776 resultados para Focusing lens


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We report on a simple method to obtain surface gratings using a Michelson interferometer and femtosecond laser radiation. In the optical setup used, two parallel laser beams are generated using a beam splitter and then focused using the same focusing lens. An interference pattern is created in the focal plane of the focusing lens, which can be used to pattern the surface of materials. The main advantage of this method is that the optical paths difference of the interfering beams is independent of the distance between the beams. As a result, the fringes period can be varied without a need for major realignment of the optical system and the time coincidence between the interfering beams can be easily monitored. The potential of the method was demonstrated by patterning surface gratings with different periods on titanium surfaces in air.


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A Plasma Focus device can confine in a small region a plasma generated during the pinch phase. When the plasma is in the pinch condition it creates an environment that produces several kinds of radiations. When the filling gas is nitrogen, a self-collimated backwardly emitted electron beam, slightly spread by the coulomb repulsion, can be considered one of the most interesting outputs. That beam can be converted into X-ray pulses able to transfer energy at an Ultra-High Dose-Rate (UH-DR), up to 1 Gy pulse-1, for clinical applications, research, or industrial purposes. The radiation fields have been studied with the PFMA-3 hosted at the University of Bologna, finding the radiation behavior at different operating conditions and working parameters for a proper tuning of this class of devices in clinical applications. The experimental outcomes have been compared with available analytical formalisms as benchmark and the scaling laws have been proposed. A set of Monte Carlo models have been built with direct and adjoint techniques for an accurate X-ray source characterization and for setting fast and reliable irradiation planning for patients. By coupling deterministic and Monte Carlo codes, a focusing lens for the charged particles has been designed for obtaining a beam suitable for applications as external radiotherapy or intra-operative radiation therapy. The radiobiological effectiveness of the UH PF DR, a FLASH source, has been evaluated by coupling different Monte Carlo codes estimating the overall level of DNA damage at the multi-cellular and tissue levels by considering the spatial variation effects as well as the radiation field characteristics. The numerical results have been correlated to the experimental outcomes. Finally, ambient dose measurements have been performed for tuning the numerical models and obtaining doses for radiation protection purposes. The PFMA-3 technology has been fully characterized toward clinical implementation and installation in a medical facility.


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The challenge that continues to face HRD is how to integrate real concerns for diversity into programs, practices, and research. Critical race theory was used as a lens to examine work on diversity published in Human Resource Development Quarterly (HRDQ). Eight publications were selected and analyzed.


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We apply thermal-lens (TL) spectrometry to measure the angular dependence of the TL effect on colquiriite single crystals. The experiments were performed with LiSrAlF(6) and LiSrGaF(6) using a two-beam mode-mismatched configuration. The results show that it is possible to minimize the TL effect by selecting the appropriate crystal orientation. Our data also show that the anisotropy of the linear thermal expansion coefficient drives the amplitude of the TL effect, including the inversion from focusing to defocusing as the crystal orientation angle tends to the c-axis direction. The results may be useful for those working to develop a high-power laser using LiSrAlF(6)(:Cr) and LiSrGaF(6)(:Cr) single crystals, allowing for optimization of the designed laser cavity. (C) 2008 Optical Society of America.


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Contemporary artists exploring Jewish identity in the UK are caught between two exclusions, broadly speaking: an art community that that sees itself as ‘post –identity’ and a ‘black’ art scene that revolves around the organizations that emerged out of the Identity debates of the 1980s and 1990s, namely Iniva, Third Text, Autograph. These organizations and those debates, don’t usually include Jewish identity within their remit as Jewish artists are considered to be well represented in the British art scene and, in any case, white. Out of these assumptions, questions arise in relation to the position of Jews in Britain and what is at stake for an artist in exploring Jewish Identity in their work. There is considerable scholarship, relatively speaking on art and Jewish Identity in the US (such as Lisa Bloom; Norman Kleeblatt; Catherine Sousslouf), which inform the debates on visual culture and Jews. In this chapter, I will be drawing out some of the distinctions between the US and the UK debates within my analysis, building on my own writing over the last ten years as well as the work of Juliet Steyn, Jon Stratton and Griselda Pollock. In short, this chapter aims to explore the problematic of what Jewish Identity can offer the viewer as art; what place such art inhabits within a wider artistic context and how, if at all, it is received. There is a predominance of lens based work that explores Identity arising out of the provenance of feminist practices and the politics of documentary that will be important in the framing of the work. I do not aim to consider what constitutes a Jewish artist, that has been done elsewhere and is an inadequate and somewhat spurious conversation . I will also not be focusing on artists whose intention is to celebrate an unproblematised Jewishness (however that is constituted in any given work). Recent artworks and scholarship has in any case rendered the trumpeting of attachment to any singular identity anachronistic at best. I will focus on artists working in the UK who incorporate questions of Jewishness into a larger visual enquiry that build on Judith Butler’s notion of identity as process or performative as well as the more recent debates and artwork that consider the intersectionality of identifications that co-constitute provisional identities (Jones, Modood, Sara Ahmed, Braidotti/Nikki S Lee, Glenn Ligon). The case studies to think through these questions of identity, will be artworks by Susan Hiller, Doug Fishbone and Suzanne Triester. In thinking through works by these artists, I will also serve to contextualise them, situating them briefly within the history of the landmark exhibition in the UK, Rubies and Rebels and the work of Ruth Novaczek, Lily Markewitz, Oreet Ashery and myself.


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Gold plasmonic lenses consisting of a planar concentric rings-groove with different periods were milled with a focused gallium ion beam on a gold thin film deposited onto an Er3+-doped tellurite glass. The plasmonic lenses were vertically illuminated with an argon ion laser highly focused by means of a 50x objective lens. The focusing mechanism of the plasmonic lenses is explained using a coherent interference model of surface plasmon-polariton (SPP) generation on the circular grating due to the incident field. As a result, phase modulation can be accomplished by the groove gap, similar to a nanoslit array with different widths. This focusing allows a high confinement of SPPs that can excite the Er3+ ions of the glass. The Er3+ luminescence spectra were measured in the far-field (500-750 nm wavelength range), where we could verify the excitation yield via the plasmonic lens on the Er3+ ions. We analyze the influence of the geometrical parameters on the luminescence spectra. The variation of these parameters results in considerable changes of the luminescence spectra.


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In this work, we demonstrate how it is possible to sharply image multiple object points. The Simultaneous Multiple Surface (SMS) design method has usually been presented as a method to couple N wave-front pairs with N surfaces, but recent findings show that when using N surfaces, we can obtain M image points when Nlens and using a combination of SMS method and optimization, showing that the second approach is giving significantly smaller value of overall RMS spot diameter.


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The efficiency of a Laue lens for X and Gamma ray focusing in the energy range 60 ÷ 600 keV is closely linked to the diffraction efficiency of the single crystals composing the lens. A powerful focusing system is crucial for applications like medical imaging and X ray astronomy where wide beams must be focused. Mosaic crystals with a high density, such as Cu or Au, and bent crystals with curved diffracting planes (CDP) are considered for the realization of a focusing system for X rays, owing to their high diffraction efficiency. In this work, a comparison of the efficiency of CDP crystals and mosaic crystals was performed on the basis of the theory of X-ray diffraction. Si, GaAs and Ge CDP crystals with optimized thicknesses and moderate radii of curvature of several tens of metres demonstrate comparable or superior performance with respect to the higher atomic number mosaic crystals generally used. A simplified approach for calculating the integrated reflectivity of the crystals is applied. A bending technique used during this work to realize CDP crystals consists in a controlled surface damaging induced by a mechanical lapping process. A compressive strained layer of few micrometres in thickness is generated and causes the convex curvature of the damaged side of the crystal. Another new bending technique is developed and the main results are shown. The process consists on a film deposition of a selected bi-component epoxy resin on one side of crystal, made uniform in thickness by mean of a spin-coater. Choosing the speed of spin-coating, so changing the thickness of the film, a control of radius of curvature can be obtained. Moreover the possibility to combine the two bending technique to obtain CDP crystal with a stronger curvature in rather thick crystals was demonstrated. Detailed characterization of Si, and GaAs CDP crystals at low and high x-ray energies are performed on flat and bent crystals obtained with the damaging and the resin deposition technique. As expected an increase of diffraction efficiency in asymmetrical diffraction geometry in CDP crystals with respect to the flat ones is observed. On the other hand an unexpected increase of the integrated intensity in symmetrical geometry, not predicted by the theory, is observed in all the measurements performed with different set up. The experimental trend of the integrated reflectivity as a function of the radius of curvature is in a good agreement with that predicted by the theory of bent perfect crystals, so it is possible to conclude that the surface damage has a limited effect on the crystal reflectivity. A study of the integrated reflectivity in the energy range of interest (100÷350 keV) in CDP crystals realized with damaging and resin deposition technique at symmetrical and asymmetrical geometries was performed at ILL Institute. Also at these energies the diffraction efficiency of bent crystals was much larger (a 12 time increase is observed for bent crystals in asymmetrical 111 geometry) than that measured in flat crystals. The diffraction efficiency of CDP crystals realized with both techniques tends to coincide with that of flat crystals at very high energies (> 200 keV). This suggesting that also real flat perfect crystals can be considered as strongly bent or mosaic crystals at very high X ray energies.


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Aim: To determine whether eyes implanted with the Lenstec KH-3500 "accommodative" intraocular lenses (IOLs) have improved subjective and objective focusing performance compared to a standard monofocal IOLs. Methods: 28 participants were implanted monocularly with a KH-3500 " accommodative" IOL and 20 controls with a Softec1 IOL. Outcome measures of refraction, visual acuity, subjective amplitude of accommodation, objective accommodative stimulus response curve, aberrometry, and Scheimpflug imaging were taken at ∼3 weeks and repeated after 6 months. Results: Best corrected acuity with the KH-3500 was 0.06 (SD 0.13) logMAR at distance and 0.58 (0.20) logMAR at near. Accommodation was 0.39 (0.53) D measured objectively and 3.1 (1.6) D subjectively. Higher order aberrations were 0.87 (0.85) μm and lower order were 0.24 (0.39) μm. Posterior subcapsular light scatter was 0.95% (1.37%) greater than IOL clarity. In comparison, all control group measures were similar except objective (0.17 (0.13) D; p = 0.032) and subjective (2.0 (0.9) D; p = 0.009) amplitude of accommodation. Six months following surgery, posterior subcapsular scatter had increased (p<0.01) in the KH-3500 implanted subjects and near word acuity had decreased (p<0.05). Conclusions: The objective accommodating effects of the KH-3500 IOL appear to be limited, although the subjective and objective accommodative range is significantly increased compared to control subjects implanted with conventional IOLs. However, this "accommodative" ability of the lens appears to have decreased by 6 months post-surgery.


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[EN]The work presented in this paper is related to Depth Recovery from Focus The approach starts calibrating focal length of the camera using the Gaussian lens law for the thin lens camera model Two approaches are presented based on the availability of the internal distance of the lens


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The crystalline lens allows the eye to focus on near and far objects. During the aging process, it loses its ability to focus and often becomes cloudy during cataract formation. At this point, traditional medical therapy replaces the lens with an artificial replacement lens. Although replacement lenses for the crystalline lens have been implanted since 1949 for cataract surgery, none of the FDA-approved lenses mimic the anatomy of the natural lens. Hence, they are not able to focus in a manner similar to the youthful lens. Instead, they function in a manner similar to the aged lens and only provide vision at a single distance or at a very limited range of focal distances. Patients with the newest implants are often obliged to use reading glasses when using near vision, or suffer from optical aberrations, halos, or glare. Therefore, there is a need to provide youthful vision after lens surgery in terms of focusing ability, accurate optical power, and sharp focus without distortion or optical aberrations.

This thesis presents an approach to restoring youthful vision after lens replacement. An intraocular lens (IOL) that can provide accurate visual acuity along with focusing ability is proposed. This IOL relies on the natural anatomy and physiology of the eye, and therefore is actuated in a manner identical to the natural lens. In addition, the lens has the capability for adjustment during or after implantation to provide high-acuity vision throughout life.

The natural anatomy and physiology of the eye is described, along with lens replacement surgery. A lens design is proposed to address the unmet need of lens-replacement patients. Specific care in the design is made for small surgical incisions, high visual acuity, adjustable acuity over years, and the ability to focus similar to the natural lens. Methods to test the IOL using human donor tissue are developed based upon prior experiments on the ex vivo natural lens. These tools are used to demonstrate efficacy of the newly developed accommodating intraocular lens.

To further demonstrate implant feasibility, materials and processes for building the lens are evaluated for biocompatibility, endurance, repeatable manufacture, and stability. The lens biomechanics are determined after developing an artificial anatomy testing setup inspired by the natural anatomy of the human focusing mechanism. Finally, based upon a mechanical and optical knowledge of the lens, several improved lens concepts are proposed and demonstrated for efficacy.


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In the upcoming years, various upgrades and improvements are planned for the CERN Large Hadron Collider (LHC) and represent the mandate of the High-Luminosity project. The upgrade will allow for a total stored beam energy of about 700 MJ, which will need, among others, an extremely efficient collimation system. This will be achieved with the addition of a hollow electron lens (HEL) system to help control the beam-halo depletion and mitigate the effects of fast beam losses. In this master thesis, we present a diffusion model of the HEL for HL-LHC. In particular, we explore several scenarios to use such a device, focusing on the halo depletion efficiency given by different noise regimes.


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This work describes the evaluation of metals and (metallo)proteins in vitreous humor samples and their correlations with some biological aspects in different post-mortem intervals (1-7 days), taking into account both decomposing and non-decomposing bodies. After qualitative evaluation of the samples involving 26 elements, representative metal ions (Fe, Mg and Mo) are determined by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry after using mini-vial decomposition system for sample preparation. A significant trend for Fe is found with post-mortem time for decomposing bodies because of a significant increase of iron concentration when comparing samples from bodies presenting 3 and 7 days post-mortem interval. An important clue to elucidate the role of metals is the coupling of liquid chromatography with inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry for identification of metals linked to proteins, as well as mass spectrometry for the identification of those proteins involved in the post-mortem interval.


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We report on a simple and accurate method for determination of thermo-optical and spectroscopic parameters (thermal diffusivity, temperature coefficient of the optical path length change, pump and fluorescence quantum efficiencies, thermal loading, thermal lens focal length, etc) of relevance in the thermal lensing of end-pumped neodymium lasers operating at 1.06- and 1.3-mu m channels. The comparison between thermal lensing observed in presence and absence of laser oscillation has been used to elucidate and evaluate the contribution of quantum efficiency and excited sate absorption processes to the thermal loading of Nd: YAG lasers. (c) 2008 Optical Society of America.


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A recently developed thermal lens spectrometry configuration has been used to study CdSe/ZnS core-shell quantum dots (QDs) suspended in toluene and tetrahydrofuran (THF) solvents. The special features of this configuration make it very attractive to measure fluorescence quantum yield (eta) excitation spectrum since it simplifies the measurement procedure and consequently improve the accuracy. Furthermore, the precision reached is much higher than in conventional photoluminescence (PL) technique. Two methods, called reference sample and multiwavelength have been applied to determine eta, varying excitation wavelength in the UV-visible region (between 335-543 nm). The eta and PL spectra are practically independent of the excitation wavelength. For CdSe/ZnS QDs suspended in toluene we have obtained eta=76 +/- 2%. In addition, the aging effect on eta and PL has been studied over a 200 h period for QDs suspended in THF. (C) 2010 American Institute of Physics. [doi:10.1063/1.3343517]