886 resultados para Fire situation
This thesis aims at improving the knowledge on the post-fire vegetation regeneration. For that, forests and shrublands were studied, after forest fires and experimental fires. Maritime Pine (Pinus pinaster) recruitment after fire was studied. Fire severity was evidenced as a major effect on this process. High crown fire severity can combust the pines, destroying the seed bank and impeding post fire pine recruitment. However, crown combustion also influences the post-fire conditions on the soil surface, since high crown combustion (HCC) will decrease the postfire needle cast. After low crown combustion (LCC) (scorched rather than torched crowns), a considerable needle cover was observed, along with a higher density of pine seedlings. The overall trends of post-fire recruitment among LCC and HCC areas could be significantly attributed to cover by needles, as well by the estimation of fire severity using the diameters of the burned twigs (TSI). Fire increased the germination from the soil seed bank of a Pinus pinaster forest, and the effects were also related with fire severity. The densities of seedlings of the dominant taxa (genus Erica and Calluna vulgaris) were contrastingly affected in relation to the unburned situation, depending on fire severity, as estimated from the degree of fire-induced crown damage (LCC/HCC), as well as using a severity index based on the diameters of remaining twigs (TSI). Low severity patches had an increase in germination density relatively to the control, while high severity patches suffered a reduction. After an experimental fire in a heathland dominated by Pterospartum tridentatum, Erica australis and E. umbellata, no net differences in seedling emergence were observed, in relation to the pre-fire situation. However, rather than having no effect, the heterogeneity of temperatures caused by fire promoted caused divergent effects over the burned plot in terms of Erica australis germination – a progressive increased was observed in the plots were maximum temperature recorded ranged from 29 to 42.5ºC and decreased in plots with maximum temperature ranging from 51.5 to 74.5ºC. In this heathland, the seed density of two of the main species (E. australis and E. umbellata) was higher under their canopies, but the same was not true for P. tridentatum. The understory regeneration in pine and eucalypt stands, 5 to 6 years post fire, has been strongly associated with post-fire management practices. The effect of forest type was, comparatively, insignificant. Soil tilling, tree harvesting and shrub clearance, were linked to lower soil cover percentages. However, while all these management operations negatively affected the cover of resprouters, seeders were not affected by soil tilling. A strong influence of biogeographic region was identified, suggesting that more vulnerable regions may suffer higher effects of management, even under comparatively lower management pressure than more productive regions. This emphasizes the need to adequate post-fire management techniques to the target regions.
The main objective of ventilation systems in tunnels is to reach the highest possible safety level both in service and fire situation; being the fire one, the most relevant when designing the system. When designing a longitudinal ventilation system, the methodology to evaluate the capacity of the system is similar both in service and fire situation, with the exception of the chimney effect and the phenomena of thermal transfer which is responsible or the changes in the density of the air. When facing the dimensioning task for longitudinal ventilated tunnels, although similar methodologies are used in different countries, specific hypothesis (aerodynamic, thermal properties, traffic) even if discussed in the literature or current practice, are not usually detailed in the regulations or recommendations. The aim of this paper is to propose a probabilistic approach to the problem which would allow the designer, and the tunnel owner, to understand the uncertainty and sensibility adopted in the results and, eventually, identify possible ways of optimizing the ventilation solution to be adopted.
Combustion is a complex phenomena involving a multiplicity of variables. Some important variables measured in flame tests follow [1]. In order to characterize ignition, such related parameters as ignition time, ease of ignition, flash ignition temperature, and self-ignition temperature are measured. For studying the propagation of the flame, parameters such as distance burned or charred, area of flame spread, time of flame spread, burning rate, charred or melted area, and fire endurance are measured. Smoke characteristics are studied by determining such parameters as specific optical density, maximum specific optical density, time of occurrence of the densities, maximum rate of density increase, visual obscuration time, and smoke obscuration index. In addition to the above variables, there are a number of specific properties of the combustible system which could be measured. These are soot formation, toxicity of combustion gases, heat of combustion, dripping phenomena during the burning of thermoplastics, afterglow, flame intensity, fuel contribution, visual characteristics, limiting oxygen concentration (OI), products of pyrolysis and combustion, and so forth. A multitude of flammability tests measuring one or more of these properties have been developed [2]. Admittedly, no one small scale test is adequate to mimic or assess the performance of a plastic in a real fire situation. The conditions are much too complicated [3, 4]. Some conceptual problems associated with flammability testing of polymers have been reviewed [5, 6].
This paper presents a detailed analysis of a model for military conflicts where the defending forces have to determine an optimal partitioning of available resources to counter attacks from an adversary in two different fronts in an area fire situation. Lanchester linear law attrition model is used to develop the dynamical equations governing the variation in force strength. Here we address a static resource allocation problem namely, Time-Zero-Allocation (TZA) where the resource allocation is done only at the initial time. Numerical examples are given to support the analytical results.
Um incêndio é algo difícil de prever, assim como a sua consequência nos elementos de construção. Dessa forma, ao longo das últimas décadas, os elementos de construção têm sido alvo de diversos estudos a fim de avaliar os seus comportamentos quando solicitados em situação de incêndio. O International Building Code (IBC) descreve um método de cálculo analítico para a determinação da resistência ao fogo dos elementos da construção de acordo com os procedimentos de teste estabelecidos na ASTM E119 (Standard Test Methods for Fire Tests of Building Construction and Materials). Nesta dissertação foi feita uma análise desse método, que se mostrou inadequado para estimar a resistência ao fogo das alvenarias, sem função estrutural, de blocos cerâmicos e blocos de betão, uma vez que despreza qualquer efeito do ar no interior das mesmas. No seguimento desta análise, é apresentado um desenvolvimento do método descrito tendo em conta o efeito do ar. Depois de uma análise aos vários tipos de blocos cerâmicos e de betão com diferentes dimensões e geometrias foi possível obter uma relação entre a espessura equivalente de ar existente num bloco e a sua respectiva resistência ao fogo, de modo a serem obtidos os valores descritos na normalização existente. O efeito do ar mostrou ter uma maior influência na resistência ao fogo nas alvenarias constituídas por blocos cerâmicos de furação vertical, já que a sua geometria caracterizada por um elevado número de pequenos alvéolos contribui para o aumento do isolamento térmico, e consequentemente da sua resistência ao fogo. Nas alvenarias rebocadas os valores da resistência ao fogo aumentam cerca de 50%, quando revestidos com argamassa de cimento, e 70% quando revestidos com gesso, logo, o emprego de revestimentos representam uma boa alternativa para aumentar a resistência ao fogo.
The necessity of adapting the standardized fan models to conditions of higher temperature has emerged due to the growth of concerning referring to the consequences of the gas expelling after the Mont Blanc tunnel accident in Italy and France, where even though, with 100 fans in operation, 41 people died. However, since then, the defied solutions have pointed to aerodynamic disadvantages or have seemed nonappropriate in these conditions. The objective of this work is to present an alternative to the market standard fans considering a new technology in constructing blades. This new technology introduces the use of the stainless steel AISI 409 due to its good adaptation to temperatures higher than 400°C, particularly exposed to temperatures of gas exhaust from tunnels in fire situation. Furthermore, it presents a very good resistance to corrosion and posterior welding and pressing, due to its alloyed elements. The innovation is centered in the process of a deep drawing of metallic shells and posterior welding, in order to keep the ideal aerodynamic superficies for the fan ideal performance. On the other hand, the finite element method, through the elasto-plastic software COSMOS permitted the verification of the thickness and structural stability of the blade in relation to the aerodynamic efforts established in the project. In addition, it is not advisable the fabrication of blades with variable localized thickness not even, non-uniform ones, due to the verified concentration of tensions and the difficulties observed in the forming. In this way, this study recommends the construction of blades with uniform variations of thickness. © 2007 Springer.
Existe um crescente interesse sobre a pesquisa sobre a segurança das estruturas em situação de incêndio no Brasil, mas ainda existem aspectos que carecem de discussão. A simulação e avaliação em laboratório de elementos estruturais em situação de incêndio é um desses aspectos, principalmente no que diz respeito à metodologia de ensaio. A norma técnica brasileira NBR 5628:2001 necessita de revisão com vistas à adaptação das metodologias internacionais à realidade brasileira ou, até mesmo, à definição de novas metodologias que considerem variáveis relevantes para o contexto local. Este trabalho apresenta um ponto de partida para essas discussões e reúne os parâmetros que norteiam os procedimentos metodológicos para a avaliação de elementos estruturais, em escala natural, com carga, e em situação de incêndio. Parâmetros de interesse como dimensões mínimas dos elementos, taxas de elevação de temperatura com o tempo, infraestrutura para o ensaio, instrumentação dos elementos estruturais, entre outros, são avaliados à luz da normalização nacional e internacional vigente. Espera-se que este trabalho forneça subsídios para a futura revisão da NBR 5628:2001 e estimule pesquisadores brasileiros a ingressar nessa nova e árdua linha de pesquisa.
En situación de incendio, los elementos estructurales de madera laminada encolada (?MLE?) sufren una degradación térmica que les lleva a una pérdida de sección portante. El Código Técnico de la Edificación cuantifica esta pérdida en 0,55 - 0,70 mm/min por cada cara sometida a carga, según especie y densidad, pero no propone una metodología específica para el cálculo de uniones carpinteras en situación de incendio. Para conocer el comportamiento de este tipo de uniones en situación de incendio, la Plataforma de Ingeniería de la Madera Estructural (PEMADE) de la Universidad de Santiago de Compostela, el Instituto de Ciencias de la Construcción Eduardo Torroja y el Centro Tecnológico CIDEMCO-Tecnalia han realizado conjuntamente una serie de ensayos experimentales sobre probetas ensambladas con unión carpintera del tipo cola de milano. Se han sometido las probetas a cargas térmicas variantes en el tiempo siguiendo la norma ISO 834-1, tal y como indica el CTE. Se registró usando termopares la variación de la temperatura a lo largo de la duración del ensayo. En este trabajo se expone en detalle la metodología desarrollada para realizar los ensayos, así como los primeros resultados obtenidos. In a fire event, glued laminated timber ("GLULAM") elements suffer a thermal degradation that produces in them a decrease of bearing section. Spanish technical building normative (?CTE?) quantify this decreasing from 0.55 to 0.70 mm / min according to species and density, but does not propose a specific methodology for calculating carpenter joints in a fire situation. In order to understand the behavior of such joints in a fire situation, the Platform for Structural Timber Engineering (PEMADE) of University of Santiago de Compostela; Institute of Science Construction Eduardo Torroja and Technology Center CIDEMCO-Tecnalia conducted together a series of experimental tests on glulam specimens assembled with a carpenter union type called ?dovetail?. Specimens were subjected to thermal loads varying in time according to ISO 834-1, as indicated by the CTE. Thermocouples were inserted in the specimens, recording the temperature variation along the length of the test. This paper details the methodology developed for the test and the first results.
La cuantificación de la reducción de las propiedades resistentes y de la sección de un elemento estructural en situación de incendio es fundamental de cara a garantizar la estabilidad estructural en situación de incendio. Existen investigaciones que tratan de determinar la variación de las propiedades térmicas y mecánicas de la madera sometida a cargas térmicas, y la reducción de sección transversal de un elemento estructural de madera. La normativa europea en materia de construcción con madera, el Eurocódigo 5, propone unas simplificaciones para determinar la sección residual de un elemento estructural de madera en situación de incendio. Los objetivos de este trabajo comprenden una revisión de algunos trabajos realizados en el campo de la variación en función de la temperatura de las propiedades térmicas de la madera (calor específico, densidad y conductividad térmica), y la construcción con los distintos valores propuestos de varios modelos de elementos finitos que se someterán a cargas térmicas definidas por la curva ISO 834-1. Los resultados se compararán con un modelo construido con los valores que el Eurocódigo propone y con un ensayo experimental. Como resultado final, se propone finalmente un modelo de elementos finitos que emule el comportamiento del ensayo experimental. The quantification of the decrease of strength properties and section of a structural element in a fire situation is critical in order to guarantee the structural stability in such a fire event. There are some researches in literature trying to find the variation of thermal and mechanical properties of wood subjected to thermal loads, and the decrease of cross section of a wooden structural element. The European legislation on timber construction, Eurocode 5, proposes a simplification to determine the residual section of a wooden structural element in a fire situation. This paper objectives consist in a review of some researches in the field of variations, depending on the temperature, of the thermal properties of wood (specific heat, density and thermal conductivity); and in the construction of a few finite element models of timber structural elements affected by thermal loads according to ISO 834-1. The results were compared with a model based in Eurocode 5 and with an experimental test. As final result, at last, we propose a finite element model that simulates the behavior of the experimental tested element.
Fire design is an essential element of the overall design procedure of structural steel members and systems. Conventionally the fire rating of load-bearing stud wall systems made of light gauge steel frames (LSF) is based on approximate prescriptive methods developed on the basis of limited fire tests. This design is limited to standard wall configurations used by the industry. Increased fire rating is provided simply by adding more plasterboards to the stud walls. This is not an acceptable situation as it not only inhibits innovation and structural and cost efficiencies but also casts doubt over the fire safety of these light gauge steel stud wall systems. Hence a detailed fire research study into the performance and effectiveness of a recently developed innovative composite panel wall system was undertaken at Queensland University of Technology using both full scale fire tests and numerical studies. Experimental results of LSF walls using the new composite panels under axial compression load have shown the improvement in fire performance and fire resistance rating. Numerical analyses are currently being undertaken using the finite element program ABAQUS. Measured temperature profiles of the studs are used in the numerical models and the results are used to calibrate against full scale test results. The validated model will be used in a detailed parametric study with an aim to develop suitable design rules within the current cold-formed steel structures and fire design standards. This paper will present the results of experimental and numerical investigations into the structural and fire behaviour of light gauge steel stud walls protected by the new composite panel. It will demonstrate the improvements provided by the new composite panel system in comparison to traditional wall systems.
In recent times, light gauge steel framed (LSF) structures, such as cold-formed steel wall systems, are increasingly used, but without a full understanding of their fire performance. Traditionally the fire resistance rating of these load-bearing LSF wall systems is based on approximate prescriptive methods developed based on limited fire tests. Very often they are limited to standard wall configurations used by the industry. Increased fire rating is provided simply by adding more plasterboards to these walls. This is not an acceptable situation as it not only inhibits innovation and structural and cost efficiencies but also casts doubt over the fire safety of these wall systems. Hence a detailed fire research study into the performance of LSF wall systems was undertaken using full scale fire tests and extensive numerical studies. A new composite wall panel developed at QUT was also considered in this study, where the insulation was used externally between the plasterboards on both sides of the steel wall frame instead of locating it in the cavity. Three full scale fire tests of LSF wall systems built using the new composite panel system were undertaken at a higher load ratio using a gas furnace designed to deliver heat in accordance with the standard time temperature curve in AS 1530.4 (SA, 2005). Fire tests included the measurements of load-deformation characteristics of LSF walls until failure as well as associated time-temperature measurements across the thickness and along the length of all the specimens. Tests of LSF walls under axial compression load have shown the improvement to their fire performance and fire resistance rating when the new composite panel was used. Hence this research recommends the use of the new composite panel system for cold-formed LSF walls. The numerical study was undertaken using a finite element program ABAQUS. The finite element analyses were conducted under both steady state and transient state conditions using the measured hot and cold flange temperature distributions from the fire tests. The elevated temperature reduction factors for mechanical properties were based on the equations proposed by Dolamune Kankanamge and Mahendran (2011). These finite element models were first validated by comparing their results with experimental test results from this study and Kolarkar (2010). The developed finite element models were able to predict the failure times within 5 minutes. The validated model was then used in a detailed numerical study into the strength of cold-formed thin-walled steel channels used in both the conventional and the new composite panel systems to increase the understanding of their behaviour under nonuniform elevated temperature conditions and to develop fire design rules. The measured time-temperature distributions obtained from the fire tests were used. Since the fire tests showed that the plasterboards provided sufficient lateral restraint until the failure of LSF wall panels, this assumption was also used in the analyses and was further validated by comparison with experimental results. Hence in this study of LSF wall studs, only the flexural buckling about the major axis and local buckling were considered. A new fire design method was proposed using AS/NZS 4600 (SA, 2005), NAS (AISI, 2007) and Eurocode 3 Part 1.3 (ECS, 2006). The importance of considering thermal bowing, magnified thermal bowing and neutral axis shift in the fire design was also investigated. A spread sheet based design tool was developed based on the above design codes to predict the failure load ratio versus time and temperature for varying LSF wall configurations including insulations. Idealised time-temperature profiles were developed based on the measured temperature values of the studs. This was used in a detailed numerical study to fully understand the structural behaviour of LSF wall panels. Appropriate equations were proposed to find the critical temperatures for different composite panels, varying in steel thickness, steel grade and screw spacing for any load ratio. Hence useful and simple design rules were proposed based on the current cold-formed steel structures and fire design standards, and their accuracy and advantages were discussed. The results were also used to validate the fire design rules developed based on AS/NZS 4600 (SA, 2005) and Eurocode Part 1.3 (ECS, 2006). This demonstrated the significant improvements to the design method when compared to the currently used prescriptive design methods for LSF wall systems under fire conditions. In summary, this research has developed comprehensive experimental and numerical thermal and structural performance data for both the conventional and the proposed new load bearing LSF wall systems under standard fire conditions. Finite element models were developed to predict the failure times of LSF walls accurately. Idealized hot flange temperature profiles were developed for non-insulated, cavity and externally insulated load bearing wall systems. Suitable fire design rules and spread sheet based design tools were developed based on the existing standards to predict the ultimate failure load, failure times and failure temperatures of LSF wall studs. Simplified equations were proposed to find the critical temperatures for varying wall panel configurations and load ratios. The results from this research are useful to both structural and fire engineers and researchers. Most importantly, this research has significantly improved the knowledge and understanding of cold-formed LSF loadbearing walls under standard fire conditions.
Clustering behavior is studied in a model of integrate-and-fire oscillators with excitatory pulse coupling. When considering a population of identical oscillators, the main result is a proof of global convergence to a phase-locked clustered behavior. The robustness of this clustering behavior is then investigated in a population of nonidentical oscillators by studying the transition from total clustering to the absence of clustering as the group coherence decreases. A robust intermediate situation of partial clustering, characterized by few oscillators traveling among nearly phase-locked clusters, is of particular interest. The analysis complements earlier studies of synchronization in a closely related model. © 2008 American Institute of Physics.
The mathematical simulation of the evacuation process has a wide and largely untapped scope of application within the aircraft industry. The function of the mathematical model is to provide insight into complex behaviour by allowing designers, legislators, and investigators to ask ‘what if’ questions. Such a model, EXODUS, is currently under development, and this paper describes its evolution and potential applications. EXODUS is an egress model designed to simulate the evacuation of large numbers of individuals from an enclosure, such as an aircraft. The model tracks the trajectory of each individual as they make their way out of the enclosure or are overcome by fire hazards, such as heat and toxic gases. The software is expert system-based, the progressive motion and behaviour of each individual being determined by a set of heuristics or rules. EXODUS comprises five core interacting components: (i) the Movement Submodel — controls the physical movement of individual passengers from their current position to the most suitable neighbouring location; (ii) the Behaviour Submodel — determines an individual's response to the current prevailing situation; (iii) the Passenger Submodel — describes an individual as a collection of 22 defining attributes and variables; (iv) the Hazard Submodel — controls the atmospheric and physical environment; and (v) the Toxicity Submodel — determines the effects on an individual exposed to the fire products, heat, and narcotic gases through the Fractional Effective Dose calculations. These components are briefly described and their capabilities and limitations are demonstrated through comparison with experimental data and several hypothetical evacuation scenarios.
The main objective of ventilation systems in case of fire is the reduction of the possible consequences by achieving the best possible conditions for the evacuation of the users and the intervention of the emergency services. The required immediate transition, from normal to emergency functioning of the ventilation equipments, is being strengthened by the use of automatic and semi-automatic control systems, what reduces the response times through the help to the operators, and the use of pre-defined strategies. A further step consists on the use of closed-loop algorithms, which takes into account not only the initial conditions but their development (air velocity, traffic situation, etc.), optimizing smoke control capacity.
The research is concerned with the application of the computer simulation technique to study the performance of reinforced concrete columns in a fire environment. The effect of three different concrete constitutive models incorporated in the computer simulation on the structural response of reinforced concrete columns exposed to fire is investigated. The material models differed mainly in respect to the formulation of the mechanical properties of concrete. The results from the simulation have clearly illustrated that a more realistic response of a reinforced concrete column exposed to fire is given by a constitutive model with transient creep or appropriate strain effect The assessment of the relative effect of the three concrete material models is considered from the analysis by adopting the approach of a parametric study, carried out using the results from a series of analyses on columns heated on three sides which produce substantial thermal gradients. Three different loading conditions were used on the column; axial loading and eccentric loading both to induce moments in the same sense and opposite sense to those induced by the thermal gradient. An axially loaded column heated on four sides was also considered. The computer modelling technique adopted separated the thermal and structural responses into two distinct computer programs. A finite element heat transfer analysis was used to determine the thermal response of the reinforced concrete columns when exposed to the ISO 834 furnace environment. The temperature distribution histories obtained were then used in conjunction with a structural response program. The effect of the occurrence of spalling on the structural behaviour of reinforced concrete column is also investigated. There is general recognition of the potential problems of spalling but no real investigation into what effect spalling has on the fire resistance of reinforced concrete members. In an attempt to address the situation, a method has been developed to model concrete columns exposed to fire which incorporates the effect of spalling. A total of 224 computer simulations were undertaken by varying the amounts of concrete lost during a specified period of exposure to fire. An array of six percentages of spalling were chosen for one range of simulation while a two stage progressive spalling regime was used for a second range. The quantification of the reduction in fire resistance of the columns against the amount of spalling, heating and loading patterns, and the time at which the concrete spalls appears to indicate that it is the amount of spalling which is the most significant variable in the reduction of fire resistance.