21 resultados para Fixatives


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The structure of the mitotic chromosomes of Allium cepa has been elucidated by controlling the temperature and time of exposure of fresh roots to stain fixatives. The details seen in material stained in N HCl-orcein for 8 min. at 60° C. and squashed after varying intervals of storage at room temperature were essentially similar to pictures obtained with 1% aceto-orcein and 1% aceto-orcein-N HCl (10:1) under identical conditions of handling. The chromosomes appear quadri-partite at metaphase and bi-partite at anaphase. A rare instance of the precocious assumption of a quadri-partite condition by two anaphase chromosomes is illustrated. Caduceus coiling of chromonemata was seen in chromosome bridges also. Chromosomes have material easily dissociable from the chromonemata and their removal does not affect the structural integrity of the chromosome.


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The resolution of evolutionary relationships among deep-sea incirrate octopuses has been hindered by the paucity of individuals available for morphological studies and by the lack of tissue samples preserved using fixatives compatible with simple DNA extraction techniques. Evolutionary relationships from 11 species of deep-sea incirrate octopuses were investigated using 2392 base pairs (bp) of DNA from four mitochondrial genes (12S rDNA, 16S rDNA, cytochrome c oxidase subunit III, and cytochrome b) and the nuclear gene, rhodopsin. Morphological examination of these species was also undertaken. Molecular analyses distinguish a species of octopus from hydrothermal vents at Manus Basin from the vent octopodid Vulcanoctopus hydrothermalis known from vents on the East Pacific Rise. Both are herein considered members of the clade currently assigned the name Benthoctopus, although taxonomic implications preclude formally naming Vulcanoctopus as a junior synonym. Morphological investigations led to the conclusion that Benthoctopus macrophallus is a junior synonym of Benthoctopus yaquinae. An amended diagnosis of Benthoctopus is provided with additional information on male reproductive characteristics. Copyright © 2009 · Magnolia Press.


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Padua S.B. & Ishikawa M.M. [Metachromasia for blood basophils identification in hybrid surubim catfish: methodological contribution]. Metacromasia para identificacao de basofilos sanguineos em surubim hibrido: contribuicao metodologica. Revista Brasileira de Medicina Veterinaria, 33(3):147-150, 2011. Centro de Aquicultura da Unesp/Jaboticabal Rod. Paulo Donato Castellane, s/n Bairro Rural, Jaboticabal, 14884-900, SP. Brasil. E-mail: santiagopadua@live.comDifferent protocols of fixation and hydrolysis of blood smears of hybrid surubim catfish for metachromasia to marking blood basophils were evaluated. For this reason, methanol, acid-alcohol and formalin vapor were tested as fixatives. For hydrolysis of blood smears, HCl, citric acid and 2-Mercaptoethanol + Urea + NaCl solutions was evaluated. After procedures, the blood smears was stained with toluidine blue (0.025%) diluted in McIlvaine buffer (pH 4). The different protocols for fixation and hydrolysis of blood smears for metachromasia influenced the quality of the reaction. Hydrolysis with 2-Mercaptoethanol + Urea + NaCl solutions provided negative results when using methanol and acid-alcohol as fixatives. The fixation with acid-alcohol associated with citric acid hydrolysis provides highest quality reason.


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Objective. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the release of formaldehyde by some root canal filling materials. Study design. Two older endodontic sealers, AH 26 and Endomethasone, and 2 recently available sealers, AH Plus and Top Seal, were analyzed. Infrared and electronic spectroscopy were used to determine formaldehyde content after set of the materials. Results. Analysis showed that the AH 26 and Endomethasone sealers released formaldehyde. Although the AH Plus and Top Seal sealers have similar chemical composition, they released formaldehyde in a minimal concentration. Conclusions. The AH 26 and Endomethasone sealers released formaldehyde after setting; however, a minimum release was observed for the AH Plus and Top Seal sealers. Copyright © 1999 by Mosby, Inc.


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Bone decalcification is a time-consuming process. It takes weeks and preservation of the tissue structure depends on the quality and velocity of the demineralization process. In the present study, a decalcification methodology was adapted using microwaving to accelerate the decalcification of rat bone for electron microscopic analysis. The ultrastructure of the bone decalcified by microwave energy was observed. Wistar rats were perfused with paraformaldehyde and maxillary segments were removed and fixed in glutaraldehyde. Half of specimens were decalcified by conventional treatment with immersion in Warshawsky solution at 4oC during 45 days, and the other half of specimens were placed into the beaker with 20 mL of the Warshawsky solution in ice bath and thereafter submitted to irradiation in a domestic microwave oven (700 maximum power) during 20 s/350 W/±37°C. In the first day, the specimens were irradiated 9 times and stored at 40°C overnight. In the second day, the specimens were irradiated 20 times changing the solution and the ice after each bath. After decalcification, some specimens were postfixed in osmium tetroxide and others in osmium tetroxide and potassium pyroantimonate. The specimens were observed under transmission electron microscopy. The results showed an increase in the decalcification rate in the specimens activated by microwaving and a reduction of total experiment time from 45 days in the conventional method to 48 hours in the microwave-aided method.


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We developed and optimized a simple, efficient and inexpensive method for in vitro culture of peripheral blood lymphocytes from the Brazilian tortoise Chelonoidis carbonaria (Testudinidae), testing various parameters, including culture medium, mitogen concentration, mitotic index, culture volume, incubation time, and mitotic arrest. Peripheral blood samples were obtained from the costal vein of four couples. The conditions that gave a good mitotic index were lymphocytes cultured at 37°C in minimum essential medium (7.5 mL), with phytohemagglutinin as a mitogen (0.375 mL), plus streptomycin/penicillin (0.1 mL), and an incubation period of 72 h. Mitotic arrest was induced by 2-h exposure to colchicine (0.1 mL), 70 h after establishing the culture. After mitotic arrest, the cells were hypotonized with 0.075 M KCl for 2 h and fixed with methanol/acetic acid (3:1). The non-banded mitotic chromosomes were visualized by Giemsa staining. The diploid chromosome number of C. carbonaria was found to be 52 in females and males, and sex chromosomes were not observed. We were able to culture peripheral blood lymphocytes of a Brazilian tortoise in vitro, for the preparation of mitotic chromosomes.


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Poucos estudos tem se dedicado a investigar em detalhe possíveis relações entre o declínio cognitivo associado ao envelhecimento e a plasticidade astroglial no hipocampo. No presente trabalho investigamos possíveis relações entre o desempenho em testes de memória de reconhecimento de objeto e o numero e a distribuição laminar dos astrocitos em CA3 em modelo murino. Para isso empregamos camundongos fêmeas adultas da linhagem C57Bl6 de 6 (n = 7) e 20 meses (n = 5) de idade, mantidos em gaiolas padrão desde o nascimento,comparando seus desempenhos em tarefas hipocampo-dependentes para reconhecimento da forma, do lugar e do momento em que os objetos selecionados lhes foram expostos. Apos os testes comportamentais todos os animais foram per fundidos com fixadores aldeidicos e tiveram seus cérebros removidos e processados para imunomarcação empregando anticorpo seletivo para detecção da proteína acida fibrilar dos astrocitos (GFAP). Para evitar possível viés amostral empregamos o fracionador óptico, um método estereológico que não e afetado pelo processamento histologico. Os resultados nos testes comportamentais isolados e integrados (memória episódica) revelaram que o envelhecimento compromete significativamente (teste T bi-caudal, p<0.05) o reconhecimento da forma, do lugar e do momento em que objetos selecionados são apresentados aos sujeitos. As análises estereologicas das estimativas do numero de astrocítos revelaram que o envelhecimento afetou a distribuicao laminar com aumento na proporção relativa daqueles na camada piramidal de CA3 dorsal e ventral e reducao no lacunoso molecular de CA3 dorsal. O número total de astrocitos em consequência apresentou significativa reorganização na distribuição laminar em função da idade com os animais senis mostrando redução no percentual daqueles localizados na camada oriens. Nenhuma diferenca significativa foi encontrada entre os volumes das camadas de CA3 sugerindo que as mudanças induzidas pelo envelhecimento alteram diretamente a plasticidade astroglial em CA3. Finalmente os estudos de correlação linear entre as estimativas do numero dos astrocitos da camada piramidal e os testes comportamentais demonstraram correlação inversa com os piores desempenhos estando associados a um maior número de astrocitos naquela camada. Evidencias diretas adicionais dessa correlação com os astrocitos alterados em CA3 e possíveis mecanismos moleculares para explicar o declinio cognitivo associado ao envelhecimento permanecem por ser investigados.


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Tem sido proposto que o envelhecimento está associado à alteração inflamatória no sistema nervoso central de roedores, mas não se sabe se as mudanças microgliais induzidas pelo envelhecimento são afetadas pelo ambiente pós-natal associado ao tamanho da ninhada. Por outro lado a camada molecular do giro denteado tem sido reconhecida como o alvo principal do input da via perfurante cuja integridade sináptica é essencial para formação de memória da identidade e da localização espacial de objetos. No presente trabalho investigamos se as mudanças morfológicas microgliais induzidas pelo envelhecimento são influenciadas por mudanças no tamanho da ninhada no início da vida. Para avaliar essas questões, ratos da variedade Wistar amamentados em ninhadas de 6 ou 12 filhotes por nutriz foram mantidos sedentários em grupos de 2-3 do 21o dia pós-natal em diante. Aos 4 (adulto) ou aos 23 (velho) meses de idade, os animais foram submetidos a testes de memória espacial e de reconhecimento da forma de objetos, sacrificados, perfundidos com fixador aldeídico e tiveram seus cérebros processados para imunomarcação seletiva para microglias/macrófagos com anticorpo anti Iba-1. A seguir uma fração representativa das células imunomarcadas da camada molecular do giro denteado foi reconstruída em três dimensões usando o programa Neurolucida e as características morfológicas de cada célula foram quantificadas com o software Neuroexplorer. Foi encontrado que os animais mantidos em gaiolas padrão de laboratório durante toda a vida apresentaram déficits de memória espacial independente da idade e não importando o tamanho da ninhada. Por outro lado todos os indivíduos idosos não importando o tamanho da ninhada tiveram sua memória de reconhecimento de objeto prejudicada. A análise da morfologia microglial revelou que a área e o perímetro do corpo celular e o volume dos ramos parecem ser afetados mais intensamente pelo envelhecimento e que essa alteração é mais acentuada nos animais de ninhada grande. Além disso, observou-se retração e espessamento dos ramos nos animais velhos em maior proporção nos animais de ninhadas grandes. Tomados em conjunto os resultados sugerem que a memória espacial parece ser mais suscetível ao processo de envelhecimento do que a memória de reconhecimento de objeto e que essas mudanças estão associadas a efeitos distintos sobre o soma e o padrão de ramificação das microglias da camada molecular dos animais maduros e idosos.


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The cell block technique is widely used and recognized by health professionals, but lacks in information regarding the specific contribution of this method to veterinary medicine. The cytology of bone marrow and buffy coat (cellular portion of the hole blood) are widely used in the diagnosis of neoplastic and nonneoplastic diseases, and also for the detection of infectious agents. Although the importance of these samples is widely recognized, there is no information about the use of buffy coat and bone marrow samples in the cell block procedure among the research material used for this paper. This work aims for the cell block standardization for canine buffy coat and bone marrow samples. We collected 110 buffy coat samples and 44 bone marrow samples for the cell block preparation, and 68.2% of buffy coat and bone marrow proved to be viable at the end of the procedure. The 95% ethanol fixatives along with the 20 minute processing steps (absolute ethanol, xilol and paraffin, 3 of each) were crucial for the quality of the material both in microtomy and optical microscopy. Mechanical separation of the buffy coat proved to be easy and cheap and was used to compose the cell block technique. In this research we emphasized the importance of cell block standardization in order to develop and easy, inexpensive and reproducible method, regardless of any of the professionals' limitations.


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Oral exfoliative cytology (EC) is a rapid and practical complementary test that can be used in the diagnosis of various diseases. The objectives of this study were to assess dentists'knowledge of EC and to disseminate information on the technique. The study included 240 dentists from the city of Anapolis (Goias, Brazil) who answered a questionnaire regarding demographic data and data relating to EC and who then received information on the technique. The data revealed that 26.92% of the dentists did not know about EC. Among those who reported knowledge of EC, 33.91% did not know the procedures for performing the technique, and 85.38% had no experience with EC. In addition, 54.09% of the answers regarding the instrument used to collect the material and 56.82% of the answers concerning suitable fixatives were inappropriate. Although 73.02% of the dentists adequately identified the pathologies for which EC is recommended, it was concluded that the respondents had poor knowledge of EC. There is a need to increase dentists'awareness of this subject and of EC's use in diagnostic practices.


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Multidisciplinary benthic studies are still hindered by the lack of a unique fixative that satisfactorily preserves morphology and DNA, and that is simultaneously adequate for ecological surveys. The objective of this study is to test the performance of five fixatives: formalin, ethanol, dimethylsulfoxide with EDTA and NaCl salts (DESS), methanol with acetic acid (METHAC), and ethanol with acetic acid (ETHAC), for the preservation of estuarine and exclusively marine nematode assemblages for morphological, molecular, and ecological studies. The presence of the stain rose bengal in each fixative was also evaluated in the yield of PCR reactions. For molecular analyses, one species of each habitat was considered. Results revealed that fixative performance for morphological studies is habitat-and species-dependent. For studies of estuarine sediment nematodes, we recommend the use of pure ethanol, because it caused little morphological distortion (<10% of the assemblage), preserved all the species for ecological studies, and yielded high quality DNA sequences. For studies of exclusively marine environments, METHAC or DESS are the most adequate. The first performed better for morphological and ecological surveys, whereas the second was more appropriate for molecular research. For ecological studies, DESS should be used in comparison with formalin, in order to cross check the results. Finally, staining of samples with rose bengal is not recommended, because it hindered DNA amplification regardless of the fixative used.


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As the elastic response of cell membranes to mechanical stimuli plays a key role in various cellular processes, novel biophysical strategies to quantify the elasticity of native membranes under physiological conditions at a nanometer scale are gaining interest. In order to investigate the elastic response of apical membranes, elasticity maps of native membrane sheets, isolated from MDCK II (Madine Darby Canine kidney strain II) epithelial cells, were recorded by local indentation with an Atomic Force Microscope (AFM). To exclude the underlying substrate effect on membrane indentation, a highly ordered gold coated porous array with a pore diameter of 1.2 μm was used to support apical membranes. Overlays of fluorescence and AFM images show that intact apical membrane sheets are attached to poly-D-lysine coated porous substrate. Force indentation measurements reveal an extremely soft elastic membrane response if it is indented at the center of the pore in comparison to a hard repulsion on the adjacent rim used to define the exact contact point. A linear dependency of force versus indentation (-dF/dh) up to 100 nm penetration depth enabled us to define an apparent membrane spring constant (kapp) as the slope of a linear fit with a stiffness value of for native apical membrane in PBS. A correlation between fluorescence intensity and kapp is also reported. Time dependent hysteresis observed with native membranes is explained by a viscoelastic solid model of a spring connected to a Kelvin-Voight solid with a time constant of 0.04 s. No hysteresis was reported with chemically fixated membranes. A combined linear and non linear elastic response is suggested to relate the experimental data of force indentation curves to the elastic modulus and the membrane thickness. Membrane bending is the dominant contributor to linear elastic indentation at low loads, whereas stretching is the dominant contributor for non linear elastic response at higher loads. The membrane elastic response was controlled either by stiffening with chemical fixatives or by softening with F-actin disrupters. Overall, the presented setup is ideally suitable to study the interactions of the apical membrane with the underlying cytoskeleton by means of force indentation elasticity maps combined with fluorescence imaging.