940 resultados para Floating aquatic macrophytes
In the present work, the trivalent and hexavalent chromium phytoaccumulation by three living free floating aquatic macrophytes Salvinia auriculata, Pistia stratiotes, and Eicchornia crassipes was investigated in greenhouse. These plants were grown in hydroponic solutions supplied with non-toxic Cr3+ and Cr6+ chromium concentrations, performing six collections of nutrient media and plants in time from a batch system. The total chromium concentrations into Cr-doped hydroponic media and dry roots and aerial parts were assayed, by using the Synchrotron radiation X-ray fluorescence technique. The aquatic plant-based chromium removal data were described by using a nonstructural kinetic model, obtaining different bioaccumulation rate, ranging from 0.015 to 0.837 1 mg(-1) d(-1). The Cr3+ removal efficiency was about 90%, 50%, and 90% for the E. crassipes, P. stratiotes, and S. auriculata, respectively; while it was rather different for Cr6+ one, with values about 50%, 70%, and 90% for the E. crassipes, P. stratiotes, and S. auriculata.
The objective of the study was to evaluate the effect of different concentrations of nitrogen and phosphorus on the growth of the free-floating aquatic macrophytes Eichhornia crassipes, Pistia stratiotes, and Salvinia molesta. The plants were cultured in 2,000-l outdoor concrete tanks. Triplicate tanks, with a continuous flow of effluent from culture ponds containing Nile tilapia, were used for each plant type (n = 3). The plant material was collected monthly from 0.25 m(2) floating quadrats, at the two ends of the tanks (higher nutrient concentrations near the inflow and lower nutrient concentrations near the outflow). In low nutrient concentrations, the maximum relative growth rates (RGRs) for E. crassipes (0.016/day) and P. stratiotes (0.016/day) were significantly lower (P <= 0.05) than for S. molesta (0.029/day). There were no significant differences between the RGRs of S. molesta in the different nutrient concentrations. Eichhornia crassipes and P. stratiotes had their growth limited by nitrogen and phosphorus concentrations. The increase in plant density during the experiment probably also affected the growth of these species. In this context, E. crassipes and P. stratiotes can cause problems in nutrient-rich waterbodies, but under these experimental conditions their growth was limited by nitrogen and/or phosphorus concentrations. The growth of S. molesta was not influenced by the different nutrient concentrations.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
The uptake of hexavalent chromium in free living floating aquatic macrophytes Eicchornia crassipes cultivated in non-toxic chromium-doped hydroponic solutions is presented. A Cr-uptake bioaccumulation experiment was carried out using healthy macrophytes grown in a temperature controlled greenhouse. Six samples of nutrient media and plants were collected during the 23 day experiment. Roots and leaves were acid digested with the addition of an internal Gallium standard, for thin film sample preparation and quantitative Cr analysis by PIXE method. The Cr(6+) mass uptake by the macrophytes reached up to 70% of the initial concentration, comparable to former results and literature data. The Cr-uptake data were described using a non-structural first order kinetic model. Due to low cost and high removal efficiency, living aquatic macrophytes E. crassipes are a viable biosorbent in an artificial wetland of a water effluent treatment plant. (c) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Field collection and herbaria data did not allow to quantify the diversity of aquatic plants from Northern Brazil, so we could not detect biogeographic patterns. Therefore, our objectives were to identify and quantify the aquatic macrophytes of North Brazilian states, analyzing herbaria data plataforms (SpeciesLink and Flora do Brasil). The checklist was produced by bibliographic search (articles published between 1980 and 2000), herbaria collections of the platforms SpeciesLink and Flora do Brasil and field expeditions, where we utilized asystematic sampling. We also analyzed the floristic similarity of aquatic macrophytes among Northern Brazil, wetlands of distinct Brazilian regions and the Neotropics. We recorded 539 species, of which 48 are endemic to Brazil. The states with highest number of species were Amazonas and Pará, independently on platform. The most represented families were Poaceae (89 species), Podostemaceae (55), Cyperaceae (50) and Fabaceae (47). We highlight the unprecedent richness of Podostemaceae, due to our own field collection efforts on favorable habitats, 25 species being endemic. Emergent and/or amphibious plants (515) were dominant in total species richness and were best represented in lotic habitats. We found significant differences in richness and floristics among states, obtained from the platforms. There is floristic similarity among Northern states and other Brazilian wetlands. In conclusion, we observed a rich aquatic flora in Northern Brazil, in spite of scarcity of records for Acre, Rondonia and Tocantins; we highlight the unprecedent number of endemic species of Podostemaceae (25) and contrasting richness between SpeciesLink and Flora do Brasil.
This study aimed to evaluate feed preference and control efficacy of grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idella) on the aquatic macrophytes Ceratophyllum demersum, Egeria densa and Egeria najas. An experiment was carried out at mesocosms conditions with 2,000 liters capacity and water residence time of 2.8 days. C. demersum, E. densa e E. najas biomasses were offered individually with sixty g and coupled in similar quantities of 30 g of each species, evaluated during 81 days, envolving 6 treatments. (1 - C. demersum, 2 - E. najas, 3 -E. densa, 4 - C. demersum + E. najas, 5 - C. demersum + E. densa and 6 - E. najas + E. densa). When offered individually, E. najas and C. demersum presented the same predation rate by grass carp, which was higher than E. densa predation rate. When plants were tested in pairs, the order of feed preference was C. demersum > E. najas > E. densa. E. najas and C. demersum percentage control ranged from 73 to 83%. No relation between biomass consumption and grass carp body weight gain was observed, probably due to differences in nutritional quality among macrophyte species according to fish necessities. Therefore, it is concluded that the use of grass carp is one excellent technique to control submersed macrophytes in Brazil.
The aim of this study was to assess the effectiveness of glyphosate, as Rodeo(r) formulation, to control Eichhornia crassipes, Pistia stratiotes, Salvinia molesta, Salvinia herzogii and Urochloa subquadripara, under greenhouse conditions. The doses assessed were (480, 960, 1440, 1920, 2400, 2880, 3360 and 3840 g ha-1 of glyphosate) with 0.5% of the Aterbane(r) BR surfactant and a control, with no herbicide application. All experiments were conducted in a completely randomized experimental design with ten replications. Applications were carried out by precision backpack sprayer at a CO2 constant pressure of 25 psi and spray solution consumption of 200 L ha-1. Product effectiveness was determined by assessing the growth inhibitions and phytotoxicity signals during the periods of 3, 7, 15, 21, 30 and 45 days after application (DAA). At 45 DAA, the highest glyphosate dose (3840 g ha-1) displayed 100% effectiveness for all four macrophyte species. Under greenhouse conditions, the glyphosate in formulation Rodeo(r) with 0.5% of Aterbarne(r) BR surfactant showed excellent effectiveness, inhibiting the growth of the floating aquatic macrophytes. This procedure can be included on the tillage plans for these species.
ABSTRACTThe objective of this study was to evaluate the consumption potential, food preference and use of snail Pomacea canaliculata as a biocontrol agent of four submerged aquatic macrophytes (Ceratophyllumdemersum, Egeriadensa, Egerianajas and Hydrilla verticillata). Two experiments were performed. In the first experiment, the introduction of a snail took place and 10 grams of each macrophyte in plastic containers with 1 liter of water. The assessments of consumption by the snail were performed at each 48 hours, during 12 days. The second experiment was performed in 600 liters microcosms containing five snails in each experimental unit. Fifty grams of each macrophyte were offered the snails at the same time, adding the same amounts after seven, 14, 21 and 30 days. On both trials, the most consumed macrophyte by the P.canaliculata was H.verticillata (7.64 ± 1.0 g 48 h and 50 ± 0.18 g) respectively, significantly differing from the others. However, in the absence of H.verticilata, E.najas and E.densa were consumed. The preference of P.canaliculata for H.verticillata is very interesting, because this plant is exotic and problematic in Brazil, and the snail is one more tool for biological management of submerged aquatic macrophyte H.verticillata.
We surveyed the aquatic macrophytes in reservoirs in Camocim de São Félix in the Agreste zone of Pernambuco State, Brazil. Plants were collected on a bimonthly schedule from November/2008 to May/2009 in four reservoirs, and 33 taxa distributed among 23 families were encountered. The family Cyperaceae had the greatest number of species, followed by Lemnaceae. The predominant biologic form was emergent (33.3%) reflecting the extensive shorelines around the reservoirs analyzed.
Aquatic macrophytes Salvinia auriculata, Pistia stratiotes and Eichhornia crassipes were chosen to investigate the Cr(VI) reduced by root-based biosorption in a chromium uptake experiment, using a high-resolution XRF technique. These plants were grown in hydroponics medium supplied with non-toxic Cr concentrations during a 27-day metal uptake experiment. The high-resolution Cr-K beta fluorescence spectra for dried root tissues and Cr reference material (100% Cr, Cr(2)O(3), and CrO(3)) were measured using an XRF spectrometer. For all species of aquatic plant treated with Cr(VI), the energy of the Cr-K beta(2,5) line was shifted around 8 eV below the same spectral line identified for the Cr(VI) reference, but it was also near to the line identified for the Cr(III) reference. Moreover, there was a lack of the strong Cr-K beta"" line assigned to the Cr(VI) reference material within the Cr(VI)-treated plant spectra, suggesting the reduction of Cr(VI) for other less toxic oxidation states of Cr. As all Cr-K beta spectra of root tissue species were compared, the peak energies and lineshape patterns of the Cr-K beta(2,5) line are coincident for the same aquatic plant species, when they were treated with Cr(III) and Cr(VI). Based on the experimental evidence, the Cr(VI) reduction process has happened during metal biosorption by these plants. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Neste trabalho, foi estudada a dinâmica populacional e estimada a produção primária líquida da macrófita aquática Nymphaea rudgeana em um braço do rio Itanhaém (Estado de São Paulo, Brasil). Esta espécie apresenta uma ampla variação anual de biomassa, em função da estação do ano, no local estudado. A partir do mês de novembro (13,1 g PS/m²), pode ser observado um aumento gradual da biomassa, atingindo o máximo em fevereiro (163,1 g PS/m²). Posteriormente, a biomassa diminui, mantendo-se em níveis baixos até um novo período de crescimento. A diminuição de biomassa está associada ao desenvolvimento de macrófitas flutuantes (Pistia stratiotes e Salvinia molesta) e, subseqüentemente, às condições ambientais desfavoráveis (valores de salinidade elevados) ao seu desenvolvimento. A produção primária líquida de N. rudgeana foi obtida a partir dos dados de biomassa e seu valor é estimado entre 3,02 e 3,82 t/ha/ano.
In a survey of the aquatic macrophytes of the Itaipu Reservoir, we identified 62 taxa in 25 families and 42 genera. The highest number taxa was observed for the emergent macrophytes (40 taxa). Reduced fluctuation in water level, increased light penetration, and sediment enrichment by nutrients and organic matter following the formation of the reservoir favored the appearance of a species-rich community of submerged macrophytes (23% of the taxa identified). The aquatic macrophytes were found mainly near the mouths of the main tributaries of the reservoir, in shallow area of depth less than 2 meters. In addition to the shallow depth, the greater nutrient input from the tributaries and relative protection from wind explained this distribution. Among the species found, Egeria najas merits mention for its occurrence in all localities sampled, with biomass values varying between 98 and 186 gDW/m2. Some potential nuisance species such as Eichhornia crassipes, Salvinia auriculata, and Pistia stratiotes also deserve attention, since they were also observed to be covering large areas of Itaipu Reservoir. © 1999, Paraná Institute of Technology Publication.
This study aimed to evaluate feed preference and control efficacy of grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idella) on the aquatic macrophytes Ceratophyllum demersum, Egeria densa and Egeria najas. An experiment was carried out at mesocosms conditions with 2,000 liters capacity and water residence time of 2.8 days. C. demersum, E. densa e E. najas biomasses were offered individually with sixty g and coupled in similar quantities of 30 g of each species, evaluated during 81 days, envolving 6 treatments. (1 - C. demersum, 2 - E. najas, 3 - E. densa, 4 - C. demersum + E. najas, 5 - C. demersum + E. densa and 6 - E. najas + E. densa). When offered individually, E. najas and C. demersum presented the same predation rate by grass carp, which was higher than E. densa predation rate. When plants were tested in pairs, the order of feed preference was C. demersum > E. najas > E. densa. E. najas and C. demersum percentage control ranged from 73 to 83%. No relation between biomass consumption and grass carp body weight gain was observed, probably due to differences in nutritional quality among macrophyte species according to fish necessities. Therefore, it is concluded that the use of grass carp is one excellent technique to control submersed macrophytes in Brazil.
In the present investigation we studied the feeding habits of the fishes associated with aquatic macrophytes in the Rosana Reservoir, southeastern Brazil. Twenty fish species were collected during four field trips, regularly distributed across the dry and wet seasons. Focal snorkeling observations of the fishes were made over a total of six hours. Nine species were present in abundances of more than 1% and, therefore, had their feeding habits analyzed. Hemigrammus marginatus, Roeboides paranensis, Hyphessobrycon eques, Astyanax altiparanae, Serrasalmus spilopleura, and Bryconamericus stramineus were predominantly invertivores, with predominance of aquatic insects (Diptera, Ephemeroptera, and Trichoptera immatures) among their food items. The predominantly algivores were Apareiodon affinis, Serrapinnus notomelas, and Satanoperca pappaterra, with high frequency of filamentous blue-green algae, diatoms, clorophyts, and periderm. The different microhabitat exploitation plus diet composition suggests partitioning of resources and absence of food competition among the most representative fish species in the studied community, indicating the importance of the naturalistic approach to fish ecology studies.