964 resultados para Fish - Aggressive behaviour


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This study tested whether aggressive behaviour can predict individual variation in stress responses of Nile tilapia Oreochromis niloticus. We used a mirror test to measure tendency to aggressive behaviour, and calculated the attack frequency and time until the first attack (latency) for each fish. One day later, we measured plasma cortisol and glucose, and two days later, we measured ventilatory frequency (VF) (pre-confinement responses). Immediately after the VF measure, we subjected the same fish to 30 min confinement, followed by measurements of cortisol, glucose, and VF (post-confinement responses). We found that post-confinement stress cortisol, glucose, and VF were higher than pre-confinement responses. Attack frequency was negatively correlated with VF and latency was positively correlated with baseline glucose and VF. Thus, we conclude that attack frequency and latency to a mirror reflection could be used to predict baseline levels of physiological stress indicators in Nile tilapia.


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This study evaluated the influence of dietary L-tryptophan (TRP) supplementation on the time course of aggressive behaviour and on neuroendocrine and hormonal indicators in juvenile matrinxA Brycon amazonicus. Supplementation with TRP promoted a change in the fight pattern at the beginning of an interaction with an intruder, resulting in decreased aggressive behaviours during the first 20min. The decrease in aggression did not persist throughout the interaction but increased at 3 and 6h after the beginning of the fight. Monoamine levels in the hypothalamus were not influenced by TRP before or after the fight; however, the hypothalamic serotonin (5-HT) concentration and the 5-hydroxyindole-3-acetic acid (5HIAA):5-HT ratio were significantly correlated with the reduction in aggressive behaviour at the beginning of the fight. Cortisol was not altered by TRP before the fight. After the fight cortisol increased to higher levels in B. amazonicus fed with supplementary TRP. These results indicate that TRP supplementation alters the aggressive behaviour of B. amazonicus and that this effect is limited to the beginning of the fight, suggesting a transient effect of TRP on aggressive behaviour. This is the first study reporting the effects of TRP supplementation on the time course of aggressive interaction in fishes. (C) 2013 The Fisheries Society of the British Isles


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Increased losses of eggs and chicks resulting from human intrusion (investigator or other) into seabird colonies has been well documented. In 1990/91, I studied the effects of investigator disturbance on aggressive behaviour and breeding success of individual pairs of ring-billed gulls nesting at two colonies near Port Colborne, Ontario. The insular colony was on an artificial breakwall, associated with the Welland Ship Canal, approximately 1 km off the north shore of Lake Erie. The mainland colony was adjacent to the canal approximately 1 km east of the breakwall. The frequencies of adult threat and assault behaviours, chick movement and adult attacks on chicks were recorded by continuous scan sampling 30 min prior to, 30 min during and 60 (2 X 30) min after investigator disturbance. The frequency of threat and assault behaviours increased during the period of investigator activity in the colony while the duration of wingpulls and beakpulls decreased. Significantly more chicks ran ("runners") from their natal territories during disturbances and "runners" were more frequently attacked than "territorial" chicks. No chicks were fatally attacked during disturbance and "runners" returned to their natal territories quickly after disturbance. Breeding success was determined for pairs nesting in study plots subjected to two levels of disturbance (normal and moderate). The disturbance level of each plot differed in visitation frequency and activities performed on each visit. Investigator disturbance had no effect on the hatching success or fledging success (taken as 21 days of age) of ring-billed gull study pairs at either colony.


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Cherubism is a rare hereditary fibro-osseous childhood disease characterized by bone degradation and fibrous tissue replacement at the angles of the mandible and at the tuberosity areas of the maxilla that leads to prominence of the lower face and an appearance reminiscent of the cherub's portrayal in Renaissance art. This disease has an autosomal dominant hereditary characteristic. The purpose of this report is to analyse laboratory tests, clinicopathological and radiographic features of cherubism and its intraoral manifestations in a patient during 4-years of follow-up, correlating the features observed in this case with those of the literature. Also discussed is the atypical and aggressive behaviour of this case during puberty.


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Agonistic encounters and facultative parental care in Hyla faber were observed in two localities in southeastern Brazil. Maximum male density was 0.9 and 3.3 males/m2 in Campinas and Ribeirão Branco, respectively. Aggression was escalated and the highly variable aggressive calls were specific to each phase of the encounter. The last, more aggressive phases rarely occurred in Campinas; in Ribeirão Branco they occurred frequently. Male parental care (egg attendance) was common in Ribeirão Branco while it was never observed in Campinas. Egg attendance lasted one to two nights and was observed only during high male density. The main benefit of egg attendance seemed to be avoiding nest intrusion by other males (sunken eggs and/or embryos invariably die). Males may build additional nests during egg attendance, but attending males did not attract females (they did not call).


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The project looked at aggressiveness in different age and social groups of modern post-totalitarian society, beginning with the hypotheses that the greatest risk groups are teenagers and the unemployed, and that there is a link between aggression and the level of meaningfulness of life. The groups studied comprised about 200 persons from urban areas of eastern Ukraine, including schoolchildren, students, white collar workers, self-employed persons, the unemployed and pensioners. Workers in industry were not included as this group has virtually disappeared in Ukraine at present since most enterprises have ceased to work and most workers have moved into the groups of the unemployed or self-employed. Participants were divided into age groups of 13-14, 16-17, 18-22, 24-45, 46-60 and over 60, with each group including approximately equal number of men and women. Research methods included Buss-Darky techniques, the "hand test" (E. Wagner), the "non-existent animal" technique, a Rozenzweig picture frustration study, purpose-in-life tests and an interview. The Buss-Darky test showed that schoolchildren have the highest level of aggression, followed by students. These groups have high indexes in virtually all types of aggression, including its open form. The self-employed have relatively lower indexes, although they are more likely to manifest it openly, while such open manifestations are less likely among white-collar workers, pensioners and the unemployed. The least aggressive were the unemployed and pensioners, although the latter had a relatively high level of hostility. In terms of age, aggression was shown to decrease with age, which Ms. Ivanova attributes to the still imperfect control mechanisms of teenagers and their less mature personalities. Among the younger groups girls showed a slightly higher level of aggression, although this situation was reversed among older people. The risk groups inclined to manifest open forms of aggressiveness can therefore be seen to be teenagers and students. Other tests used show aggressiveness as a feature of the current state, rather than as an inherent feature and the results obtained were somewhat different. In the interviews, all adults referred to the increased aggressiveness in society and most stated that they themselves had become more aggressive and bad-tempered. The ability of individuals to adapt to their social environment was also investigated and schoolchildren turned out to have the lowest adaptation index and the unemployed the highest. MS. Ivanova attributes that latter, rather surprising, result to the fact that the constant frustrations facing the unemployed force them to actively seek ways and means of adapting in order to survive. The final aspect considered was the possible connection between human aggressiveness and the meaningfulness of life. Here the groups with the most meaningful lives were the self-employed and pensioners. The latter result, again rather surprising, was attributed to the desire of people who have already lived the greater part of their lives to place more weight on what they have already done, in order to prove to themselves that they have not lived in vain. The hypothesis that aggressiveness is conversely related to the meaningfulness of life was only partially confirmed. In the two extreme cases (schoolchildren and pensioners) this was indeed the case, but the remaining groups did not show any such connection. From the data obtained, Ms. Ivanova concluded that life in modern post-totalitarian society does indeed foster a rise in people's aggressiveness, and this was supported by the fact that indexes of aggressiveness proved to be higher than the norm. Her original hypothesis as to the groups in society most at risk from open aggression confirmed in the case of teenagers but not of the unemployed, who had relatively low aggressiveness indexes and the highest degree of adaptation.


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The feeding rate of a parasitic gnathiid isopod on fish was examined. Individual fish, Hemigymnus melapterus, were exposed to gnathiid larvae and sampled after 5, 10, 30, 60, and 240 min. I recorded whether larvae had an engorged gut, an engorged gut containing red material, or had dropped off the fish after having completed engorgement; variation among sampling times and larval stages was analyzed using generalized linear mixed model analyses. The likelihood that larvae had an engorged gut increased with time and varied with larval stage. First stage (1.45 mm) larvae. After 30 min, however, most (>93%) larvae had an engorged gut regardless of their larval stage. The likelihood of red material in the gut of third stage larvae increased over time (46% after 30 min, 70% after 60 min, and 86% after 240 min) while that of first and second stage larvae remained relatively low (


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Twenty-seven patients undergoing treatment in a high-secure forensic facility participated in focus group interviews to elicit their perceptions of (1) the factors leading to aggressive behaviour; and (2) strategies to reduce the risk of such behaviour. The focus group interviews were audiotaped, transcribed and analysed using content analysis. The participants identified that a combination of patient, staff and environmental factors contributed to violence in the study wards. The cause of aggressive behaviour centred around five major themes: the environment; empty days; staff interactions; medication issues; and patient-centred factors. Potential strategies identified by patients to reduce aggressive behaviour included: early intervention; the provision of meaningful activities to reduce boredom; separation of acutely disturbed patients; improved staff attitudes; implementation of effective justice procedures; and a patient advocate to mediate during times of conflict. Findings suggested that social and organizational factors need to be addressed to change the punitive subculture inherent in forensic psychiatric facilities, and to ensure a balance between security and effective therapy.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)