969 resultados para Floral development morphology


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Experiments were conducted over two years to quantify the response of faba bean (Vicia faba L.) to heat stress. Potted winter faba bean plants (cv. Wizard) were exposed to temperature treatments (18/10; 22/14; 26/18; 30/22; 34/26°C day/night) for five days during floral development and anthesis. Developmental stages of all flowers were scored prior to stress, plants were grown in exclusion from insect pollinators to prevent pollen movement between flowers, and yield was harvested at an individual pod scale, enabling effects of heat stress to be investigated at a high resolution. Susceptibility to stress differed between floral stages, flowers were most affected during initial green-bud stages. Yield and pollen germination of flowers present before stress showed threshold relationships to stress, with lethal temperatures (t50) ~28°C and ~32°C, while whole plant yield showed a linear negative relationship to stress with high plasticity in yield allocation, such that yield lost at lower nodes was partially compensated at higher nodal positions. Faba bean has many beneficial attributes for sustainable modern cropping systems but these results suggest that yield will be limited by projected climate change, necessitating the development of heat tolerant cultivars, or improved resilience by other mechanisms such as earlier flowering times.


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Background and Aims Considering that few studies on nectary anatomy and ultrastructure are available for chiropterophilous flowers and the importance of Hymenaea stigonocarpa in natural 'cerrado' communities, the present study sought to analyse the structure and cellular modifications that take place within its nectaries during the different stages of floral development, with special emphasis on plastid dynamics.Methods For the structural and ultrastructural studies the nectary was processed as per usual techniques and studied under light, scanning and transmission electron microscopy. Histochemical tests were employed to identify the main metabolites on nectary tissue and secretion samples.Key Results The floral nectary consists of the inner epidermis of the hypanthium and vascularized parenchyma. Some evidence indicates that the nectar release occurs via the stomata. The high populations of mitochondria, and their juxtaposition with amyloplasts, seem to be related to energy needs for starch hydrolysis. Among the alterations observed during the secretory phase, the reduction in the plastid stromatic density and starch grain size are highlighted. When the secretory stage begins, the plastid envelope disappears and a new membrane is formed, enclosing this region and giving rise to new vacuoles. After the secretory stage, cellular structures named 'extrastomatic bodies' were observed and seem to be related to the nectar resorption.Conclusions Starch hydrolysis contributes to nectar formation, in addition to the photosynthates derived directly from the phloem. In these nectaries, the secretion is an energy-requiring process. During the secretion stage, some plastids show starch grain hydrolysis and membrane rupture, and it was observed that the region previously occupied by this organelle continued to be reasonably well defined, and gave rise to new vacuoles. The extrastomatic bodies appear to be related to the resorption of uncollected nectar.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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A detailed study of floral ontogeny, anatomy, and embryology in two (of six) species of Pharus is presented as part of a series of comparative investigations on early-divergent grasses. Pharus is a taxonomically isolated genus belonging to the earliest-diverging grass lineage with a true grass spikelet. It is unusual in possessing remarkably dimorphic florets: male florets possess two lodicules, six stamens, and a pistillode, whereas female florets lack lodicules entirely but possess six staminodes and a tricarpellary ovary with three stigmas. The rudimentary lodicules in male florets are initiated after the stamen whorls. There are most commonly six androecial organs, but in some florets, a five-staminate condition was observed, resulting from suppression of the abaxial stamen from the inner whorl, or even a four-staminate condition resulting from subsequent fusion of the two adaxial outer stamens (i.e., elements of both whorls). Thus, the pattern of floral zygomorphy in Pharus differs from that of many other grasses. Centrifixed anther attachment is reported for the first time in Pharus, resembling the condition in another early-divergent grass, Anomochloa, though anthers are introrse in Anomochloa compared with latrorse in Pharus. Anther wall development is of the reduced type in Pharus, in contrast to most other monocots. Microsporogenesis is of the successive type, as in many other monocots. The ovary develops from three distinct primordia and is unilocular with a single ovule and a pronounced ovary beak that is highly characteristic of Pharus. There is a hollow style, in contrast to the solid styles that are common in many other grasses. The embryo is highly differentiated, as in other grasses, with a distinct epiblast and a small cleft between the scutellum and the coleorhiza.


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小檗科是毛茛类的核心成员之一,属于较原始的被子植物类群。目前有关该科在毛茛类的系统位置还没有一致的意见。一种观点认为它与毛茛科有密切关系,属于本目中较原始的一支;另一些学者则根据小檗科与罂粟科在心皮结构上的相似性提出它们有较近的亲缘关系,并可能在毛茛类中处于较高的演化水平上。小檗科的范畴与科内系统至今仍存在着较大争论。自本世纪初以来已有若干系统发表,其中有的采取广义小檗科的概念,而有的则分别成立2-4个科。在生殖结构演化方面,有关小檗科植物花的一些形态学本质,如花基数、蜜腺来源、心皮性质等仍有待揭示。因此,有必要对该科的结构、分化和系统发育进行深入的研究。 本研究首次报导了小檗科9属植物的花部形态发生、10属植物胚胎发育、9属植物的种皮纹饰和八角莲属与桃儿七属的rbcL基因全序列。并综合已有的研究资料,对小檗科的系统学问题进行了讨论。主要实验结果及结论如下: 1花部形态发生 小檗科植物典型花部形态为三数轮列、雄蕊与花瓣对生、单生心皮、侧生胎座。花器官发育的独特性状包括雄蕊与花瓣以共同原基方式发生;心皮原基环形、周缘组织等速向上发育而建成瓶状心皮,不形成腹缝线。我们认为,三基数在小檗科植物中可能是共同起源的,为典型轮列花;花瓣(蜜腺叶)来源于花瓣一雄蕊共同原基,而小檗属、十大功劳属、兰山草属花瓣上的小囊状蜜腺是其本身的附属结构,与雄蕊无关;雄蕊与花瓣对生来源于雄蕊一花瓣共同原基的发生方式;小檗科的心皮发生方式在毛茛类中是独特的,它不同于Hell (1981,198 3)描述的囊状心皮. 2胚胎学 小檗科植物的主要胚胎学性状有:腺质绒毡层,药室内壁带状加厚,2细胞花粉粒,胚珠具双珠被、厚珠心,珠孔由内外珠被组成,直线型大孢子4分体,蓼型、稀待宵草型(红毛七属)或葱型(桃儿七属)胚囊,反足细胞宿存,核型胚乳,柳叶草型或茄型胚胎发生。根据小檗科各属植物的胚胎学与种皮表面雕纹性状的分化,小檗科可以划分为:南天竹属,小檗属一十大功劳属,红毛七属一牡丹草属一狮足草属,山荷叶属一八角莲属一桃儿七属一足叶草属,淫羊藿属一鲜黄连属5个属群。说明胚胎学性状对揭示本科植物属间及属群间系统关系有较大的价值。 3分子数据 利用本研究测得的八角莲属、桃儿七属rbcL基因序列,结合从GenBank中得到的小檗科其他9属、毛茛科(4属)、防己科(2属)和木通科(1属)的rbcL序列,用PAUP软件进行分支分析。支持广义小檗科是单系类群的观点;.山荷叶属、八角莲属和桃儿七属构成的分支得到Bootstrap分析的完全支持(100%),3属植物是科内的一个自然类群;具x=6染色体基数的草本属间存在密切关系(90%);十大功劳属与兰山草属近缘(73%);南天竹属与红毛七属可能有一定联系(53%)。 4系统排列 广义小檗科(17属)为一单系类群得到本研究所获得的花形态发生、胚胎学和分子证据支持;综合各学科的研究结果提出小檗科分5族系统的建议.其系统排列为:1).南天竹族,含南天竹属1属.2).小檗族,分小檗亚族(小檗属、十大功劳属)和兰山草亚族(草本的兰山草属),共3属.3).狮足草族,含红毛七属、狮足草属和牡丹草属3属。4).足叶草族,分足叶草亚族(足叶草属、八角莲属与桃儿七属)和山荷叶亚族(山荷叶属),共4属.5).淫羊藿族,分淫羊藿亚族(淫羊藿属、 Vancou ver ia、Jef fersonia、鲜黄连属与Bongardia)和裸花草亚族(裸花草属),共6属。 5系统位置 根据小檗科花形态发生的独特性状,如心皮瓶状发育、雄蕊一花瓣以共同原基发生、二者对生、花药瓣裂和分子系统学的结果,以及据已有资料比较,小檗科在毛茛目中的特征较独特,与毛茛科的关系较远。支持小檗科提升为目的处理。


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Le clade Dialiinae représente l’une des premières lignées de la sous-famille Caesalpinioideae des Leguminosae. Il se compose de 17 genres (environ 90 espèces), avec des taxons qui sont répandus dans toutes les régions tropicales du monde. Morphologiquement, le groupe comprend un assemblage divers de taxons qui peut représenter une «phase expérimentale» dans l’évolution florale des légumineuses. Différents représentants du clade présentent de la poly-, mono-, et asymétrie, et semblent avoir subi un haut degré de perte d’organe, produisant, dans certains cas, des fleurs extrêmement réduites qui sont à peine reconnaissables comme appartenant à la famille des légumineuses. Afin d’obtenir une image plus claire de l’évolution florale du clade Dialiinae, une phylogénie bien résolue et bien soutenue est nécessaire. Dans le but de créer une telle phylogénie, un total de 37 échantillons d’ADN des Dialiinae a été séquencé pour deux régions chloroplastiques, soit rps16 et trnL. De plus, une étude morphologique complète a été réalisée. Un total de 135 caractères végétatifs et reproductifs a été évalué pour 79 espèces de Dialiinae et pour quatre groupes externes. Les analyses phylogénétiques ont d’abord été effectuées sur un groupe restreint de taxons pour lesquels les trois types de données étaient disponibles. Les nœuds fortement soutenus de cette phylogénie ont ensuite été utilisés comme contrainte pour une seconde analyse de parcimonie avec les données morphologiques d’un ensemble plus important de taxons. Les caractères morphologiques ont été optimisés sur l’un des arbres les plus parcimonieux de cette seconde analyse. Un certain nombre de nouvelles relations au niveau de l’espèce ont été résolues, créant une image plus claire quant à l’évolution de la forme florale dans le temps, particulièrement pour les genres Labichea et Dialium. En plus de leur morphologie florale mature diverse, les Dialiinae sont également très variables dans leur ontogénèse florale, affichant à la fois la perte et la suppression des organes, et présentant une variété de modes d’initiation d’organes. Afin de construire une image plus complète du développement floral et de l’évolution dans ce clade, l’ontogénèse florale de plusieurs espèces non documentées à ce jour a été étudiée. La série complète du développement a été compilée pour six espèces de Dialiinae; quatre de Dialium, ainsi que Poeppigia procera et Mendoravia dumaziana. Le mode et le moment de l’initiation des organes étaient pour la plupart uniforme pour toutes les espèces de Dialium étudiés. Tant pour ce qui est des gains ou des pertes d’organes chez Dialium, une tendance est apparente – l’absence d’organe abaxial. Que ce soit pour les sépales ou les étamines, les gains se produisent toujours en position médiane adaxiale, tandis que les étamines et les pétales perdus sont toujours les organes les plus ventraux. Les taxons étudiés ici illustrent le manque apparent de canalisation du développement observé chez les Caesalpinioideae. Cette plasticité ontogénétique est le reflet de la diversité morphologique au niveau des fleurs tel qu’observée dans l’ensemble de la sous-famille. Une des espèces de Dialiinae, Apuleia leiocarpa, produit une inflorescence andromonoïque, une caractéristique qui est unique en son clade et rare dans les légumineuses dans son ensemble. La microscopie optique et électronique ont été utilisées pour entreprendre une étude détaillée de la morphologie florale de ce taxon. On a constaté que tandis que les fleurs hermaphrodites produisent un seul carpelle et deux étamines, les fleurs staminées produisent trois étamines sans toutefois montrer signe de développement du carpelle. Les inflorescences semblent produire près de quatre fois plus de fleurs staminées que de fleurs hermaphrodites, lesquelles occupent toujours la position centrale de l’inflorescence cymeuse. Ce ratio élevé mâle/bisexuel et la détermination précoce du sexe chez Apuleia sont rares chez les Caesalpinioideae, ce qui suggère que l’andromonoecie se développe dans ce genre comme un moyen d’accroître la dispersion du pollen plutôt qu’en réponse à des limitations de ressources.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Background The Arabidopsis FILAMENTOUS FLOWER (FIL) gene encodes a YABBY (YAB) family putative transcription factor that has been implicated in specifying abaxial cell identities and thus regulating organ polarity of lateral organs. In contrast to double mutants of fil and other YAB genes, fil single mutants display mainly floral and inflorescence morphological defects that do not reflect merely a loss of abaxial identity. Recently, FIL and other YABs have been shown to regulate meristem organization in a non-cell-autonomous manner. In a screen for new mutations affecting floral organ morphology and development, we have identified a novel allele of FIL, fil-9 and characterized its floral and meristem phenotypes. Results The fil-9 mutation results in highly variable disruptions in floral organ numbers and size, partial homeotic transformations, and in defective inflorescence organization. Examination of meristems indicates that both fil-9 inflorescence and floral meristems are enlarged as a result of an increase in cell number, and deformed. Furthermore, primordia emergence from these meristems is disrupted such that several primordia arise simultaneously instead of sequentially. Many of the organs produced by the inflorescence meristems are filamentous, yet they are not considered by the plant as flowers. The severity of both floral organs and meristem phenotypes is increased acropetally and in higher growth temperature. Conclusions Detailed analysis following the development of fil-9 inflorescence and flowers throughout flower development enabled the drawing of a causal link between multiple traits of fil-9 phenotypes. The study reinforces the suggested role of FIL in meristem organization. The loss of spatial and temporal organization of fil-9 inflorescence and floral meristems presumably leads to disrupted cell allocation to developing floral organs and to a blurring of organ whorl boundaries. This disruption is reflected in morphological and organ identity aberrations of fil-9 floral organs and in the production of filamentous organs that are not perceived as flowers. Here, we show the role of FIL in reproductive meristem development and emphasize the potential of using fil mutants to study mersitem organization and the related effects on flower morphogenesis.


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A utilização de Bromélias tem sido crescente no mercado de plantas onamentais, por outro lado, muitas espécies encontram-se ameaçadas, grande parte pelos impactos humanos no ambiente. Aechmea correia-araujoi E. Pereira & Moutinho, Aechmea gamossepala Wittm, Vriesea ensiformis (Vell.) Beer e Vriesea saundersii (Carrière) E. Morren ex Mez, espécies nativas da Mata Atlântica brasileira, têm sido alvo de extrativismo. Informações básicas sobre a espécie são essenciais para subsidiar a condução de programas de conservação e melhoramento genético, que aliados a ferramentas biotecnológicas permitem a incorporação de estratégias inovadoras aos métodos de melhoramento. Neste sentido, o objetivo do presente trabalho foi descrever essas espécies, quanto à micromorfologia floral, aspectos reprodutivos envolvidos no processo de polinização, desenvolvimento floral e deesenvolvimento gametofítico, como mecanismo de preservação e produção comercial. A caracterização morfológica e anatômica das flores das espécies de Aechmea e Vriesea contribuiu para a compreensão do processo reprodutivo. As espécies apresentam grãos de pólen com alta capacidade reprodutiva, viabilidade polínica superior a 93%, germinação in vitro maior que 80% e o estigma apresenta-se receptivo da antese ao final do dia. A ontogênese floral de A. correia-araujoi é centrípeta, os primórdios desenvolvem-se na ordem, sépala, pétala, androceu e gineceu. O apêndice petalar é formado na fase final do desenvolvimento. O primórdio de óvulo tem origem placentária e caráter trizonal, o óvulo é anátropo, bitegumentado e crassinucelado. O meristema floral de A. gamosepala se desenvolve de forma centrípeta, de forma unidirecional reversa. O estigma diferencia-se na fase inicial do desenvolvimento e os apêndices petalares, na fase final. O óvulo é anátropo, crassinucelado, bitegumentado, tétrade linear, megásporo calazal funcional, desenvolvimento tipo monospórico e Polygonum. As anteras são bitecas, tetraesporangiadas, com tapete secretor. Botões florais de 8,7 - 13,0 mm são indicados no estudo de embriogênese a partir de micrósporo. As alterações celulares e o padrão de distribuição de pectinas e AGPs foram caracterizadas por análise citoquímica com azul de toluidina, KI e DAPI e imunocitoquímica por imunofluorescência com os anticorpos para RNA, pectinas esterificadas (JIM7), não esterificadas (JIM5) e AGPs (LM2, LM6, MAC207, JIM13, JIM14) e analisadas por microscopia de fluorescência. Foram caracterizados padrões de distribuição espaço-temporal de pectinas e AGP que podem ser utilizados como marcadores de desenvolvimento gametofítico masculino. As observações feitas nesse trabalho fornecem dados sobre aspectos reprodutivos das espécies que podem ser utilizados em programas de melhoramento genético, conservação e desenvolvimento de haploides


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Background Flower development in kiwifruit (Actinidia spp.) is initiated in the first growing season, when undifferentiated primordia are established in latent shoot buds. These primordia can differentiate into flowers in the second growing season, after the winter dormancy period and upon accumulation of adequate winter chilling. Kiwifruit is an important horticultural crop, yet little is known about the molecular regulation of flower development. Results To study kiwifruit flower development, nine MADS-box genes were identified and functionally characterized. Protein sequence alignment, phenotypes obtained upon overexpression in Arabidopsis and expression patterns suggest that the identified genes are required for floral meristem and floral organ specification. Their role during budbreak and flower development was studied. A spontaneous kiwifruit mutant was utilized to correlate the extended expression domains of these flowering genes with abnormal floral development. Conclusions This study provides a description of flower development in kiwifruit at the molecular level. It has identified markers for flower development, and candidates for manipulation of kiwifruit growth, phase change and time of flowering. The expression in normal and aberrant flowers provided a model for kiwifruit flower development.


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Flowering is generally considered to be advanced by water deficits in many woody perennial species. A long-standing paradigm being that as a plant senses severe environmental conditions resources are diverted away from vegetative growth and towards reproduction before death. It is demonstrated that in Rhododendron flowering is promoted under water deficit treatments. However, the promotion of flowering is not achieved via all increase in floral initiation, but through separate developmental responses. If regulated deficit irrigation (RDI) is imposed prior to the time of initiation, fewer vegetative nodes are formed before the apical meristems switch to floral initiation, and chronologically, floral initiation occurs earlier. Both RDI and partial rootzone drying (PRD) treatments stimulate the development of more flowers Oil each inflorescence if the treatments are continued after the plant has undergone floral initiation. However, floral initiation is inhibited by soil water deficits. If the soil water deficit continues beyond the stages of floral development then anthesis call occur prematurely oil the fully formed floral buds without a need for a winter chilling treatment. It is hypothesised that inhibition of floral initiation in plants experiencing severe soil water deficits results from the inhibitory action Of ABA transportation to the apical meristem from stressed roots. It is demonstrated that ABA applications to well-watered Rhododendron inhibit floral initiation. (c) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.