999 resultados para Fluorescence-polarization


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The binding of Ricinus communis (castor-bean) agglutinin 1 to saccharides was studied by equilibrium dialysis and fluorescence polarization by using the fluorescently labelled sugar 4-methylumbelliferyl beta-D-galactopyranoside. No appreciable change in ligand fluorescence of 4-methylumbelliferyl beta-D-galactopyranoside was considerably polarized on its binding to the lectin. The association constants obtained by Scatchard analysis of equilibrium-dialysis and fluorescence-polarization data do not differ much from each other, and at 25 degrees C, Ka = 2.4 (+/- 0.2) X 10(4)M-1. These values agree reasonably well with that reported in the literature for Ricinus agglutinin 1. The number of binding sites obtained by the different experimental procedures is 1.94 +/- 0.1 per molecule of 120 000 daltons and is equal to the reported value of 2. The consistency in the values of Ka and number of binding sites indicate the absence of additional subsites on Ricinus agglutinin 1 for its specific sugars. In addition, the excellent agreement between the binding parameters obtained by equilibrium dialysis and fluorescence polarization indicate the potential of ligand-fluorescence-polarization measurements in the investigation of lectin-sugar interactions.


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Polarization of ligand fluorescence was used to study the binding of 4-methylumbelliferyl beta-D-galactopyranoside (MeUmb-Galp) to Abrus precatorious agglutinin. The binding of the fluorescent sugar to the lectin led to considerable polarization of the MeUmb-Galp fluorescence, which was also quenched by about 30% on binding to the lectin. The binding of the fluorescent sugar was carbohydrate-specific, as evidenced by inhibition of both fluorescence polarization and quenching when lectin was preincubated with lactose. The association constant as determined by fluorescence polarization is 1.42 x 10(4) M-1 at 25 degrees C and is in excellent agreement with those determined by fluorescence quenching (Ka = 1.51 x 10(4) M-1) and equilibrium dialysis (Ka = 1.62 x 10(4) M-1) at 25 degrees C. The numbers of binding sites as determined by fluorescence polarization, quenching and equilibrium dialysis agree very well with one another, n being equal to 2.0 +/- 0.05. The consistency between the association constant value determined by fluorescence polarization, quenching and equilibrium dialysis shows the validity of this approach to study lectin-sugar interaction.


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The objective of the present study was to compare the performance of three serological tests for diagnosis of Brucella abortus infections in buffaloes (Bubalus bubalis). Serum samples collected from 696 adult females were submitted to the competitive enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISAC), (I-ELISA), fluorescence polarization test (FPA), 2-mercaptoethanol test (2-ME) and complement fixation test (CFT). The gold standard was the combination of CFT and 2-ME, considering as positive the reactors in both CFT and 2-ME, and as negative those non-reactors. ROC analyses were done for C-ELISA, I-ELISA and FPA and the Kappa agreement index were also calculated. The best combinations of relative sensitivity (SEr) and relative specificity (SPr) and Kappa were given by C-ELISA (96.9%, 99.1%, and 0.932, respectively) and FPA (92.2%, 97.6 and 0.836, respectively). The C-ELISA and FPA were the most promising confirmatory tests for the serological diagnosis of brucellosis in buffaloes, and for these tests, cut-off values for buffaloes may be the same as those used for bovines.


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Bull sperm plasma and outer acrosomal membranes have been isolated by discontinuous sucrose density gradient centrifugation and Ca2+-ATPase activity has been determined for both the membranes. Pyrene excimer fluorescence and diphenylhexatriene fluorescence polarization studies show that the lipid phase of the sperm plasma membranes is more fluid than the lipids of the outer acrosomal membranes. Approximately, a three fold increase in the cholesterol content has been found in the outer acrosomal membranes as compared to that in the plasma membranes.


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Small unilamellar vesicles formed from four cationic lipids in the absence and the presence of varying amounts of cholesterol were studied using fluorescence polarization and H-1-NMR techniques. The fluorescence polarization data clearly indicate that the packing order in the cationic lipid bilayers are affected by inclusion of cholesterol. importantly, this effect exists also with a cationic lipid that is devoid of any formal linkage region where the interaction of the lipid with cholesterol through hydrogen bonding is not feasible. The interactions of cholesterol with different types of cationic lipids in excess water have also been examined in multilamellar dispersions using proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy. In all the cases, the methylene proton linewidths in the NMR spectra respond to the addition of cholesterol to vesicles. Hydrophobic association of the lipid and cholesterol imposes restriction on the chain (CH2)(n) motions, leaving the terminal CH3 groups relatively mobile. On the basis of energy-minimized structural models, a rationale of the cholesterol-cationic lipid assembly has also been presented.


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previous termBull spermnext term heads and tails have been separated by proteolytic digestion (trypsin) and previous termplasma membranesnext term have been isolated, using discontinuous sucrose density gradient centrifugation. previous termPlasma membranenext term bound Ca2+-ATPase is shown to be associated mostly with the tail previous termmembranes.next term Pyrene excimer fluorescence and diphenylhexatriene fluorescence polarization experiments indicate a more fluid lipid phase in the tail region. Differences in surface charge distribution have been found, using 1-anilinonaphthalene-8-sulfonate and Tb3+ as fluorescent probes.


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Bull sperm heads and tails have been separated by proteolytic digestion (trypsin) and plasma membranes have been isolated, using discontinuous sucrose density gradient centrifugation. Plasma membrane bound Ca2+-ATPase is shown to be associated mostly with the tail membranes. Pyrene excimer fluorescence and diphenylhexatriene fluorescence polarization experiments indicate a more fluid lipid phase in the tail region. Differences in surface charge distribution have been found, using 1-anilinonaphthalene-8-sulfonate and Tb3+ as fluorescent probes.


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Fenvalerate is a commonly used pyrethroid insecticide, used to control a wide range of pests. We have studied its interaction with the membrane using fluorescence polarization and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) techniques. Fenvalerate was found to decrease the DPH fluorescence polarization value of synaptosomal and microsomal membrane, implicating that it makes the membrane more fluid. At different concentrations of fenvalerate, the activation energy of the probe molecule in the membrane also changes revealed from the change in slope of the Arrhenius plot. At higher concentrations the insecticide slowly saturates the membrane. The effects of fenvalerate on model membrane were also studied with liposomes reconstituted with dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine (DPPC). Fenvalerate decreased the phase transition temperature (Tm) of DPPC by 1.5 °C at 40 μM concentration, but there was no effect on the cooperativity of the transition as interpreted from the DSC thermogram. From the change in the thermogram profile with fenvalerate it has been interpreted that it localizes in the acyl chain region of the lipid, possibly between C10 and C16 region and weakens the acyl chain packing. Fenvalerate was also found to interact with DPPC liposomes containing cholesterol to fluidize it.


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O conhecimento sobre o ritmo de crescimento radial e a idade das árvores é um aspecto básico para compreender a dinâmica das populações, bem como o desenvolvimento e a sobrevivência das espécies. Nos trópicos, entretanto, estudos populacionais com este enfoque ainda são escassos, a despeito da urgente necessidade de preservação e manejo de suas florestas. Este trabalho tem por objetivo: i) Descrever a atividade cambial e o comportamento fenológico de Centrolobium robustum (Vell.) Mart. ex Benth., correlacionando estes parâmetros entre si; ii) Avaliar a influência da sazonalidade climática e do fotoperíodo sobre a atividade cambial e o comportamento fenológico e iii) Caracterizar o padrão estrutural dos anéis de crescimento e determinar, a partir destes, a idade e as taxas de crescimento radial da espécie na Reserva Biológica do Tinguá, RJ. Para a análise da atividade cambial, amostras de câmbio foram coletadas trimestralmente, processadas segundo técnicas usuais de anatomia vegetal e observadas sob microscopia ótica de campo claro, de fluorescência, de polarização e microscopia eletrônica de transmissão. O acompanhamento fenológico foi realizado mensalmente e os índices de atividade e de intensidade foram utilizados para analisar as fenofases reprodutivas e vegetativas, respectivamente. Para a investigação dendrocronológica, foram coletadas amostras com auxílio de sonda de Pressler, as quais foram polidas e observadas sob microscópio estereoscópico. Os resultados evidenciaram um ciclo anual de atividade e dormência cambial, caracterizados, respectivamente, pela presença de células em processo de divisão e diferenciação junto ao câmbio e de células completamente diferenciadas e deposição de calose em elementos de tubo crivado adjacentes à zona cambial. A dormência cambial coincidiu com a senescência e queda foliar, enquanto a atividade foi mais evidente na presença de folhas adultas na copa. A sazonalidade da atividade cambial apresentou correlação significativa com os dados de temperatura, precipitação e fotoperíodo do mês de realização das coletas. Foi constatado o regime sazonal da atividade cambial em associação ao clima e ao comportamento fenológico da espécie, conferindo caráter anual aos anéis de crescimento. Os resultados permitiram estabelecer o padrão dendroecológico de C. robustum e as idades e taxas de crescimento da população estudada.


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The efficient synthesis of 5-(5-bromovaleramido)-1,10-phenanthroline, 5-(6-bromohexanamido)-1,10-phenanthroline, and 5-(11-bromoundecanamido)-1,10-phenanthroline are described, which reacted with cis-Ru(bpy)(2)Cl-2. 2H(2)O and sodium hexafluorophosphate to form Ru(bpy)(2)[phen-NHCO(CH2)(n)Br](PF6)(2) (n = 4, 5 or 10; phen = 1,10-phenanthroline). The intricate H-1 NMR spectra at low field of these complexes were completely assigned in virtue of H-1-H-1 COSY technique. Cyclic voltammetry was used to study electrochemical behaviours of these complexes, and their luminescent properties were investigated with fluorescent spectra.


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The effects of La3+ on the structure and function of human erythrocyte membranes were investigated by fluorescence polarization, spin-labeled electron spin resonance (ESR) and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). The results showed that increasing concentrations of La3+ inhibited (Na++K+)-ATPase and Mg2+-ATPase activities. La3+ lowered the lipid fluidity of erythrocyte membranes and induced structural transitions in erythrocyte membranes.


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The effect of lanthanum and calcium on the structure and function of human erythrocyte membranes was investigated by fluorescence polarization, spin- labeled electron spin resonance (ESR) and laser Raman spectroscopy. The results showed that low concentration of La3+ (0.5 mu mol/L) activated a Little (Na++K+)-ATPase and Mg2+-ATPase activities, and it inhibited obvi ously the ATPase activities with increasing its concentrations. La3+ lowered the lipid fluidity of human erythrocyte membranes and decreased the vibration intensity of alpha-helix of the protein in the Amide I '. The effect of Ca2+ on the lipid fluidity and alpha-helix of the protein in the Amide I ' was smaller than that of La3+.