrakoden das Meer flacher, wärmer und brackischer, bis es schließlich in den obersten Proben wattähnliche Verhältnisse mit wahrscheinlich etwas geringerer Temperatur als am heutigen südlichen Nordseerand erreichte. Diese Beobachtung stimmt überein mit den von GRAHLE (1936) an Mollusken gewonnenen Erkenntnissen und den Schlüssen, die andere Bearbeiter aus einzelnen Mikrofaunen zogen. Es wurde versucht, die Faunen der restlichen Aufschlüsse in das oben erwähnte Schema einzuordnen. Dies gelang nur in zwei Fällen nicht. In Oldenhütten ist das Versagen wahrscheinlich auf unentwirrte Lagerungsstörungen zurückzuführen, in der Austernbank Tarbek liegen abweichende fazielle Verhältnisse vor. Die restlichen Aufschlüsse zeigen, daß aus den vom Eis gestörten Sedimenten doch oft ein sinnvolles Bild rekonstruiert werden kann. Die im kälteren Teil der Holstein-See auftretende Foraminifere Elphidium subarcticum CUSHMAN scheint in den Absätzen des schleswig-holsteinischen Eem-Meeres zu fehlen.