969 resultados para Fiber quality


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Additional references: p. 34-35.


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Mass production of nanofibers from needleless electrospinning shows great potential in research and development of nanofibers. However, how to improve the electrospinning performance so as to achieve high quality nanofibers is still of great challenge. In this study, airflow has been applied to optimize upward needleless electrospinning from ring spinneret. Effects of airflow speed and the position of airflow on the nanofiber quality and production rate have been investigated. It has been found that thinner and more uniform nanofibers were produced when airflow was applied to needleless electrospinning system. It also improved the collected nonwoven membrane, resulting in better nanofibrous structure of the as-spun nanofibers. Application of airflow on needleless electrospinning would further benefit the development of mass production of nanofibers from needleless electrospinning.


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The global demand for food, feed, energy and water poses extraordinary challenges for future generations. It is evident that robust platforms for the exploration of renewable resources are necessary to overcome these challenges. Within the multinational framework MultiBioPro we are developing biorefinery pipelines to maximize the use of plant biomass. More specifically, we use poplar and tobacco tree (Nicotiana glauca) as target crop species for improving saccharification, isoprenoid, long chain hydrocarbon contents, fiber quality, and suberin and lignin contents. The methods used to obtain these outputs include GC-MS, LC-MS and RNA sequencing platforms. The metabolite pipelines are well established tools to generate these types of data, but also have the limitations in that only well characterized metabolites can be used. The deep sequencing will allow us to include all transcripts present during the developmental stages of the tobacco tree leaf, but has to be mapped back to the sequence of Nicotiana tabacum. With these set-ups, we aim at a basic understanding for underlying processes and at establishing an industrial framework to exploit the outcomes. In a more long term perspective, we believe that data generated here will provide means for a sustainable biorefinery process using poplar and tobacco tree as raw material. To date the basal level of metabolites in the samples have been analyzed and the protocols utilized are provided in this article.


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Dark brown Alpaca fiber was reduced in shade via selective bleaching with peroxide. Two selective oxidative bleaching methods were tested on alpaca top to assess their effectiveness for color removal and fiber quality properties. Color change, bundle strength, weight loss, fiber diameter, surface modification, dye-ability and dye wash fastness were assessed for both methods and compared with the original brown top. Bleach method 1 (BL-I) showed little surface modification, 5.8 % weight loss and 2.4 % strength loss. D1925 yellowness index was reduced to 74.3 from 83.1 and provided a good base for the dyeing of medium to deep shades. Bleach method 2 (BL-II) displayed considerable surface modification, 7.8 % weight loss and 18 % strength loss. BL-II also resulted in a mean diameter reduction of 1.9 micron during bleaching. Yellow-ness was reduced to 64.5 from 83.1 and provided a very good base for the dyeing of medium to deep shades. BL-I showed better exhaustion of the pre-metallised dye Lanaset Violet B than BL-II. Wash fastness for BL-II was 1 grey scale unit poorer than BL-I. BL-II showed far better color clarity at pale depths however the wash fastness of the finished product was not good enough to maintain the depth or clarity of the color. BL-I showed poorer clarity of color but exhibited better wash fastness results.


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Cashmere is a luxury fiber with high international demand. Australian cashmere fleece is shorn rather than hand combed, and the shorn fleece contains a large quantity of coarse guard hair. Normally raw cashmere fleece is scoured first, followed by dehairing to eliminate the coarse guard hair. But scouring the unwanted guard hair consumes a large quantity of water, and increases the cost of cashmere processing in Australia. Ideally, the guard hair should be removed first and then the fine cashmere fibers are scoured for further processing. This paper reports trial results on dehairing greasy rather than scoured Australian cashmere fleece, with the aim of reducing scouring cost and water consumption. The quality of cashmere fibers after the conventional dehairing process and the new greasy dehairing process has been assessed. The results indicate that fiber quality from the greasy dehairing process is better than that from conventional scouring then dehairing process.


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Em diversas lavouras de algodão, no Brasil e no exterior, tem ocorrido deficiência tardia de potássio. Com o objetivo de verificar a influência da adubação foliar com nitrato de potássio (KNO3) na nutrição e produção de algodão (Gossypium hirsutum L.), em vista do nível de nutrição potássica, da época de aplicação e dose do produto, em locais com diferentes potenciais de produtividade, foram desenvolvidos experimentos em dois anos agrícolas (2000/2001 e 2001/2002). Foram empregadas doses de 16 e 32 kg ha-1 de KNO3, divididas em duas ou quatro aplicações, a partir da primeira semana de florescimento do algodoeiro. em outro experimento, foi aplicado 32 kg ha-1 de KNO3, em quatro aplicações realizadas da segunda à quinta semana de florescimento. A diminuição dos teores de potássio nas folhas do algodoeiro é um processo normal na fase de senescência da folha em fim de ciclo e não foi revertido com uso suplementar de K. A adubação foliar com KNO3 pode, em algumas condições, como por exemplo, em plantas deficientes em potássio, aumentar o teor do nutriente na folha. Entretanto, isso não afeta o conteúdo do nutriente nos frutos, a produtividade e a qualidade da fibra.


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A field experiment was conducted in Sapezal, Mato Grosso state, Brazil, in 2007/2008, with the purpose of determining the effect of potassium sources on yield components, yield, fiber quality and economical aspects of cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.). A randomized complete block experimental design was used, with five replications. The treatments consisted of application in covering, via soil, at rate of 100 kg ha(-1) of K(2)O, in two split applications, of the sources KCl, K(2)SO(4), KNO(3) and K(2)SO(4).2MgSO(4). The number of nodes, height, number of bolls in the superior third and the weight of boll in the medium third was higher with K(2)SO(4).2MgSO(4) than with KNO(3) source. The potassium fertilizers did not influence the fiber revenue, but the fertilizing with K(2)SO(4).2MgSO(4) source had higher cotton seed yield and lint yield, although the uniformity ratio of fibber and profitability were smaller in relation to K(2)SO(4). The fibber agio index was higher with KNO(3) source. The production cost was higher with K(2)SO(4).2MgSO(4) source and in function of the smallest production cost, KCl source presented superior liquid revenue than other treatments.


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We evaluated, in two locations, production and fiber quality of cultivar IAC 23 cotton plants in ultra-narrow row, narrow row and conventional row spacing, varying number of plants by linear meter. Two experiments had been lead, one in Piracicaba - SP and another one in Campinas - SP, both in the crop year 2001/02. The experimental design was randomized blocks, in a factorial scheme, with 4 replications, being three spacing rows: 0.38m (ultra-narrow), 0.76m (narrow), and 0.95 m (conventional); and four densities (5, 8, 11, and 14 plants by linear meter). In Piracicaba, the production of cotton was 12% and 8,4 % superior in the ultra-narrow row and narrow row, respectively, when compared to the conventional row. In the ultra-narrow row in the smaller density of plants in the line, the production of cotton was 29.2% and 22.3% superior, respectively, to the productions of the narrow row and conventional row in the same number of plants in the line. The smaller spacing and higher plant density on the line, the smaller the number of bolls per plant at both locations. The agronomic characters of laboratory and the technological characteristics of the fiber were not modified by the populations of plants in the two studied environments.


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Este trabalho teve por objetivo avaliar a quantidade de finos gerada por diferentes reagentes de branqueamento e seu efeito nas propriedades físicas e mecânicas da celulose kraft de eucalipto. A polpa foi branqueada por quatro sequências diferentes. Parte das amostras foi classificada em equipamento Bauer-McNett, sendo a parte não classificada (global) refinada para 40 ºSR, em moinho laboratorial PFI. As duas maiores porções de cada amostra proveniente da classificação foram também refinadas com o mesmo número de revoluções que a sua amostra global. Realizaram-se ensaios físicos e mecânicos das amostras refinadas, e suas fibras foram analisadas em equipamento FQA (Fiber Quality Analyser), antes e depois do refino. A maior quantidade de finos foi observada nas polpas refinadas e na sequência-referência. Os resultados de tração foram mais elevados e significativos nas amostras globais; as polpas classificadas não apresentaram diferença entre si, sendo atribuída a maior resistência à tração na presença de finos. A resistência ao rasgo foi afetada pelo comprimento das fibras e não pelo teor de finos. Os maiores valores de ascensão capilar Klemm ocorreram nas amostras classificadas em razão da ausência de finos e do maior comprimento de fibras.


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The fiber quality, productivity and favorable climate are considered key points for the development of the cotton crop in the Brazilian Cerrado. This study aimed to evaluate the effect of cover crops and N application in presowing on the cotton crop growth and yield. The experimental design was randomized blocks, consisting of a - three cover crops (radish, white oat and black oat) implanted during the winter period, b - four nitrogen levels (0, 30, 60 and 90 kg ha-1 of N) applied to the millet residues and before cotton sowing. In April 2008, evaluations were realized of plant development and also harvesting was performed of experimental plots of cotton plants. The results showed that the radish provides increased length of branches and cotton bolls of cotton crop, without yield increase, and the use of increasing doses of N up to 90 kg ha-1 decreased the amount of carimã per plant, increasing the number of reproductive branches and cotton yield.


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Potassium, like nitrogen, it constitutes an essential element for growth, development and production of cotton crops. Moreover, these elements are directly related to fiber formation and when provided in suitable doses, influences its quality. The aim of the experiments was to evaluate the influence of potassium on biometric parameters, yield and quality of cotton fibers. For this purpose, plants of the cultivar Delta opal were grown in a greenhouse with altered potassium fertilization, simulating K deficiency and two overdoses. During the different phenological stages, biometric variables were analyzed including the production of fibers and their qualitative parameters. The sub-dose and the overdoses treatments of K, changed all the evaluated parameters, demonstrating the importance of potassium fertilizer on them.


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Energia na Agricultura) - FCA


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)