913 resultados para Follicle-stimulating Hormone (fsh)
Pituitary gonadotropins follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) and luteinizing hormone stimulate the gonads by regulating germ cell proliferation and differentiation. FSH receptors (FSH-Rs) are localized to testicular Sertoli cells and ovarian granulosa cells and are coupled to activation of the adenylyl cyclase and other signaling pathways. Activation of FSH-Rs is considered essential for folliculogenesis in the female and spermatogenesis in the male. We have generated mice lacking FSH-R by homologous recombination. FSH-R-deficient males are fertile but display small testes and partial spermatogenic failure. Thus, although FSH signaling is not essential for initiating spermatogenesis, it appears to be required for adequate viability and motility of the sperms. FSH-R-deficient females display thin uteri and small ovaries and are sterile because of a block in folliculogenesis before antral follicle formation. Although the expression of marker genes is only moderately altered in FSH-R −/− mice, drastic sex-specific changes are observed in the levels of various hormones. The anterior lobe of the pituitary gland in females is enlarged and reveals a larger number of FSH- and thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH)-positive cells. The phenotype of FSH-R −/− mice is reminiscent of human hypergonadotropic ovarian dysgenesis and infertility.
Transcription factor CREM (cAMP-responsive element modulator) plays a pivotal role in the nuclear response to cAMP in neuroendocrine cells. We have previously shown that follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) directs CREM expression in male germ cells. The physiological importance of FSH in Sertoli cell function prompted us to analyze its effect on CREM expression in these cells. We observed a dramatic and specific increase in the CREM isoform ICER (inducible cAMP early repressor) expression, with a peak 4 h after FSH treatment of primary Sertoli cells. Interestingly, induced levels of ICER protein persist for a considerably longer time. Induction of the repressor ICER accompanies early down-regulation of the FSH receptor transcript, which leads to long-term desensitization. Here we show that ICER represses FSH receptor expression by binding to a CRE-like sequence in the regulatory region of the gene. Our results confirm the crucial role played by CREM in hormonal control and suggest its role in the long-term desensitization phenomenon of peptide membrane receptors.
Complex glycoprotein biopharmaceuticals, such as follicle stimulating hormone (FSH), erythropoietin and tissue plasminogen activator consist of a range of charge isoforms due to the extent of sialic acid capping of the glycoprotein glycans. Sialic acid occupies the terminal position on the oligosaccharide chain, masking the penultimate sugar residue, galactose from recognition and uptake by the hepatocyte asialoglycoprotein receptor. It is therefore well established that the more acidic charge isoforms of glycoprotein biopharmaceuticals have higher in vivo potencies than those of less acidic isoforms due to their longer serum half-life. Current strategies for manipulating glycoprotein charge isoform profile involve cell engineering or altering bioprocesss parameters to optimise expression of more acidic or basic isoforms, rather than downstream separation of isoforms. A method for the purification of a discrete range of bioactive recombinant human FSH (rhFSH) charge isoforms based on Gradiflow(TM) preparative electrophoresis technology is described. Gradiflow(TM) electrophoresis is scaleable, and incorporation into glycoprotein biopharmaceutical production bioprocesses as a potential final step facilitates the production of biopharmaceutical preparations of improved in vivo potency. (C) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Concentrations of follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) have an important role in multiple ovulation. An association has been reported between mutations in the FSH receptor (FSHR) in a family with Increased twinning frequency. We sequenced the transmembrane region of FSHR (located on chromosome 2) in 21 unrelated mothers of dizygotic twins and found no differences to the published sequence. A linkage study of 183 sister pairs and trios, in which all sisters had given birth to spontaneous dizygotic twins, excluded linkage to this region of chromosome 2. Wa conclude that mutations in FSHR are not a common cause of familial dizygotic twinning.
We investigated the effects of progesterone and follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) on survival and growth of caprine preantral follicles. Pieces of ovarian tissue were cultured for 1 or 7 days in minimum essential medium (MEM) alone or containing progesterone (1, 2.5, 5, 10 or 20ng/mL), FSH (50ng/mL) or the interaction between progesterone and FSH. Fresh (non-cultured control) and cultured ovarian tissues were processed for histological and ultrastructural studies. After 7 days the addition of FSH to all progesterone concentrations maintained the percentage of normal follicles similar to fresh control. At day 7 of culture, a higher percentage of developing follicles was observed only in 2.5ng/ml of progesterone associated with FSH or 10ng/ml of progesterone alone when compared with control. From day 1 to day 7 of culture, a significant increase in the percentage of developing follicles was observed in MEM and 2.5ng/ml of progesterone + FSH. In addition, after 7 days, in all treatments, there was a significant increase in follicular diameter when compared with control, except for MEM alone and in 5ng/ml of progesterone + FSH or 10ng/ml of progesterone alone. Ultrastructural studies confirmed follicular integrity after 7 days of culture in 2.5ng/ml of progesterone with FSH. In conclusion, this study demonstrated that the interaction between progesterone and FSH maintains ultrastructural integrity, stimulates primordial follicles activation and further growth of cultured caprine preantral follicles.
Following parturition, all cows display a wave of ovarian follicular growth, but a large proportion fail to generate a preovulatory rise in estradiol, and hence fail to ovulate. Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) exists as multiple isoforms in the circulation depending on the type and extent of glycosylation, and this has pronounced effects on its biological properties. This study examined differences in plasma FSH, estradiol, and inhibin A concentrations, and the distribution of FSH isoforms in cows with ovulatory or atretic dominant follicles during the first postpartum follicle wave. Plasma FSH isoform distribution was examined in both groups during the period of final development of the dominant follicle by liquid phase isoelectric focusing. Cows with an ovulatory follicle had higher circulating estradiol and inhibin A concentrations, and lower plasma FSH concentrations. The distribution of FSH isoforms displayed a marked shift toward the less acidic isoforms in cows with ovulatory follicles. A higher proportion of the FSH isoforms had a pl>5.0 in cows with ovulatory follicles compared to those with atretic follicles. In addition, cows with ovulatory follicles had greater dry matter intake, superior energy balance, elevated circulating concentrations of insulin and insulin-like growth factor-I, and lower plasma nonesterified fatty acids. The shift in FSH isoforms toward a greater abundance of the less acidic isoforms appears to be a key component in determining the capability for producing a preovulatory rise in estradiol, and this shift in FSH isoforms was associated with more favorable bioenergetic and metabolic status. (C) 2008 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Background Oocytes mature in ovarian follicles surrounded by granulosa cells. During follicle growth, granulosa cells replicate and secrete hormones, particularly steroids close to ovulation. However, most follicles cease growing and undergo atresia or regression instead of ovulating. To investigate the effects of stimulatory (follicle-stimulating hormone; FSH) and inhibitory (tumour necrosis factor alpha; TNFα) factors on the granulosa cell transcriptome, bovine ovaries were obtained from a local abattoir and pools of granulosa cells were cultured in vitro for six days under defined serum-free conditions with treatments present on days 3–6. Initially dose–response experiments (n = 4) were performed to determine the optimal concentrations of FSH (0.33 ng/ml) and TNFα (10 ng/ml) to be used for the microarray experiments. For array experiments cells were cultured under control conditions, with FSH, with TNFα, or with FSH plus TNFα (n = 4 per group) and RNA was harvested for microarray analyses. Results Statistical analysis showed primary clustering of the arrays into two groups, control/FSH and TNFα/TNFα plus FSH. The effect of TNFα on gene expression dominated that of FSH, with substantially more genes differentially regulated, and the pathways and genes regulated by TNFα being similar to those of FSH plus TNFα treatment. TNFα treatment reduced the endocrine activity of granulosa cells with reductions in expression of FST, INHA, INBA and AMH. The top-ranked canonical pathways and GO biological terms for the TNFα treatments included antigen presentation, inflammatory response and other pathways indicative of innate immune function and fibrosis. The two most significant networks also reflect this, containing molecules which are present in the canonical pathways of hepatic fibrosis/hepatic stellate cell activation and transforming growth factor β signalling, and these were up regulated. Upstream regulator analyses also predicted TNF, interferons γ and β1 and interleukin 1β. Conclusions In vitro, the transcriptome of granulosa cells responded minimally to FSH compared with the response to TNFα. The response to TNFα indicated an active process akin to tissue remodelling as would occur upon atresia. Additionally there was reduction in endocrine function and induction of an inflammatory response to TNFα that displays features similar to immune cells.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
The effects of superovulatory treatment (follicle stimulating hormone [FSH] versus human menopausal gonadotropin [HMG]) and of route of administration (intramuscular versus intravenous) of prostaglandin F2a (PGF2a) on hormonal profiles were determined in 32 Angus x Hereford heifers for breeding and subsequent embryo collection and transfer. Heifers were superstimulated either with FSH (total of 26 milligrams) or HMG (total of 1,050 international units) beginning on days 9 to 12 of an estrous cycle and PGF2a (40 milligrams) was administered at 60 and 72 hours after the beginning of superovulatory treatments. Heifers were artificially inseminated three times at 12-hour intervals beginning 48 hours after PGF2a treatment. Blood serum samples were collected immediately before treatments began and at frequent intervals until embryo collection 288 hours later. Concentrations of luteinizing hormone (LH) and FSH were not affected by hormone treatments, route of PGF2a injection, or interactions between them. Estradiol-17ß (E2-17ß) levels were higher in HMG- than in FSH-treated heifers 60 hours after gonadotropin treatment. Peak concentration of E2-17ß occurred earlier in HMGthan in FSH-treated heifers and earlier in heifers injected with PGF2a intramuscularly than those injected intravenously. Progesterone concentrations were not influenced by treatment or route of PGF2a administration. The progesterone:E2-17ß ratio was higher in FSH- than in HMG-treated heifers 24 hours after the LH peak. The high steroid hormone concentrations in superovulated beef heifers before and after ovulation may lead to asynchrony between stages of embryonic development, a situation that may interfere with the pregnancy outcome of superovulated embryos in recipient animals.
Previous studies indicated that there is a separate hypothalamic control of follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) release distinct from that of luteinizing hormone (LH). An FSH-releasing factor (FSHRF) was purified from rat and sheep hypothalami, but has not been isolated. We hypothesized that FSHRF might be an analogue of mammalian luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone (m-LHRH) and evaluated the activity of many analogues of m-LHRH and of the known LHRHs found in lower forms. Here we demonstrate that lamprey (l) LHRH-III has a potent, dose-related FSH- but not LH-releasing action on incubated hemipituitaries of male rats. l-LHRH-I on the other hand, had little activity to release either FSH or LH. m-LHRH was equipotent to l-LHRH-III to release FSH, but also had a high potency to release LH in contrast to l-LHRH-III that selectively released FSH. Chicken LHRH-II had considerable potency to release both LH and FSH, but no selectivity in its action. Salmon LHRH had much less potency than the others tested, except for l-LHRH-I, and no selectivity in its action. Because ovariectomized, estrogen, progesterone-treated rats are a sensitive in vivo assay for FSH- and LH-releasing activity, we evaluated l-LHRH-III in this assay and found that it had a completely selective stimulatory effect on FSH release at the two doses tested (10 and 100 pmols). Therefore, l-LHRH-III is a highly potent and specific FSH-releasing peptide that may enhance fertility in animals and humans. It may be the long sought after m-FSHRF.
Background: Azoospermia is the medical condition of a man not having any measurable level of sperm in his semen. Follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) is a member of the glycoprotein hormone family that plays an important role in human reproduction because of its essential role in normal spermatogenesis. Various Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms (SNPs) have been reported within FSH receptor (FSHR) gene that may affect the receptor function. Objective: The present study aimed to investigate the correlation between two FSHR SNPs at positions A919G, A2039G, and susceptibility to azoospermia in a group of Iranian azoospermic men. The association between FSH levels within the sera and A919G and A2039G alleles and genotypes were also investigated. Materials and Methods: This case control study was performed on 212 men with azoospermia (126 non-obstructive and 86 obstructive) and 200 healthy Iranian men. Two FSHR gene SNPs were genotyped using PCR-RFLP method. The relationship between FSH levels within the sera and A919G and A2039G alleles and genotypes were also investigated. Results: Statistical analysis indicated that at A919G position, AA genotype and A allele were more frequent in obstructive azoospermia cases compared to non- obstructive or normal men (p=0.001). Regarding A2039G polymorphisms, no significant difference was observed between both azoospermia groups and the controls. The mean level of serum FSH was higher in the non-obstructive men compared to the obstructive patients (23.8 versus 13.8, respectively, p= 0.04). Conclusion: The results of the present study indicated that the genetic polymorphisms in the FSHR gene might increase the susceptibility to azoospermia in Iranian men.
Background: Poor ovarian response phenomenon has been observed in some of the in vitro fertilization-embryo transfer patients. Some investigations found that follicle stimulating hormone receptor (FSHR) gene plays a role in the process, but no direct evidence shows the correlation between genotypes of FSHR and ovarian response. Objective: Exploring the molecular mechanism behind the mutation of FSHR promoter association with ovarian granulosa cells and poor ovarian response. Materials and Methods: This cross sectional study was performed using 158 women undergoing the controlled short program ovarian stimulation for IVF treatment. The 263 bp DNA fragments before the follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) receptor 5' initiation site were sequenced in the patients under IVF cycle, 70 of which had poor ovarian response and 88 showed normal ovarian responses. Results: With a mutation rate of 40%, 63 in 158 cases showed a 29th site G→A point mutation; among the mutated cases, the mutation rate of the poor ovarian responders was significantly higher than the normal group (60% versus 23.9%; χ2=21.450, p<0.001). Besides, the variability was also obvious in antral follicle count, and ovum pick-ups. The estradiol peak values and the number of mature eggs between the two groups had significant difference. However, there was no obvious variability (t=0.457, p=0.324) in the basic FSH values between the two groups (normal group, 7.2±2.3 U/L; mutation group, 7.1±2.0 U/L). Conclusion: The activity of FSHR promoter is significantly affected by the 29th site G→A mutation that will weaken promoter activity and result in poor response to FSH.
Levels of recombinant human follicle stimulating hormone (r-hFSH) mRNA expressed under butyrate and zinc treatment were compared in two CHO-K1 derived cell lines. In King cells under the metallothionein promoter, butyrate induced the increase in both r-hFSH productivity (q(FSH)) and mRNA levels proportionally. In the presence of 1 mM butyrate and 40 mu M zinc, a 4-fold increase in q(FSH) and mRNA levels was achieved as compared to zinc (40) alone; this wasa approximately 6 times higher than in serum free medium. In Darren cells under the beta-actin promotor butyrate induced an increase in q(SFH) but not in mRNA levels.
CONTEXT AND OBJECTIVE: The optimal strategy for inducing fertility in men with congenital hypogonadotropic hypogonadism (CHH) is equivocal. Albeit a biologically plausible approach, pretreatment with recombinant FSH (rFSH) before GnRH/human chorionic gonadotropin administration has not been sufficiently assessed. The objective of the study was to test this method. DESIGN AND SETTING: This was a randomized, open-label treatment protocol at an academic medical center. PATIENTS AND INTERVENTIONS: GnRH-deficient men (CHH) with prepubertal testes (<4 mL), no cryptorchidism, and no prior gonadotropin therapy were randomly assigned to either 24 months of pulsatile GnRH therapy alone (inducing endogenous LH and FSH release) or 4 months of rFSH pretreatment followed by 24 months of GnRH therapy. Patients underwent serial testicular biopsies, ultrasound assessments of testicular volume, serum hormone measurements, and seminal fluid analyses. RESULTS: rFSH treatment increased inhibin B levels into the normal range (from 29 ± 9 to 107 ± 41 pg/mL, P < .05) and doubled testicular volume (from 1.1 ± 0.2 to 2.2 ± 0.3 mL, P < .005). Histological analysis showed proliferation of both Sertoli cells (SCs) and spermatogonia, a decreased SC to germ cell ratio (from 0.74 to 0.35), and SC cytoskeletal rearrangements. With pulsatile GnRH, the groups had similar hormonal responses and exhibited significant testicular growth. All men receiving rFSH pretreatment developed sperm in their ejaculate (7 of 7 vs 4 of 6 in the GnRH-only group) and showed trends toward higher maximal sperm counts. CONCLUSIONS: rFSH pretreatment followed by GnRH is successful in inducing testicular growth and fertility in men with CHH with prepubertal testes. rFSH not only appears to maximize the SC population but also induces morphologic changes, suggesting broader developmental roles.
The extent, causes, and physiological significance of the variation in number of follicles growing during ovarian follicular waves in human beings and cattle are unknown. Therefore, the present study examined the variability and repeatability in numbers of follicles 3 mm or greater in diameter during the follicular waves in bovine estrous cycles, and we determined if the variation in number of follicles during waves was associated with alterations in secretion of FSH, estradiol, inhibin, and insulin-like growth factor I (IGF-I). Dairy cattle were subjected to twice-daily ultrasound analysis to count total number of antral follicles 3 mm or greater in diameter throughout 138 different follicular waves. In another study, blood samples were taken at frequent intervals from cows that consistently had low or very high numbers of follicles during waves and were subjected to immunoassays. Results indicate the following: First, despite an approximately sevenfold variation in number of follicles during waves among animals and marked differences in age, stage of lactation, and season of the year, a very highly repeatable (0.95) number of follicles 3 mm or greater in diameter is maintained during the ovulatory and nonovulatory follicular waves of individuals. Second, variation in number of follicles 3 mm or greater in diameter during waves and the inverse association of number of follicles during waves with FSH are not directly explained by alterations in the patterns of secretion of estradiol, inhibin, or IGF-I. Third, ovarian ultrasound analysis can be used reliably by investigators to identify cattle that consistently have low or high numbers of follicles during waves, thus providing a novel experimental model to determine the causes and physiological significance of the high variation in antral follicle number during follicular waves among single-ovulating species, such as cattle or humans.