21 resultados para Fixers


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The television foreign correspondent's licence to roam and generate news is increasingly under threat. This paper concentrates on the micro production processes of today s correspondent as he or she goes about the job of newsgathering 'on the road', and considers the changing nature of the correspondent's autonomy. It inserts the missing character in foreign newsgathering - the locally hired fixer - and explores how this person affects the correspondent's autonomy. An analysis of interviews with 20 foreign correspondents and five fixers leads to the conclusion that the foreign correspondent is rarely the sole editorial figure on the road but is instead the main actor representing the creative interplay of a succession of fixers or 'local producers'. This deconstruction of the ways in which a correspondent builds an ad-hoc newsgathering team each time he or she lands in d new place allows for a deeper understanding of the modus operandi of reporters.


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Post-war Iraq is so dangerous that Western television correspondents have been forced to change their modus operandi and rely more heavily on locally-hired fixers. This article asks if the virtual absence of overseas reporters from Iraq’s streets has led to a less authentic news gathering role. Conversely, it may have delivered a more nuanced form of editorial and logistical task-sharing. This research draws on interviews conducted in 2007 and 2008 with twenty foreign correspondents, two senior news managers and five fixers. It employs Bourdieu’s analysis of cultural capital as a framework to examine the exchange of different forms of power and expertise between the players. Where trust is now at the forefront of this news gathering relationship, this research deconstructs the methods by which fixers are recruited and deployed. A comparison is made between the news production techniques of foreign correspondents who employ fixers for short-term purposes and correspondents from the Baghdad bureaux of the BBC and CNN.


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This thesis considers the relationship between television foreign correspondents and their locally-hired 'fixers' in order to ascertain the centrality and significance of this relationship in facilitating international news production. The design of this research project, with its emphasis on news production practice, was guided by scholars in the sociology of news tradition, such as Jeremy Tunstall, Michael Schudson, Stephen Reese, Pamela Shoemaker and Simon Cottle. The main research question asks to what extent, and how, is the relationship between the correspondent and the fixer important to newsgathering? Drawing on the theories of Pierre Bourdieu concerning the journalistic field and the acquisition of cultural capital, this research demonstrates how fixers possess vital stores of capital which foreign correspondents borrow in order to be successful in the field. This thesis explores in depth how the players work in tandem to overcome the difficulties posed by multi-skilling, parachuting, instant live reporting, and the 24-hour news cycle. Current newsgathering practice in Iraq is investigated as a case study, which reveals the difficulties of reporting from this dateline and reflects on how the level of danger has changed the nature of the correspondent-fixer relationship. Within this relationship, where a correspondent has the ultimate power to hire and fire, a fixer nonetheless brings significant influence to bear on story generation and story coverage. But does this influence bring into the Western news agenda stories that genuinely reflect localised, indigenous viewpoints? Or, in this globalised world, are fixers simply 'People Like Us' (PLU), who have absorbed Western news values and will reinforce them through the stories that they propose? In other words, are correspondents likely to gain an insight into localised communities and their problems that they might not otherwise have understood, or will they have their own views and presumptions reflected back at them? This thesis examines what the use of fixers reveals about the political economy of news and the changing context of international news production. It asks whether the growing importance of fixers in newsgathering reflects a move by media companies to eventually outsource international newsgathering to local employees. This thesis employs a qualitative methodological approach involving semi-structured interviews with foreign correspondents and fixers to explore their modus operandi and to investigate the building of overseas news teams.


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Colleen Murrell gives a talk for the Reuters Institute seminar series.


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They do the leg work for foreign correspondents who arrive in a new place and have to get on top of a story quickly, but rarely receive public acknowledgement for their work. Fixers can shape who you speak to and what angle you take on a story, as well as the logistics of making it all happen.


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This book reveals that ‘fixers’—local experts on whom foreign correspondents rely—play a much more significant role in international television newsgathering than has been documented or understood. Murrell explores the frames though which international reporting has traditionally been analysed and then shows that fixers, who have largely been dismissed by scholars as "logistical aides", are in fact central to the day-to-day decision-making that takes place on-the-road. Murrell looks at why and how fixers are selected and what their significance is to foreign correspondence. She asks if fixers help introduce a local perspective into the international news agenda, or if fixers are simply ‘People Like Us’ (PLU). Also included are excerpts from interviews with TV correspondents and fixers and in-depth case studies of correspondents in Iraq and Indonesia.


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Considering the important role of N2 fixation for primary productivity and CO2 sequestration, it is crucial to assess the response of diazotrophs to ocean acidification. Previous studies on the genus Trichodesmium suggested a strong sensitivity towards ocean acidification. In view of the large functional diversity in N2 fixers, the objective of this study was to improve our knowledge of the CO2 responses of other diazotrophs. To this end, the single-celled Cyanothece sp. and two heterocystous species, Nodularia spumigena and the symbiotic Calothrix rhizosoleniae, were acclimated to two pCO2 levels (380 vs. 980 µatm). Growth rates, cellular composition (carbon, nitrogen and chlorophyll a) as well as carbon and N2 fixation rates (14C incorporation, acetylene reduction) were measured and compared to literature data on different N2 fixers. The three species investigated in this study responded differently to elevated pCO2, showing enhanced, decreased as well as unaltered growth and production rates. For instance, Cyanothece increased production rates with pCO2, which is in line with the general view that N2 fixers benefit from ocean acidification. Due to lowered growth and production of Nodularia, nitrogen input to the Baltic Sea might decrease in the future. In Calothrix, no significant changes in growth or production could be observed, even though N2 fixation was stimulated under elevated pCO2. Reviewing literature data confirmed a large variability in CO2 sensitivity across diazotrophs. The contrasting response patterns in our and previous studies were discussed with regard to the carbonate chemistry in the respective natural habitats, the mode of N2 fixation as well as differences in cellular energy limitation between the species. The group-specific CO2 sensitivities will impact differently on future biogeochemical cycles of open-ocean environments and systems like the Baltic Sea and should therefore be considered in models estimating climate feedback effects.


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This study aimed to assess soil nutrient status and heavy metal content and their impact on the predominant soil bacterial communities of mangroves of the Mahanadi Delta. Mangrove soil of the Mahanadi Delta is slightly acidic and the levels of soil nutrients such as carbon, nitrogen, phosphorous and potash vary with season and site. The seasonal average concentrations (g/g) of various heavy metals were in the range: 14810-63370 (Fe), 2.8-32.6 (Cu), 13.4-55.7 (Ni), 1.8-7.9 (Cd), 16.6-54.7 (Pb), 24.4-132.5 (Zn) and 13.3-48.2 (Co). Among the different heavy metals analysed, Co, Cu and Cd were above their permissible limits, as prescribed by Indian Standards (Co=17g/g, Cu=30 g/g, Cd=3-6 g/g), indicating pollution in the mangrove soil. A viable plate count revealed the presence of different groups of bacteria in the mangrove soil, i.e. heterotrophs, free-living N-2 fixers, nitrifyers, denitrifyers, phosphate solubilisers, cellulose degraders and sulfur oxidisers. Principal component analysis performed using multivariate statistical methods showed a positive relationship between soil nutrients and microbial load. Whereas metal content such as Cu, Co and Ni showed a negative impact on some of the studied soil bacteria.


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Geochemical evidence invokes anoxic deep oceans until the terminal Neoproterozoic similar to 0.55 Ma, despite oxygenation of Earth's atmosphere nearly 2 Gyr earlier. Marine sediments from the intervening period suggest predominantly ferruginous (anoxic Fe(II)-rich) waters, interspersed with euxinia (anoxic H2S-rich conditions) along productive continental margins. Today, sustained biotic H2S production requires NO3- depletion because denitrifiers outcompete sulphate reducers. Thus, euxinia is rare, only occurring concurrently with (steady state) organic carbon availability when N-2-fixers dominate the production in the photic zone. Here we use a simple box model of a generic Proterozoic coastal upwelling zone to show how these feedbacks caused the mid-Proterozoic ocean to exhibit a spatial/temporal separation between two states: photic zone NO3- with denitrification in lower anoxic waters, and N-2-fixation- driven production overlying euxinia. Interchange between these states likely explains the varying H2S concentration implied by existing data, which persisted until the Neoproterozoic oxygenation event gave rise to modern marine biogeochemistry.


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La exposición a altas temperaturas en ambientes laborales conlleva a cambios fisiológicos que se manifiestan como mecanismos de compensación a la alteración del equilibrio homeostático corporal. El propósito del presente estudio fue determinar los cambios y el comportamiento de variables fisiológicas a través de frecuencia cardiaca, densidad urinaria, temperatura corporal y tasa de sudoración, en dos escenarios con condiciones térmicas ambientales diferentes definidas por la exposición (grupo expuesto y no expuesto). Adicional, en dos áreas de trabajo diferentes correspondientes al proceso de fundición del acero, una de ellas, Horno electrico donde se hace la fusión de la chatarra y demás materias primas, obteniendo así el acero liquido, el cual se vuelca en el Horno Cuchara y en este, libre ya de escoria se realiza el afino y ajuste definitivo de la composición química del acero. Objetivos: Identificar la relación de las respuestas fisiológicas a carga física y térmica, comparar las respuestas funcionales registradas en el grupo expuestos y no expuestos y contribuir a la introducción de nuevos indicadores para evaluar carga e intensidad de trabajo con fines de normalización ergonómica. Método: Investigación experimental en una muestra de 30 trabajadores evaluados en dos condiciones ambientales diferentes. La temperatura oral se registró al inicio de la jornada y con intervalos de toma de 3 horas. La frecuencia cardiaca (HR) se registró durante las 8 horas de trabajo continuas con pulsometría. Igualmente, se estimó la sudoración por pérdida de masa corporal entre el inicio y el final de la jornada laboral teniendo en cuenta ingestas y perdidas. El procesamiento estadístico se realizó con el programa SPSS v. 20.0, calculándose medidas de tendencia central y dispersión, prueba de wilconxon para las variables dependientes y correlación para identificar asociaciones. Para todos los cálculos se asumió p <0,05. Resultados: No se observaron diferencias significativas frente a la variación de la frecuencia cardiaca (media y máxima), la tasa de sudoración y la densidad urinaria. A pesar de que no hubo diferencias significativas en la variación de la temperatura corporal en horno cuchara, si se observó una diferencia significativa en el horno eléctrico Conclusión: Aunque no se encontraron diferencias estadísticamente significativas en la mayoría de las variables, es un hecho que la exposición a temperaturas elevadas extremas tiene un impacto en el comportamiento fisiológico del organismo. Futuros estudios deben considerar la posibilidad de estandarizar protocolos que permitan la exposición térmica basada en el perfil particular de cada trabajador.


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Facebook is celebrating its 10th anniversary in 2014. Like its social media cousin, Twitter, Facebook has transformed how journalists gather and disseminate international news. On Facebook, freelance journalists work together in open and closed communities to share information about news production in the latest crisis news datelines. One such community is the Vulture Club. This 'secret' site is being used to garner resources that previously were available only to mainstream staff correspondents. The majority of the posts on this site seek advice on good fixers, visas, safety gear, hotels and contacts. This article uses content analysis to examine posts on the VC site. It concentrates in particular on requests by freelance journalists for help with finding fixers in different countries. The study compares this model to a previous research study on staff correspondents and fixers. The findings are theorised by employing the work of Pierre Bourdieu on the acquisition of social and cultural capital. 


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Afforestation of agricultural land provides an important opportunity to mitigate climate change by storing carbon (C) in both plant biomass and the soil. Here we present results of a study in which we sought to determine whether soil under nitrogen(N)-fixing trees contained more C than soil under non-N-fixing trees in mixed-species plantings, and thus if inclusion of N-fixers is beneficial in terms of increasing soil C sequestration. Soils were sampled directly beneath N-fixing and non-N-fixing tree species in riparian and upland mixed-species plantings in southeastern Australia. Soil C and N contents were assessed at both the landscape and individual planting scales. At the landscape scale, there were higher levels of soil C and N under N-fixing trees compared with non-N-fixing trees. At the individual planting scale, the patterns were less clear with both large increases and decreases occurring across the range of sites. The results presented here indicate that the inclusion of N-fixers may help to increase soil C, and N, but that the response may be site- and species-specific. © 2014 Elsevier B.V.


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Mixed-species restoration tree plantings are being established increasingly, contributing to mitigate climate change and restore ecosystems. Including nitrogen (N)-fixing tree species may increase carbon (C) sequestration in mixed-species plantings, as these species may substantially increase soil C beneath them. We need to better understand the role of N-fixers in mixed-species plantings to potentially maximize soil C sequestration in these systems. Here, we present a field-based study that asked two specific questions related to the inclusion of N-fixing trees in a mixed-species planting: 1) Do non-N-fixing trees have access to N derived from fixation of atmospheric N2 by neighbouring N-fixing trees? 2) Do soil microbial communities differ under N-fixing trees and non-N-fixing trees in a mixed-species restoration planting? We sampled leaves from the crowns, and litter and soils beneath the crowns of two N-fixing and two non-N-fixing tree species that dominated the planting. Using the 15N natural abundance method, we found indications that fixed atmospheric N was utilized by the non-N-fixing trees, most likely through tight root connections or organic forms of N from the litter layer, rather than through the decomposition of N-fixers litter. While the two N-fixing tree species that were studied appeared to fix atmospheric N, they were substantially different in terms of C and N addition to the soil, as well as microbial community composition beneath them. This shows that the effect of N-fixing tree species on soil carbon sequestration is species-specific, cannot be generalized and requires planting trails to determine if there will be benefits to carbon sequestration. © 2014 Elsevier Ltd.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)