960 resultados para Fiber types
As revealed by the NADH-diaphorase and myosine ATPase, the M. extensor carpi radialis longus of the rat possesses at least 3 main kinds of fibres, with different distribution on the superficial and deep portions of the muscle. The superficial portion revealed that 67.68 % are FG (fast-twitch-glycolytic) fibres, 14.72 % are FOG (fast-twitch-oxidative) fibres and 17.60 % are SO (slow-twitch-glycolytic) fibres. Already the deep portion revealed that 71.29 % are SO (slow-twitch-glycolytic) fibres, 17.46 % are FOG (fast-twitch-oxidative-glycolytic) fibres and 11.25 % are FG (fast-twitch-glycolytic) fibres. The miosine ATPase reaction was used to demonstrate contracting characteristics. These findings suggest that the movements of fast contraction of the M. extensor carpi radialis longus are predominant.
Fiber types distribution in the diagastric muscle of tufted capuchin monkey was studied by means of NADH-TR, myosin-ATPase, after alkaline and acid preincubations and SDH histochemical reactions. Three different types of fibers were found presenting an equal distribution. The percentage and types of fibers were as follow: 18.2 % SO (Slow Oxydative), 38.4 % FOG (Fast Oxydative Glycolytic) and 43.4 % FG (Fast Glycolytic). FG fibers revealed the largest area. The relatively high concentration of fast twitch (81.2 %) seems to indicate this muscle is involved with the acceleration and fast speed of jaw movements. Aerobic metabolism represented by SO + FOG fibers (56.6 %) suggests that this muscle possesses an additional role than that related to the lowering of the jaw.
The myotomal muscle of Synbranchus marmoratus was investigated using histochemical and immunohistochemical reactions. This musculature is composed of a superficial red compartment, uniformly distributed around the trunk circumferentially and also in the lateral line. The red compartment fibers are small in diameter and have an oxidative metabolism, a high rate of glycogen and a negative reaction to alkaline and acid myofibrillar ATPase (mATPase). The white muscle forms the bulk of the muscle mass. Its fibers are large in diameter and have a glycolytic metabolism, a negative reaction to glycogen, a strong reaction to alkaline mATPase and a negative reaction to acid mATPase. Between these two compartments there is an intermediate layer of fibers presenting a mosaic metabolism pattern with a high rate of glycogen. These fibers stained moderately for alkaline and acid m-ATPase. Several clusters of red muscles were observed inside the white muscle. Each cluster is composed of three fiber types, with a predominance of red and intermediate fibers. Reactivity to anti-MHC BA-D5 was positive only in the intermediate fibers. Reactivity to anti-MHC SC-71 was negative in all fiber types.
This paper compares the environmental sensing behaviour of long period gratings written in three fibers with different refractive index profiles: step, W and a progressive three layered fiber. The measurands considered are temperature, refractive index, axial strain and bending, and the spectral behaviour of individual attenuation bands were observed and, where possible, compared to theoretical predictions. Significant differences in the behaviour of the three fiber types were found.
This paper compares the environmental sensing behaviour of long period gratings written in three fibers with different refractive index profiles: step, W and a progressive three layered fiber. The measurands considered are temperature, refractive index, axial strain and bending, and the spectral behaviour of individual attenuation bands were observed and, where possible, compared to theoretical predictions. Significant differences in the behaviour of the three fiber types were found. © 2003 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
The interest of HACFRA (self compacting concrete reinforced with steel fibers), is the combination of the residual strength increase and cracking decrease compared to plain concrete by the introduction of steel fibers in the mass with the advantages of the self-compacting. The paper presents an analysis of the influence of different components of the HACRFA and provides their selection, refered to the granular skeleton and to different steel fiber types and amount, in order to obtain an optimization of its features and structural behavior.
MuRF1 is a member of the RBCC (RING, B-box, coiled-coil) superfamily that has been proposed to act as an atrogin during muscle wasting. Here, we show that MuRF1 is preferentially induced in type-II muscle fibers after denervation. Fourteen days after denervation, MuRF1 protein was further elevated but remained preferentially expressed in type-II muscle fibers. Consistent with a fiber-type dependent function of MuRF1, the tibialis anterior muscle (rich in type-II muscle fibers) was considerably more protected in MuRF1-KO mice from muscle wasting when compared to soleus muscle with mixed fiber-types. We also determined fiber-type distributions in MuRF1/MuRF2 double-deficient KO (dKO) mice, because MuRF2 is a close homolog of MuRF1. MuRF1/MuRF2 dKO mice showed a profound loss of type-II fibers in soleus muscle. As a potential mechanism we identified the interaction of MuRF1/MuRF2 with myozenin-1, a calcineurin/NFAT regulator and a factor required for maintenance of type-II muscle fibers. MuRF1/MuRF2 dKO mice had lost myozenin-1 expression in tibialis anterior muscle, implicating MuRF1/MuRF2 as regulators of the calcineurin/NFAT pathway. In summary, our data suggest that expression of MuRF1 is required for remodeling of type-II fibers under pathophysiological stress states, whereas MuRF1 and MuRF2 together are required for maintenance of type-II fibers, possibly via the regulation of myozenin-1. (C) 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Avaliou-se a influência dos níveis nutricionais da ovelha antes do parto, da idade à desmama e do sistema de terminação sobre as fibras musculares e a qualidade da carne dos cordeiros. Utilizaram-se matrizes mestiças Ile de France × Bergamacia criadas a pasto. As ovelhas foram divididas em dois grupos: um com suplementação alimentar 30 dias antes do parto e outro sem suplementação. Os animais (ovelha e cordeiros) foram subdivididos de acordo com a idade à desmama (45 ou 60 dias de idade) e os cordeiros desmamados foram submetidos a três sistemas de terminação: confinamento com dieta completa; confinamento somente com feno; e confinamento somente no pasto. O abate dos cordeiros foi realizado aos 30 kg de peso vivo ou aos 150 dias de idade. As características de carcaça analisadas foram morfofisiologia da fibra do músculo longissimus dorsi, fragmentação miofibrilar pós-morte (maturados nos dias 0, 3 e 7 pos mortem) e redução do pH e da temperatura da carne pós-abate. Não houve efeito da suplementação às ovelhas ou da idade à desmama sobre nenhuma das características avaliadas. A composição em fibras de contração lenta e oxidativa, contração rápida e oxidativa ou contração rápida e glicolítica não foi alterada pelos fatores em estudo, mas a área transversal das fibras foi menor nos cordeiros terminados com feno, assim como os valores de pH, temperatura e as medidas dos fragmentos de miofibrila. Com o aumento do tempo de maturação de 0 para 3 e 7 dias post mortem, houve redução do comprimento dos fragmentos de miofibrilas. O sistema de terminação de cordeiros em confinamento somente com feno interfere mais intensamente na qualidade da carne que o sistema de terminação a pasto ou em confinamento com dieta completa.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Aerobic exercise training (ET) has been established as an important non-pharmacological treatment of hypertension, since it decreases blood pressure. Studies show that the skeletal muscle abnormalities in hypertension are directly associated with capillary rarefaction, higher percentage of fast-twitch fibers (type II) with glycolytic metabolism predominance and increased muscular fatigue. However, little is known about these parameters in hypertension induced by ET. We hypothesized that ET corrects capillary rarefaction, potentially contributing to the restoration of the proportion of muscle fiber types and metabolic proprieties. Twelve-week old Spontaneously Hypertensive Rats (SHR, n=14) and Wistar Kyoto rats (WKY, n=14) were randomly assigned into 4 groups: SHR, trained SHR (SHR-T), WKY and trained WKY (WKY-T). As expected, ten weeks of ET was effective in reducing blood pressure in SHR-T group. In addition, we analyzed the main markers of ET. Resting bradycardia, increase of exercise tolerance, peak oxygen uptake and citrate synthase enzyme activity in trained groups (WKY-T and SHR-T) showed that the aerobic condition was achieved. ET also corrected the skeletal muscle capillary rarefaction in SHR-T. In parallel, we observed reduction in percentage of type IIA and IIX fibers and simultaneous augmented percentage of type I fibers induced by ET in hypertension. These data suggest that ET prevented changes in soleus fiber type composition in SHR, since angiogenesis and oxidative enzyme activity increased are important adaptations of ET, acting in the maintenance of muscle oxidative metabolism and fiber profile.
Missense mutations in ATP2A1 gene, encoding SERCA1 protein, cause a muscle disorder designed as congenital pseudomyotonia (PMT) in Chianina and Romagnola cattle or congenital muscular dystonia1 (CMD1) in Belgian Blue cattle. Although PMT is not life-threatening, CMD1 affected calves usually die within a few weeks of age as a result of respiratory complication. We have recently described a muscular disorder in a double muscle Dutch Improved Red and White cross-breed calf. Mutation analysis revealed an ATP2A1 mutation identical to that described in CMD1, even though clinical phenotype was quite similar to that of PMT. Here, we provide evidence for a deficiency of mutated SERCA1 in PMT affected muscles of Dutch Improved Red and White calf, but not of its mRNA. The reduced expression of SERCA1 is selective and not compensated by the SERCA2 isoform. By contrast, pathological muscles are characterized by a broad distribution of mitochondrial markers in all fiber types, not related to intrinsic features of double muscle phenotype and by an increased expression of sarcolemmal calcium extrusion pump. Calcium removal mechanisms, operating in muscle fibers as compensatory response aimed at lowering excessive cytoplasmic calcium concentration caused by SERCA1 deficiency, could explain the difference in severity of clinical signs.