997 resultados para Food handlers


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Abstract Background Food handlers have a very important role in preventing food contamination during its preparation and distribution. This responsibility is even greater in hospitals, since a large number of patients have low immunity and consequently food contamination by pathogenic bacteria could be particularly harmful. Therefore, a good working environment and periodic training should be provided to food handlers by upper management. Methods This study is qualitative research by means of focus group and thematic content analysis methodologies to examine, in detail, the statements by food handlers working in the milk and specific-diet kitchens in a hospital to understand the problems they face in the workplace. Results We found that food handlers are aware of the role they play in restoring patients' health; they consider it important to offer a good-quality diet. However, according to their perceptions, a number of difficulties prevent them from reaching this aim. These include: upper management not prioritizing human and material resources to the dietetic services when making resource allocation decisions; a perception that upper management considers their work to be of lesser importance; delayed overtime payments; lack of periodic training; managers lacking administrative skills; insufficient dietitian staff assistants, leading to overwork, at the same time as there is an excess of dietitians; unhealthy environmental working conditions – high temperature, high humidity, loud and constant noise level, poor ventilation; lack of food, and kitchen utensils and equipment; and relationship conflicts with chief dieticians and co-workers. Conclusion From these findings, improvement in staff motivation could be achieved by considering non-financial incentives, such as improvement in working conditions and showing appreciation and respect through supervision, training and performance appraisal. Management action, such as investments in intermediary management so that managers have the capacity to provide supportive supervision, as well as better use of performance appraisal and access to training, may help overcome the identified problems.


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In Australia there are 5.4 million cases of food-borne illness annually which costs the community $1.2 billion per annum (Department of Health and Ageing 2006). As a co-regulator in food safety, local government has a significant interest in ensuring adherence to good food safety practices. This research project involved focus groups or interviews with food business operators and young food handlers to explore their food safety understanding, attitudes, practices and the organisational culture in which they participated. By its nature qualitative research is not intended to provide definitive generalizable findings. Rather the advantage of a small sample size qualitative study is to provide depth rather than breadth. Thus the findings here provide insight into the complexities and nuances of food safety regulation in a manner which a large scale quantitative study could not.


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The modern consumer has an attitude that food safety is non-negotiable issue – the consumer simply demands food to be safe. Yet, at the same time, the modern consumer has an expectation that the food safety is the responsibility of others – the primary producer, the processing company, the supermarket, commercial food handlers and so on. Given this environment, all food animal industries have little choice but to regard food safety as a key issue. As an example, the chicken meat industry, via the two main industry funding bodies – the Rural Industries Research and Development Corporation (Chicken Meat) and the Poultry CRC – has a comprehensive research program that seeks to focus on reducing the risks of food-borne diseases at all points of the food processing chain – from the farm to the processing plant. The scale of the issue for all industries can be illustrated by an analysis of the problem of campylobacterosis – a major food-borne disease. It has been estimated that there are around 230,000 cases of campylobacterosis per year. In 1995, it was estimated that each case of food-borne campylobacterosis in the USA was costing between $(US) 350-580. Hence, a reasonable conservative estimate is that each Australian case in 2010 would result in a cost of around $500 (this includes hospital, medication and lost productivity costs). Hence, this single food-borne agent could be costing Australian society around $115 million annually. In the light of these types of estimated costs for just one food-borne pathogen, it is easy to understand the importance that all food animal industries place on food safety.


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Hands can be a vector for transmitting pathogenic microorganisms to foodstuffs and drinks, and to the mouths of susceptible hosts. Hand washing is the primary barrier to prevent transmission of enteric pathogens via cross contamination from infected persons. Conventional hand washing involves the use of warm water, soap and friction to remove dirt and microorganisms. Over recent years there has been an increasing availability of hand sanitizing products for use when water and soap are unavailable. The aim of this systematic review was to collate scientific information on the efficacy of hand sanitizers compared to hand washing with soap and water for the removal of foodborne pathogens from the hands of food handlers. An extensive literature search was carried out using three electronic databases - Web of Science, Scopus and PubMed. Twenty-eight scientific publications were ultimately included in the review. Analysis of the literature showed various limitations in the scientific information due to the absence of a standardized protocol to evaluate efficacy of hand products, and variation in experimental conditions applied in different studies. Despite the existence of conflicting results, scientific evidence seems to support the historical scepticism about the use of water-less hand sanitizers in food preparation settings. Water and soap appear to achieve greater removal of soil and microorganisms than water-less products from hands. None of the hand sanitizers tested in the literature seemed to achieve complete inactivation or removal of all foodborne pathogens tested, and the presence of food debris significantly affected inactivation rates of hand products.


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Objective: To determine current food handling practices, knowledge and beliefs of primary food handlers with children 10 years old and the relationship between these components. Design: Surveys were developed based on FightBac!™ concepts and the Health Belief Model (HBM) construct. Participants: The majority of participants (n= 503) were females (67%), Caucasians (80%), aged between 30 to 49 years old (83%), had one or two children (83%), prepared meals all or most of the time (76%) and consumed meals away from home three times or less per week (66%). Analysis: Descriptive statistics and inferential statistics using Spearman’s rank correlation coefficient (rho) (p<0.05 and one-tail) and Chi-square were used to examine frequency and correlations. Results: Few participants reached the food safety objectives of Healthy People 2010 for safe food handling practices (79%). Mixed results were reported for perceived susceptibility. Only half of the participants (53-54%) reported high perceived severity for their children if they contracted food borne illness. Most participants were confident of their food handling practices for their children (91%) and would change their food handling practices if they or their family members previously experienced food poisoning (79%). Participants’ reasons for high self-efficacy were learning from their family and independently acquiring knowledge and skills from the media, internet or job. The three main barriers to safe food handling were insufficient time, lots of distractions and lack of control of the food handling practices of other people in the household. Participants preferred to use food safety information that is easy to understand, has scientific facts, causes feelings of health-threat and has lots of pictures or visuals. Participants demonstrate high levels of knowledge in certain areas of the FightBac!TM concepts but lacked knowledge in other areas. Knowledge and cues to action were most supportive of the HBM construct, while perceived susceptibility was least supportive of the HBM construct. Conclusion: Most participants demonstrate many areas to improve in their food handling practices, knowledge and beliefs. Adviser: Julie A. Albrecht


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Da Nang Airbase in Viet Nam served as a bulk storage and supply facility for Agent Orange and other herbicides during Operation Ranch Hand 1961-1971[1]. Studies have shown that environmental and biological samples taken around the airbase site have elevated levels of dioxin [1-3]. Residents living in the vicinity of the airbase are at risk of exposure to dioxin in soil, water and mud and particularly through the consumption of local contaminated food. In 2009, a pre-intervention cross sectional survey was undertaken. This survey examined the knowledge, attitudes and practices (KAP) of householders living near Da Nang Airbase, relevent to reducing dioxin exposure through contaminated food. The results showed that despite living near a severe dioxin hot spot, the residents had very limited knowledge of both exposure risk and measures to reduce exposure to dioxin[4]. In response, the Vietnam Public Health Association (VPHA) and Da Nang Public Health Association implemented a risk reduction program at four residential wards in the vicinities of the Da Nang Airbase in 2010. A post intervention KAP survey was under taken in 2011, and the results showed that knowledge of the existence of dioxin in food, dioxin exposure pathways, potential high risk foods, and preventive measures was significantly enhanced. This new study monitored KAP 2.5 years after the intervention through a 2013 survey of food handlers from 400 households that were randomly selected from the four intervention wards. The results show that most of the positive outcomes remained stable or had increased; some KAP indicators decreased compared to those in the post-intervention survey, but were still significantly higher than the pre-intervention levels. In 2014, these findings will be incorporated with qualitative assessments and the results of laboratory analysis of dioxin concentrations in foods in Da Nang and Bien Hoa dioxin hot spots to comprehensively assess the sustained effects of the intervention.


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Introduction Environmental and biological samples taken around Da Nang Air Base have shown elevated levels of dioxin over many years [1-3]. A pre-intervention knowledge, attitudes and practices (KAP) survey (2009), a risk reduction program (2010) and a post intervention KAP survey (2011) were undertaken in four wards surrounding Danang Airbase. A follow-up evaluation was undertaken in 2013. Methods A KAP survey was implemented among 400 randomly selected food handlers. Eleven indepth interviews and four focus group discussions were also undertaken. Results The knowledge of respondents remained positive and/or improved at 2.5 years follow-up. There were no significant differences in attitudes toward preventing dioxin exposure across surveys; most respondents were positive in all three surveys. An increase in households (69.5%) undertaking measures to prevent exposure was observed, which was higher than in the pre-intervention survey (39.6%) and post- intervention survey (60.4%) (χ2 = 95.6; p < 0.001). The proportion of respondents practicing appropriate preventive measures was also significantly improved. Conclusions Despite most of the intervention program’s activities ceasing in 2010, the risk reduction program has resulted in positive outcomes over the longer-term, with many knowledge and attitude measures remaining stable or imporving. Some KAP indicators decreased, but these KAP indicators were still significantly higher than the pre-intervention levels.


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Os enterococos estão amplamente distribuídos no ambiente. Nos seres humanos, compõem a microbiota do trato gastrintestinal, da cavidade oral e do trato geniturinário. Nas últimas décadas, esses microrganismos se tornaram importantes agentes etiológicos de infecções hospitalares. Uma característica marcante desses microrganismos é a resistência intrínseca a vários antimicrobianos utilizados habitualmente no tratamento de infecções, além de alguns fatores que tem sido relacionado à virulência de enterococos. Este estudo investigou a presença de enterococos em amostras de infecção e colonização de pacientes hospitalizados, profissionais de saúde, dietas hospitalares e manipuladores de alimentos. Foram analisadas 276 amostras de colonização, de quadros de infecção, dietas orais e manipuladores de alimento. Não foram recuperadas amostras dos profissionais de saúde. Todas as amostras foram submetidas a testes convencionais de caracterização do gênero e espécies. Testes de susceptibilidade aos antimicrobianos foram empregados pelo método de disco difusão, além da CIM para vancomicina e teicoplanina. A produção de biofilme e a expressão da gelatinase também foram avaliadas. Os genes de resistência a gentamicina, estreptomicina e vancomicina e os genes de virulência cylA, esp e fsr foram pesquisados pela técnica de PCR. O polimorfismo genético foi determinado por PFGE. A espécie E. faecalis foi a prevalente nas amostras isoladas de colonização e infecção (42,2% e 81,9%, respectivamente). E. casseliflavus (58,9%) foi a mais freqüente dentre as amostras das dietas hospitalares e E. faecium (46,7%) de manipuladores. Dentre as amostras de colonização as maiores taxas de resistência foram observadas para eritromicina (76,3%) e ciprofloxacina (53,9%). Dentre as amostras de infecção, >70% foram resistentes a eritromicina, ciprofloxacina e tetraciclina. Resistência a níveis elevados de gentamcina (HLR-GE) e estreptomicina (HLR-ST) foi detectada em 24,6% e 20,4% das amostras, respectivamente, e todas foram portadoras dos respectivos genes. A maioria das amostras de colonização (52,6%) e infecção (55,7%) foram multirresistentes. A taxa para resistência a níveis elevados de vancomicina foi de 5,2% e todas eram portadoras do gene vanA. Em relação a formação de biofilme, 70,2% foram produtoras, com uma maior freqüência dentre as de infecção. A expressão de gelatinase foi detectada em 28,9% e 44,3% das amostras de colonização e infecção, respectivamente. Nenhuma das amostras isoladas das dietas hospitalares e de manipuladores expressou gelatinase. Nas amostras pertencentes as espécies E. faecalis e E. faecium (n=109) 16,5%, 51,4% e 48,6% apresentaram produtos de amplificação referentes aos genes cylA, esp e fsr, respectivamente. A análise do polimorfismo genético revelou uma extensa diversidade dentre as amostras pertencentes as espécies E. faecalis e E. faecium, não acarretando um perfil eletroforético prevalente. Entretanto, foi observado um perfil único dentre as amostras de E. gallinarum resistentes a vancomicina (vanA). Este estudo mostrou que amostras de enterococos isoladas de diferentes fontes, não só de quadros infecciosos, podem representar um risco para a população, apontando para uma maior reflexão quanto ao papel desses microrganismos nas infecções humanas, particularmente no ambiente hospitalar.


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A contaminação dos alimentos e transmissão de patógenos via manipuladores pode ocorrer se as condições de higiene, armazenamento e preparo não estiverem satisfatórios. Procedimentos inadequados de manipulação oferecem um perigo potencial à saúde pública devido ao alto risco de ocorrência de doenças de origem alimentar por microrganismos resistentes aos antimicrobianos. Neste estudo foram coletados swabs das mãos de 49 manipuladores de alimentos, isoladas e identificadas por metodologia convencional 244 enterobactérias de 7 cantinas permissionárias em uma Universidade do Município do Rio de Janeiro. Foram utilizados discos contendo os seguintes antimicrobianos: aztreonam, tobramicina, ceftazidima, cloranfenicol, tetraciclina, sulfa, amicacina, ampicilina e sulbactam, ciprofloxacina, gentamicina, cefalotina, cefepime, cefoxitina, imipenem, ampicilina, cefotaxima. A pesquisa de genes que codificam β-lactamases foi realizada pela Reação em Cadeia da Polimerase para os genes blaTEM, blaSHV, blaCTX, blaOXA-1 e blaCMY-2. As espécies mais prevalentes identificadas foram: Enterobacter cloacae (21,3%), Citrobacter braakii (15,2%), Escherichia coli (12,7%), Klebsiella pneumoniae subesp. Pneumoniae (12,2%). O perfil de resistência aos antimicrobianos revelou que 94 (38,5%) cepas identificadas apresentaram resistência a pelo menos dois antibióticos, 55 cepas (22,5%) a pelo menos um antibiótico, 34 cepas (13,9%) a três antibióticos, 14 cepas (5,7%) mostraram-se resistentes a quatro antibióticos. Uma cepa de E. cloacae mostrou resistência múltipla a dez antibióticos e 140 cepas (57,3%) foram resistentes simultaneamente a cefalotina e cefoxitina. Nenhuma cepa foi resistente ao aztreonam e a sulfa e apenas 01 foi resistente ao ciprofloxacina, 01 ao imipenem e 02 a cefotaxima. Foi identificado a presença do gene blaSHV em uma cepa de K. pneumoniae subsp. pneumoniae. Este dado aponta para uma mudança no perfil dessas bactérias isoladas da comunidade que passam a ter características semelhantes com as de origem hospitalar. Os resultados alertam para um perigo à saúde dos consumidores e conseqüentemente à saúde pública, devido a presença de enterobactérias resistentes aos antimicrobianos nas mãos de manipuladores de alimentos.


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The present study was carried out to report the occurrence Salmonella spp., Salmonella Enteritidis, and Salmonella Typhimurium in chicken abattoirs. Samples of feces; feathers; scald, evisceration, and chiller water; and rinse water of non-eviscerated, eviscerated, and chilled carcass were collected from six chicken abattoirs. Salmonella isolates were identified by a multiplex-PCR using three sets of primers targeting the inuA, pefA, and sefA gene sequences from Salmonella spp., S. Typhimurium and S. Enteritidis, respectively. Salmonella spp. was detected in 10% (29/288) of the samples, whereas serovars Enteritidis and Typhimurium were identified in 62% (7/288), respectively. The results indicate the need to improve hygiene and sanitary standards in poultry slaughter lines, besides the education of food handlers and information to consumers. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Foram colhidas amostras de mãos e fossas nasais de 48 manipuladores de alimentos das principais casas comerciais da cidade de Araraquara, Estado de São Paulo (Brasil), e de 20 estudantes universitários. Dentre os indivíduos foram encontrados 44,1% e 34,8% que portavam Staphylococcus aureus em fossas nasais e mãos, respectivamente. Observou-se predomínio de fagotipos dos grupos I e III. Dos 12 portadores do microrganismo, concomitantemente em mãos e fossas nasais, 75,0% apresentaram cepas com vínculo epidemiológico. Os achados mostram o risco potencial representado pelas mãos nas intoxicações alimentares.


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The objective of this work was to identify intestinal parasites and/or commensals among food handlers of public schools in the city of Patos of Minas (MG). The fecal samples were analyzed by Lutz's method (1919). The positive results were 21.7% (13 cases) for parasites and/or commensal. The frequence of intestinal parasites and/or commensal of food handlers in the public schools showed low positive, probably as a result of good habits of personal hygiene and prophylactic treatment of parasitic.