1000 resultados para Financial apportion


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A reforma universitária em curso, iniciada na gestão do presidente Lula da Silva, inaugura uma nova etapa na (re)configuração das universidades públicas brasileiras que repercute diretamente na estrutura acadêmica, administrativa e política dessas instituições. O Programa de Apoio aos Planos de Reestruturação e Expansão das Universidades Públicas - REUNI - é exemplo do atual cenário de reformas e é apresentado como uma das principais ações do governo federal, visando à ampliação de acesso e permanência nas universidades públicas. Esta dissertação resulta da pesquisa realizada no Programa de Pós-Graduação em Educação, da Universidade Federal do Pará (UFPA), tendo o processo de implantação do REUNI, no Campus Universitário de Altamira, da UFPA, como objeto de estudo e, como objetivo, investigar as repercussões do Programa nos aspectos relacionados ao acesso à educação superior, ao financiamento e a gestão universitária. As concepções teórico-metodológicas se fundamentam nas contribuições do materialismo histórico-dialético. Os resultados preliminares foram obtidos por meio de pesquisa bibliográfica, análise de documentos e estudo de caso, realizado no referido Campus de Altamira, e indicam que, a despeito da adesão maciça das universidades federais ao REUNI, o conjunto de indicadores pactuados no Programa, notadamente de caráter quantitativo, não vêm sendo plenamente alcançados. Na Universidade Federal do Pará, apesar da constituição de um amplo arcabouço normativo destinado a dar materialidade às ações e metas do Programa, e efetividade aos indicadores, como diplomação e ampliação da oferta no ensino de graduação; até o momento, os resultados se apresentam abaixo das metas pactuadas junto ao MEC. Além disso, observam-se importantes alterações na dinâmica da gestão da instituição universitária, cujos processos administrativos têm sido revestidos de racionalidade, flexibilidade e eficiência, em suma, tornaram-se gestão orientada por resultados. A pesquisa evidenciou, ainda, que o marco da atual conformação atribuída às universidades públicas está na ressignificação dos conceitos de público e privado e na progressiva diminuição da autonomia universitária, apontando, também, uma forma de expansão sem os correspondentes aportes financeiros e sem a garantia dos padrões de excelência acadêmica, historicamente atribuídos às universidades públicas.


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Objective and closed questions were applied to 15 - 21 years old individuals under regular resistance exercise practice and self-reported nutritional supplements users, approaching training practices, type of substance feed and socioeconomic characteristics. The data were treated by frequency around the mean value. Major difference was observed to the goal of improvement in physical fitness (Guaruja 21% and Bauru 9.6%), close to the muscle hypertrophic enhancements (Guaruja 22% and Bauru 19.2%), and health proposes (17.3%), which was only reported in the country city. The monthly employment with supplements was observed to be close to one hundred Real, in both regions (Guaruja 79% and Bauru 80%). Even, based on different purposes, the supplements feed practice was closed to the goals, showing a reliable referential of use, but done without appropriated professional care.


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This paper analyses the presence of financial constraint in the investment decisions of 367 Brazilian firms from 1997 to 2004, using a Bayesian econometric model with group-varying parameters. The motivation for this paper is the use of clustering techniques to group firms in a totally endogenous form. In order to classify the firms we used a hybrid clustering method, that is, hierarchical and non-hierarchical clustering techniques jointly. To estimate the parameters a Bayesian approach was considered. Prior distributions were assumed for the parameters, classifying the model in random or fixed effects. Ordinate predictive density criterion was used to select the model providing a better prediction. We tested thirty models and the better prediction considers the presence of 2 groups in the sample, assuming the fixed effect model with a Student t distribution with 20 degrees of freedom for the error. The results indicate robustness in the identification of financial constraint when the firms are classified by the clustering techniques. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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In this technical note we consider the mean-variance hedging problem of a jump diffusion continuous state space financial model with the re-balancing strategies for the hedging portfolio taken at discrete times, a situation that more closely reflects real market conditions. A direct expression based on some change of measures, not depending on any recursions, is derived for the optimal hedging strategy as well as for the ""fair hedging price"" considering any given payoff. For the case of a European call option these expressions can be evaluated in a closed form.


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This paper addresses the investment decisions considering the presence of financial constraints of 373 large Brazilian firms from 1997 to 2004, using panel data. A Bayesian econometric model was used considering ridge regression for multicollinearity problems among the variables in the model. Prior distributions are assumed for the parameters, classifying the model into random or fixed effects. We used a Bayesian approach to estimate the parameters, considering normal and Student t distributions for the error and assumed that the initial values for the lagged dependent variable are not fixed, but generated by a random process. The recursive predictive density criterion was used for model comparisons. Twenty models were tested and the results indicated that multicollinearity does influence the value of the estimated parameters. Controlling for capital intensity, financial constraints are found to be more important for capital-intensive firms, probably due to their lower profitability indexes, higher fixed costs and higher degree of property diversification.


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The purpose of this study is to analyze the Controllership relevance as support risk management in non-financial companies. Risk management is a widely discussed and disseminated subject amongst financial institutions. It is obvious that economic uncertainties and, consequently, prevention and. control must also exist in non-financial companies. To enable managers to take safe-decisions, it is essential for them to be able to count on instrumental support that provides timely and adequate information, to ensure lower levels of mistakes and risk exposure. However, discussion concerning risk management in non-financial companies is still in its early stages in Brazil. Considering this gap, this study aims at assessing how Controllership has been acting in? companies under the insight of risk and how it can contribute to risk management in non-financial companies. To achieve the proposed goal, a field research was. carried-out with non-financial companies that are located in the city Sao Paulo and listed in the Sao Paulo Stock Exchange (Bovespa). The research was carried out using questionnaires, which were sent do Risk Officers and Controllers of those companies with the purpose of evaluating their perception on the subject. The results,of the research allow us to conclude that Controllership offers support to risk management, through information that contributes to the mitigation of the risks in non-financial companies.


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Managing financial institutions in an underdeveloped economic context has become a real challenge nowadays. In order to reach the organization`s planned goals, they have to deal with structural, behavioral and informational problems. From the systemic point of view, this situation gets even worse when the company does not present organizational boundaries and a cohesive identification for their stakeholders. Thus, European countries have some special financial lines in order to help the development of micro credit in Latin communities in an attempt to help the local economy. However, institutions like Caixa dos Andes in Peru present management problems when dealing with this complexity. Based on this, how can the systemic eye help in the diagnosis of soft problems of a Peruvian financial company? This study aims to diagnose soft problems of a Peruvian financial company based on soft variables like identity, communication and autonomy and also intends to identify possible ways to redesign its basic framework. The (VSM--Viable System Model) method from Beer (1967), applied in this diagnostic study, was used in a practical way as a management tool for organizations` analysis and planning. By describing the VSM`s five systems, the creation of a systemic vision or a total vision is possible, showing the organization`s complexity from the inside. Some company`s soft problems like double control, inefficient use of physical and human resources, low information flows, slowness, etc. The VSM presented an organizational diagnosis indicating effective solutions that do integrate its five systems.


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This paper aims to study the relationship between the debt level and the asset structure of Brazilian companies of the agribusiness sector, since it is considered a current and relevant discussion: to evaluate the mechanisms for fund-raising and guarantees. The methodology of Granger`s Causality test and Autoregressive Vectors was used to conduct a comparative analysis, applied to a financial database of companies with open capital of Brazilian agribusiness, in particular the agricultural sector and Fisheries and Food and Beverages in a period of 10 years (1997-2007) from quarterly series available in the database of Economatica(R). The results demonstrated that changes in leverage generate variations in the tangibility of the companies, a fact that can be explained by the large search of funding secured by fiduciary transfer of fixed assets, which facilitates access to credit by business of the Agribusiness sector, increasing the payment time and lowering interest rates.