36 resultados para Fibroma ossificante
The Peripheral ossifying fibroma is a reactive proliferative lesion, non neoplastic, slow growth, which can produce recurrence after removal. It´s etiology is uncertain, but is associated with local irritants, and is found mostly in the anterior maxilla. Clinically it is characterized by an asymptomatic increase in volume, which may, over time, facial asymmetry. The aim of this paper is to describe a case of peripheral ossifying fibroma in a patient 40, female, exophytic lesion in the jaw, unusual for its large dimensions and with a history of three recurrences, leading to facial asymmetry. She underwent surgery to remove the lesion along with the likely irritants, and the pathological diagnosis of peripheral ossifying fibroma. We conclude that it is fundamentally important for complete removal of the lesion to reduce the tendency to relapse, including the periosteum and the periodontal ligament, in addition to possible causes.
A cavidade oral é o quarto local mais afetado por neoplasias em cães e gatos, representando 3% em gatos e 6% em cães, podendo ser benignas ou malignas e de origem dental ou extradental. O objetivo do trabalho foi relatar o tratamento cirúrgico por hemi-maxilectomia parcial num cão de 10 anos de idade, da raça pastor alemão, atendido no Hospital Veterinário diagnosticado histopatologicamente por fibroma oral. Durante o exame físico foi observado um aumento de volume do tipo tumoral, no palato duro, estendendo-se desde o canino esquerdo até o primeiro molar, com tecido necrosado. Foram realizados hemograma, bioquímica sérica, urinálise, radiografia do tórax e biopsia. O tratamento cirúrgico instituído foi eficaz, pois após um ano não se observou qualquer sinal de recidiva tumoral.
Os tumores odontogénicos são neoplasias derivadas da ectoderme ou dos componentes mesenquimais do periodonto. As lesões possuem características clínicas similares aos tumores odontogénicos, sendo a diferenciação histopatológica essencial para o diagnóstico. Existe controvérsia em relação aos nomes, as características clínicas e histopatológicas dos mesmos. Por outro lado, a maioria dos cirurgiões removem-nos sem exame histopatológico pré-cirúrgico. O objetivo do trabalho foi relatar um caso de fibroma periférico odontogénico (FPO) em um cão castrado, sem raça definida, 11 anos de idade. O paciente apresentava uma massa ao redor do segundo, terceiro e quarto dente pré-molar da maxila direita. Foi realizado o hemograma, bioquímica sérica, exame de urina e a biópsia da massa enviada para a histopatologia, sendo o diagnóstico pré-cirúrgico de fibroma periférico odontogénico. O tratamento foi cirúrgico, utilizando o bisturi elétrico. O presente relato de caso permitiu concluir que o exame histopatológico pré-cirúrgico é importante para o diagnóstico do tumor e a exérese total da massa tumoral é o tratamento de eleição.
The peripheral ossifying fibroma (POF) is a common gingival growth usually arising from the interdental papilla. The anterior maxilla is the most common location of involvement. The etiology and pathogenesis of POF remains unknown. Some investigators consider it a neoplastic process, whereas others argue that it is a reactive process; in either case, the lesion is thought to arise from cells in the periodontal ligament. Trauma or local irritants, such as dental plaque, calculus, microorganisms, masticatory force, ill-fitting dentures, and poor quality restorations, have been implicated in the etiology of POF. The recommended treatment is the excisional biopsy; however, it can leave a defect if the procedure is not followed by a subepithelial connective tissue graft. The main objective of this article was to present a clinical case of excisional biopsy of a POF followed by a subepithelial connective tissue graft to correct the defect caused by the biopsy. The biopsy defect was satisfactorily repaired, and the lesion has not recurred after 6 years of follow-up.
Ten cases of odontogenic myxoma (OM) and six cases of ameloblastic fibroma (AF) were subjected to comparative analysis by the AgNOR technique, in order to determine a possible difference in cell proliferation index between these lesions. The mean AgNOR number of the mesenchymal component of AF was compared with its epithelial component and the difference was not found to be statistically significant. The mean AgNOR index of the AF group was significantly higher than that of the OM group. Moreover, the mesenchymal component of AF demonstrated increased AgNOR numbers compared with that of OM (P<0.05). These results suggest that the epithelial and mesenchymal components of AF may have similar cell proliferative activity. However, the cell proliferative index of this lesion seems to be higher than that of OM.
Peripheral cement-ossifying fibroma is a relatively common gingival growth of a reactive rather than neoplastic nature, whose pathogenesis is uncertain. It predominantly affects adolescents and young adults, with peak prevalence between 10 and 19 years. We report here the clinical case of a 5-year-old girl with disease duration of 3 years, who was followed up for 4 years, showing a gingival health and normal radiopacity of bone.
An adult female common snapping turtle (Chelydra serpentina) had a mass on the plantar surface of the right forelimb that was removed surgically. Microscopical examination revealed many spindle cells with mild anisocytosis and anisokaryosis and a surrounding collagenous stroma. There were no mitoses. Immunohistochemistry showed that the spindle cells expressed vimentin, but not desmin. A diagnosis of cutaneous fibroma was made. Tumours are reported uncommonly in chelonian species. Cutaneous fibroma has been diagnosed in an alligator snapping turtle (Macrochelys temminckii), but not previously in a common snapping turtle. Crown Copyright (C) 2012 Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Ossifying fibromas are rare benign bone-related lesions of the jaw. Early diagnosis based on clinical, radiologic, and pathohistologic findings is essential, since undetected lesions may expand and cause considerable functional and cosmetic problems. The treatment of choice is purely surgical. Periodic clinical and radiologic follow-up should be scheduled, since recurrence is possible. The present article describes the diagnostic procedures, surgical management, and follow-up of an asymptomatic ossifying fibroma in the mandible of a 21-year-old man.
Cardiac fibromas are extremely rare in the general pediatric population and may present with a wide spectrum of clinical signs, including life-threatening arrhythmias and sudden death. We report a 14-month-old boy who presented with failure to thrive as the only symptom. Echocardiography showed a large cardiac fibroma in the right ventricle. Cardiac magnetic resonance imaging confirmed the diagnosis. After complete surgical tumor resection, the boy showed normal catch-up growth. This case underlines the diversity of clinical features of cardiac tumors, which implies that they should be considered early in the differential diagnosis of infants with failure to thrive.
Se analizó un estudio de caso atendido en la Clínica “VIDA ” el 21 de noviembre del 2013. Inicialmente se procedió a la valoración de su estado físico y de salud considerando la edad de la paciente. A partir de la inspección clínica y anamnesis se procedió a brindar un diagnóstico de la patología que presentaba, para fundamentar las principales causas y consecuencia que gen eran las patologías reproductivas en la especie canina. El estudio de caso es una investigación cualitativa de tipo participativa, cuya base es la descripción de sucesos ocurridos en un momento determinado el cual consistía en el análisis de un estudio de caso que no pueden duplicarse por las condiciones individuales del sujeto y de su entorno en particular . El paciente era una perra de 12 años , llamada princesa que t enía completo su programa de vacunación y desparasitación. Después del último celo tuvo descargas vaginal es hemorrágicas , durante 6 días el cual alarmó a la dueña, ya que no mostró síntomas característicos de postraciones . Era alimentada con concentrado, su estro era normal . Se le brindó atención ambulatoria y s e le realizaron exámenes clínicos , realizando la anamnesis , sin mostrar dolor a la palpación, no se detectaron masas abdominales, no se realizó exploración vagina l debido a que la paciente no habí a sido incorporada para reproducción. Se determinó como piómetra en diagnostico presu ntivo, aplicándole vit. K p or tres días y al cuarto día una dosis de medroxiprogesterona para detener el sangrado. A l no haber efecto en el sangrado, se optó por la extirpación quirúrgica del útero el cual se real izó sin problemas, encontrándose: cuernos uterinos y útero hiperplásicos , endometrio con fibromas y pequeñas neoplasias. Se identificó neoplasia uterina causada por quistes ováricos, estrés, trastorno psicológico de adaptabilidad a la ausencia de la dueña, creando un desorde n en las estructuras de cascada del sistema endocrino, viéndose afectado por la relació n de la edad de la paciente. Terminada la cirugía se le entregó la mascota a su dueña junto con las indicaciones postoperatoria pero ya en su casa la paciente murió por complicaciones post quirúrgica no identificadas .