910 resultados para Fine recycled aggregates
The construction industry keeps on demanding huge quantities of natural resources, mainly minerals for mortars and concrete production. The depletion of many quarries and environmental concerns about reducing the dumping of construction and demolition waste in quarries have led to an increase in the procuring and use of recycled aggregates from this type of waste. If they are to be incorporated in concrete and mortars it is essential to know their properties to guarantee the adequate performance of the end products, in both mechanical and durability-related terms. Existing regulated tests were developed for natural aggregates, however, and several problems arise when they are applied to recycled aggregates, especially fine recycled aggregates (FRA). This paper describes the main problems encountered with these tests and proposes an alternative method to determine the density and water absorption of FRA that removes them. The use of sodium hexametaphosphate solutions in the water absorption test has proven to improve its efficiency, minimizing cohesion between particles and helping to release entrained air.
This paper presents a review of the literature published so far on the use of fine aggregates from construction demolition waste used as a partial or total replacement of fine natural aggregates in concrete production. The review presents the initial works on this subject and an overview of the existing regulations. It goes on to describe the production, treatment and properties of the fine recycled aggregates (FRA). The most suitable mixing techniques for concrete with this type of aggregates are then discussed. The properties of these concrete mixes are analysed in detail, after which a few examples of structures with this type of concrete are described and compared. The acquisition of fine natural aggregates and the dumping of the fine fraction of construction and demolition waste are two serious environmental problems that can be solved simultaneously by using FRA in concrete production, a subject that is lagging behind the use of the corresponding coarse fraction.
Physical, chemical and mineralogical properties of fine recycled aggregates made from concrete waste
This paper assesses the physical, chemical and mineralogical characteristics of fine recycled aggregates obtained from crushed concrete waste, comparing them with two types of natural fine aggregates from different origins. A commercial concrete was jaw crushed, and the effect of different aperture sizes on the particle size distribution of the resulting aggregates was evaluated. The density and water absorption of the recycled aggregates was determined and a model for predicting water absorption over time is proposed. Both natural and recycled aggregates were characterized regarding bulk density and fines content. Recycled aggregates were additionally characterized by XRD, SEM/EDS and DTA/TG of individual size fractions. The results show that natural and recycled fine aggregates have very different characteristics. This should be considered in potential applications, both in terms of the limits for replacing amounts and of the rules and design criteria of the manufactured products. (C) 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Fine recycled aggregates are seen as the last choice in recycling for concrete production. Many references quote their detrimental influence on the most important characteristics of concrete: compressive and tensile strength; modulus of elasticity; water absorption; shrinkage: carbonation and chloride penetration. These two last characteristics are fundamental in terms of the long-term durability of reinforced or prestressed concrete. In the experimental research carried out at IST, part of which has already been published, different concrete mixes (with increasing rates of substitution of fine natural aggregates sand - with fine recycled aggregates from crushed concrete) were prepared and tested. The results were then compared with those for a reference concrete with exactly the same composition and grading curve, but with no recycled aggregates. This paper presents the main results of this research for water absorption by immersion and capillarity, chloride penetration (by means of the chloride migration coefficient), and carbonation resistance, drawing some conclusions on the feasibility of using this type of aggregate in structural concrete, while taking into account any ensuing obvious positive environmental impact.
This work studies the effect of incorporating fine recycled aggregates on the rheology of self-compacting concrete over time (at 15,45 and 90 min). The fine fraction of the natural aggregates was replaced at 0%, 20%, 50% and 100% with recycled sand. The fresh-state properties were studied by empirical tests (slump-flow, J-Ring, L-Box) and fundamental ones in an ICAR rheometer. The mixes with 50% and 100% recycled sand lost their SCC characteristics at 90 min. Contrarily the mix with 20% replacement maintained suitable passing and filling ability. The causes of this trend were an initial increase of plastic viscosity and afterwards an increase of yield stress. The compressive strength of the 50% and 100% replacement mixes decreased significantly and that of the 20% replacement mix less than 10%. (C) 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The majority of worldwide structures use concrete as its main material. This happens because concrete is economically feasible, due to its undemanding production technology and case Of use. However, it is widely recognized that concrete production has a strong environmental impact in the planet. Natural aggregates use is one of the most important problems of concrete production nowadays, since they are obtained from limited, and in some countries scarce, resources. In Portugal, although there are enough stone quarries to cover coarse aggregates needs for several more years, Supplies of fine aggregates are becoming scarcer, especially in the northern part of the country. On the other hand, as concrete structures' life cycle comes to an end, an urgent need emerges to establish technically and economically viable solutions for demolition debris, other than for use as road base and quarry fill. This paper presents a partial life cycle assessment (LCA) of concrete made with fine recycled concrete aggregates performed with EcoConcrete tool. EcoConcrete is a tailor-made, interactive, learning and communications tool promoted by the Joint Project Group (JPG) on the LCA of concrete, to qualify and quantify the overall environment impact of concrete products. It consists of an interactive Excel-spreadsheet in which several environmental inputs (material quantities, distances from origin to production Site, production processes) and outputs (material, energy, emissions to air, water, soil or waste) are collected in a life cycle inventory, and are then processed to determine the environmental impact (assessment) of the analysed concrete, in terms of ozone layer depletion, smog or "greenhouse" effect.
It is considered that using crushed recycled concrete as aggregate for concrete production is a viable alternative to dumping and would help to conserve abiotic resources. This use has fundamentally been based on the coarse fraction because the fine fraction is likely to degrade the performance of the resulting concrete. This paper presents results from a research work undertaken at Institut Superior Tecnico (IST), Lisbon, Portugal, in which the effects of incorporating two types of superplasticizer on the mechanical performance of concrete containing fine recycled aggregate were evaluated. The purpose was to see if the addition of superplasticizer would offset the detrimental effects associated with the use of fine recycled concrete aggregate. The experimental programme is described and the results of tests for splitting tensile strength, modulus of elasticity and abrasion resistance are presented. The relative performance of concrete made with recycled aggregate was found to decrease. However, the same concrete with admixtures in general exhibited a better mechanical performance than the reference mixes without admixtures or with a less active superplasticizer. Therefore, it is argued that the mechanical performance of concrete made with fine recycled concrete aggregates can be as good as that of conventional concrete, if superplasticizers are used to reduce the water-cement ratio of the former concrete.
The reuse of structural concrete elements to produce new concrete aggregates is accepted as an alternative to dumping them and is favourable to the sustainability of natural reserves. Even though the construction sector is familiar with the use of coarse recycled concrete aggregates, the recycled concrete fines are classified as less noble resources. This research sets out to limit the disadvantages associated with the performance of concrete containing fine recycled concrete aggregates through the use of superplasticisers. Two types of latest generation superplasticisers were used that differ in terms of water reduction capacity and robustness, and the workability, density and compressive strength of each of the compositions analysed were then compared: a reference concrete, with no plasticisers, and concrete mixes with the superplasticisers. For each concrete family mixes with 0%, 10%, 30%, 50% and 100% replacement ratios of fine natural aggregates (FNA) by fine recycled concrete aggregates (FRA) were analysed. Concrete with incorporation of recycled aggregates was found to have poorer relative performance. The mechanical performance of concrete with recycled aggregates and superplasticisers was generally superior to that of the reference concrete with no admixtures and of conventional concrete with lower performance superplasticisers.
This paper evaluates the influence of two superplasticizers (SP) on the rheological behaviour of concrete made with fine recycled concrete aggregates (FRCA). Three families of concrete were tested: family CO made without SP, family Cl made with a regular superplasticizer and family C2 made with a high-performance superplasticizer. Five replacement ratios of natural sand by FRCA were tested: 0%, 10%, 30%, 50% and 100%. The coarse aggregates were natural gravels. Three criteria were established to design the concrete mixes' composition: keep the same particle size distribution curves, adjust the water/cement ratio to obtain a similar slump and no pre-saturation of the FRCA. All mixes had the same cement and SP content. The results show that the incorporation of FRCA significantly increased the shrinkage and creep deformation. The FRCA's effect was influenced by the curing age. The reference concrete made with natural sand stabilizes the creep deformation faster than the mixes made with FRCA. The incorporation of superplasticizer increased the shrinkage at early ages and decreased the shrinkage at 91 days of age. The regular superplasticizer did not improve the creep deformation while the high-performance superplasticizer highly improved this property. The incorporation of FRCA jeopardized the SP's effectiveness. This study demonstrated that to use FRCA and superplasticizer for concrete production it is necessary to take into account the different rheological behaviour of these mixes. (C) 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Construction and demolition waste (CDW) represents around 31% of all waste produced in the European Union. It is today acknowledged that the consumption of raw materials in the construction industry is a non-sustainable activity. It is thus necessary to reduce this consumption, and the volume of CDW dumped, by using this waste as a source of raw materials for the production of recycled aggregates. One potential use of these aggregates is their incorporation in reinforced concrete as a replacement of natural aggregates. A concrete that incorporates these aggregates and still performs well requires them to be fully characterized so that their behaviour within the concrete can be predicted. Coarse recycled aggregates have been studied quite thoroughly, because they are simpler to reintroduce in the market as a by-product, and so has the performance of concrete made with them. This paper describes the main results of research designed to characterize the physical and chemical properties of fine recycled aggregates for concrete production and their relationship with mineralogical composition and preprocessing. The constraints of the incorporation of fine aggregates in reinforced concrete are discussed. It is shown that, unless a developed processing diagram is used, this application is not feasible. (C) 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The objective of this research is the production of concrete with recycled aggregates (RA) from various CDW plants around Portugal. The influence of the RA collection location and consequently of their composition on the characteristics of the concrete produced was analysed. In the mixes produced in this research RA from five plants (Valnor, Vimajas, Ambilei, Europontal and Retria) were used: in three of them coarse and fine RA were analysed and in the remaining ones only coarse RA were used. The experimental campaign comprised two tests in fresh concrete (cone of Abrams slump and density) and eight in hardened concrete (compressive strength in cubes and cylinders, splitting tensile strength, modulus of elasticity, water absorption by immersion and capillarity, carbonation and chloride penetration resistance). It was found that the use of RA causes a quality decrease in concrete. However, there was a wide results scatter according to the plant where the RAs were collected, because of the variation in composition of the RA. It was also found that the use of fine RA causes a more significant performance loss of the concrete properties analysed than the use of coarse RA. © (2015) Trans Tech Publications, Switzerland.
Construction and Demolition Waste (CDW) represents. about 50% of the total Brazilian municipal solid waste: thus, recycling represents huge benefits both in environmental and economic perspectives. Herein, the chemical characterization results of three samples from two different recycling plants from the State of Sao Paulo is prevented. The results demonstrated that the visual classification into grey and red is not related to the chemical composition but mostly to the grain size fraction. The chemical composition of the CDW varies according to the content of cement paste, natural aggregates (quartz sand or granite), red ceramic and clay. Furthermore, the production of recycled concrete aggregates requires two crushing stages to meet the technical standards. The sand fraction (below 4.8 mm) presents high grades of SiO(2), which indicates the liberation of cement paste to fines (< 0.15 mm). The fines have a great potential to be used in the cement industry.
This study presents a methodology for the characterization of construction and demolition (C&D) waste recycled aggregates based on a combination of analytical techniques (X-ray fluorescence (XRF), soluble ions, semi-quantitative X-ray diffraction (XRD), thermogravimetric analysis (TCA-DTG) and hydrochloric acid (HCl) selective dissolution). These combined analytical techniques allow for the estimation of the amount of cement paste, its most important hydrated and carbonated phases, as well as the amount of clay and micas. Details of the methodology are presented here and the results of three representative C&D samples taken from the Sao Paulo region in Brazil are discussed. Chemical compositions of mixed C&D aggregate samples have mostly been influenced by particle size rather than the visual classification of C&D into red or grey and geographical origin. The amount of measured soluble salts in C&D aggregates (0.15-25.4 mm) is lower than the usual limits for mortar and concrete production. The content of porous cement paste in the C&D aggregates is around 19.3% (w/w). However, this content is significantly lower than the 43% detected for the C&D powders (< 0.15 min). The clay content of the powders was also high, potentially resulting from soil intermixed with the C&D waste, as well as poorly burnt red ceramic. Since only about 50% of the measured CaO is combined with CO(2), the powders have potential use as raw materials for the cement industry. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
This work intends to evaluate the (mechanical and durability) performance of concrete made with coarse recycled concrete aggregates (CRCA) obtained using two crushing processes: primary crushing (PC) and primary plus secondary crushing (PSC). This analysis intends to select the most efficient production process of recycled aggregates (RA). The RA used here resulted from precast products (P), with strength classes of 20 MPa, 45 MPa and 65 MPa, and from laboratory-made concrete (L) with the same compressive strengths. The evaluation of concrete was made with the following tests: compressive strength; splitting tensile strength; modulus of elasticity; carbona-tion resistance; chloride penetration resistance; capillary water absorption; and water absorption by immersion. These findings contribute to a solid and innovative basis that allows the precasting industry to use without restrictions the waste it generates. © (2015) Trans Tech Publications, Switzerland.
The use of construction and demolition waste (C&DW) in the construction industry is an important contribution to attain sustainability in the sector. The roads are among the civil engineering works which can use larger quantities of C&DW recycled aggregates. In Portugal, the limit values for the properties of C&DW recycled aggregates that can be used in the roads of Portuguese Road Network are defined by two Laboratório Nacional de Engenharia Civil (LNEC) technical specifications (TS), in accordance to Portuguese Decree-law no. 46/2008 of May 12th. Municipal and rural roads and trenches have specific characteristics that can enable the use of C&DW of lower quality than those required by existing LNEC TS, and even then ensuring an adequate performance. However, given the absence of specific regulation for those applications, the Portuguese Environment Agency requires compliance with the existing LNEC TS, which represents an obstacle to recycling a significant part of the C&DW, in particular at a local government level. This paper presents guidelines for the recycling of C&DW in municipal and rural roads and in trenches, which could be considered in a new forthcoming LNEC TS. In the preparation of the guidelines, the bibliography collected and analysed, the information gathered from the application of C&DW in a municipal and rural roads of a Portuguese municipality and in the roadways of a Portuguese resort, and the results of laboratory tests carried out on samples collected in the Portuguese municipality were taken into consideration.