904 resultados para Finite-bandwidth
The resonance fluorescence of a two-level atom driven by a coherent laser field and damped by a finite bandwidth squeezed vacuum is analysed. We extend the Yeoman and Barnett technique to a non-zero detuning of the driving field from the atomic resonance and discuss the role of squeezing bandwidth and the detuning in the level shifts, widths and intensities of the spectral lines. The approach is valid for arbitrary values of the Rabi frequency and detuning but for the squeezing bandwidths larger than the natural linewidth in order to satisfy the Markoff approximation. The narrowing of the spectral lines is interpreted in terms of the quadrature-noise spectrum. We find that, depending on the Rabi frequency, detuning and the squeezing phase, different factors contribute to the line narrowing. For a strong resonant driving field there is no squeezing in the emitted field and the fluorescence spectrum exactly reveals the noise spectrum. In this case the narrowing of the spectral lines arises from the noise reduction in the input squeezed vacuum. For a weak or detuned driving field the fluorescence exhibits a large squeezing and, as a consequence, the spectral lines have narrowed linewidths. Moreover, the fluorescence spectrum can be asymmetric about the central frequency despite the symmetrical distribution of the noise. The asymmetry arises from the absorption of photons by the squeezed vacuum which reduces the spontaneous emission. For an appropriate choice of the detuning some of the spectral lines can vanish despite that there is no population trapping. Again this process can be interpreted as arising from the absorption of photons by the squeezed vacuum. When the absorption is large it may compensate the spontaneous emission resulting in the vanishing of the fluorescence lines.
We examine subnatural phase-dependent linewidths in the fluorescence spectrum of a three-level atom damped by a narrow-bandwidth squeezed vacuum in a cavity. Using the dressed-atom model approach of a strongly driven three-level cascade system, we derive the master equation of the system from which we obtain simple analytical expressions for the fluorescence spectrum. We show that the phase effects depend on the bandwidths of the squeezed vacuum and the cavity relative to the Rabi frequency of the driving fields. When the squeezing bandwidth is much larger than the Rabi frequency, the spectrum consists of five lines with only the central and outer sidebands dependent on the phase. For a squeezing bandwidth much smaller than the Rabi frequency the number of lines in the spectrum and their phase properties depend on the frequency at which the squeezing and cavity modes are centered. When the squeezing and cavity modes are centered on the inner Rabi sidebands, the spectrum exhibits five lines that are completely independent of the squeezing phase with only the inner Rabi sidebands dependent on the squeezing correlations. Matching the squeezing and cavity modes to the outer Rabi sidebands leads to the disappearance of the inner Rabi sidebands and a strong phase dependence of the central line and the outer Rabi sidebands. We find that in this case the system behaves as an individual two-level system that reveals exactly the noise distribution in the input squeezed vacuum. [S1050-2947(97)00111-X].
The frequency dependence of the electron-spin fluctuation spectrum, P(Q), is calculated in the finite bandwidth model. We find that for Pd, which has a nearly full d-band, the magnitude, the range, and the peak frequency of P(Q) are greatly reduced from those in the standard spin fluctuation theory. The electron self-energy due to spin fluctuations is calculated within the finite bandwidth model. Vertex corrections are examined, and we find that Migdal's theorem is valid for spin fluctuations in the nearly full band. The conductance of a normal metal-insulator-normal metal tunnel junction is examined when spin fluctuations are present in one electrode. We find that for the nearly full band, the momentum independent self-energy due to spin fluctuations enters the expression for the tunneling conductance with approximately the same weight as the self-energy due to phonons. The effect of spin fluctuations on the tunneling conductance is slight within the finite bandwidth model for Pd. The effect of spin fluctuations on the tunneling conductance of a metal with a less full d-band than Pd may be more pronounced. However, in this case the tunneling conductance is not simply proportional to the self-energy.
We analyse the relation between local two-atom and total multi-atom entanglements in the Dicke system composed of a large number of atoms. We use concurrence as a measure of entanglement between two atoms in the multi-atom system, and the spin squeezing parameter as a measure of entanglement in the whole n-atom system. In addition, the influence of the squeezing phase and bandwidth on entanglement in the steady-state Dicke system is discussed. It is shown that the introduction of a squeezed field leads to a significant enhancement of entanglement between two atoms, and the entanglement increases with increasing degree of squeezing and bandwidth of the incident squeezed field. In the presence of a coherent field the entanglement exhibits a strong dependence on the relative phase between the squeezed and coherent fields, that can jump quite rapidly from unentangled to strongly entangled values when the phase changes from zero to pi. We find that the jump of the degree of entanglement is due to a flip of the spin squeezing from one quadrature component of the atomic spin to the other component when the phase changes from zero to pi. We also analyse the dependence of the entanglement on the number of atoms and find that, despite the reduction in the degree of entanglement between two atoms, a large entanglement is present in the whole n-atom system and the degree of entanglement increases as the number of atoms increases.
All signals that appear to be periodic have some sort of variability from period to period regardless of how stable they appear to be in a data plot. A true sinusoidal time series is a deterministic function of time that never changes and thus has zero bandwidth around the sinusoid's frequency. A zero bandwidth is impossible in nature since all signals have some intrinsic variability over time. Deterministic sinusoids are used to model cycles as a mathematical convenience. Hinich [IEEE J. Oceanic Eng. 25 (2) (2000) 256-261] introduced a parametric statistical model, called the randomly modulated periodicity (RMP) that allows one to capture the intrinsic variability of a cycle. As with a deterministic periodic signal the RMP can have a number of harmonics. The likelihood ratio test for this model when the amplitudes and phases are known is given in [M.J. Hinich, Signal Processing 83 (2003) 1349-13521. A method for detecting a RMP whose amplitudes and phases are unknown random process plus a stationary noise process is addressed in this paper. The only assumption on the additive noise is that it has finite dependence and finite moments. Using simulations based on a simple RMP model we show a case where the new method can detect the signal when the signal is not detectable in a standard waterfall spectrograrn display. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
We analyze the linewidth narrowing in the fluorescence spectrum of a two-level atom driven by a squeezed vacuum field of a finite bandwidth. It is found that the fluorescence spectrum in a low-intensity squeezed field can exhibit a (omega - omega(0))(-6) frequency dependence in the wings. We show that this fast fall-off behavior is intimately related to the properties of a narrow-bandwidth squeezed field and does not extend into the region of broadband excitation. We apply the Linear response model and find that the narrowing results from a convolution of the atom response with the spectrum of the incident field. On the experimental side, we emphasize that the linewidth narrowing is not sensitive to the solid angle of the squeezed modes coupled to the atom. We also compare the fluorescence spectrum with the quadrature-noise spectrum and find that the fluorescence spectrum for an off-resonance excitation does not reveal the noise spectrum. We show that this difference arises from the competing three-photon scattering processes. [S1050-2947(98)04308-X].
We study the spectral and noise properties of the fluorescence field emitted from a two-level atom driven by a beam of squeezed light. For a weak driving field we derive simple analytical formulae for the fluorescence and quadrature-noise spectra which are valid for an arbitrary bandwidth of the squeezed field. We analyse the spectra in the regime where the squeezing bandwidth is smaller or comparable to the atomic linewidth, the area where non-Markovian effects are important. We emphasize that there is a noticable difference between the fluorescence spectra for the thermal and squeezed field excitations. In both cases the spectrum can be narrower than any bandwidth involved in the process. However, as we point out for the squeezed driving field the linewidth narrowing, being much larger than in the thermal-field case, can be attributed to the squeezing of the fluctuations in the driving held. We also calculate the quadrature-noise spectrum of the emitted fluorescence, and find that for a detuned squeezed field the fluorescence spectrum does not reveal the quadrature-noise spectrum. In contrast to the fluorescence spectrum having two peaks, the quadrature-noise spectrum exhibits three peaks. We explain this difference as arising from the competiting three-photon scattering processes. (C) 1998 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
Using the coupled-system approach we calculate the optical spectra of the fluorescence and transmitted fields of a two-level atom driven by a squeezed vacuum of bandwidths smaller than the natural atomic linewidth. We find that in this regime of squeezing bandwidths the spectra exhibit unique features, such as a hole burning and a three-peak structure, which do not appear for a broadband excitation. We show that the features are unique to the quantum nature of the driving squeezed vacuum field and donor appear when the atom is driven by a classically squeezed field. We find that a quantum squeezed-vacuum field produces squeezing in the emitted fluorescence field which appears only in the squeezing spectrum while there is no squeezing in the total field. We also discuss a nonresonant excitation and find that depending on the squeezing bandwidth there is a peak or a hole in the spectrum at a frequency corresponding to a three-wave-mixing process. The hole appears only for a broadband excitation and results from the strong correlations between squeezed-vacuum photons.
We present numerical and analytical results for the Mollow probe absorption spectrum of a coherently driven two-level system in a narrow bandwidth squeezed vacuum field. The spectra are calculated for the case where the Rabi frequency of the driving field is much larger than the natural linewidth and the squeezed vacuum carrier frequency is detuned from the driving laser frequency. The driving laser is on resonance. We show that in a detuned squeezed vacuum the standard Mellow features are each split into triplets. The central components of each triplet are weakly dependent on the squeezing phase but the sidebands strongly depend on the phase and can have dispersive or absorptive/emissive profiles. We also derive approximate analytical expressions for the spectral features and find that the multi-peak structure of the spectrum can be interpreted either via the eigenfrequencies of a generalized Floquet Hamiltonian or in terms of three-photon transitions between dressed stales involving a probe field photon and a correlated photon pair from the squeezed vacuum field.
We calculate the stationary state of the system of two non-identical two-level atoms driven by a finite-bandwidth two-mode squeezed vacuum. It is well known that two identical two-level atoms driven by a broadband squeezed vacuum may decay to a pure state, called the pure two-atom squeezed state, and that the presence of the antisymmetric state can change its purity. Here, we show that for small interatomic separations the stationary state of two non-identical atoms is not sensitive to the presence of the antisymmetric state and is the pure two-atom squeezed state. This effect is a consequence of the fact that in the system of two non-identical atoms the antisymmetric state is no longer the trapping state. We also calculate the squeezing properties of the emitted field and find that the squeezing spectrum of the output field may exhibit larger squeezing than that in the input squeezed vacuum. Moreover, we show that squeezing in the total field attains the optimum value which can ever be achieved in the field emitted by two atoms.
We propose an equation to calculate the intensity correlation function of a dye-laser model with a pump parameter subject to finite-bandwidth fluctuations. The equation is valid, in the weak-noise limit, for all times. It incorporates novel non-Markovian features. Results are given for the short-time behavior of the correlation function. It exhibits a characteristic initial plateau. Our findings are supported by a numerical simulation of the model.
Recently, many chaos-based communication systems have been proposed. They can present the many interesting properties of spread spectrum modulations. Besides, they can represent a low-cost increase in security. However, their major drawback is to have a Bit Error Rate (BER) general performance worse than their conventional counterparts. In this paper, we review some innovative techniques that can be used to make chaos-based communication systems attain lower levels of BER in non-ideal environments. In particular, we succinctly describe techniques to counter the effects of finite bandwidth, additive noise and delay in the communication channel. Although much research is necessary for chaos-based communication competing with conventional techniques, the presented results are auspicious. (C) 2011 Elsevier B. V. All rights reserved.
Typically linear optical quantum computing (LOQC) models assume that all input photons are completely indistinguishable. In practice there will inevitably be nonidealities associated with the photons and the experimental setup which will introduce a degree of distinguishability between photons. We consider a nondeterministic optical controlled-NOT gate, a fundamental LOQC gate, and examine the effect of temporal and spectral distinguishability on its operation. We also consider the effect of utilizing nonideal photon counters, which have finite bandwidth and time response.
The fluorescence spectrum of a strongly driven two-level atom located inside an optical cavity damped by a narrow-bandwidth squeezed vacuum is studied. We use a dressed atom model approach, first applied to squeezed vacuum problems by Yeoman and Barnett, to derive the master equation of the system and discuss the role of the cavity and the squeezed vacuum in the narrowing of the spectral lines and the population trapping effect. We find that in the presence of a single-mode cavity the effect of squeezing on the fluorescence spectrum is more evident in the linewidths of the Rabi sidebands rather than in the linewidth of the central component. Even in the absence of squeezing, the cavity can reduce the linewidth of the central component almost to zero, whereas the Rabi sidebands can be narrowed only to some finite value. In the presence of a two-mode cavity and a two-mode squeezed vacuum the signature of squeezing is evident in the linewidths of all spectral lines. We also establish that the narrowing of the spectral lines is very sensitive to the detuning of the driving field from the atomic resonance. Moreover, we find that the population trapping effect, predicted for the broadband squeezed vacuum case, may appear in a narrow-bandwidth case only if the input squeezed modes are perfectly matched to the cavity modes and if there is non-zero squeezing at the Rabi sidebands.
This paper reinterprets results of Ohanissian et al (2003) to show the asymptotic equivalence of temporally aggregating series and using less bandwidth in estimating long memory by Geweke and Porter-Hudak’s (1983) estimator, provided that the same number of periodogram ordinates is used in both cases. This equivalence is in the sense that their joint distribution is asymptotically normal with common mean and variance and unity correlation. Furthermore, I prove that the same applies to the estimator of Robinson (1995). Monte Carlo simulations show that this asymptotic equivalence is a good approximation in finite samples. Moreover, a real example with the daily US Dollar/French Franc exchange rate series is provided.