840 resultados para Fine Structure Constant and Physical Uncertainty


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Copyright © 2014 António F. Rodrigues, Nuno O. Martins. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. In accordance of the Creative Commons Attribution License all Copyrights © 2014 are reserved for SCIRP and the owner of the intellectual property António F. Rodrigues, Nuno O. Martins. All Copyright © 2014 are guarded by law and by SCIRP as a guardian.


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An order of magnitude sensitivity gain is described for using quasar spectra to investigate possible time or space variation in the fine structure constant alpha. Applied to a sample of 30 absorption systems, spanning redshifts 0.5 < z < 1.6, we derive limits on variations in alpha over a wide range of epochs. For the whole sample, Delta alpha/alpha = (-1.1 +/- 0.4) x 10(-5). This deviation is dominated by measurements at z > 1, where Delta alpha/alpha = (-1.9 +/- 0.5) x 10(-5). For z < 1, Delta alpha/alpha = (-0.2 +/- 0.4) x 10(-5). While this is consistent with a time-varying alpha, further work is required to explore possible systematic errors in the data, although careful searches have so far revealed none.


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Quasar (QSO) absorption spectra provide an extremely useful probe of possible cosmological variation in various physical constants. Comparison of H i 21-cm absorption with corresponding molecular (rotational) absorption spectra allows us to constrain variation in , where α is the fine-structure constant and gp is the proton g-factor. We analyse spectra of two QSOs, PKS 1413+135 and TXS 0218+357, and derive values of at absorption redshifts of and 0.6847 by simultaneous fitting of the H i 21-cm and molecular lines. We find and respectively, indicating an insignificantly smaller y in the past. We compare our results with other constraints from the same two QSOs given recently by Drinkwater et al. and Carilli et al., and with our recent optical constraints, which indicated a smaller α at higher redshifts.


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This thesis focuses on synthesis as well as investigations of the electronic structure and properties of Heusler compounds for spintronic and thermoelectric applications.rnThe first part reports on the electronic and crystal structure as well as the mechanical, magnetic, and transport properties of the polycrystalline Heusler compound Co2MnGe. The crystalline structure was examined in detail by extended X-ray absorption fine structure spectroscopy and anomalous X-ray diffraction. The low-temperature magnetic moment agrees well with the Slater-Pauling rule and indicates a half-metallic ferromagnetic state of the compound, as is predicted by ab-initio calculations. Transport measurements and hard X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (HAXPES) were performed to explain the electronic structure of the compound.rnA major part of the thesis deals with a systematical investigation of Heusler compounds for thermoelectric applications. Few studies have been reported on thermoelectric properties of p-type Heusler compounds. Therefore, this thesis focuses on the search for new p-type Heusler compounds with high thermoelectric efficiency. The substitutional series NiTi1−xMxSn and CoTi1−xMxSb (where M = Sc, V and 0 ≤ x ≤ 0.2) were synthesized and investigated theoretically and experimentally with respect to electronic structure and transport properties. The results show the possibility to create n-type and p-type thermoelectrics within one Heusler compound. The pure compounds showed n-type behavior, while under Sc substitution the system switched to p-type behavior. A maximum Seebeck coefficient of +230 μV/K (at 350 K) was obtained for NiTi0.26Sc0.04Zr0.35Hf0.35Sn, which is one of the highest values for p-type thermoelectric compounds based on Heusler alloys up to now. HAXPES valence band measurement show massive in gap states for the parent compounds NiTiSn, CoTiSb and NiTi0.3Zr0.35Hf0.35Sn. This proves that the electronic states close to the Fermi energy play a key role for the behavior of the transport properties. Furthermore, the electronic structure of the gapless Heusler compounds PtYSb, PtLaBi and PtLuSb were investigated by bulk sensitive HAXPES. The linear behavior of the spectra close to εF proves the bulk origin of Dirac-cone type density of states. Furthermore, a systematic study on the optical and transport properties of PtYSb is presented. The compound exhibits promising thermoelectric properties with a high figure of merit (ZT = 0.2) and a Hall mobility μh of 300 cm2/Vs at 350 K.rnThe last part of this thesis describes the linear dichroism in angular-resolved photoemission from the valence band of NiTi0.9Sc0.1Sn and NiMnSb. High resolution photoelectron spectroscopy was performed with an excitation energy of hν = 7.938 keV. The linear polarization of the photons was changed using an in-vacuum diamond phase retarder. Noticeable linear dichroism is found in the valence bands and this allows for a symmetry analysis of the contributing states. The differences in the spectra are found to be caused by symmetry dependent angular asymmetry parameters, and these occur even in polycrystalline samples without preferential crystallographic orientation.rnIn summary, Heusler compounds with 1:1:1 and 2:1:1 stoichiometry were synthesized and examined by chemical and physical methods. Overall, this thesis shows that the combination of first-principle calculations, transport measurements and high resolution high energy photoelectron spectroscopy analysis is a very powerful tool for the design and development of new materials for a wide range of applications from spintronic applications to thermoelectric applications.rn


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Recent detections of high-redshift absorption by both atomic hydrogen and molecular gas in the radio spectra of quasars have provided a powerful tool for measuring possible temporal and spatial variations of physical 'constants' in the Universe. We compare the frequency of high-redshift hydrogen 21-cm absorption with that of associated molecular absorption in two quasars to place new (1 sigma) upper limits on any variation in y = g(p) alpha(2) (where alpha is the fine-structure constant, and g(p) is the proton g-factor) of \Delta y/y\ < 5 x 10(-6) at redshifts z = 0.25 and 0.68. These quasars are separated by a comoving distance of 3000 Mpc (for H-0=75 km s(-1) Mpc(-1) and q(0) = 0). We also derive limits on the time rates of change of \(g) over dot (p)/(g) over dot (p)\ < 1 x 10(-15) yr(-1) and \(alpha) over dot/(a) over dot\ < 5 x 10(-16) yr(-1) between the present epoch and z = 0.68, These limits are more than an order of magnitude smaller than previous results derived from highredshift measurements.


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We adopt the Dirac model for quasiparticles in graphene and calculate the finite-temperature Casimir interaction between a suspended graphene layer and a parallel conducting surface. We find that at high temperature, the Casimir interaction in such system is just one-half of that for two ideal conductors separated by the same distance. In this limit, a single graphene layer behaves exactly as a Drude metal. In particular, the contribution of the TE mode is suppressed, while the contribution of the TM mode saturates at the ideal-metal value. The behavior of the Casimir interaction for intermediate temperatures and separations accessible in experiments is studied in some detail. We also find an interesting interplay between two fundamental constants of graphene physics: the fine-structure constant and the Fermi velocity.


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Deep-sea ferromanganese nodules accumulate trace elements from seawater and underlying sediment porewaters during the growth of concentric mineral layers over millions of years. These trace elements have the potential to record past ocean geochemical conditions. The goal of this study was to determine whether Fe mineral alteration occurs and how the speciation of trace elements responds to alteration over ∼3.7 Ma of marine ferromanganese nodule (MFN) formation, a timeline constrained by estimates from 9Be/10Be concentrations in the nodule material. We determined Fe-bearing phases and Fe isotope composition in a South Pacific Gyre (SPG) nodule. Specifically, the distribution patterns and speciation of trace element uptake by these Fe phases were investigated. The time interval covered by the growth of our sample of the nodule was derived from 9Be/10Be accelerator mass spectrometry (AMS). The composition and distribution of major and trace elements were mapped at various spatial scales, using micro-X-ray fluorescence (μXRF), electron microprobe analysis (EMPA), and inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS). Fe phases were characterized by micro-extended X-ray absorption fine structure (μEXAFS) spectroscopy and micro-X-ray diffraction (μXRD). Speciation of Ti and V, associated with Fe, was measured using micro-X-ray absorption near edge structure (μXANES) spectroscopy. Iron isotope composition (δ56/54Fe) in subsamples of 1-3 mm increments along the radius of the nodule was determined with multiple-collector ICP-MS (MC-ICP-MS). The SPG nodule formed through primarily hydrogeneous inputs at a rate of 4.0 ± 0.4 mm/Ma. The nodule exhibited a high diversity of Fe mineral phases: feroxyhite (δ-FeOOH), goethite (α-FeOOH), lepidocrocite (γ-FeOOH), and poorly ordered ferrihydrite-like phases. These findings provide evidence that Fe oxyhydroxides within the nodule undergo alteration to more stable phases over millions of years. Trace Ti and V were spatially correlated with Fe and found to be adsorbed to Fe-bearing minerals. Ti/Fe and V/Fe ratios, and Ti and V speciation, did not vary along the nodule radius. The δ56/54Fe values, when averaged over sample increments representing 0.25 to 0.75 Ma, were homogeneous within uncertainty along the nodule radius, at -0.12 ± 0.07 ‰ (2sd, n=10). Our results indicate that the Fe isotope composition of the nodule remained constant during nodule growth and that mineral alteration did not affect the primary Fe isotope composition of the nodule. Furthermore, the average δ56/54Fe value of -0.12 ‰ we find is consistent with Fe sourced from continental eolian particles (dust). Despite mineral alteration, the trace element partitioning of Ti and V, and Fe isotope composition, do not appear to change within the sensitivity of our measurements. These findings suggest that Fe oxyhydroxides within hydrogenetic ferromanganese nodules are out of geochemical contact with seawater once they are covered by subsequent concentric mineral layers. Even though Fe-bearing minerals are altered, trace element ratios, speciation and Fe isotope composition are preserved within the nodule.


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Interaction of rocks with fluids can significantly change mineral assemblage and structure. This so-called hydrothermal alteration is ubiquitous in the Earth’s crust. Though the behavior of hydrothermally altered rocks can have planet-scale consequences, such as facilitating oceanic spreading along slow ridge segments and recycling volatiles into the mantle at subduction zones, the mechanisms involved in the hydrothermal alteration are often microscopic. Fluid-rock interactions take place where the fluid and rock meet. Fluid distribution, flux rate and reactive surface area control the efficiency and extent of hydrothermal alteration. Fluid-rock interactions, such as dissolution, precipitation and fluid mediated fracture and frictional sliding lead to changes in porosity and pore structure that feed back into the hydraulic and mechanical behavior of the bulk rock. Examining the nature of this highly coupled system involves coordinating observations of the mineralogy and structure of naturally altered rocks and laboratory investigation of the fine scale mechanisms of transformation under controlled conditions. In this study, I focus on fluid-rock interactions involving two common lithologies, carbonates and ultramafics, in order to elucidate the coupling between mechanical, hydraulic and chemical processes in these rocks. I perform constant strain-rate triaxial deformation and constant-stress creep tests on several suites of samples while monitoring the evolution of sample strain, permeability and physical properties. Subsequent microstructures are analyzed using optical and scanning electron microscopy. This work yields laboratory-based constraints on the extent and mechanisms of water weakening in carbonates and carbonation reactions in ultramafic rocks. I find that inundation with pore fluid thereby reducing permeability. This effect is sensitive to pore fluid saturation with respect to calcium carbonate. Fluid inundation weakens dunites as well. The addition of carbon dioxide to pore fluid enhances compaction and partial recovery of strength compared to pure water samples. Enhanced compaction in CO2-rich fluid samples is not accompanied by enhanced permeability reduction. Analysis of sample microstructures indicates that precipitation of carbonates along fracture surfaces is responsible for the partial restrengthening and channelized dissolution of olivine is responsible for permeability maintenance.


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The crystal structure and the local atomic order of a series of nanocrystalline ZrO(2)-CaO solid solutions with varying CaO content were studied by synchrotron radiation X-ray powder diffraction and extended X-ray absorption fine structure (EXAFS) spectroscopy. These samples were synthesized by a pH-controlled nitrate-glycine gel-combustion process. For CaO contents up to 8 mol%, the t' form of the tetragonal phase (c/a > 1) was identified, whereas for 10 and 12 mol% CaO, the t '' form (c/a=1; oxygen anions displaced from their ideal positions in the cubic phase) was detected. Finally, the cubic phase was observed for solid solutions with CaO content of 14 mol% CaO or higher. The t'/t '' and t ''/cubic compositional boundaries were determined to be at 9 (1) and 13 (1) mol% CaO, respectively. The EXAFS study demonstrated that this transition is related to a tetragonal-to-cubic symmetry change of the first oxygen coordination shell around the Zr atoms.


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The Cutia-nut (Couepia edulis Prance), a species originally from the Amazon region, has a kernel with reasonable nutritional value and a hard and thick woody shell that constitute most of the fruit. After the kernel removal, the shells are regarded as waste. The possibility of using such shells, as raw material for burning or charcoal production, as well as milled residue for structural reinforcement materials is quite feasible, considering environmental and economical aspects. There is, however, a complete lack of characterization of the Cutia-nut shell and other similar species which can aggregate desirable qualities for application as engineering material. In this study some analyses are presented aiming at providing information for potential uses of these residues. In general, the shells follow a regular shape with certain dimensional proportionality to the kernel. The shell is a fibrous material with high lignin content, present low water absorption and high resistance to natural degradation.


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This paper extends the Nelson-Siegel linear factor model by developing a flexible macro-finance framework for modeling and forecasting the term structure of US interest rates. Our approach is robust to parameter uncertainty and structural change, as we consider instabilities in parameters and volatilities, and our model averaging method allows for investors' model uncertainty over time. Our time-varying parameter Nelson-Siegel Dynamic Model Averaging (NS-DMA) predicts yields better than standard benchmarks and successfully captures plausible time-varying term premia in real time. The proposed model has significant in-sample and out-of-sample predictability for excess bond returns, and the predictability is of economic value.


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Recent improvements in the determination of the running of the fine-structure constant also allow an update of the hadronic vacuum-polarization contribution to the Lamb shift. We find a shift of -3.40(7) kHz to the 1S level of hydrogen. We also comment on the contribution of this effect to the determination by elastic electron scattering of the rms radii of nuclei.


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The structural organization and the coding nucleotide sequence of the Xenopus laevis A2 and the chicken major vitellogenin genes have been compared. Both genes show the same exon-intron organization. However, the degree of homology between the nucleotide and derived amino acid sequences varies extensively along the genes. Several of the 35 exons are quite similar, and a unique cysteine motif in the lipovitellin II domain is conserved between the two genes. In contrast, one internal region is quite divergent. Part of this region encodes phosvitin, which appears to have evolved rapidly by both point mutations and duplications of serines or short other amino acid stretches. On the basis of these observations, we discuss the possible mechanism of evolution of phosvitin in vertebrates.


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The major antigen on the envelope of extracellular vaccinia virus particles is a polypeptide with an apparent molecular weight of 37,000 (p37K; G. Hiller and K. Weber, J. Virol. 55:651-659, 1985). The gene encoding p37K was mapped in the vaccinia virus genome by hybrid selection of RNA followed by in vitro translation. p37K was then identified among the in vitro translation products by immunoprecipitation with a monoclonal antibody. The gene is located close to the right-hand end of the HindIII F fragment. The corresponding region of the DNA was sequenced, and an open reading frame encoding a polypeptide of 41,748 daltons was observed. The 5' end of the mRNA, as defined by nuclease S1 analysis, maps within only a few nucleotides of the translation initiation codon. Examination of the DNA sequence around the putative initiation site of transcription revealed a characteristic sequence, TAAATG, which includes the ATG translation initiation codon and which is conserved in all but one late gene so far analyzed. It is therefore likely that this sequence is an important regulatory signal for late gene expression in vaccinia virus.


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We investigate for very general cases the multiplet and fine structure splitting of muonelectron atoms arising from the coupling of the electron and muon angular momenta, including the effect of the Breit operator plus the electron state-dependent screening. Although many conditions have to be fulfilled simultaneously to observe these effeets, it should be possible to measure them in the 6h- 5g muonic transition in the Sn region.