5 resultados para Fictocritical


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A three channel video work that was produced under the psuedonym Eve Roleston that explored the arbitrary nature of signification as it played across a range of images, texts and sounds. The work aimed to provide a considered engagement with the contingent, polymorphous and unstable qualities of the material on each of the three screens. This work forms part of my practice-led research undertaken for my PhD. It deals with reconsidering the relationship between politics and aesthetics by employing strategies of humour, play theory and the fictocritical


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2 x 2.5 metre text based wall painting with a hidden automatic air freshener timed to spray every 60 seconds. The work formed part of a group exhibition that dealt with Humour,Politics and Art. It was part of a series of ongoing works made under the pseudonym Eve Roleston. Roleston is part of a trio of pseudonyms I use, the others being Ernesto Love, and Ernest Olove, to explore the research potential of the fictocritical in a visual arts practice.This forms part of an ongoing body of practice-led research undertaken in my PhD dealing with reconfiguring the relationship between art and politics.


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A single channel video projection with image, text and sound components. It was projected so as entirely fill a 3 x 3.5 wall in a 6 x 3.5 metre gallery space. The work deals with the role of humour and the fictocritical in exploring the relationship between politics and art.


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This was another in the project of using my three pseudonyms to investigate the strategic potential of the fictocritical as an approach to making visual art. It was large scale single artwork that took place over 21 days and combined 2D, 3D, Time-based elements and performance in an attempt to construct a Gesamtkunstwerk. Over the course of the exhibition I critically and creatively engaged with political, social, economic and cultural issues thorugh opening up a range of rhetorical modes such as the lyrical, the elegiac, the rhapsodic, the humorous, the parodic and the satirical.


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A fictocritical piece based on a fire in New York.
A girl jumps from the ninth floor of the Asch Building. People on the sidewalk are screaming for her not to jump. But she has to jump. As she stands on the ledge, her back against the open window, the fire is burning the clothes off her back. She has her head bent forward so her hair doesn't catch alight as she waves a handkerchief at the crowd. The windows on the floor beneath her start to explode. Tongues of flame lick at her feet. So she jumps. It's a definite jump, as she bends her knees before she leaps over the edge. It's not a graceful jump. Her arms begin to flail as she struggles to stay upright. There are gasps from the crowd, a few screams. Some people turn away. Others are transfixed, watching her as she falls. Suddenly, her dress catches on a hook jutting out of wall below and she is suspended in the air, mid-fall. But the ladders still can't reach her and so it is just a cruel pause in her inevitable death. She hangs there like a ragdoll until her dress burns itself free from her body and she resumes her fall. She lands on the pavement on the west - ward side of New York University building. Thud-dead...