965 resultados para Fetal echocardiography
Objective: The aims of this study were to assess the feasibility of performing a complete fetal echocardiographic study during the first trimester of pregnancy, to establish the best week to accomplish a complete evaluation, and to find a relationship between the diameters of the cardiac valves and gestational age. Methods: 46 fetuses with normal nuchal translucency and venous duct Doppler velocimetry were submitted to echocardiographic studies by the transvaginal approach between the 11 + 0 and 14 + 6 weeks of gestation. A complete echocardiographic evaluation was defined as an examination in which the three basic planes, four-chamber, longitudinal and short-axis views, were obtained. Results: The rates of complete echocardiography evaluation were 37, 85 and 100% at 11, 12 and 13-14 weeks, respectively. The longitudinal view was the easiest to obtain and the short-axis view was the most difficult one. The diameter of the cardiac valves was compared with the crown-rump length (CRL) and there was no statistically significant difference between either the diameters of the mitral and tricuspid or the aortic and pulmonary valves. A linear growth curve was constructed to demonstrate the diameter correlations. Conclusions: The study demonstrated the feasibility of a complete fetal echocardiographic evaluation by the transvaginal approach during the first trimester of gestation. The rate of a complete evaluation increased along the period and reached 100% when the CRL was 64 mm or 13 weeks of gestational age. There was a linear correlation between the cardiac valve diameters and the CRL revealing a relationship between the cardiac and fetal development. The absence of a statistically significant difference between the left and right valve dimensions possibly means that there is no predominance of right or left chambers during this period of evaluation. Copyright (C) 2007 S. Karger AG, Basel.
Objective To determine the diagnostic accuracy of prenatal fetal echocardiography. Methods The study was a retrospective chart review of 190 consecutive patients over a 3-year period from November 1998 to February 2002 of all women referred to the Maternal Fetal Medicine unit, Mater Mothers Hospital, for fetal echocardiography. The prenatal diagnosis was compared with the postnatal diagnosis made by postnatal echocardiography, surgical findings or post-mortem. The accuracy of prenatal diagnosis was described on a predetermined 4-point scale. Results Of the 89 patients, for whom complete diagnostic follow-up was available, there was complete agreement between the prenatal and postnatal diagnosis in 63 cases, minor discrepancies in 25 cases and major disagreement in 1 case. Conclusions In experienced hands, fetal echocardiography is accurate and allows medical staff and patients information in order manage a pregnancy appropriately. Copyright (C) 2004 John Wiley Sons, Ltd.
Congenital heart disease (CHD) is the most common birth defect and the leading cause of mortality in the first year of life. In fetuses with a heart defect, chromosomal abnormalities are very frequent. Besides aneuploidy, 22q11.2 deletion is one of the most recognizable chromosomal abnormalities causing CHD. The frequency of this abnormality varies in nonselected populations. This study aimed to investigate the incidence of the 22q11.2 deletion and other chromosomal alterations in a Brazilian sample of fetuses with structural cardiac anomalies detected by fetal echocardiography. In a prospective study, 68 fetuses with a heart defect were evaluated. Prenatal detection of cardiac abnormalities led to identification of aneuploidy or structural chromosomal anomaly in 35.3% of these cases. None of the fetuses with apparently normal karyotypes had a 22q11.2 deletion. The heart defects most frequently associated with chromosomal abnormalities were atrioventricular septal defect (AVSD), ventricular septal defect (VSD), and tetralogy of Fallot. Autosomal trisomies 18 and 21 were the most common chromosomal abnormalities. The study results support the strong association of chromosome alterations and cardiac malformation, especially in AVSD and VSD, for which a chromosome investigation is indicated. In fetuses with an isolated conotruncal cardiopathy, fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) to investigate a 22q11.2 deletion is not indicated.
Objective To determine normal blood flow velocities across the fetal tricuspid valve (TV) at 11-13 weeks and 6 days of gestation and to examine the reproducibility of these measurements. Methods A prospective study involving 166 normal singleton pregnancies examined at 11-13 weeks and 6 days was carried out. Descriptive analysis of E- and A-waves` maximum velocities, E/A ratio, duration of the cardiac cycle (C) and diastole (D) and D/C ratio were calculated. Intraobserver and interobserver agreement analysis was performed in a subgroup of 12 cases. Results Average (+/- SD) flow velocities were: E-wave, 25.0 (+/- 4.6) cm/s; A-wave. 42.9 (+/- 5.9) cm/s; E/A, 0.58 (+/- 0.07); cardiac cycle, 390 (+/- 21.1) ms; diastole, 147 (+/- 18) ms and D/C, 0.38 (+/- 0.04). Significant correlation was observed between all parameters (except A-wave) and gestational age but not with nuchal translucency (NT). Intraclass correlation coefficients (interobserver, intraobsever examiner I and intraobserver examiner 2) were: E-wave, 0.53, 0.53 and 0.64; A-wave, 0.45, 0.46 and 0.49; cardiac cycle, 0.70, 0.79 and 0.84 and diastole, 0.63, 0.85 and 0.82, respectively. Conclusions The present study establishes normal Doppler parameters for blood flow across the TV at 11 - 13 weeks and 6 days and demonstrates that these parameters do not correlate with NT measurement and have good/moderate reproducibility. Copyright (C) 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Introdução: A malformação congénita mais frequente é a cardíaca, afectando cerca de 5-8 recém-nascidos/mil nados vivos. Actualmente é possível obter um diagnóstico pré-natal destas anomalias através do ecocardiograma fetal (EcoF), porém, porque os recursos em Saúde são limitados, este exame deve ser pedido de acordo com os critérios estabelecidos pela Direcção Geral de Saúde (DGS). Objectivos: Avaliar a importância dos critérios de referenciação propostos pela DGS para detecção de anomalias cardíacas. Determinar as taxas de prevalência e mortalidade nos fetos com doença cardíaca. Material e Métodos: Revisão casuística de uma amostra de 733 fetos aos quais foi realizado EcoF em consulta de Cardiologia Pré-natal num centro terciário de Cardiologia Pediátrica, no período de 2006 a 2008. Foram avaliados dados demográficos, motivo de referenciação (MR), resultados da EcoF e evolução. Classificámos os MR em dois grupos: (I) concordantes com as indicações da DGS- causas major (familiar, materna, fetal) e causas minor (outras situações); (II) não concordantes. Resultados: Realizaram-se 871 EcoF a 705 grávidas. A mediana da idade materna foi de 32 anos (15-45 anos) e a média da idade gestacional foi de 26 semanas (±4 sem). O grupo I incluiu 89% das grávidas. Identificaram-se 52 fetos (7%) com anomalias cardíacas: 42 estruturais, 8 de ritmo e 2 derrames pericárdicos. Estas anomalias distribuíram-se da seguinte forma: grupo I - causa familiar (3), causa materna (3), causa fetal (39), causas minor (5) e no grupo II (2). Observou-se um maior número de anomalias cardíacas no grupo I (6,8% vs 0,3%) (p> 0.05), sobretudo nos fetos referenciados por causa fetal (p<0,05). Perderam-se no controlo evolutivo 10 casos positivos, realizaram-se 3 interrupções médicas da gravidez e ocorreram 3 mortes. Mantêm-se em seguimento na consulta de Cardiologia Pediátrica 11 casos positivos. Conclusões: Na maioria dos casos cumpriram-se os critérios de referenciação da DGS, no entanto não se observou uma diferença estatisticamente significativa na prevalência de anomalias cardíacas fetais nas grávidas com e sem factores de risco. A causa fetal foi a que melhor se correlacionou com a presença de anomalia cardíaca. A prevalência destas anomalias e a taxa de mortalidade aferida na amostra pode estar subestimada por perda de casos positivos no controlo evolutivo.
OBJECTIVE: To study acute hemodynamic alterations in the fetal-placental maternal system immediately after maternal exposure to nicotine. METHODS: This is a noncontrolled experimental study involving 21 pregnant smoking women, randomly selected, with uncomplicated pregnancies and without risk factors for fetal heart disease. Patients underwent ultrasound and fetal echocardiography before and after smoking a cigarette. They were asked to abstain from smoking for 12 hours before the study. The mean nicotine content of the cigarettes used in the study was 0.5mg of nicotine and 6mg of carbon monoxide. RESULTS: The average number of cigarettes smoked per a day prior to the study was 9.67. Gestational age ranged between 18 and 36 weeks. The mean maternal heart rate was elevated (P<0.001) as was the mean fetal heart rate (P=0.044). Maternal systolic blood pressure (P=0.004) and diastolic blood pressure (P=0.033) were also elevated after smoking. A decrease occurred in the systolic/diastolic ratio in the right uterine artery (P=0.014) and in the left uterine artery (P=0.039). The other hemodynamic variables remained unchanged. CONCLUSION: Cigarette smoking can cause changes in physiologic variables of fetal-placental circulation, but it does not change fetal cardiac function, in the dose of nicotine and its components used in this study. The decrease in systolic/diastolic ratio in the uterine arteries is probably related to a dose-dependent nicotine pattern.
Alternative methods to assess ventricular diastolic function in the fetus are proposed. Fetal myocardial hypertrophy in maternal diabetes was used as a model of decreased left ventricular compliance (LVC), and fetal respiratory movements as a model of increased LVC. Comparison of three groups of fetuses showed that, in 10 fetuses of diabetic mothers (FDM) with septal hypertrophy (SH), the mean excursion index of the septum primum (EISP) (ratio between the linear excursion of the flap valve and the left atrial diameter) was 0.36 ± 0.09, in 8 FDM without SH it was 0.51 ± 0.09 (P = 0.001), and in the 8 normal control fetuses (NCF) it was 0.49 ± 0.12 (P = 0.003). In another study, 28 fetuses in apnea had a mean EISP of 0.39 ± 0.05 which increased to 0.57 ± 0.07 during respiration (P < 0.001). These two studies showed that the mobility of the septum primum was reduced when LVC was decreased and was increased when LVC was enhanced. Mean pulmonary vein pulsatility was higher in 14 FDM (1.83 ± 1.21) than in 26 NCF (1.02 ± 0.31; P = 0.02). In the same fetuses, mean left atrial shortening was decreased (0.40 ± 0.11) in relation to NCF (0.51 ± 0.09; P = 0.011). These results suggest that FDM may have a higher preload than normal controls, probably as a result of increased myocardial mass and LV hypertrophy. Prenatal assessment of LV diastolic function by fetal echocardiography should include analysis of septum primum mobility, pulmonary vein pulsatility, and left atrial shortening.
Fetal echocardiography was initially used to diagnose structural heart disease, but recent interest has focused on functional assessment. Effects of extracardiac conditions on the cardiac function such as volume overload (in the recipient in twin-twin transfusion syndrome), a hyperdynamic circulation (arterio-venous malformation), cardiac compression (diaphragmatic hernia, lung tumours) and increased placental resistance (intrauterine growth restriction and placental insufficiency) can be studied by ultrasound and may guide decisions for intervention or delivery. A variety of functional tests can be used, but there is no single clinical standard. For some specific conditions, however, certain tests have shown diagnostic value.
Ebstein's anomaly is an uncommon congenital heart defect, with a prevalence of 0.3-0.5%. Its association with an imperforate tricuspid valve is an even more rare situation (less than 10% of cases). Prenatal diagnosis of this association by means of fetal echocardiography has not been reported. We describe here this association diagnosed before birth and confirmed after birth. The diagnostic potential and importance of fetal echocardiography during prenatal evaluation of cardiac malformations allows for adequate perinatal planning and management, with an obvious impact on morbidity and mortality.
OBJECTIVE: To verify the hypothesis that the pulmonary vein pulsatility index is higher in fetuses of diabetic mothers than it is in normal fetuses of nondiabetic mothers. METHODS: Twenty-four fetuses of mothers with either gestational or previous diabetes (cases), and 25 normal fetuses of mothers without systemic disease (control) were examined. Fetuses were examined through prenatal Doppler and color flow mapping. The pulmonary vein pulsatility index was obtained by placing the pulsed Doppler sample volume over the right superior pulmonary vein and applying the formula (systolic velocity - presystolic velocity)/mean velocity. RESULTS: The mean gestational age of the study fetuses was 30.3±2.7 weeks, and gestational age of the controls was 29±3.3 weeks, with no significant difference in gestational age between groups (p=0.14). Fetuses of diabetic mothers had a mean pulmonary vein pulsatility index of 1.6±1, and those of the control group had an index of 0.86±0.27. CONCLUSION: Fetuses of diabetic mothers had pulmonary vein pulsatility indexes (parameter easily obtained through Doppler echocardiography that may be related to fetal diastolic function) higher than those in fetuses of mothers with normal glycemia.
A ultra-sonografia obstétrica é um método diagnóstico tradicionalmente utilizado na rotina do atendimento pré-natal, tendo sido estudados de forma ampla suas vantagens e limitações. O advento do diagnóstico intra-uterino de cardiopatias congênitas e de arritmias através da ecocardiografia fetal modificou completamente o prognóstico perinatal dessas afecções, por permitir planejar o adequado manejo cardiológico no período neonatal imediato e, em algumas situações, o tratamento e sua resolução in utero. Sendo muito elevada a prevalência de cardiopatias congênitas durante a vida fetal, sua detecção torna-se fundamental. Considerando a inviabilidade operacional de realizar rotineiramente ecocardiografia fetal em todas as gestações, levando-se em conta as condições locais do sistema de saúde, o encaminhamento para exame por especialista passa a ser otimizado com a possibilidade da suspeita de alterações estruturais ou funcionais do coração e do sistema circulatório durante o exame ultra-sonográfico obstétrico de rotina. Não são conhecidos, em nosso meio, dados que avaliem de forma sistemática a acurácia da ultra-sonografia obstétrica no que se refere à suspeita pré-natal de cardiopatias. A partir deste questionamento, este trabalho foi delineado com o objetivo de avaliar o papel da ultra-sonografia obstétrica de rotina na suspeita pré-natal de cardiopatias congênitas ou arritmias graves e os fatores envolvidos na sua efetividade. A amostra foi constituída de 77 neonatos ou lactentes internados no Instituto de Cardiologia do Rio Grande do Sul / Fundação Universitária de Cardiologia (IC/FUC) no período de maio a outubro de 2000, com diagnóstico pós-natal confirmado de cardiopatia estrutural ou arritmia grave, que tenham sido submetidos, durante a vida fetal, a pelo menos uma ultra-sonografia obstétrica após a 18a semana de gestação. Para a coleta de dados, foi utilizado um questionário padronizado, respondido pelos pais ou responsáveis, após consentimento informado. As variáveis categóricas foram comparadas pelo teste do qui-quadrado ou pelo teste de Fisher, com um alfa crítico de 0,05. Um modelo de regressão logística foi utilizado para determinar variáveis independentes eventualmente envolvidas na suspeita pré-natal de cardiopatia. Em 19 pacientes (24,7%), a ultra-sonografia obstétrica foi capaz de levantar suspeita de anormalidades estruturais ou de arritmias. Ao serem consideradas apenas as cardiopatias congênitas, esta prevalência foi de 19,2% (14/73). Em 73,7% destes, as cardiopatias suspeitadas eram acessíveis ao corte de 4-câmaras isolado. Observou-se que 26,3% das crianças com suspeita pré-natal de cardiopatia apresentaram arritmias durante o estudo ecográfico, enquanto apenas 3,4% dos pacientes sem suspeita pré-natal apresentaram alterações do ritmo (P=0,009). Constituiram-se em fatores comparativos significantes entre o grupo com suspeita pré-natal e o sem suspeita a paridade (P=0,029), o parto cesáreo (P=0,006), a internação em unidade de tratamento intensivo (P=0,046) e a escolaridade paterna (P=0,014). Não se mostraram significativos o número de gestações, a história de abortos prévios, o estado civil, o sexo dos pacientes, o tipo de serviço e a localidade em que foram realizados o pré-natal e a ultra-sonografia obstétrica, a indicação da ecografia, o número de ultra-sonografias realizadas, a renda familiar e a escolaridade materna. À análise multivariada, apenas a presença de alteração do ritmo cardíaco durante a ultra-sonografia obstétrica mostrou-se como variável independente associada à suspeita pré-natal de anormalidade cardíaca. Este trabalho demonstra que a ultra-sonografia obstétrica de rotina ainda tem sido subutilizada no rastreamento pré-natal de cardiopatias congênitas, levantando a suspeita de anormalidades estruturais em apenas um quinto dos casos. Considerando a importância prognóstica do diagnóstico intra-uterino de cardiopatias congênitas e arritmias graves, todos os esforços devem ser mobilizados no sentido de aumentar a eficácia da ecografia obstétrica de rotina para a suspeita de anormalidades cardíacas fetais. O treinamento dirigido dos ultra-sonografistas e a conscientização do meio obstétrico e da própria população são instrumentos para esta ação.
BACKGROUND: Newborns with hypoplastic left heart syndrome (HLHS) or right heart syndrome or other malformations with a single ventricle physiology and associated hypoplasia of the great arteries continue to be a challenge in terms of survival. The vast majority of these forms of congenital heart defects relate to abnormal morphogenesis during early intrauterine development and can be diagnosed accurately by fetal echocardiography. Early knowledge of these conditions not only permits a better understanding of the progression of these malformations but encourages some researchers to explore new minimally invasive therapeutic options with a view to early pre- and postnatal cardiac palliation. DATA SOURCES: PubMed database was searched with terms of "congenital heart defects", "fetal echocardiography" and "neonatal cardiac surgery". RESULTS: At present, early prenatal detection has been applied for monitoring pregnancy to avoid intrauterine cardiac decompensation. In principle, the majority of congenital heart defects can be diagnosed by prenatal echocardiography and the detection rate is 85%-95% at tertiary perinatal centers. The majority, particularly of complex congenital lesions, show a steadily progressive course including subsequent secondary phenomena such as arrhythmias or myocardial insufficiency. So prenatal treatment of an abnormal fetus is an area of perinatal medicine that is undergoing a very dynamic development. Early postnatal treatment is established for some time, and prenatal intervention or palliation is at its best experimental stage in individual cases. CONCLUSION: The upcoming expansion of fetal cardiac intervention to ameliorate critically progressive fetal lesions intensifies the need to address issues about the adequacy of technological assessment and patient selection as well as the morbidity of those who undergo these procedures.