878 resultados para Fingerprint ridges


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Latent fingerprints are routinely found at crime scenes due to the inadvertent contact of the criminals' finger tips with various objects. As such, they have been used as crucial evidence for identifying and convicting criminals by law enforcement agencies. However, compared to plain and rolled prints, latent fingerprints usually have poor quality of ridge impressions with small fingerprint area, and contain large overlap between the foreground area (friction ridge pattern) and structured or random noise in the background. Accordingly, latent fingerprint segmentation is a difficult problem. In this paper, we propose a latent fingerprint segmentation algorithm whose goal is to separate the fingerprint region (region of interest) from background. Our algorithm utilizes both ridge orientation and frequency features. The orientation tensor is used to obtain the symmetric patterns of fingerprint ridge orientation, and local Fourier analysis method is used to estimate the local ridge frequency of the latent fingerprint. Candidate fingerprint (foreground) regions are obtained for each feature type; an intersection of regions from orientation and frequency features localizes the true latent fingerprint regions. To verify the viability of the proposed segmentation algorithm, we evaluated the segmentation results in two aspects: a comparison with the ground truth foreground and matching performance based on segmented region. © 2012 IEEE.


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Pós-graduação em Ciência da Computação - IBILCE


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Objectives The aims of this research were to evaluate the efficacy of a bioactive glass-ceramic (Biosilicate (R)) and a bioactive glass (Biogran (R)) placed in dental sockets in the maintenance of alveolar ridge and in the osseointegration of Ti implants. Material and methods Six dogs had their low premolars extracted and the sockets were implanted with Biosilicate (R), Biogran (R) particles, or left untreated. After the extractions, measurements of width and height on the alveolar ridge were taken. After 12 weeks a new surgery was performed to take the final ridge measurements and to insert bilaterally three Ti implants in biomaterial-implanted and control sites. Eight weeks post-Ti implant placement block biopsies were processed for histological and histomorphometric analysis. The percentages of bone-implant contact (BIC), of mineralized bone area between threads (BABT), and of mineralized bone area within the mirror area (BAMA) were determined. Results The presence of Biosilicate (R) or Biogran (R) particles preserved alveolar ridge height without affecting its width. No significant differences in terms of BIC, BAMA, and BABT values were detected among Biosilicate (R), Biogran (R), and the non-implanted group. Conclusions The results of the present study indicate that filling of sockets with either Biosilicate (R) or Biogran (R) particles preserves alveolar bone ridge height and allows osseointegration of Ti implants. To cite this article:Roriz VM, Rosa AL, Peitl O, Zanotto ED, Panzeri H, de Oliveira PT. Efficacy of a bioactive glass-ceramic (Biosilicate (R)) in the maintenance of alveolar ridges and in osseointegration of titanium implants.Clin. Oral Impl. Res. 21, 2010; 148-155.doi: 10.1111/j.1600-0501.2009.01812.x.


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We have studied the spatial dynamics of Sry transcription in the genital ridges of mouse embryos. We find that Sry is expressed in a dynamic wave that emanates from the central and/or anterior regions, extends subsequently to both poles, and ends in the caudal pole. This dynamism may explain the relative positioning of ovarian and testicular tissue seen in ovotestes in mice. Since direct regulatory targets of SRY ought to be expressed in a corresponding or complimentary wave, our observations pave the way for identification of target genes. Sry is expressed in internal cells but not in coelomic surface epithelial cells, indicating that its effect on proliferation of surface cells is achieved non-cell-autonomously. The cellular dynamism of Sry expression revealed in this study thus provides important insights into both the cellular and molecular mode of action of SRY, and how perturbations in Sry expression can lead to anomalies of sexual development. (C) 2001 Wiley-Liss, Inc.


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Helicobacter pylori infection represents a serious health problem, given its association with serious gastric diseases as gastric ulcers, cancer and MALT lymphoma. Currently no vaccine exists and antibiotic-based eradication therapy is already failing in more than 20% of cases. To increase the knowledge on the infection process diverse gastric cell lines, e.g. the adenocarcinona gastric (AGS) cell line, are routinely used has in vitro models of gastric epithelia. In the present work the molecular fingerprint of infected and non-infected AGS cell lines, by diverse H. pylori strains, was acquired using vibrational infrared spectroscopy. These molecular fingerprints enabled to discriminate infected from non-infected AGS cells, and infection due to different strains, by performing Principal Component Analysis. It was also possible to estimate, from the AGS cells molecular fingerprint, the effect of the infection on diverse biochemical and metabolic cellular status. In resume infra-red spectroscopy enabled the acquisition of infected AGS cells molecular fingerprint with minimal sample preparation, in a rapid, high-throughput, economic process yielding highly sensitive and informative data, most useful for promoting critical knowledge on the H. pylori infection process. © 2015 IEEE.


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This project proposes an approach for supporting Indoor Navigation Systems using Pedestrian Dead Reckoning-based methods and by analyzing motion sensor data available in most modern smartphones. Processes suggested in this investigation are able to calculate the distance traveled by a user while he or she is walking. WLAN fingerprint- based navigation systems benefit from the processes followed in this research and results achieved to reduce its workload and improve its positioning estimations.


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El treball està basat en un mètode d'investigació antropològic que s'ha dut a terme al municipi de Llançà, on s'ha pres com a mostra 100 habitants, 50 homes i 50 dones, als quals se'ls ha agafat les empremtes dels dits índex d'ambdues mans, amb l'objectiu de demostrar que els dermatoglifs venen marcats genèticament amb diferències entre mans i entre sexes. Es demostra seguint la metodologia de l'anàlisi dels caràcters dermatoglifs de Cummins i Midlo (1943), descobridors i autors d'aquest estil. Aquesta tècnica té dos aspectes a valorar. Primerament s'ha d'estudiar el valor qualitatiu de cada empremta, alhora que es crea una base de dades on quedin registrades cadascuna de les observacions; i darrerament s'estudia el valor quantitatiu de cada mostra, anotant els valors obtinguts en una sèrie de taules. En la segona part del treball, creades ja, les taules, es compara els resultats extrets d'aquestes, amb la teoria universal de Holt, la qual estableix les primeres característiques generals obtingudes a través de la metodologia de Cummins i Midlo. I a partir d aquí, s'estableixen les primeres possibles conclusions, que en la tercera part del treball, es comproven de manera estadística, utilitzant dos mètodes matemàtics. Aquest tractament al qual es sotmeten les dades és la prova de la 2, que és la que ens comprovarà els resultats qualitatius; i el test T-Student, que ens verificarà els resultats quantitatius. I finalment arrel d'aquest anàlisis estadístics obtenim els resultats.


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Abstract-Due to the growing use of biometric technologies inour modern society, spoofing attacks are becoming a seriousconcern. Many solutions have been proposed to detect the use offake "fingerprints" on an acquisition device. In this paper, wepropose to take advantage of intrinsic features of friction ridgeskin: pores. The aim of this study is to investigate the potential ofusing pores to detect spoofing attacks.Results show that the use of pores is a promising approach. Fourmajor observations were made: First, results confirmed that thereproduction of pores on fake "fingerprints" is possible. Second,the distribution of the total number of pores between fake andgenuine fingerprints cannot be discriminated. Third, thedifference in pore quantities between a query image and areference image (genuine or fake) can be used as a discriminatingfactor in a linear discriminant analysis. In our sample, theobserved error rates were as follows: 45.5% of false positive (thefake passed the test) and 3.8% of false negative (a genuine printhas been rejected). Finally, the performance is improved byusing the difference of pore quantity obtained between adistorted query fingerprint and a non-distorted referencefingerprint. By using this approach, the error rates improved to21.2% of false acceptation rate and 8.3% of false rejection rate.


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Abstract : In the subject of fingerprints, the rise of computers tools made it possible to create powerful automated search algorithms. These algorithms allow, inter alia, to compare a fingermark to a fingerprint database and therefore to establish a link between the mark and a known source. With the growth of the capacities of these systems and of data storage, as well as increasing collaboration between police services on the international level, the size of these databases increases. The current challenge for the field of fingerprint identification consists of the growth of these databases, which makes it possible to find impressions that are very similar but coming from distinct fingers. However and simultaneously, this data and these systems allow a description of the variability between different impressions from a same finger and between impressions from different fingers. This statistical description of the withinand between-finger variabilities computed on the basis of minutiae and their relative positions can then be utilized in a statistical approach to interpretation. The computation of a likelihood ratio, employing simultaneously the comparison between the mark and the print of the case, the within-variability of the suspects' finger and the between-variability of the mark with respect to a database, can then be based on representative data. Thus, these data allow an evaluation which may be more detailed than that obtained by the application of rules established long before the advent of these large databases or by the specialists experience. The goal of the present thesis is to evaluate likelihood ratios, computed based on the scores of an automated fingerprint identification system when the source of the tested and compared marks is known. These ratios must support the hypothesis which it is known to be true. Moreover, they should support this hypothesis more and more strongly with the addition of information in the form of additional minutiae. For the modeling of within- and between-variability, the necessary data were defined, and acquired for one finger of a first donor, and two fingers of a second donor. The database used for between-variability includes approximately 600000 inked prints. The minimal number of observations necessary for a robust estimation was determined for the two distributions used. Factors which influence these distributions were also analyzed: the number of minutiae included in the configuration and the configuration as such for both distributions, as well as the finger number and the general pattern for between-variability, and the orientation of the minutiae for within-variability. In the present study, the only factor for which no influence has been shown is the orientation of minutiae The results show that the likelihood ratios resulting from the use of the scores of an AFIS can be used for evaluation. Relatively low rates of likelihood ratios supporting the hypothesis known to be false have been obtained. The maximum rate of likelihood ratios supporting the hypothesis that the two impressions were left by the same finger when the impressions came from different fingers obtained is of 5.2 %, for a configuration of 6 minutiae. When a 7th then an 8th minutia are added, this rate lowers to 3.2 %, then to 0.8 %. In parallel, for these same configurations, the likelihood ratios obtained are on average of the order of 100,1000, and 10000 for 6,7 and 8 minutiae when the two impressions come from the same finger. These likelihood ratios can therefore be an important aid for decision making. Both positive evolutions linked to the addition of minutiae (a drop in the rates of likelihood ratios which can lead to an erroneous decision and an increase in the value of the likelihood ratio) were observed in a systematic way within the framework of the study. Approximations based on 3 scores for within-variability and on 10 scores for between-variability were found, and showed satisfactory results. Résumé : Dans le domaine des empreintes digitales, l'essor des outils informatisés a permis de créer de puissants algorithmes de recherche automatique. Ces algorithmes permettent, entre autres, de comparer une trace à une banque de données d'empreintes digitales de source connue. Ainsi, le lien entre la trace et l'une de ces sources peut être établi. Avec la croissance des capacités de ces systèmes, des potentiels de stockage de données, ainsi qu'avec une collaboration accrue au niveau international entre les services de police, la taille des banques de données augmente. Le défi actuel pour le domaine de l'identification par empreintes digitales consiste en la croissance de ces banques de données, qui peut permettre de trouver des impressions très similaires mais provenant de doigts distincts. Toutefois et simultanément, ces données et ces systèmes permettent une description des variabilités entre différentes appositions d'un même doigt, et entre les appositions de différents doigts, basées sur des larges quantités de données. Cette description statistique de l'intra- et de l'intervariabilité calculée à partir des minuties et de leurs positions relatives va s'insérer dans une approche d'interprétation probabiliste. Le calcul d'un rapport de vraisemblance, qui fait intervenir simultanément la comparaison entre la trace et l'empreinte du cas, ainsi que l'intravariabilité du doigt du suspect et l'intervariabilité de la trace par rapport à une banque de données, peut alors se baser sur des jeux de données représentatifs. Ainsi, ces données permettent d'aboutir à une évaluation beaucoup plus fine que celle obtenue par l'application de règles établies bien avant l'avènement de ces grandes banques ou par la seule expérience du spécialiste. L'objectif de la présente thèse est d'évaluer des rapports de vraisemblance calcul és à partir des scores d'un système automatique lorsqu'on connaît la source des traces testées et comparées. Ces rapports doivent soutenir l'hypothèse dont il est connu qu'elle est vraie. De plus, ils devraient soutenir de plus en plus fortement cette hypothèse avec l'ajout d'information sous la forme de minuties additionnelles. Pour la modélisation de l'intra- et l'intervariabilité, les données nécessaires ont été définies, et acquises pour un doigt d'un premier donneur, et deux doigts d'un second donneur. La banque de données utilisée pour l'intervariabilité inclut environ 600000 empreintes encrées. Le nombre minimal d'observations nécessaire pour une estimation robuste a été déterminé pour les deux distributions utilisées. Des facteurs qui influencent ces distributions ont, par la suite, été analysés: le nombre de minuties inclus dans la configuration et la configuration en tant que telle pour les deux distributions, ainsi que le numéro du doigt et le dessin général pour l'intervariabilité, et la orientation des minuties pour l'intravariabilité. Parmi tous ces facteurs, l'orientation des minuties est le seul dont une influence n'a pas été démontrée dans la présente étude. Les résultats montrent que les rapports de vraisemblance issus de l'utilisation des scores de l'AFIS peuvent être utilisés à des fins évaluatifs. Des taux de rapports de vraisemblance relativement bas soutiennent l'hypothèse que l'on sait fausse. Le taux maximal de rapports de vraisemblance soutenant l'hypothèse que les deux impressions aient été laissées par le même doigt alors qu'en réalité les impressions viennent de doigts différents obtenu est de 5.2%, pour une configuration de 6 minuties. Lorsqu'une 7ème puis une 8ème minutie sont ajoutées, ce taux baisse d'abord à 3.2%, puis à 0.8%. Parallèlement, pour ces mêmes configurations, les rapports de vraisemblance sont en moyenne de l'ordre de 100, 1000, et 10000 pour 6, 7 et 8 minuties lorsque les deux impressions proviennent du même doigt. Ces rapports de vraisemblance peuvent donc apporter un soutien important à la prise de décision. Les deux évolutions positives liées à l'ajout de minuties (baisse des taux qui peuvent amener à une décision erronée et augmentation de la valeur du rapport de vraisemblance) ont été observées de façon systématique dans le cadre de l'étude. Des approximations basées sur 3 scores pour l'intravariabilité et sur 10 scores pour l'intervariabilité ont été trouvées, et ont montré des résultats satisfaisants.


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In the context of the investigation of the use of automated fingerprint identification systems (AFIS) for the evaluation of fingerprint evidence, the current study presents investigations into the variability of scores from an AFIS system when fingermarks from a known donor are compared to fingerprints that are not from the same source. The ultimate goal is to propose a model, based on likelihood ratios, which allows the evaluation of mark-to-print comparisons. In particular, this model, through its use of AFIS technology, benefits from the possibility of using a large amount of data, as well as from an already built-in proximity measure, the AFIS score. More precisely, the numerator of the LR is obtained from scores issued from comparisons between impressions from the same source and showing the same minutia configuration. The denominator of the LR is obtained by extracting scores from comparisons of the questioned mark with a database of non-matching sources. This paper focuses solely on the assignment of the denominator of the LR. We refer to it by the generic term of between-finger variability. The issues addressed in this paper in relation to between-finger variability are the required sample size, the influence of the finger number and general pattern, as well as that of the number of minutiae included and their configuration on a given finger. Results show that reliable estimation of between-finger variability is feasible with 10,000 scores. These scores should come from the appropriate finger number/general pattern combination as defined by the mark. Furthermore, strategies of obtaining between-finger variability when these elements cannot be conclusively seen on the mark (and its position with respect to other marks for finger number) have been presented. These results immediately allow case-by-case estimation of the between-finger variability in an operational setting.


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Over the last decade, the development of statistical models in support of forensic fingerprint identification has been the subject of increasing research attention, spurned on recently by commentators who claim that the scientific basis for fingerprint identification has not been adequately demonstrated. Such models are increasingly seen as useful tools in support of the fingerprint identification process within or in addition to the ACE-V framework. This paper provides a critical review of recent statistical models from both a practical and theoretical perspective. This includes analysis of models of two different methodologies: Probability of Random Correspondence (PRC) models that focus on calculating probabilities of the occurrence of fingerprint configurations for a given population, and Likelihood Ratio (LR) models which use analysis of corresponding features of fingerprints to derive a likelihood value representing the evidential weighting for a potential source.


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This study was conducted to assess if fingerprint specialists could be influenced by extraneous contextual information during a verification process. Participants were separated into three groups: a control group (no contextual information was given), a low bias group (minimal contextual information was given in the form of a report prompting conclusions), and a high bias group (an internationally recognized fingerprint expert provided conclusions and case information to deceive this group into believing that it was his case and conclusions). A similar experiment was later conducted with laypersons. The results showed that fingerprint experts were influenced by contextual information during fingerprint comparisons, but not towards making errors. Instead, fingerprint experts under the biasing conditions provided significantly fewer definitive and erroneous conclusions than the control group. In contrast, the novice participants were more influenced by the bias conditions and did tend to make incorrect judgments, especially when prompted towards an incorrect response by the bias prompt.


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Deciding whether two fingerprint marks originate from the same source requires examination and comparison of their features. Many cognitive factors play a major role in such information processing. In this paper we examined the consistency (both between- and within-experts) in the analysis of latent marks, and whether the presence of a 'target' comparison print affects this analysis. Our findings showed that the context of a comparison print affected analysis of the latent mark, possibly influencing allocation of attention, visual search, and threshold for determining a 'signal'. We also found that even without the context of the comparison print there was still a lack of consistency in analysing latent marks. Not only was this reflected by inconsistency between different experts, but the same experts at different times were inconsistent with their own analysis. However, the characterization of these inconsistencies depends on the standard and definition of what constitutes inconsistent. Furthermore, these effects were not uniform; the lack of consistency varied across fingerprints and experts. We propose solutions to mediate variability in the analysis of friction ridge skin.


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The aim of this research was to evaluate how fingerprint analysts would incorporate information from newly developed tools into their decision making processes. Specifically, we assessed effects using the following: (1) a quality tool to aid in the assessment of the clarity of the friction ridge details, (2) a statistical tool to provide likelihood ratios representing the strength of the corresponding features between compared fingerprints, and (3) consensus information from a group of trained fingerprint experts. The measured variables for the effect on examiner performance were the accuracy and reproducibility of the conclusions against the ground truth (including the impact on error rates) and the analyst accuracy and variation for feature selection and comparison.¦The results showed that participants using the consensus information from other fingerprint experts demonstrated more consistency and accuracy in minutiae selection. They also demonstrated higher accuracy, sensitivity, and specificity in the decisions reported. The quality tool also affected minutiae selection (which, in turn, had limited influence on the reported decisions); the statistical tool did not appear to influence the reported decisions.