979 resultados para Food behaviour


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The status and explanatory role of nutrition knowledge is uncertain in public health nutrition. Much of the uncertainty about this area has been generated by conceptual confusion about the nature of knowledge and behaviours, and, nutrition knowledge and food behaviours in particular. So the paper  describes several key concepts in some detail. The main argument is that 'nutrition knowledge' is a necessary but not sufficient factor for changes in consumers' food behaviours. Several classes of food behaviours and their causation are discussed. They are influenced by a number of environmental and intra-individual factors, including motivations. The interplay between motivational factors and information processing is important for nutrition promoters as is the distinction between declarative and procedural  knowledge. Consideration of the domains of nutrition knowledge shows that their utility is likely to be related to consumers' and nutritionists' particular goals and viewpoints. A brief survey of the recent literature shows that the evidence for the influence of nutrition knowledge on food behaviours is mixed. Nevertheless, recent work suggests that nutrition knowledge may play a small but pivotal role in the adoption of healthier food habits. The implications of this overview for public health nutrition are: (i) We need to pay greater attention to the development of children's and adults' knowledge frameworks (schema building); (ii) There is a need for a renewed proactive role for the education sector; (iii) We need to take account of consumers' personal food goals and their acquisition of procedural knowledge which will enable them to attain their goals; (iv) Finally, much more research into the ways people learn and use food-related knowledge is required in the form of experimental interventions and longitudinal studies.


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During nutrition intervention programs, some form of dietary assessment is usually necessary. This dietary assessment can be for: initial screening; development of appropriate programs and activities; or, evaluation. Established methods of dietary assessment are not always practical, nor cost effective in such interventions, therefore an abbreviated dietary assessment tool is needed. The Queensland Nutrition Project developed such a tool for male Blue Collar Workers, the Food Behaviour Questionnaire, consisting of 27 food behaviour related questions. This tool has been validated in a sample of 23 men, through full dietary assessment obtained via food frequency questionnaires and 24 hour dietary recalls. Those questions which correlated poorly with the full dietary assessment were deleted from the tool. In all, 13 questions was all that was required to distinguish between high and low dietary intakes of particular nutrients. Three questions when combined had correlations with refined sugar between 0.617 and 0.730 (p<0.005); four questions when combined had correlations with dietary fibre as percentage of energy of 0.45 (p<0.05); five questions when combined had a correlation with total fat of 0.499 (p<0.05); and, 4 questions when combined had a correlation with saturated fat of between 0.451 and 0.589 (p<0.05). A significant correlation could not be found for food behaviour questions with respect to dietary sodium. Correlations for fat as a function of energy could not be found.


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Cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) are the leading cause of mortality in the world. Studies of the impact of single nutrients on the risk for CVD have often provided inconclusive results, and recent research in nutritional epidemiology with a more holistic whole-diet approach has proven fruitful. Moreover, dietary habits in childhood and adolescence may play a role in later health and disease, either independently or by tracking into adulthood. The main aims of this study were to find childhood and adulthood determinants of adulthood diet, to identify dietary patterns present among the study population and to study the associations between long-term food choices and cardiovascular health in young Finnish adults. The study is a part of the multidisciplinary Cardiovascular Risk in Young Finns study, which is an ongoing, prospective cohort study with a 21-year follow-up. At baseline in 1980, the subjects were children and adolescents aged 3 to 18 years (n included in this study = 1768), and young adults aged 24 to 39 years at the latest follow-up study in 2001 (n = 1037). Food consumption and nutrient intakes were assessed with repeated 48-hour dietary recalls. Other determinations have included comprehensive risk factor assessments using blood tests, physical measurements and questionnaires. In the latest follow-up, ultrasound examinations were performed to study early atherosclerotic vascular changes. The average intakes showed substantial changes since 1980. Intakes of fat and saturated fat had decreased, whereas the consumption of fruits and vegetables had increased. Intake of fat and consumption of vegetables in childhood and physical activity in adulthood were important health behavioural determinants of adult diet. Additionally, a principal component analysis was conducted to identify major dietary patterns at each study point. A similar set of two major patterns was recognised throughout the study. The traditional dietary pattern positively correlated with the consumption of traditional Finnish foods, such as rye, potatoes, milk, butter, sausages and coffee, and negatively correlated with fruit, berries and dairy products other than milk. This type of diet was independently associated with several risk factors of CVD, such as total and low-density lipoprotein cholesterol, apolipoprotein B and C-reactive protein concentrations among both genders, as well as with systolic blood pressure and insulin levels among women. The traditional pattern was also independently associated with intima media thickness (IMT), a subclinical predictor of CVD, in men but not in women. The health-conscious pattern, predominant among female subjects, non-smokers and urbanites, was characterised by more health-conscious food choices such as vegetables, legumes and nuts, tea, rye, fish, cheese and other dairy products, as well as by the consumption of alcoholic beverages. This pattern was inversely, but less strongly, associated with cardiovascular risk factors. Tracking of the dietary pattern scores was observed, particularly among subjects who were adolescents at baseline. Moreover, a long-term high intake of protein concurrent with a low intake of fat was positively associated with IMT. These findings suggest that food behaviour and food choices are to some extent established as early as in childhood or adolescence and may significantly track into adulthood. Long-term adherence to traditional food choices seems to increase the risk for developing CVD, especially among men. Those with intentional or unintentional low fat diets, but with high intake of protein may also be at increased risk for CVD. The findings offer practical, food-based information on the relationship between diet and CVD and encourage further use of the whole-diet approach in epidemiological research. The results support earlier findings that long-term food choices play a role in the development of CVD. The apparent influence of childhood habits is important to bear in mind when planning educational strategies for the primary prevention of CVD. Further studies on food choices over the entire lifespan are needed.


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Resumo: A alimentação e o estado nutricional são factores determinantes do estado de saúde e sabe-se hoje que os mecanismos da patogénese de várias doenças crónicas não-transmissíveis podem ocorrer no início da idade adulta. A alimentação é influenciada por uma multiplicidade de factores, entre os quais se contam a importância atribuída à alimentação, o peso e imagem corporal e a percepção dos riscos associados à escolha de alimentos. Esta investigação teve como objectivos analisar, em estudantes universitários até aos 30 anos de idade, o estado nutricional, a importância atribuída a alimentação, as percepções do peso e da imagem corporal e a percepção do risco de doença relacionada com a alimentação. Os objectivos foram cumpridos através de dois desenhos de estudo distintos: estudo descritivo transversal e estudo de caso-controlo. Avaliou-se o peso, altura e os perímetros da cintura e da anca e construiu-se um questionário de auto-preenchimento para recolher a restante informação. Encontraram-se valores para a prevalência de obesidade e excesso de peso de, respectivamente, 6,5% e 24,3% e concluiu-se que existe uma percepção incorrecta do peso e da imagem corporal, mais frequente entre os indivíduos obesos. Os obesos também consideram a alimentação menos importante que os indivíduos normoponderais. A análise da percepção dos riscos revela que os inquiridos consideram que factores como a obesidade e a inactividade física são menos prejudiciais para a saúde do que factores como as alterações climáticas ou as radiações de telefones móveis. Verificaram-se também diferenças entre sexos nos parâmetros estudados: relativamente às mulheres, os homens sobrestimam mais frequentemente o peso e a imagem corporal, consideram a alimentação menos importante, julgam-se em menor risco de doença e classificam os factores de risco estudados como menos prejudiciais. Conclui-se que as estratégias de educação alimentar e de promoção da saúde devem considerar as diferenças registadas entre sexos e a importância atribuída à alimentação e as percepções do risco, do peso e da imagem corporal. Abstract: Nutrition and nutritional status are health determinants and it’s accepted that the mechanisms for the pathogenesis of several chronic non-communicable diseases can occur in early adult age. Nutrition is influenced by a large number of factors, including the value placed on food, weight and body image and the risk perception associated with food choice. Consequently, the analysis of the factors that can influence food behaviour and food choice in young adults can be useful for the control and prevention of nutrition related disease. The objectives of this research were to analyse, in college students up to 30 years of age, nutritional status, value placed on nutrition, weight and body image perceptions and the risk perception of nutrition related disease. Two study designs were used: cross-sectional and case-control. Weight, height and waist and hip circumference were measured and a questionnaire was built to collect the remaining information. Prevalences of 6,5% for obesity and 24,3% for excess weight were found, along with the existence of biased weight and body image perceptions, more frequent in obese subjects. Obese subjects also placed less value on nutrition than non-obese. Risk perception analysis shows that risk factors like obesity and physical inactivity are considered less hazardous than risk factors like climate changes and mobile phone radiation. Men, comparatively to women, overestimated more frequently their weight and body image, placed less value in nutrition, considered themselves less disease susceptible and classified the risk factors studied as less hazardous. The conclusions of this study show that nutrition education and health promotion strategies should consider the gender related differences reported and, also, the value placed on nutrition and weigh, body image and risk perceptions.


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Objectif. Étudier les comportements alimentaires des enfants utilisateurs de boîte à lunch tels que décrits par les mères, en s’inspirant des descripteurs de comportements alimentaires de Jean-Pierre Poulain. Méthodes. Des entrevues individuelles et de groupes eurent lieu avec 18 mères. Une analyse de données qualitatives a été réalisée en utilisant les dimensions de Poulain comme cadre de référence. Une considération additionnelle fut intégrée dans l’analyse, celle de la dimension matérielle de la boîte à lunch. Résultats. Dimension spatiale : Les repas ont lieu dans des classes ou dans de grandes salles communes. Dimension temporelle : Le moment et la durée de la consommation du repas varient selon différents facteurs. Le moment de préparation de la boîte est aussi d’intérêt. Environnement social : Les pairs et les médias ont une grande influence dans les comportements liés à la boîte à lunch. Logique de choix : La mère est le principal décideur et acteur à l’égard du contenu. Structure de la prise : Les mères précisent des contenus associés aux repas de la veille ou des mets froids. Des desserts et des à-côtés accompagnent le repas principal. L’étude de la dimension matérielle de la boîte révèle que la facilité d’entretien est le principal critère de choix des boîtes alors que l’apparence visuelle est celui de l’enfant. L’écologie devient de plus en plus une priorité. Conclusion. Cette nouvelle approche pour l’étude des comportements alimentaires du jeune utilisateur de boîte à lunch fournit aux intervenants une autre perspective selon laquelle étudier cette activité quotidienne et/ou élaborer des projets promotionnels en santé publique.


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Ce travail financé par l'ACDI a été réalisé au Laboratoire TRANSNUT de l'Université de Montréal (Canada)en collaboration avec le Laboratoire National de Santé Publique (Burkina Faso) et HKI-Burkina Faso.


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Cette étude s’insère dans une étude s’intitulant « Choix alimentaires d’adolescents canadiens et attitudes de leurs entraîneurs impliqués dans des activités sportives organisées ». Les objectifs étaient d’étudier chez des adolescents impliqués dans une compétition sportive provinciale où l’offre alimentaire est contrôlée 1) leur maîtrise des recommandations nutritionnelles 2) les facteurs individuels, comportementaux, socio-environnementaux influençant leurs choix alimentaires. Deux observateurs ont visité les différents sites alimentaires et de compétition pendant les Jeux du Québec de 2011 à Valleyfield. Les plateaux des athlètes ont été photographiés à table au moment des repas avec une caméra numérique et les commentaires oraux colligés par écrit. Au total, 173 photographies ont été analysées et comparées aux recommandations reconnues en nutrition sportive. Dans notre étude, les préférences alimentaires, l’offre alimentaire et la présence des coéquipiers sont les facteurs qui influencent le plus les choix alimentaires en compétition. Par contre, le sexe de l’athlète n’a pas influencé les choix alimentaires des athlètes observés. En pré-compétition, 85,4% des plateaux présentent une valeur énergétique supérieure aux recommandations et 66,3% d’entre eux ont une répartition en énergie inadéquate, peu importe le sexe. Un excès de lipides et de protéines au sein du repas précédant l’effort caractérise majoritairement les plateaux dont la répartition en énergie est non optimale (69,5%). Les recommandations en post-compétition (100%) et lors des jours de repos (95,8%) ont facilement été rencontrées. Il en est de même pour l’hydratation (99,4%). Le lait au chocolat est la boisson la plus populaire (59,5%). Les produits céréaliers (99,4%), le lait et substituts (87,3%), les légumes (85,7%), les viandes et substituts (83,2%), les aliments riches en sucres (79,8%), les fruits (70,5%) et les mets riches en gras (59,4%) sont particulièrement appréciés par les athlètes. Les commentaires recueillis font ressortir une vision dichotomique des aliments chez certains athlètes qui classifient les aliments en « bons » ou « mauvais ». Notre étude démontre que la présence d’une politique alimentaire permet de promouvoir des habitudes alimentaires saines et favorise la consommation d’aliments nutritifs lors d’une compétition sportive d’envergure. Cependant, de l’éducation en nutrition est toujours requise pour viser l’amélioration du comportement alimentaire avant l’effort.


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We introduce a dataset of biological, ecological, conservation and legal information for every species and subspecies of Australian bird, 2056 taxa or populations in total. Version 1 contains 230 fields grouped under the following headings: Taxonomy & nomenclature, Phylogeny, Australian population status, Conservation status, Legal status, Distribution, Morphology, Habitat, Food, Behaviour, Breeding, Mobility and Climate metrics. It is envisaged that the dataset will be updated periodically with new data for existing fields and the addition of new fields. The dataset has already had, and will continue to have applications in Australian and international ornithology, especially those that require standard information for a large number of taxa.


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Changes in fluidization behaviour behaviour was characterised for parallelepiped particles with three aspect ratios, 1:1, 2:1 and 3:1 and spherical particles. All drying experiments were conducted at 500C and 15 % RH using a heat pump dehumidifier system. Fluidization experiments were undertaken for the bed heights of 100, 80, 60 and 40 mm and at 10 moisture content levels. Due to irregularities in shape minimum fluidisation velocity of parallelepiped particulates (potato) could not fitted to any empirical model. Also a generalized equation was used to predict minimum fluidization velocity. The modified quasi-stationary method (MQSM) has been proposed to describe drying kinetics of parallelepiped particulates at 30o C, 40o C and 50o C that dry mostly in the falling rate period in a batch type fluid bed dryer.


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Objective: This study examined the association between area socioeconomic status (SES) and food purchasing behaviour.----- Setting: Melbourne city, Australia, 2003.----- Participants: Residents of 2,564 households located in 50 small areas.----- Design: Data were collected by mail survey (64.2% response rate). Area SES was indicated by the proportion of households in each area earning less than Aus$400 per week, and individual-level socioeconomic position was measured using education, occupation, and household income. Food purchasing was measured on the basis of compliance with dietary guideline recommendations (for grocery foods) and variety of fruit and vegetable purchase. Multilevel regression examined the association between area SES and food purchase after adjustment for individual-level demographic (age, sex, household composition) and socioeconomic factors.----- Results: Residents of low SES areas were significantly less likely than their counterparts in advantaged areas to purchase grocery foods that were high in fibre and low in fat, salt, and sugar; and they purchased a smaller variety of fruits. There was no evidence of an association between area SES and vegetable variety.----- Conclusions In Melbourne, area SES was associated with some food purchasing behaviours independent of individual-level factors, suggesting that areas in this city may be differentiated on the basis of food availability, accessibility, and affordability, making the purchase of some types of foods more difficult in disadvantaged areas.


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The call for the cross cultural examination and validation of commonly accepted relationships within consumer behaviour is strengthening. Consequently, this paper seeks to address this call by examining consumer risk perceptions, reliance on country of origin information and willingness to buy Genetically Modified (GM) food products on Australian and South Korean consumers. Findings indicate a number of cross cultural similarities and differences that have both theoretical and practical implications.


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Temperature-sensitive poly(N-isopropylacrylamide) (PNIPA) nanohydrogels were synthesized by nanoemulsion polymerization in water-in-oil systems. Several cross-linking degrees and the incorporation of acrylic acid as comonomer at different concentrations were tested to produce nanohydrogels with a wide range of properties. The physicochemical properties of PNIPA nanohydrogels, and their relationship with the swelling-collapse behaviour, were studied to evaluate the suitability of PNIPA nanoparticles as smart delivery systems (for active packaging). The swelling-collapse transition was analyzed by the change in the optical properties of PNIPA nanohydrogels using ultraviolet-visible spectroscopy. The thermodynamic parameters associated with the nanohydrogels collapse were calculated using a mathematical approach based on the van't Hoff analysis, assuming a two-state equilibrium (swollen to collapsed). A mathematical model is proposed to predict both the thermally induced collapse, and the collapse induced by the simultaneous action of two factors (temperature and pH, or temperature and organic solvent concentration). Finally, van't Hoff analysis was compared with differential scanning calorimetry. The results obtained allow us to solve the problem of determining the molecular weight of the structural repeating unit in cross-linked NIPA polymers, which, as we show, can be estimated from the ratio of the molar heat capacity (obtained from the van't Hoff analysis) to the specific heat capacity (obtained from calorimetric measurements).


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Temperature-sensitive poly(N-isopropylacrylamide) (PNIPA) nanohydrogels were synthesized by nanoemulsion polymerization in water-in-oil systems. Several cross-linking degrees and the incorporation of acrylic acid as comonomer at different concentrations were tested to produce nanohydrogels with a wide range of properties. The physicochemical properties of PNIPA nanohydrogels, and their relationship with the swelling-collapse behaviour, were studied to evaluate the suitability of PNIPA nanoparticles as smart delivery systems (for active packaging). The swelling-collapse transition was analyzed by the change in the optical properties of PNIPA nanohydrogels using ultraviolet-visible spectroscopy. The thermodynamic parameters associated with the nanohydrogels collapse were calculated using a mathematical approach based on the van't Hoff analysis, assuming a two-state equilibrium (swollen to collapsed). A mathematical model is proposed to predict both the thermally induced collapse, and the collapse induced by the simultaneous action of two factors (temperature and pH, or temperature and organic solvent concentration). Finally, van't Hoff analysis was compared with differential scanning calorimetry. The results obtained allow us to solve the problem of determining the molecular weight of the structural repeating unit in cross-linked NIPA polymers, which, as we show, can be estimated from the ratio of the molar heat capacity (obtained from the van't Hoff analysis) to the specific heat capacity (obtained from calorimetric measurements).


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Five species of bresilioid shrimp were investigated at seven hydrothermal sites on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge: Menez Gwen, Lucky Strike, Rainbow, Broken Spur, TAG, Snake Pit and Logatchev. Samples were prepared for analysis of stable isotopes, elemental composition and lipids. Shrimp behaviour was observed from the submersible ‘Alvin’ and in the laboratory aboard RV ‘Atlantis’. The distribution and zonation of the shrimp species was recorded. Juvenile shrimp of all species arrive at the vents carrying reserves of photosynthetic origin, built-up in the pelagic larval stages. These reserves are used while the shrimp metamorphose to the adult form and, in Rimicaris exoculata and Chorocaris chacei, while they develop epibiotic bacteria supporting structures, the modified mouthparts and the inside of the carapace. The main food of adult R. exoculata is filamentous bacteria that grow on these structures. The intermediate sizes of C. chacei also feed on such bacteria, but the final stage gets some food by scavenging or predation. Mirocaris species scavenge diverse sources; they are not trophically dependent on either R. exoculata or mussels. Adults of Alvinocaris markensis are predators of other vent animals, including R. exoculata. The dense swarms of R. exoculata, with their exosymbionts, can be compared to endosymbiont-containing animals such as Bathymodiolus and the vestimentiferan tube-worms of the Pacific vents. Such associations, whether endo- or ectosymbiotic, may be necessary for the development of flourishing communities at hydrothermal vents.