86 resultados para Finality


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Proponents of physical intentionality argue that the classic hallmarks of intentionality highlighted by Brentano are also found in purely physical powers. Critics worry that this idea is metaphysically obscure at best, and at worst leads to panpsychism or animism. I examine the debate in detail, finding both confusion and illumination in the physical intentionalist thesis. Analysing a number of the canonical features of intentionality, I show that they all point to one overarching phenomenon of which both the mental and the physical are kinds, namely finality. This is the finality of ‘final causes’, the long-discarded idea of universal action for an end to which recent proponents of physical intentionality are in fact pointing whether or not they realise it. I explain finality in terms of the concept of specific indifference, arguing that in the case of the mental, specific indifference is realised by the process of abstraction, which has no correlate in the case of physical powers. This analysis, I conclude, reveals both the strength and weakness of rational creatures such as us, as well as demystifying (albeit only partly) the way in which powers work.


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The economics of the Incarnation -- The discovery of God in thought -- Evolution and the fall -- Christ as a school of culture -- The necessity for re-education -- The necessity of confession -- The revival of catholicism -- The inconstancy of human goodness -- The quest for God -- The final hope for every man -- The psychology of hate -- The finality of Christ.


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The recognition and enforcement of foreign judgments is an aspect of private international law, and concerns situations where a successful party to litigation seeks to rely on a judgment obtained in one court, in a court in another jurisdiction. The most common example where the recognition and enforcement of foreign judgments may arise is where a party who has obtained a favourable judgment in one state or country may seek to recognise and enforce the judgment in another state or country. This occurs because there is no sufficient asset in the state or country where the judgment was rendered to satisfy that judgment. As technological advancements in communications over vast geographical distances have improved exponentially in recent years, there has been an increase in cross-border transactions, as well as litigation arising from these transactions. As a result, the recognition and enforcement of foreign judgments is of increasing importance, since a party who has obtained a judgment in cross-border litigation may wish to recognise and enforce the judgment in another state or country, where the defendant’s assets may be located without having to re-litigate substantive issues that have already been resolved in another court. The purpose of the study is to examine whether the current state of laws for the recognition and enforcement of foreign judgments in Australia, the United States and the European Community are in line with modern-commercial needs. The study is conducted by weighing two competing objectives between the notion of finality of litigation, which encourages courts to recognise and enforce judgments foreign to them, on the one hand, and the adequacy of protection to safeguard the recognition and enforcement proceedings, so that there would be no injustice or unfairness if a foreign judgment is recognised and enforced, on the other. The findings of the study are as follows. In both Australia and the United States, there is a different approach concerning the recognition and enforcement of judgments rendered by courts interstate or in a foreign country. In order to maintain a single and integrated nation, there are constitutional and legislative requirements authorising courts to give conclusive effects to interstate judgments. In contrast, if the recognition and enforcement actions involve judgments rendered by a foreign country’s court, an Australian or a United States court will not recognise and enforce the foreign judgment unless the judgment has satisfied a number of requirements and does not fall under any of the exceptions to justify its non-recognition and non-enforcement. In the European Community, the Brussels I Regulation which governs the recognition and enforcement of judgments among European Union Member States has created a scheme, whereby there is only a minimal requirement that needs to be satisfied for the purposes of recognition and enforcement. Moreover, a judgment that is rendered by a Member State and based on any of the jurisdictional bases set forth in the Brussels I Regulation is entitled to be recognised and enforced in another Member State without further review of its underlying jurisdictional basis. However, there are concerns as to the adequacy of protection available under the Brussels I Regulation to safeguard the judgment-enforcing Member States, as well as those against whom recognition or enforcement is sought. This dissertation concludes by making two recommendations aimed at improving the means by which foreign judgments are recognised and enforced in the selected jurisdictions. The first is for the law in both Australia and the United States to undergo reform, including: adopting the real and substantial connection test as the new jurisdictional basis for the purposes of recognition and enforcement; liberalising the existing defences to safeguard the application of the real and substantial connection test; extending the application of the Foreign Judgments Act 1991 (Cth) in Australia to include at least its important trading partners; and implementing a federal statutory scheme in the United States to govern the recognition and enforcement of foreign judgments. The second recommendation is to introduce a convention on jurisdiction and the recognition and enforcement of foreign judgments. The convention will be a convention double, which provides uniform standards for the rules of jurisdiction a court in a contracting state must exercise when rendering a judgment and a set of provisions for the recognition and enforcement of resulting judgments.


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Overseas commercial surrogacy is a legally challenging but commonly utilised form of assisted reproductive technology. Not only does it raise complex and competing policy issues, but it tests the relevant Family Law legislation which underpins parenting orders. Decisions handed down by the judiciary are inconsistent. Legislation is inadequate. But still the surge in surrogacy continues as surrogacy destinations such as India and Thailand continue to increase in popularity. Part one of this article addresses the competing interests of the illegality of overseas commercial surrogacy arrangements with the welfare of the child born as a result of such arrangements, and the inconsistent approaches taken by the judiciary. Part two concerns the interpretation of Family Law legislation by the courts in an attempt to provide intended couples and their children with certainty and finality, again resulting in inconsistent judicial decisions. Overseas commercial surrogacy is legally problematic, and intended parents need to be aware of its limitations.


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Law is narration: it is narrative, narrator and the narrated. As a narrative, the law is constituted by a constellation of texts – from official sources such as statutes, treaties and cases, to private arrangements such as commercial contracts, deeds and parenting plans. All are a collection of stories: cases are narrative contests of facts and rights; statutes are recitations of the substantive and procedural bases for social, economic and political interactions; private agreements are plots for future relationships, whether personal or professional. As a narrator, law speaks in the language of modern liberalism. It describes its world in abstractions rather than in concrete experience, universal principles rather than individual subjectivity. It casts people into ‘parties’ to legal relationships; structures human interactions into ‘issues’ or ‘problems’; and tells individual stories within larger narrative arcs such as ‘the rule of law’ and ‘the interests of justice’. As the narrated, the law is a character in its own story. The scholarship of law, for example, is a type of story-telling with law as its central character. For positivists, still the dominant group in the legal genre, law is a closed system of formal rules with an “immanent rationality” and its own “structure, substantive content, procedure and tradition,” dedicated to finality of judgment. For scholars inspired by the interpretative tradition in the humanities, law is a more ambivalent character, susceptible to influences from outside its realm and masking a hidden ideological agenda under its cloak of universality and neutrality. For social scientists, law is a protagonist on a wider social stage, impacting on society, the economy and the polity is often surprising ways.


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O presente trabalho tem como objetivo apresentar uma leitura do romance A Costa dos Murmúrios da autora Lídia Jorge, que aborda o lado oculto da guerra portuguesa em África, denunciando os fatos ali ocorridos, destacando os aspectos da narrativa, o universo simbólico e as características de alguns personagens, com finalidade de desconstruir, revelar, rasurar junto com Eva Lopo a História oficial, bem como ler as entrelinhas a fim de desvendar a barbárie da guerra colonial em África por meio desse extraordinário recuo temporal realizado por Lídia Jorge. Através de sua personagem principal, encontramos a metamorfose de uma frágil Evita, que ressurge, agora, na pele daquela que devora- Eva Lopo (lupus)


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O objetivo deste estudo foi investigar os dispositivos que permitem instituir a "violência" na contemporaneidade como uma questão constituinte e mobilizadora de coletivos (para o seu estudo, o seu combate, a sua divulgação, proteção frente à mesma, atendimento às suas vítimas e atendimento ou punição a seus agentes), na cidade de Chapecó. Para esta finalidade, foram utilizados princípios, regras e propriedades metodológicas da Teoria do Ator-Rede, concebida por Bruno Latour, John Law e Michel Callon, que guiaram a etnografia realizada; a Teoria da Sociedade Global de Riscos, proposta por Ulrich Beck, que permitiu compreender configurações contemporâneas; e noções de Michel Foucault, Gilles Deleuze e Felix Guattari que possibilitaram focar processos vinculados às gestões das violências, como a mídia e as tecnologias de vigilância e controle. A violência foi constituída como um artefato da pesquisa e conduziu ao conhecimento dos vários sentidos tomados no espaço de sua circulação. No lugar de tomar uma definição a priori para relacioná-la ao empírico, o estudo optou por uma forma de compreendê-la, com base nos referenciais escolhidos: não como causa, mas como efeito, configurando redes sociotécnicas que articulam diferentes elementos; não um reservatório que forneceria automaticamente uma explicação, mas o resultado final de um processo, que envolve mediadores em sua fabricação. A pesquisa foi realizada em Chapecó, cidade de porte médio, localizada no Oeste de Santa Catarina, diferenciando-se dos grandes centros urbanos, nos quais as violências vêm sendo predominantemente estudadas. O trabalho de campo englobou diferentes momentos (2004, 2005 e 2006) e trilhou diferentes caminhos para a coleta de indicadores. O primeiro investigando histórias da cidade e região com ênfase nos estudos referentes a situações que ficaram marcadas como violentas. O segundo observando a cidade como um todo, tendo em vista eventos, atores e coletivos que se constituíram vinculados à categoria violência. O terceiro focando e descrevendo cinco eventos contemporâneos específicos vinculados às práticas violentas, à gestão das violências, à produção de segurança e à mídia escrita de Chapecó. A amplitude e a diversidade, abrangidas pela etnografia, evidenciaram que as configurações das práticas violentas se constituem conectadas aos processos de inscrição dessas práticas, aos processos de tradução das categorias que as definem e as estratégias de gestão das violências, que implicam em tecnologias de vigilância e controle. As múltiplas entradas para abordar o tema fizeram ressoar as misturas que envolvem a sua discussão, a infinitude de variáveis em jogo e a multiplicidade que compõe as violências. Os eventos estudados tornaram perceptível a trama de redes que constituem a violência no município, redes que disputam e fazem alianças, conectando uma diversidade de actantes que as fabricam cotidianamente. Dessa forma, a violência não deve ser delegada a alguns atores apenas, mas pode ser compreendida como efeito de redes sociotécnicas extensas que articulam diferentes actantes, a partir dos vínculos que os ligam, da tradução dos interesses que os unem e dos traços que inscrevem os seus deslocamentos.


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A sublimação é um conceito forjado por Freud que tem por finalidade responder sobre a incidência da sexualidade num campo que não é diretamente ligado à função sexual. Freud inicialmente ligou o conceito de sublimação ao desenvolvimento da sociedade, mantendo entre eles uma estreita ligação através da idéia de aprovação social, coerência e harmonia, sendo a sexualidade algo que deveria ser posta a serviço da civilização pela educação e restrição de sua manifestação. A importância dada aos aspectos quantitativos presentes na subjetividade fez com que a sublimação adquirisse maior destaque, sendo diretamente ligada ao destino a ser dado aos elementos que resistiam à lógica da predicação e significação, buscando alternativas para a manifestação desses fatores que ameaçavam constantemente desestruturar o psiquismo. A sublimação se torna um processo necessário para articular a subjetividade a uma lógica da inadequação e do inacabamento, mostrando-se um operador não só da clínica como também da cultura, pois leva em consideração a sustentação da posição desejante sem incremento de mal-estar. Esses fatores aproximam de maneira surpreendente estética e psicanálise através de um novo campo de atuação. Freud percebeu a capacidade terapêutica da sublimação no final de sua vida, e Lacan, outro psicanalista que se mostrou muito interessado neste tema, também nos deixou uma série de elaborações que podem nos ser úteis para enfrentar os desafios que o nosso tempo produz.


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A presente pesquisa objetiva verificar a contribuição da tecnologia da informação na previsão de indicadores de desempenho da Empresa Alfa. Para a realização deste estudo, foi realizado um estudo de caso único a fim de aprofundar na pesquisa de forma exploratória e descritiva. As técnicas utilizadas para tal foram análise documental e entrevista, que deram suporte à pesquisa quantitativa atendendo ao objetivo proposto no estudo e na fundamentação teórica. A pesquisa teve como base principal os resultados dos indicadores de desempenho dos anos de 2012 e 2013 descritos no planejamento estratégico referente ao ano de 2013. Através desses resultados foi possível prever os resultados dos indicadores para 2014 utilizando o software Weka e assim realizar as análises necessárias. Os principais achados demonstram que a Empresa Alfa precisará antecipar ações para maximizar seus resultados evitando que impactem negativamente na rentabilidade, além de ter a necessidade de manter uma base de dados sólida e estruturada que possa subsidiar previsões confiáveis e alimentar futuramente o programa a fim de realizar novas previsões. O resultado da pesquisa aponta que o sistema de informações Weka contribui para a previsão de resultados, podendo antecipar ações para que a organização possa otimizar suas tomadas de decisões, tornando-as mais eficientes e eficazes.


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Unlike most papers on education and ecology, this one is not concerned with the content of education but its organisation as a system and hence its purpose or finality. The central contention of the paper, which takes English education and training (or ‘learning’) as a case in point, is that in a new market-state formation the pursuit of short-term goals is tied to the global free-market economy over which any attempt at democratic control has been relinquished. At a time when humanity worldwide faces increasing change in the ecology that sustains it, this is considered to be ‘ecocidally insane’ and the opposite of any sort of learning from experience to alter behaviour in the future. The re-regulated new global market is seen in conclusion as a crisis response to the end of the previous Keynesian welfare nation-state formation. As such, it is argued to be unsustainable in any sense.


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Le présent mémoire analyse l'impact du contexte d'insolvabilité sur le devoir fiduciaire d'agir dans le meilleur intérêt de la compagnie, devoir imposer aux administrateurs de compagnies par la législation corporative canadienne. L'objectif du mémoire est de déterminer un standard de conduite à être adopté par l'administrateur d'une compagnie insolvable en vue de répondre à ce devoir fiduciaire. Dans un premier temps, comment peut-on définir ce que constitue le « meilleur intérêt de la compagnie» ? L'auteur en vient à la conclusion que l'intérêt de la compagnie est au carrefour d'une communauté d'intérêts lui étant sous-jacents. L'intérêt de la compagnie, bien qu'indépendant de ces intérêts sous-jacents, ne peut s'analyser en faisant abstraction de ces derniers. La jurisprudence et la doctrine récentes laissent entrevoir que l'impact du contexte d'insolvabilité se fait sentir sur la détermination de ces intérêts sous-jacents à celui de la compagnie susceptibles d'être affectés par la finalité poursuivie par la compagnie, finalité axée sur la maximisation des profits à partir des opérations de l'entreprise exploitée par la compagnie. Dans un contexte d'insolvabilité, le créancier, à l'instar de l'actionnaire dans un contexte de solvabilité, supporte le risque commercial résiduel et doit recevoir une attention appropriée par les administrateurs. Par conséquent, dans la détermination de ce que constitue le meilleur intérêt de la compagnie, l'administrateur ne peut, lorsque la compagnie est insolvable, faire abstraction de l'intérêt des créanciers. Ainsi, dans un deuxième temps, qui sont les véritables bénéficiaires du devoir fiduciaire d'agir dans le meilleur intérêt de la compagnie dans un contexte d'insolvabilité? L'auteur en vient à la conclusion que le créancier est un bénéficiaire indirect de ce devoir fiduciaire lorsque la compagnie est insolvable. Tout comme l'actionnaire dans un contexte de solvabilité, le créancier doit être en mesure d'intenter un recours de nature dérivée en vue d'obtenir réparation, pour et au nom de la compagnie. Le contexte d'insolvabilité fait naître, à l'endroit des administrateurs, une obligation de nature fiduciaire de prendre en considération l'intérêt des créanciers tout en permettant à ces derniers d'intenter un tel recours dérivé en vue d'obtenir réparation à la suite d'une violation du devoir fiduciaire d'agir dans le meilleur intérêt de la compagnie. En plus d'être soutenue par une revue de la législation, de la jurisprudence et de la doctrine canadiennes, cette conclusion s'appuie sur une revue de la législation, de la jurisprudence et de la doctrine de certains pays du Commonwealth (Angleterre, Australie et Nouvelle-Zélande) et des États-Unis, juridictions avec lesquelles le Canada entretient des relations privilégiés, historiquement ou économiquement. Finalement, que doit faire l'administrateur d'une compagnie insolvable en vue de répondre à ce devoir fiduciaire d'agir dans le meilleur intérêt de la compagnie? L'auteur arrive à la conclusion que cette obligation de prendre en considération l'intérêt du créancier dans un contexte d'insolvabilité se traduit par un exercice de conciliation entre les intérêts du créancier et ceux des actionnaires. Les paramètres de cet exercice de conciliation sont déterminés en fonction du scénario envisagé par les administrateurs face à la situation d'insolvabilité. Plus le scénario se rapproche d'une liquidation plus ou moins formelle des actifs tangibles et facilement dissociables de la compagnie, moins cet exercice en sera un de conciliation et plus l'intérêt du créancier devra recevoir une attention prépondérante. À l'opposé, plus le scénario en est un de restructuration fondée sur une relance de l'entreprise exploitée par la compagnie insolvable, plus l'intérêt de l'actionnaire devra recevoir une attention particulière.


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La plupart des philosophes s’entendent aujourd’hui pour affirmer qu’il y a une crise de sens en Occident. J.-F. Mattéi l’a démontré sans équivoque dans son ouvrage intitulé La crise de sens (2006). Selon lui, la crise se traduirait par cinq aspects: crise spirituelle, crise religieuse, crise de l’art, crise économique et finalement, crise de la culture. À notre avis, cela est exact, mais incomplet, car Mattéi néglige d’évoquer la crise la plus importante : la crise écologique. L’argument qui nous amène à en postuler la plus haute importance est simple : s’il n’y a plus d’environnement favorable au maintien de la vie humaine, c’est la fin de l’humanité. L’aspect environnemental de la crise ne peut donc pas être occulté de la réflexion concernant son ensemble, car pour nous, elle est l’occasion d’un questionnement philosophique appelé à répondre à cette crise. Dans un livre intitulé Écologie, éthique et création (1994), Dominique Jacquemin nous oriente en ce sens en y posant les trois questions suivantes : 1. Est-il possible de qualifier éthiquement ce à quoi nous convie aujourd’hui la préoccupation écologique? 2. Quel rapport au monde et à l’avenir la préoccupation écologique est-elle à même d’instaurer? 3. Quelles sont les possibilités pour que la démarche écologique devienne un lieu éthique à même d’instaurer un rapport homme-nature dans le présent et l’avenir? Ainsi, le questionnement que soulève la crise écologique amène à réfléchir sur le sens et la finalité de la vie humaine et sur la conception même de l’être humain dans son rapport au monde. Le propos de ce mémoire est de répondre à ces dernières questions en nous inspirant des principes éthiques mis en avant dans Le Principe Responsabilité (1990) de Hans Jonas, et cela, dans le but d’en faire ressortir sa pertinence face au défi environnemental actuel. En d’autres termes, nous tâcherons de répondre à la question suivante : Pour la société actuelle et son prolongement, quels sont les aspects les plus pertinents de la thèse de Hans Jonas (1903 – 1993) dans son Principe Responsabilité (1990) concernant la résolution de la crise de sens? À cette fin, le mémoire comporte deux chapitres dont le premier, qui forme le cœur du mémoire, comporte trois parties principales liées aux trois questions posées précédemment. Le deuxième et dernier chapitre comporte premièrement une analyse critique du Principe responsabilité et par la suite son appréciation critique. Méthodologiquement, nous entendons éclairer la nécessité de la responsabilité éthique face à la crise écologique en mettant l’accent sur les thèmes de l’altérité et de la solidarité. C’est de cette manière que nous espérons montrer que la crise écologique actuelle ouvre des avenues possibles à la résolution, au moins partielle, de la crise de sens à laquelle nous sommes actuellement confrontés.