954 resultados para Festphasensynthese, Diamino-D-Galactose-Scaffolds, RNA-Liganden
Die Aufklrung der Schlsselrolle der RNA in zahlreichen biologischen Prozessen, die sich aus ihren selektiven Wechselwirkungen mit anderen RNA-Moleklen, Proteinen, Peptiden bzw. Antibiotika ergibt, ist fr die Wirkstoffforschung von groer Bedeutung. Die Aminoglycoside und Antibiotika, die durch eine Hemmung der Proteinbiosynthese schon seit lngerem bekannt sind, dienen als Leitstrukuren fr die Synthese von weiteren Wirkstoffen. Die meisten Aminoglycosid-Antibiotika beinhalten Aminozucker, die mit dem rn2-Desoxystreptamin-Gerst verbunden sind. Die stereochemische Vielfalt der Substitutionsstellen fr Amino- und Hydroxylgruppen in diesem Gerst und deren beschrnkte konformative Flexibilitt bieten vielseitige Mglichkeiten, um potenzielle RNA-Liganden so zu gestalten, dass es zu einer spezifischen Erkennung von RNA-Strukturen kommen kann. Ein wichtiger Vertreter dieser Antibiotika, Neomycin B, von dessen Struktur die Entwicklung des Diaminogalactose-Templates abgeleitet wurde, wurde in dieser Arbeit als Leitstruktur gewhlt. Die Synthese von Diaminogalactose-Scaffolds wurde zunchst in Lsung durchgefhrt. Anschlieend wurden die Bausteine 2 und 4 an einen polymeren Trger gebunden.rnNach Prfung der orthogonalen Stabilitt der Schutzgruppen wurde mit den Scaffolds 2 und 4 eine Bibliothek von 65 Verbindungen hergestellt. Mit 42 dieser Verbindungen wurden anschlieend Zellassays im Rahmen des Sonderforschungsbereichs 579 (RNA-Liganden-Wechselwirkungen) durchgefhrt, um ihre Cytotoxizitt zu prfen. Fr einzelne Verbindungen konnten die optimalen Konzentrationen bestimmt werden, bei denen zuknftige Tests fr die Tat/TAR Wechselwirkung ohne strende cytotoxische Effekte durchgefhrt werden knnen.rn
Aminoglydosid-Antibiotika wie Neomycin B oder Cyclopeptid-Antibiotike wie Viaomycin sind dafr bekannt, da sie selektiv an RNA binden knnen. Diese Interaktionen beruhen sowohl auf elektrostatischen Wechselwirkungen als auch auf H-Brcken-Bindungen. Des weiteren ist die definierte rumliche Anordnung von Donor- und Akzeptor-Resten in den Strukturen der RNA-Liganden wichtig fr die Affinitt. Eine Mglichkeit natrliche RNA-Liganden zu imitieren ist der Einsatz polyfunktioneller Template wie zum Beispiel das 2,6-Diamino-2,6-didesoxy-D-glucose-Scaffold. Mit Hilfe dieser Scaffolds knnen dann verschiedene positv geladene Reste und Donatoren sowie Akzeptoren fr H-Brcken-Bindungen oder auch Interkalatoren rumlich definiert prsentiert werden. Fr die unabhngige Funktionalisierung einer jeden Position ist ein Satz orthogonal stabiler Schutzgruppen ntig, wobei eine Hydroxylguppe durch einen Anker ersetzt wird, der eine Anbindung des Scaffolds an einen polymeren Trger ermglicht. Das neu entwickelte 2,6-Diamino-2,6-didesoxy-D-glucose-Scaffold ist das erste Monosaccharid-Templat, das in allen fnf Positionen mit orthogonal stabilen Schutzgruppen blockiert ist. Alle Positionen knne in beliebiger Reihenfolge selektiv deblockiert und anschlieend derivatisiert werden. Das Scaffold kann mit Aminosuren, Guanidinen oder Interkalatoren umgesetzt werden, um so natrlich vorkommende RNA-bindende Aminoglycoside oder Peptide zu imitieren. Aufbauend auf diesem Monosaccharid-Templat wurde eine Bibliothek von ber 100 potentiellen RNA-Liganden synthetisiert, die im Rahmen des Sonderforschungsbereichs 579 (RNA-Liganden-Wechselwirkungen) in Zellassays auf ihre Fhigkeit zur Hemmung der Tat/TAR-Wechselwirkung untersucht wurden, wobei bis jetzt 9 Verbindungen mit einer hemmenden Wirkung im micromolaren Bereich gefunden wurden.
L&in-induced agglutination is a complex process determined by several factprs such as the nature of lectin (valency, binding constant) the properties of cell membrane (fluidity, distribution of lectin receptor sites) and the metabolic state of the cell (microvilli, microtubules, microfilament) [l-3].
Simple and convenient methods for introducing deuterium label at C-3 and C-6 position of N-acetyl-D-galactosamine and D-galactose, respectively, are described. For the synthesis of 2-acetamido-2-deoxy-D-3-[2H] galactopyranose, benzyl 2-acetamido-2-deoxy-4,6-O-benzylidene-agr-D-galactopyranoside was oxidized with dimethyl sulfoxide- acetic anhydride and the product was reduced with sodium borodeuteride to introduce the deuterium at C-3. After benzylidene reduction, the mixture was subjected to hydrogenolysis and purified by column chromatography. 1,2:3,4-di-O-isopropylidene-agr-D-galactopyranoside was oxidized followed by reduction with sodium borodeuteride and deprotection to yield D-6-[2H] galactose.
The modes of binding of alpha- and beta-anomers of D-galactose, D-fucose and D-glucose to L-arabinose-binding protein (ABP) have been studied by energy minimization using the low resolution (2.4 A) X-ray data of the protein. These studies suggest that these sugars preferentially bind in the alpha-form to ABP, unlike L-arabinose where both alpha- and beta-anomers bind almost equally. The best modes of binding of alpha- and beta-anomers of D-galactose and D-fucose differ slightly in the nature of the possible hydrogen bonds with the protein. The residues Arg 151 and Asn 232 of ABP from bidentate hydrogen bonds with both L-arabinose and D-galactose, but not with D-fucose or D-glucose. However in the case of L-arabinose, Arg 151 forms hydrogen bonds with the hydroxyl group at the C-4 atom and the ring oxygen, whereas in case of D-galactose it forms bonds with the hydroxyl groups at the C-4 and C-6 atoms of the pyranose ring. The calculated conformational energies also predict that D-galactose is a better inhibitor than D-fucose and D-glucose, in agreement with kinetic studies. The weak inhibitor D-glucose binds preferentially to one domain of ABP leading to the formation of a weaker complex. Thus these studies provide information about the most probable binding modes of these sugars and also provide a theoretical explanation for the observed differences in their binding affinities.
The production of complex inorganic forms, based on naturally occurring scaffolds offers an exciting avenue for the construction of a new generation of ceramic-based bone substitute scaffolds. The following study reports an investigation into the architecture (porosity, pore size distribution, pore interconnectivity and permeability), mechanical properties and cytotoxic response of hydroxyapatite bone substitutes produced using synthetic polymer foam and natural marine sponge performs. Infiltration of polyurethane foam (60 pores/in2) using a high solid content (80wt %), low viscosity (0.126Pas) hydroxyapatite slurry yielded 84-91% porous replica scaffolds with pore sizes ranging from 50m - 1000m (average pore size 577m), 99.99% pore interconnectivity and a permeability value of 46.4 x10-10m2. Infiltration of the natural marine sponge, Spongia agaricina, yielded scaffolds with 56- 61% porosity, with 40% of pores between 0-50m, 60% of pores between 50-500m (average pore size 349 m), 99.9% pore interconnectivity and a permeability value of 16.8 x10-10m2. The average compressive strengths and compressive moduli of the natural polymer foam and marine sponge replicas were 2.461.43MPa/0.0990.014GPa and 8.40.83MPa /0.160.016GPa respectively. Cytotoxic response proved encouraging for the HA Spongia agaricina scaffolds; after 7 days in culture medium the scaffolds exhibited endothelial cells (HUVEC and HDMEC) and osteoblast (MG63) attachment, proliferation on the scaffold surface and penetration into the pores. It is proposed that the use of Spongia agaricina as a precursor material allows for the reliable and repeatable production of ceramic-based 3-D tissue engineered scaffolds exhibiting the desired architectural and mechanical characteristics for use as a bone 3 scaffold material. Moreover, the Spongia agaricina scaffolds produced exhibit no adverse cytotoxic response.
Bone tissue engineering may provide an alternative to autograft, however scaffold optimisation is required to maximize bone ingrowth. In designing scaffolds, pore architecture is important and there is evidence that cells prefer a degree of non-uniformity. The aim of this study was to compare scaffolds derived from a natural porous marine sponge (Spongia agaricina) with unique architecture to those derived from a synthetic polyurethane foam. Hydroxyapatite scaffolds of 1 cm3 were prepared via ceramic infiltration of a marine sponge and a polyurethane (PU) foam. Human foetal osteoblasts (hFOB) were seeded at 1x105 cells/scaffold for up to 14 days. Cytotoxicity, cell number, morphology and differentiation were investigated. PU-derived scaffolds had 84-91% porosity and 99.99% pore interconnectivity. In comparison marine sponge-derived scaffolds had 56-61% porosity and 99.9% pore interconnectivity. hFOB studies showed that a greater number of cells were found on marine sponge-derived scaffolds at than on the PU scaffold but there was no significant difference in cell differentiation. X-ray diffraction (XRD) and inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) showed that Si ions were released from the marine-derived scaffold. In summary, three dimensional porous constructs have been manufactured that support cell attachment, proliferation and differentiation but significantly more cells were seen on marine-derived scaffolds. This could be due both to the chemistry and pore architecture of the scaffolds with an additional biological stimulus from presence of Si ions. Further in vivo tests in orthotopic models are required but this marine-derived scaffold shows promise for applications in bone tissue engineering.
The enzyme UDP-galactose-4-epimerase (GAL10) catalyzes a key step in galactose metabolism converting UDP-galactose to UDPglucose which then can get metabolized through glycolysis and TCA cycle thus allowing the cell to use galactose as a carbon and energy source. As in many fungi, a functional homolog of GAL10 exists in Candida albicans. The domainal organization of the homologs from Saccharomyces cerevisiae and C albicans show high degree of homology having both mutarotase and an epimerase domain. The former is responsible for the conversion of beta-D-galactose to alpha-D-galactose and the hitter for epimerization of UDP-galactose to UDP-glucose. Absence of C albicans GAL10 (CaGAL10) affects cell-wall organization, oxidative stress response, biofilm formation and filamentation. Cagal10 mutant cells tend to flocculate extensively as compared to the wild-type cells. The excessive filamentation in this mutant is reflected in its irregular and wrinkled colony morphology. Cagal10 strain is more susceptible to oxidative stress when tested in presence of H2O2. While the S. cerevsiae GAL10 (ScGAL10), essential for survival in the presence of galactose, has not been reported to have defects in the absence of galactose, the C albicans homolog shows these phenotypes during growth in the absence of galactose. Thus a functional CaGal10 is required not only for galactose metabolism but also for normal hyphal morphogenesis, colony morphology, maintenance of cell-wall integrity and for resistance to oxidative stress even in the absence of galactose. (c) 2006 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Purpose: To investigate the temporal course of corneal sensitivity loss & the role of aldose reductase inhibitors (ARI) in an animal model of diabetic ocular complications. Methods: Weanling male S-D rats were randomly grouped to received ad libitum water & diet consisting of Purina (#5001) w/ either: 50% starch (CON,n=15) or 50% D-galactose (GAL,n=30). Half the galactosemic rats (ARI,n=15) received topical 0.25% CT-112 (3x daily, 20l, Senju Pharmaceutical Co., Japan). Control & remaining half of the galactosemic animals received equivalent doses of saline eyedrops. Rats were restrained w/o medication during sensitivity measurements conducted w/ a Cochet-Bonnet Aesthesiometer mounted on a micromanipulator. The end of the filament (0.012mm dia.), which applied a mean pressure of 0.96 g/mm perpendicular to the corneal surface at center, was in the plane of focus of a slit-lamp biomicroscope. Measurements were conducted by two investigators which were masked to the treatment group. The average blink-responses from 10 consecutive stimuli to each cornea were expressed as a percent. Results: Mean (SD) baseline corneal sensitivity in all groups were similar (CON 73%11, GAL 71%15, ARI 74%16). Corneal sensitivity in the galactosemic rat was decreased (p
ber die Sekundrstruktur von LI-Cadherin ist bislang wenig bekannt. Es gibt keine Rntgenanalysen und keine NMR-spektroskopische Untersuchungen. Man kann nur aufgrund der Sequenzhomologien zu den bereits untersuchten klassischen Cadherinen vermuten, da im LI-Cadherin hnliche Verhltnisse in der entscheidenden Wechselwirkungsdomne vorliegen. In Analogie zum E-Cadherin wurde angenommen, da es im LI-Cadherin eine homophile Erkennungsregion gibt, die in einer typischen beta-Turn-Struktur mit anschlieenden Faltblattbereichen vorliegen sollte. Um den Einflu verschiedener Saccharid-Antigene auf die Turn-Bildung zu untersuchen, wurden im ersten Teil der vorliegenden Arbeit verschiedene Saccharid-Antigen-Bausteine synthetisiert, mit denen dann im zweiten Teil der Arbeit durch sequentielle Festphasensynthese entsprechende Glycopeptidstrukturen aus dieser Region des LI-Cadherins aufgebaut wurden. Zur Synthese smtlicher Antigen-Bausteine ging man von D-Galactose aus, die ber das Galactal und eine Azidonitratisierung in vier Stufen zum Azidobromid umgesetzt wurde. In einer Koenigs-Knorr-Glycosylierung wurde dieses dann auf die Seitenkette eines geschtzten Serin-Derivats bertragen. Reduktion und Schutzgruppenmanipulationen lieferten den TN Antigen-Baustein. Ein TN-Antigen-Derivat war Ausgangspunkt fr die Synthesen der weiteren Glycosyl-Serin-Bausteine. So lie sich mittels der Helferich-Glycosylierung der T Antigen-Baustein herstellen, und der STN-Antigen-Baustein wurde durch eine Sialylierungsreaktion und weitere Schutzgruppenmanipulationen erhalten. Da die Route ber das T-Antigen-Derivat den Hauptsyntheseweg fr die weiteren komplexeren Antigene bildete, wurden verschiedene Schutzgruppenmuster getestet. Darauf aufbauend lieen sich durch verschiede Glycosylierungsreaktionen und Schutzgruppenmanipulationen der komplexe (2->6)-ST-Antigen-Baustein, (2->3)-Sialyl-T- und Glycophorin-Antigen-Baustein synthetisieren. Im nchsten Abschnitt der Doktorarbeit wurden die synthetisierten Saccharid-Antigen-Serin-Konjugate in Festphasen-Glycopeptidsynthesen eingesetzt. Zunchst wurde ein mit dem TN Antigen glycosyliertes Tricosapeptid hergestellt. Mittels NMR-spektroskopischen Untersuchungen und folgenden Energieminimierungsberechnungen konnte eine dreidimensionale Struktur ermittelt werden. Die Peptidsequenz des Turn-bildenden Bereichs wurde fr die folgenden Synthesen gewhlt. Die Abfolge der einzelnen Reaktionsschritte fr die Festphasensynthesen mit den verschiedenen Saccharid-Antigen-Bausteinen war hnlich. Insgesamt verlief die Festphasen-Glycopeptidsynthese in starker Abhngigkeit vom sterischen Anspruch der Saccharid-Bausteine. Smtliche so synthetisierten Glycopeptide wurden NMR spektroskopisch charakterisiert und mittels NOE-Experimenten hinsichtlich ihrer Konformation untersucht. Durch diese Bestimmung der rumlichen Protonen-Protonen-Kontakte konnte mittels Rechnungen zur Energieminimierung, basierend auf MM2 Kraftfeldern, eine dreidimensionale Struktur fr die Glycopeptide postuliert werden. Smtliche synthetisierten Glycopeptide weisen eine schleifenartige Konformation auf. Der Einflu der Saccharid-Antigene ist unterschiedlich, und lt sich in drei Gruppen einteilen.
Restriction of proteins to discrete subcellular regions is a common mechanism to establish cellular asymmetries and depends on a coordinated program of mRNA localization and translation control. Many processes from the budding of a yeast to the establishment of metazoan embryonic axes and the migration of human neurons, depend on this type of cell polarization. How factors controlling transport and translation assemble to regulate at the same time the movement and translation of transported mRNAs, and whether these mechanisms are conserved across kingdoms is not yet entirely understood. In this review we will focus on some of the best characterized examples of mRNA transport machineries, the "yeast locasome" as an example of RNA transport and translation control in unicellular eukaryotes, and on the Drosophila Bic-D/Egl/Dyn RNA localization machinery as an example of RNA transport in higher eukaryotes. This focus is motivated by the relatively advanced knowledge about the proteins that connect the localizing mRNAs to the transport motors and the many well studied proteins involved in translational control of specific transcripts that are moved by these machineries. We will also discuss whether the core of these RNA transport machineries and factors regulating mRNA localization and translation are conserved across eukaryotes.
The eukaryotic translation initiation factor 4A (eIF4A) is a member of the DEA(D/H)-box RNA helicase family, a diverse group of proteins that couples an ATPase activity to RNA binding and unwinding. Previous work has provided the structure of the amino-terminal, ATP-binding domain of eIF4A. Extending those results, we have solved the structure of the carboxyl-terminal domain of eIF4A with data to 1.75 resolution; it has a parallel - topology that superimposes, with minor variations, on the structures and conserved motifs of the equivalent domain in other, distantly related helicases. Using data to 2.8 resolution and molecular replacement with the refined model of the carboxyl-terminal domain, we have completed the structure of full-length eIF4A; it is a dumbbell structure consisting of two compact domains connected by an extended linker. By using the structures of other helicases as a template, compact structures can be modeled for eIF4A that suggest (i) helicase motif IV binds RNA; (ii) Arg-298, which is conserved in the DEA(D/H)-box RNA helicase family but is absent from many other helicases, also binds RNA; and (iii) motifs V and VI link the carboxyl-terminal domain to the amino-terminal domain through interactions with ATP and the DEA(D/H) motif, providing a mechanism for coupling ATP binding and hydrolysis with conformational changes that modulate RNA binding.
Harmful algal blooms (HABs) are becoming more frequent as climate changes, with tropical species moving northward. Monitoring programs detecting the presence of toxic algae before they bloom are of paramount importance to protect aquatic ecosystems, aquaculture, human health and local economies. Rapid and reliable species identification methods using molecular barcodes coupled to biosensor detection tools have received increasing attention over the past decade as an alternative to the impractical standard microscopic counting-based techniques. This work reports on a PCR amplification-free electrochemical genosensor for the enhanced selective and sensitive detection of RNA from multiple Mediterranean toxic algal species. For a sandwich hybridization (SHA), we designed longer capture and signal probes for more specific target discrimination against a single base-pair mismatch from closely related species and for reproducible signals. We optimized experimental conditions, viz., minimal probe concentration in the SHA on a screen-printed gold electrode and selected the best electrochemical mediator. Probes from 13 Mediterranean dinoflagellate species were tested under optimized conditions and the format further tested for quantification of RNA from environmental samples. We not only enhanced the selectivity and sensitivity of the state-of-the-art toxic algal genosensors but also increased the repertoire of toxic algal biosensors in the Mediterranean, towards an integral and automatic monitoring system.
Harmful algal blooms (HABs) are becoming more frequent as climate changes, with tropical species moving northward. Monitoring programs detecting the presence of toxic algae before they bloom are of paramount importance to protect aquatic ecosystems, aquaculture, human health and local economies. Rapid and reliable species identification methods using molecular barcodes coupled to biosensor detection tools have received increasing attention over the past decade as an alternative to the impractical standard microscopic counting-based techniques. This work reports on a PCR amplification-free electrochemical genosensor for the enhanced selective and sensitive detection of RNA from multiple Mediterranean toxic algal species. For a sandwich hybridization (SHA), we designed longer capture and signal probes for more specific target discrimination against a single base-pair mismatch from closely related species and for reproducible signals. We optimized experimental conditions, viz., minimal probe concentration in the SHA on a screen-printed gold electrode and selected the best electrochemical mediator. Probes from 13 Mediterranean dinoflagellate species were tested under optimized conditions and the format further tested for quantification of RNA from environmental samples. We not only enhanced the selectivity and sensitivity of the state-of-the-art toxic algal genosensors but also increased the repertoire of toxic algal biosensors in the Mediterranean, towards an integral and automatic monitoring system.