29 resultados para Flexing


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In 1993, contrary to the trend towards enterprise bargaining, and despite an employment environment favouring strong managerial prerogative, a small group of employers in the Queensland commercial health and fitness industry sought industrial regulation through an industry-specific award. A range of factors, including increased competition and unscrupulous profiteers damaging the industry’s reputation, triggered the actions as a business strategy. The strategic choices of the employer group, to approach a union to initiate a consent award, are the inverse of behaviours expected under strategic choice theory. This article argues that organizational size, collective employer action, focus on industry rather than organizational outcomes and the traditional industrial relations system providing broader impacts explain their atypical behaviour.


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Syria’s bloody civil war suddenly became even more tangled in September with the start of a massive Russian bombing campaign on targets in the country. Two historians offer their personal takes on why Vladimir Putin ordered airstrikes


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Flexing, or Flex, is a street dance style that originated in Jamaica in the 1990s and grew up on the streets of Brooklyn, East New York. Performed to dancehall and reggae music, it has since evolved into a protest movement - an avenue for “flexors” to rally against social injustice, police brutality and racism.


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The larval ontogeny of a developmental series (1.2-8.3mm body length, BL) of Synagrops philippinensis from Kagoshima Bay, southern Japan is described and illustrated. The yolk was completely absorbed in larva of ≥1.5 mm BL. Notochord flexion commenced at about 3.5mm BL and was completed by about 4.0-4.5mm BL. S. philippinensis larvae were distinguished from their congeners based on melanophore patterns, head spination and fin spines and rays. Larvae of 7.5-8.3 mm BL were characterized by anteriorly serrated pelvic spine, two anal spines, nine inner preopercular spines and no melanophore on lateral side of the caudal peduncle; 7.0 to 7.5mm BL larvae by the above characters except serration on pelvic spine; and yolk-sac, pre-flexion, flexing and post-flexion larvae up to 7.0mm BL by unique melanophores on lower lobe of pectoral finfold/fin.


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Le contrôle des mouvements du bras fait intervenir plusieurs voies provenant du cerveau. Cette thèse, composée principalement de deux études, tente d’éclaircir les contributions des voies tirant leur origine du système vestibulaire et du cortex moteur. Dans la première étude (Raptis et al 2007), impliquant des mouvements d’atteinte, nous avons cerné l’importance des voies descendantes partant du système vestibulaire pour l’équivalence motrice, i.e. la capacité du système moteur à atteindre un but moteur donné lorsque le nombre de degrés de liberté articulaires varie. L’hypothèse émise était que le système vestibulaire joue un rôle essentiel dans l’équivalence motrice. Nous avons comparé la capacité d’équivalence motrice de sujets sains et de patients vestibulodéficients chroniques lors de mouvements nécessitant un contrôle des positions du bras et du tronc. Pendant que leur vision était temporairement bloquée, les sujets devaient soit maintenir une position de l’index pendant une flexion du tronc, soit atteindre une cible dans l’espace péri-personnel en combinant le mouvement du bras avec une flexion du tronc. Lors d’essais déterminés aléatoirement et imprévus par les participants, leur tronc était retenu par un mécanisme électromagnétique s’activant en même temps que le signal de départ. Les sujets sains ont pu préserver la position ou la trajectoire de l’index dans les deux conditions du tronc (libre, bloqué) en adaptant avec une courte latence (60-180 ms) les mouvements articulaires au niveau du coude et de l’épaule. En comparaison, six des sept patients vestibulodéficients chroniques ont présenté des déficits au plan des adaptations angulaires compensatoires. Pour ces patients, entre 30 % et 100 % du mouvement du tronc n’a pas été compensé et a été transmis à la position ou trajectoire de l’index. Ces résultats indiqueraient que les influences vestibulaires évoquées par le mouvement de la tête pendant la flexion du tronc jouent un rôle majeur pour garantir l’équivalence motrice dans ces tâches d’atteinte lorsque le nombre de degrés de liberté articulaires varie. Également, ils démontrent que la plasticité de long terme survenant spontanément après une lésion vestibulaire unilatérale complète ne serait pas suffisante pour permettre au SNC de retrouver un niveau d’équivalence motrice normal dans les actions combinant un déplacement du bras et du tronc. Ces tâches de coordination bras-tronc constituent ainsi une approche inédite et sensible pour l’évaluation clinique des déficits vestibulaires. Elles permettent de sonder une dimension fonctionnelle des influences vestibulaires qui n’était pas prise en compte dans les tests cliniques usuels, dont la sensibilité relativement limitée empêche souvent la détection d’insuffisances vestibulaires six mois après une lésion de ces voies. Avec cette première étude, nous avons donc exploré comment le cerveau et les voies descendantes intègrent des degrés de liberté articulaires supplémentaires dans le contrôle du bras. Dans la seconde étude (Raptis et al 2010), notre but était de clarifier la nature des variables spécifiées par les voies descendantes pour le contrôle d’actions motrices réalisées avec ce membre. Nous avons testé l’hypothèse selon laquelle les voies corticospinales contrôlent la position et les mouvements des bras en modulant la position-seuil (position de référence à partir de laquelle les muscles commencent à être activés en réponse à une déviation de cette référence). Selon ce principe, les voies corticospinales ne spécifieraient pas directement les patrons d’activité EMG, ce qui se refléterait par une dissociation entre l’EMG et l’excitabilité corticospinale pour des positions-seuils différentes. Dans un manipulandum, des participants (n=16) ont modifié leur angle du poignet, d’une position de flexion (45°) à une position d’extension (-25°), et vice-versa. Les forces élastiques passives des muscles ont été compensées avec un moteur couple afin que les sujets puissent égaliser leur activité EMG de base dans les deux positions. L’excitabilité motoneuronale dans ces positions a été comparée à travers l’analyse des réponses EMG évoquées à la suite d’étirements brefs. Dans les deux positions, le niveau d’EMG et l’excitabilité motoneuronale étaient semblables. De plus, ces tests ont permis de montrer que le repositionnement du poignet était associé à une translation de la position-seuil. Par contre, malgré la similitude de l’excitabilité motoneuronale dans ces positions, l’excitabilité corticospinale des muscles du poignet était significativement différente : les impulsions de stimulation magnétique transcrânienne (TMS; à 1.2 MT, sur l’aire du poignet de M1) ont provoqué des potentiels moteurs évoqués (MEP) de plus grande amplitude en flexion pour les fléchisseurs comparativement à la position d’extension et vice-versa pour les extenseurs (p<0.005 pour le groupe). Lorsque les mêmes positions étaient établies après une relaxation profonde, les réponses réflexes et les amplitudes des MEPs ont drastiquement diminué. La relation caractéristique observée entre position physique et amplitude des MEPs dans le positionnement actif s’est aussi estompée lorsque les muscles étaient relâchés. Cette étude suggère que la voie corticospinale, en association avec les autres voies descendantes, participerait au contrôle de la position-seuil, un processus qui prédéterminerait le référentiel spatial dans lequel l’activité EMG émerge. Ce contrôle de la « référence » constituerait un principe commun s’appliquant à la fois au contrôle de la force musculaire, de la position, du mouvement et de la relaxation. Nous avons aussi mis en évidence qu’il est nécessaire, dans les prochaines recherches ou applications utilisant la TMS, de prendre en compte la configuration-seuil des articulations, afin de bien interpréter les réponses musculaires (ou leurs changements) évoquées par cette technique; en effet, la configuration-seuil influencerait de manière notable l’excitabilité corticomotrice, qui peut être considérée comme un indicateur non seulement lors d’activités musculaires, mais aussi cognitives, après apprentissages moteurs ou lésions neurologiques causant des déficits moteurs (ex. spasticité, faiblesse). Considérées dans leur ensemble, ces deux études apportent un éclairage inédit sur des principes fondamentaux du contrôle moteur : nous y illustrons de manière plus large le rôle du système vestibulaire dans les tâches d’atteinte exigeant une coordination entre le bras et son « support » (le tronc) et clarifions l’implication des voies corticomotrices dans la spécification de paramètres élémentaires du contrôle moteur du bras. De plus amples recherches sont cependant nécessaires afin de mieux comprendre comment les systèmes sensoriels et descendants (e.g. vestibulo-, réticulo-, rubro-, propriospinal) participent et interagissent avec les signaux corticofugaux afin de spécifier les seuils neuromusculaires dans le contrôle de la posture et du mouvement.


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The synthetic lipid 1,2-dimyristoyl-sn-3-phosphoglycerol (DMPG), when dispersed in water/NaCl exhibits a complex phase behavior caused by its almost unlimited swelling in excess water. Using deuterium ((2)H)- and phosphorus ((31)P)-NMR we have studied the molecular properties of DMPG/water/NaCl dispersions as a function of lipid and NaCl concentration. We have measured the order profile of the hydrophobic part of the lipid bilayer with deuterated DMPG while the orientation of the phosphoglycerol headgroup was deduced from the (31)P NMR chemical shielding anisotropy. At temperatures > 30 degrees C we observe well-resolved (2)H- and (31)P NMR spectra not much different from other liquid crystalline bilayers. From the order profiles it is possible to deduce the average length of the flexible fatty acyl chain. Unusual spectra are obtained in the temperature interval of 20-25 degrees C, indicating one or several phase transitions. The most dramatic changes are seen at low lipid concentration and low ionic strength. Under these conditions and at 25 degrees C, the phosphoglycerol headgroup rotates into the hydrocarbon layer and the hydrocarbon chains show larger flexing motions than at higher temperatures. The orientation of the phosphoglycerol headgroup depends on the bilayer surface charge and correlates with the degree of dissociation of DMPG-Na(+). The larger the negative surface charge, the more the headgroup rotates toward the nonpolar region.


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Flavobacterium columnare é o agente etiológico da columnariose em peixes de água doce, ocasionando enfermidade na pele e nas brânquias, provocando freqüentemente um grande número de mortalidade. O objetivo deste estudo foi o isolamento e a caracterização de Flavobacterium columnare em peixes tropicais no Brasil. Piracanjuba (Brycon orbignyanus), pacu (Piaractus mesopotamicus), tambaqui (Colossoma macropomum) e cascudo (Hypostomus plecostomus) foram examinados externamente com relação a sinais característicos de columnariose, como manchas acinzentadas na cabeça, região dorsal e pedúnculo caudal dos peixes. A amostragem compreendeu a coleta de 50 exemplares de peixes, representando as quatro diferentes espécies escolhidas para este estudo. Amostras para o isolamento foram obtidas através de raspado com swab estéril das lesões e do rim dos peixes clinicamente diagnosticados como acometidos por columnarios e imediatamente semeados em meios de culturas artificiais (líquido e sólido) próprios para o estudo de Flavobacterium segundo Carlson e Pacha (1968). No meio líquido, houve o desenvolvimento de microrganismos que observados em gota pendente apresentaram a forma de bacilos finos, longos, móveis por deslizamento. Através da coloração de Gram, apresentaram morfologia de bacilos finos, Gram negativos, agrupados em colunas. em meio sólido, as colônias eram pequenas, cinza-amareladas, com borda em forma de raiz. No total, foram obtidos quatro isolamentos: 01 cepa de Brycon orbignyanus; 01 cepa de Piaractus mesopotamicus; 01 cepa de Colossoma macropomum; e 01 cepa de Hypostomus plecostomus. A caracterização bioquímica das amostras, como absorção do vermelho Congo, produção de flexirrubina, produção de H2S e redução do nitrato, sugere que os isolamentos poderiam ser classificados como Flavobacterium columnare.


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Initially concentrated in some poles at the South and Southeast regions of Brazil, the ceramic tiles industry became wide during the 80 s decade, with a disconcentration industrial and regional pulverization. The competitiveness in the ceramic tiles internal and external consumers markets, it has debtor the industries to invest in sophisticated products each time more, either in design or the technology, but, mainly, in its final properties. Amongst the diverse types of ceramic coating, the porcelanato if has detached had to its process of technological production and excellent characteristics techniques. The Porcelanato is currently the material for coatings that presents the best technical and aesthetic features when compared with others ceramics found on the market. The chemical composition and the others raw materials characteristics have an importance that must to be ally to the inherent characteristics of fabrication process, essentially those related to the cycle of burning. This work had as purpose to develop formularizations of ceramic mass for production of porcelanato without glass coating, pertaining to the group BIa (text of absorption of water ≤ 0.5%) and with resistance superior mechanics 35MPa from raw materials characterized. The ceramic raw materials selected to the development of this study (A1 and A2 clays, feldspate, talc and quartz) were submitted to the following tests: X-ray fluorescence - chemical analysis determination; X-ray diffraction - Analysis of the stages mineralogics; Laser granulometry - size distribution of particles; and Differential thermal analysis - thermal behavior. Were performed tests of absorption of water, lineal retraction of it burns, apparent specific mass and rupture tension the flexing. The results had evidenced that the formularizations that had the A1 clay and talc on its composition were efficient for the porcelanato production remaining their technological characteristics inside of the intervals of variation desired by the Norms of the ABNT


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The limits to inform is about the character stico of basic, quimica, mineralogical and mechaniques of matlaughed material used in the manufacturing process the product certified in economic region the Cariri, specifically in the city of Crato, Ceará state, motivated the development of this work, since in this region the exist ing economic context that a general appear as important in the production chains. Were made twentyfive soils-test specimen collection and the study was performed to differentiate the mat laugh materials of variaveis processing of mathing raw materials in the factory The product mica monkeys by extrusion and pressing. The results were obtained ap s as analyzes: grain size, index of plasticity, fluoresce incidence X-ray difration the X-ray, and analyzes thermicals and properties technological. through s of curves gresifica returned to was a comparison between the retro the linear, absorb to water, porosity and bulk density. the results show that the excellent distribution and character acceptable available for the processing of the structure color dark red. needing, therefore, of the mixture of a less plastic clay with thick granulation, that works as plasticity reducer. In spite of the different resignation forms for prensagem and extrusion, the characteristics of absorption of water and rupture tension the flexing was shown inside of the patterns of ABNT


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This dissertation examines the Kantian moral in a teleological perspective. It consists of a reconstruction of philosophy practice that departs from the investigation of the categorical imperative, the concepts of duty, will, good will, as well as an approach on the ways of investigation of nature, which will enable the foundation to engage in the teleological argument, investigating the organized human beings, the harmonious system, its relationship with the ultimate and most important purpose, always flexing the analysis of these concepts the idea of purpose. Subsequently we will establish an argument about the end terminal and the implication of this concept to think about the real idea of the system in Kant and his relationship or support for moral theory. In essence this paper approaches the moral point of view of ethics, outlining the insufficiency of this field for the foundation of architectural moral, which will enable the final touch or the indispensability or the teleological argument as fundamental to the Kantian moral Theory


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The restriction of physical fitness is directly related with hypertension and sleep disorders, while the respiratory muscle strength is associated with hypertension, but the literature is scarce regarding its relationship with sleep disorders and particularly with excessive daytime sleepiness. Objectives: To compare physical fitness and strength of respiratory muscles between people with hypertension with excessive daytime sleepiness (EDS) and non EDS people, those who do not feel excessive daytime sleepiness, in addition to relate aerobics resistance and functional mobility of patients. Methods: An observational, analytical and transversal study, evaluated 32 elderly with hypertension, divided into two groups (EDS and non EDS), in which the following topics were measured; respiratory muscular strength, functional fitness, level of physical activity, level of excessive daytime sleepiness, quality of sleep and intensity of the patients snoring. Results: There was a significant difference in the level of EDS (P=0,00) and quality of sleep (p=0,03), however, the data related to snoring intensity (p=0,18), maximum inspiratory pressure PImax (p=0,39) and maximum expiratory pressure PEmax (p=0,98) did not show any difference. Also, no significant difference was observed concerning physical fitness, presenting p=0,08 for the sitting and getting up test on the chair in 30 ; p=0,54 for the extension and flexing of the elbow test in 30 ; p=0,38 for the walking test 6 ; p=0,38 for the parking gear test 2 , p=0,08 for the sitting and reaching test; p=0,42 for the scratching the back test; p=0,49 for the getting up and walking test; and p=0,62 for the global rate of activity limitation. There was moderate positive correlation between 6MWT and 2MST, r=0,54 (p=0,01) and negative moderate correlation between 6MWT and TUG, r=-0,61 (p=0,000) and between 2MST and TUG, r=-0,60 (p=0,000). Conclusion: The presence of EDS in the hypertension people studied, showed a bad quality of sleep, however this sleepiness did not influence the strength of the respiratory muscles. The physical fitness came out diminished in all hypertension people, regardless of the presence or non presence of sleep disturbance; and there is a close relationship between cardiovascular resistance and physical mobility, since when there is less cardiovascular resistance, there is precarious physical mobility and vice-versa


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Foram analisadas experimentalmente 8 (oito) lajes lisas de concreto armado sem armadura de cisalhamento, variando-se a taxa de armadura de flexão secundária e a maior dimensão dos pilares (cmax). As lajes de dimensões (1.800 x 1.800 x 110) mm, mesma armadura flexão principal, menor dimensão dos pilares (cmin) constante e igual a 85 mm, resistência à compressão do concreto em torno de 40 MPa foram submetidas à carga no centro (punção simétrica), que simula um pilar interno de um pavimento. A aplicação da carga foi realizada em trechos de pilares moliticamente ligados às lajes com 150 mm de altura, com índices de retangularidade (r = cmax/cmin) variando de 1 a 7. O objetivo foi avaliar a influência do índice de retangularidade, que neste caso refletiu no aumento do perímetro de controle, no comportamento das lajes sob flexão, e possivelmente uma ruptura mais dúctil. O objetivo foi também analisar as cargas de ruptura estimadas a partir das recomendações de seis códigos de projeto nacionais e internacionais, comparando com os resultados experimentais obtidos e avaliando as estimativas ao puncionamento, uma vez que, quando as dimensões dos pilares são substancialmente diferentes pode ocorrer a polarização de tensões e o ganho de resistência não ocorre de forma diretamente proporcional ao aumento do perímetro dos pilares. Após analisar as influências do índice de retangularidade dos pilares e as contribuições da taxa de armadura de flexão secundária nas cargas últimas das lajes e nos modos de ruptura, observou-se que os resultados experimentais indicaram que essas variáveis além de elevar a resistência da ligação podem fornecer certa ductilidade à ruptura da laje. Observou-se também que a taxa de crescimento das resistências obtidas nos ensaios diminui com incrementos no perímetro de controle. Das observações referentes à comparação entre os valores de resistências das lajes, obtidas nos ensaios, verificou-se que o aumento da carga de ruptura experimental não se apresentou de forma linear, indicando que a taxa de crescimento da carga diminui com o aumento do perímetro do pilar ou da relação cmax/cmin quando se mantém constante a menor dimensão do pilar (Cmin).


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)