19 resultados para Footbridges.
In Brazil, the study of pedestrian-induced vibration on footbridges has been undertaken since the early 1990s, for concrete and steel footbridges. However, there are no recorded studies of this kind for timber footbridges. Brazilian code ABNT NBR 7190 (1997) gives design requirements only for static loads in the case of timber footbridges, without considering the serviceability limit state from pedestrian-induced vibrations. The aim of this work is to perform a theoretical dynamic, numerical and experimental analysis on simply-supported timber footbridges, by using a small-scale model developed from a 24 m span and 2 m width timber footbridge, with two main timber beams. Span and width were scaled down (1:4) to 6 m e 0.5 in, respectively. Among the conclusions reached herein, it is emphasized that the Euler-Bernoulli beam theory is suitable for calculating the vertical and lateral first natural frequencies in simply-supported timber footbridges; however, special attention should be given to the evaluation of lateral bending stiffness, as it leads to conservative values.
Highly redundant or statically undetermined structures, such as a cable-stayed bridge, have been of particular concern to the engineering community nowadays because of the complex parameters that must be taken into account for healthy monitoring. The purpose of this study was to verify the reliability and practicability of using GPS to characterize dynamic oscillations of small span bridges. The test was carried out on a cable-stayed wood footbridge at Escola de Engenharia de Sao Carlos-Universidade de Sao Paulo, Brazil. Initially a static load trial was carried out to get an idea of the deck amplitude and oscillation frequency. After that, a calibration trial was carried out by applying a well known oscillation on the rover antenna to check the environment detectable limits for the method used. Finally, a dynamic load trial was carried out by using GPS and a displacement transducer to measure the deck oscillation. The displacement transducer was used just to confirm the results obtained by the GPS. The results have shown that the frequencies and amplitude displacements obtained by the GPS are in good agreement with the displacement transducer responses. GPS can be used as a reliable tool to characterize the dynamic behavior of large structures such as cable-stayed footbridges undergoing dynamic loads.
Este projecto visa um estudo de uma solução para uma ponte pedonal de Madeira Lamelada Colada (MLC) entre o Hospital Pedro Hispano e o Norte-Shopping, localizada na Senhor da Hora. Inicialmente foram analisadas diversas variantes, com vários tipos de sistemas, sendo adoptada uma ponte formada por dois arcos, que se aproximam à medida que se afastam dos encontros unidos por contraventamentos em cruz. O tabuleiro encontra-se suspenso por tirantes e apoiados dos dois lados nos encontros. Foi realizado uma pequena introdução histórica da utilização da madeira enquanto material de construção, a sua fabricação e os vários tipos de pontes pedonais em MLC. O uso da madeira em estruturas fez com que a abordagem do Eurocódigo 5 (EC5) tivesse uma maior importância. A estrutura é modelada no programa de cálculo “DLUBAL ” através de um modelo de barras tridimensional de modo a efectuar uma análise estática e dinâmica global, recorrendo-se para tal a normas e princípios gerais de verificação de segurança dos regulamentos Europeus, nomeadamente os Eurocódigos das várias especialidades. Apresentam-se em anexo vários desenhos da ponte, desenhos das peças de ligação, o mapa de trabalhos e quantidades, ideias preliminares, dimensionamento e a escolha dos ligadores e por fim os diagramas de esforços dos elementos aos Estados-limite Último.
El Parc Natural de l’Alt Pirineu (PNAP) va ser creat l’any 2003. A causa de la seva recent creació, manca el desenvolupament de moltes de les seves àrees. Actualment, el parc està creant una xarxa d’itineraris d’Educació Ambiental (EA). Per aquesta raó, és interessant dedicar aquest treball al disseny d’un itinerari d’EA a la zona de Comes de Rubió, situada dins l’àmbit territorial del PNAP. L’objectiu principal del present projecte és l’elaboració d’aquest itinerari amb els recursos necessaris per tal que sigui implementable d’una manera immediata. Per tal d’analitzar la viabilitat de l’itinerari s’ha aplicat el protocol de valoració dissenyat pel grup Edukamb. La puntuació que s’ha obtingut ha estat 61 sobre 100, fet que indica que l’itinerari és viable tot i que compta amb algunes mancances. S’ha constatat que les condicions de l’itinerari són idònies per poder ser visitat pel públic en general, entre altres coses per la forma circular de l’itinerari, per tenir 3 km de recorregut i per disposar d’una gran varietat d’aspectes d’interès. En el disseny de l’itinerari s’ha definit el recorregut, s’han determinat els elements d’interès, s’han proposat 5 parades, s’han dissenyat els materials pedagògics, s’ha definit la situació de la senyalització i s’han proposat correccions per a les mancances detectades en el protocol, entre altres, una millora en l’accessibilitat al punt d’inici i la construcció de passeres en els punts potencialment erosionables. Les principals pautes a seguir a l’hora d’elaborar el material pedagògic han estat la integració de l’aspecte social amb el natural i la promoció de la sensibilització envers el medi ambient.
La construcció d’aquesta passarel.la era una vella reivindicació dels habitants dels dos barris separats per la trinchera de la carretera BV-1432, que va de Granollers a Lliça d’Amunt. Aquestes dues zones residencials, Can Gili en el costat nord i Terra Alta en el marge sud, són d’una naturalesa molt diferent. Can Gili es una zona densament poblada, amb predomini d’habitatge plurifamiliar, amb botigues i equipaments però amb un dèficit important de zones verdes. En canvi, Terra Alta es un àrea residencial de baixa densitat, amb un percentatge elevat d’edificis unifamiliars, o plurifamiliars de pocs habitatges, sense comerç ni equipaments però amb una extensa zona verda, situada entre l’espai urbanitzat i la carretera. Fins ara, qui volia anar d’un a l’altre barri havia de donar una gran volta travessant la carretera per un pont paral.lel a la línia de ferrocarril del Nord, que va de Barcelona a Puigcerdà, que té una única vorera estreta en un dels seus dos costats. És per tot això que a l’any 2001 l’ajuntament de Granollers ens va encarregar el desenvolupament del disseny conceptual i la redacció del projecte constructiu d’una nova connexió per a vianants i bicicletes entre ambdós barris.
This paper presents preliminary results to determine small displacements of a global positioning system (GPS) antenna fastened to a structure using only one L1 GPS receiver. Vibrations, periodic or not, are common in large structures, such as bridges, footbridges, tall buildings, and towers under dynamic loads. The behavior in time and frequency leads to structural analysis studies. The hypothesis of this article is that any large structure that presents vibrations in the centimeter-to-millimeter range can be monitored by phase measurements of a single L1 receiver with a high data rate, as long as the direction of the displacement is pointing to a particular satellite. Within this scenario, the carrier phase will be modulated by antenna displacement. During a period of a few dozen seconds, the relative displacement to the satellite, the satellite clock, and the atmospheric phase delays can be assumed as a polynomial time function. The residuals from a polynomial adjustment contain the phase modulation owing to small displacements, random noise, receiver clock short time instabilities, and multipath. The results showed that it is possible to detect displacements of centimeters in the phase data of a single satellite and millimeters in the difference between the phases of two satellites. After applying a periodic nonsinusoidal displacement of 10 m to the antenna, it is clearly recovered in the difference of the residuals. The time domain spectrum obtained by the fast Fourier transform (FFT) exhibited a defined peak of the third harmonic much more than the random noise using the proposed third-degree polynomial model. DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)SU.1943-5428.0000070. (C) 2012 American Society of Civil Engineers.
Slender and lighter footbridges are becoming more and more popular to meet the transportation demand and the aesthetical requirements of the modern society. The widespread presence of such particular structures has become possible thanks to the availability of new, lightweight and still capable of carrying heavy loads material . Therefore, these kind of structure, are particularly sensitive to vibration serviceability problems, especially induced by human activities. As a consequence, it has been imperative to study the dynamic behaviour of such slender pedestrian bridges in order to define their modal characteristics. As an alternative to a Finite Element Analysis to find natural frequencies, damping and mode shape, a so-called Operational Modal Analysis is a valid tool to obtain these parameters through an ambient vibration test. This work provides a useful insight into the Operational Modal Analysis technique and It reports the investigation of the CEME Skywalk, a pedestrian bridge located at the University of British Columbia, in Vancouver, Canada. Furthermore, human-induced vibration tests have been performed and the dynamic characteristics derived with these tests have been compared with the ones from the ambient vibration tests. The effect of the dynamic properties of the two buildings supporting the CEME Skywalk on the dynamic behaviour of the bridge has been also investigated.
En los últimos años se ha construido un gran número de pasarelas peatonales como respuesta a la demanda de nuevas vías de paso en las ciudades. Estas estructuras tienen requisitos constructivos menos exigentes en comparación con otros tipos de puentes, lo cual ha facilitado el desarrollo de diseños con nuevos esquemas resistentes, complicadas geometrías y el empleo de nuevos materiales. En general estas estructuras son esbeltas, ligeras y poco amortiguadas, lo que en ocasiones ha generado problemas de vi-braciones al paso de peatones una vez puestas en servicio. Las normativas actuales son cada vez más sensibles a esta problemática, recomendando diseños cuyas frecuencias naturales deben estar alejadas de los rangos de frecuencia de paso típicos de los peatones y fijando límites de confort en forma de valores máximos de aceleración permitidos, asegurándose así un correcto comportamiento de la estructura. En el presente artículo se analiza esta problemática desde un punto de vista práctico. Para ello se muestran los puntos clave de las normativas y guías de diseño de pasarelas que se pueden encontrar actualmente en la bibliografía, se presentan las técnicas que habitualmente se emplean en el análisis dinámico experimental de estas estructuras, y se comentan las soluciones a las que generalmente se recurre para mejorar su comportamiento dinámico. Por último, se muestran los trabajos llevados a cabo por el Centro Tecnológico CARTIF en colaboración con las Universidades de Valladolid y Castilla-La Mancha en la pasarela peatonal del Museo de la Ciencia de Valladolid. Estos trabajos incluyen: (1) el estudio dinámico de los tres vanos metálicos de dicha pasarela, (2) el diseño e implementación de un amortiguador de masa sintonizado en el vano más sensible a las vibraciones, (3) la implementación de un amortiguador de masa activo utilizando un excitador electrodinámico, y (4) el desarrollo de pruebas para la verificación del estado de servicio de la pasarela. In the last years, a wide number of footbridges have been built as demand response of more direct pathways in cities. These structures have lower building requirements as compared with standard bridges. This circumstance has facilitated the development of new structural design with complex geometries and innovative materials. As a result, these structures may be slender, light and low damped, leading to vibration problems once in service. The current codes take into account this problem, and recommend designs with natural frequencies away from the typical pedestrian pacing rates and fix comfort limits to guarantee the serviceability of the structure.This paper studies this problem from a practical point of view. Thus, the key points of codes and footbridges guidelines are showed, the typical experimental dynamic analysis techniques are presented, and the usual solutions adopted to improve the dynamic performance of these structures are discussed. Finally, the works carried out on the Valladolid Science Museum Footbridge by Centro Tecnológico CARTIF in collaboration with the Universities of Valladolid and Castilla-La Mancha are showed. These works include: (1) the dynamic study of the three steel spans of the footbridge, (2) the design and implementation of a tuned mass damper in the liveliest span, (3) the implementation of an active mass damper using an electrodynamic shaker, and (4) the development of field tests to assess the serviceability of such span.
Civil engineering structures such as floor systems with open-plan layout or lightweight footbridges are susceptible to excessive level of vibrations caused by human loading. Active vibration control (AVC) via inertial mass actuators has been shown to be a viable technique to mitigate vibrations, allowing structures to satisfy vibration serviceability limits. Most of the AVC applications involve the use of SISO (single input single-output) strategies based on collocated control. However, in the case of floor structures, in which mostof the vibration modes are locally spatially distributed, SISO or multi-SISO strategies are quite inefficient. In this paper, a MIMO (multi-inputs multi-outputs) control in decentralised and centralised configuration is designed. The design process simultaneously finds the placement of multiple actuators and sensors and the output feedback gains. Additionally, actuator dynamics, actuator nonlinearities and frequency and time weightings are considered into the design process. Results with SISO and decentralised and centralised MIMO control (for a given number of actuators and sensors) are compared, showing the advantages of MIMO control for floor vibration control.
During the last two decades the topic of human induced vibration has attracted a lot of attention among civil engineering practitioners and academics alike. Usually this type of problem may be encountered in pedestrian footbridges or floors of paperless offices. Slender designs are becoming increasingly popular, and as a consequence, the importance of paying attention to vibration serviceability also increases. This paper resumes the results obtained from measurements taken at different points of an aluminium catwalk which is 6 m in length by 0.6 m in width. Measurements were carried out when subjecting the structure to different actions:1)Static test: a steel cylinder of 35 kg was placed in the middle of the catwalk; 2)Dynamic test: this test consists of exciting the structure with singles impulses; 3)Dynamic test: people walking on the catwalk. Identification of the mechanical properties of the structure is an achievement of the paper. Indirect methods were used to estimate properties including the support stiffness, the beam bending stiffness, the mass of the structure (using Rayleigh method and iterative matrix method), the natural frequency (using the time domain and frequency domain analysis) and the damping ratio (by calculating the logarithmic decrement). Experimental results and numerical predictions for the response of an aluminium catwalk subjected to walking loads have been compared. The damping of this light weight structure depends on the amplitude of vibration which complicates the tuning of a structural model. In the light of the results obtained it seems that the used walking load model is not appropriate as the predicted transient vibration values (TTVs) are much higher than the measured ones.
El concepto de funicularidad se puede extender a estructuras lineales espaciales como, por ejemplo, los puentes arco con tablero curvo. Estas estructuras, especialmente pasarelas peatonales, son consecuencia de la necesidad de encajar trazados exigentes y de dar respuesta a nuevas demandas arquitectónicas. En las estructuras curvas el diseño conceptual juega un papel absolutamente esencial. Siempre ha sido así, pero en el caso presente, cabe resaltar que una errónea elección de la geometría conlleva una serie de problemas que se irán acumulando a lo largo del proceso de proyecto, de la construcción y de la vida de la estructura. En este trabajo se presenta SOFIA (Shaping Optimal Form with an Interactive Approach), una herramienta capaz de, conocida la geometría del tablero, de buscar automáticamente la forma del arco antifunicular correspondiente. El planteamiento seguido es conceptualmente el mismo que el utilizado en la búsqueda de formas óptimas en estructuras en dos dimensiones: el arco antifunicular es el que representa, para unas cargas dadas, el lugar geométrico de los puntos con momento flector nulo. La herramienta ha sido desarrollada en un entorno integrado, interactivo y paramético. Su implementación está ilustrada y unos ejemplos de análisis paramétricos están desarrollados. La posición transversal relativa entre tablero y arco ha sido investigada para obtener la configuración del puente estructuralmente más eficiente. Las pasarelas curvas se han convertido en un problema de ingeniería más común de lo habitual en el contexto de los desarrollos urbanos cuando el cliente está buscando un fuerte componente estético: un diseño conceptual adecuado permite obtener una estructura eficiente y elegante. Spatial arch bridges represent an innovative answer to demands on functionality, structural optimization and aesthetics for curved decks, popular in urban contexts. This thesis presents SOFIA (Shaping Optimal Form with an Interactive Approach), a methodology for conceptual designing of antifunicular spatial arch bridges with curved deck in a parametric, interactive and integrated environment. The approach and its implementation are in-depth described and detailed examples of parametric analyses are illustrated. The optimal deck-arch relative transversal position has been investigated for obtaining the most cost-effective bridge. Curved footbridges have become a more common engineering problem in the context of urban developments when the client is looking for a strong aesthetics component: an appropriate conceptual design allows to obtain an efficient and elegant structure.
The courthouse at El Ejido has a trapezoid floor plan (47 m × 55/26 m) and comprises two distinct volumes that are structurally connected at the basement level and by the footbridges on the upper storeys. A third trapezoid unit featuring a glazed curtain wall facade cantilevers 8 m off the main facade of the front volume. This facade is a structural diaphragm wall, constituted by nine rows of vertical precast concrete members separated by horizontal cast-in-place, self-compacting concrete chords. The location of the courthouse in a seismic area and the small number of horizontal supports for the facade make this wall potentially vulnerable. The high risk, in particular, during construction required careful planning based on a detailed analysis of the interaction between the structure and the ancillary resources used to build it
The courthouse at El Ejido has a trapezoid floor plan (47 m. x 55 / 26 m.) and comprises two distinct volumes that are structurally connected at basement level and by footbridges on the upper storeys. A third trapezoid unit featuring a glazed curtain wall façade cantilevers 8 m. off the main façade of the front volume. This façade is a structural diaphragm wall, constituted by nine rows of vertical precast concrete members separated by horizontal cast-in-place, self-compacting concrete chords. The location of the courthouse in a seismic area and the short number of horizontal supports for the façade make this wall potentially vulnerable. The particularly high risk during construction called for careful planning based on a detailed analysis of the interaction between the structure and the ancillary resources used to build it
En esta tesis se propone un nuevo modelo de carga para caracterizar los saltos de personas sobre estructuras y se estudia la influencia de las personas en las propiedades dinámicas de la estructura. En el estudio del comportamiento estructural de construcciones como gimnasios, salas de baile, estadios, auditorios o pasarelas peatonales sometidas a cargas producidas por un gran número de personas, se deben tener en cuenta las fuerzas dinámicas, lo cual implica el uso de modelos de cálculo más complejos y criterios de dimensionamiento con nuevos parámetros. Por ello, es necesario determinar a qué cargas van a estar sometidas este tipo de estructuras y cómo van a cambiar cuando se encuentren ocupadas por personas. En la primera parte del trabajo se presenta el problema de considerar las fuerzas dinámicas en el análisis de estructuras. Se indican los factores que influyeron en el interés por este tipo de estudios. Se exponen los objetivos de la tesis y se propone la metodología para conseguirlos. También en esta primera parte se describe el estado del arte. Se explican los modelos existentes de carga generada por saltos de personas y se hace un repaso de los principales autores y estudios sobre este tema. Por último se exponen algunas ideas sobre las modificaciones dinámicas que provoca la presencia de las personas en las estructuras. En la segunda parte de la tesis se explica el modelo de carga de saltos propuesta en este trabajo, donde se incluye una campaña de ensayos con saltos sobre una placa de carga. Se describen las estructuras de ensayo, un gimnasio y una losa que cubre un aljibe. Se detalla la identificación de las propiedades dinámicas de las estructuras, describiendo los ensayos correspondientes y los resultados de un Análisis Operacional Modal. Por último se presenta el modelo de elementos finitos de la estructura elegida para los ensayos. En la tercera y última parte del trabajo se comprueba la validez de los modelos de carga estudiados mediante la realización de ensayos dinámicos con personas saltando y la posterior comparación de los resultados experimentales con las simulaciones numéricas. Como último resultado se estudia la influencia de las personas en las propiedades dinámicas de la estructura. Para ello se utilizan los datos obtenidos mediante un ensayo con personas pasivas. ABSTRACT In this thesis, a new load model is proposed to characterize people jumping on structures and the influence of people in the dynamic properties of the structure is studied. In the study of the structural behavior of buildings such as gymnasiums, dance halls, stadiums, auditoriums or footbridges subjected to loads generated by crowd, dynamic forces must take into account, which involves the use of more complex calculation models and dimensioning criteria with new parameters. Therefore, it is necessary to determine these dynamic loads and how structures will change when they are occupied by people. In the first part of the work the problem of considering the dynamic forces in the analysis of structures is presented. The factors that influence on the interest in this type of study are indicated. The objectives of the thesis are presented and also the proposed methodology in order to achieve them. In this first part the state of the art is described. Existing jumping load models are explained and a review of the main authors and studies on this subject is done. Finally some ideas about the dynamic changes caused by the presence of people in the structures are exposed. In the second part of the thesis the proposed jumping load model is explained, including jump tests on a force plate. Test structures, a gym and a concrete slab are described. Dynamic properties identification of the test structures is detailed with the corresponding tests and Operational Modal Analysis results. Finally, a finite element model of the structure chosen for the tests is presented. In the third part of the work, the studied jump load models are validated by performing dynamic testing with people jumping and the subsequent comparison of experimental results with numerical simulations. As a last result, the influence of people on the dynamic properties of the structure is checked. For this purpose, obtained data from a test with passive people are used.