33 resultados para Ferrofluids


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Department of Physics, Cochin University of Science & Technology


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Fine magnetic particles (size≅100 Å) belonging to the series ZnxFe1−xFe2O4 were synthesized by cold co-precipitation methods and their structural properties were evaluated using X-ray diffraction. Magnetization studies have been carried out using vibrating sample magnetometry (VSM) showing near-zero loss loop characteristics. Ferrofluids were then prepared employing these fine magnetic powders using oleic acid as surfactant and kerosene as carrier liquid by modifying the usually reported synthesis technique in order to induce anisotropy and enhance the magneto-optical signals. Liquid thin films of these fluids were prepared and field-induced laser transmission through these films was studied. The transmitted light intensity decreases at the centre with applied magnetic field in a linear fashion when subjected to low magnetic fields and saturate at higher fields. This is in accordance with the saturation in cluster formation. The pattern exhibited by these films in the presence of different magnetic fields was observed with the help of a CCD camera and was recorded photographically.


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Ferrofluids belonging to the series NixFe1 xFe2O4 were synthesised by two different procedures—one by standard co-precipitation techniques, the other by co-precipitation for synthesis of particles and dispersion aided by high-energy ball milling with a view to understand the effect of strain and size anisotropy on the magneto-optical properties of ferrofluids. The birefringence measurements were carried out using a standard ellipsometer. The birefringence signal obtained for chemically synthesised samples was satisfactorily fitted to the standard second Langevin function. The ball-milled ferrofluids showed a deviation and their birefringence was enhanced by an order. This large enhancement in the birefringence value cannot be attributed to the increase in grain size of the samples, considering that the grain sizes of sample synthesised by both modes are comparable; instead, it can be attributed to the lattice strain-induced shape anisotropy(oblation) arising from the high-energy ball-milling process. Thus magnetic-optical (MO) signals can be tuned by ball-milling process, which can find potential applications.


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Bio-compatible magnetic fluids having high saturation magnetization find immense applications in various biomedical fields. Aqueous ferrofluids of superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles with narrow size distribution, high shelf life and good stability is realized by controlled chemical co-precipitation process. The crystal structure is verified by X-ray diffraction technique. Particle sizes are evaluated by employing Transmission electron microscopy. Room temperature and low-temperature magnetic measurements were carried out with Superconducting Quantum Interference Device. The fluid exhibits good magnetic response even at very high dilution (6.28 mg/cc). This is an advantage for biomedical applications, since only a small amount of iron is to be metabolised by body organs. Magnetic field induced transmission measurements carried out at photon energy of diode laser (670 nm) exhibited excellent linear dichroism. Based on the structural and magnetic measurements, the power loss for the magnetic nanoparticles under study is evaluated over a range of radiofrequencies.


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We report an optical limiter based on ferrofluids which has a very high shelf life and remarkable thermal stability, which are important requirements for sustainable use with intense lasers. The colloidal suspensions contain nanosized particles of approximately 80 Å diameter, with a number density of the order of 1022 /m3. The nonlinear optical transmission of the samples is studied using nanosecond and femtosecond laser pulses. Excited state absorption phenomena contribute to enhanced limiting in the nanosecond excitation regime. An advantageous feature of ferrofluids in terms of device applications is that their optical properties are controllable by an external magnetic field.


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Fine magnetic particles (sizeffi100A ˚ ) belonging to the series ZnxFe1 xFe2O4 were synthesized by cold co-precipitation methods and their structural properties were evaluated using X-ray diffraction. Magnetization studies have been carried out using vibrating sample magnetometry (VSM) showing near-zero loss loop characteristics. Ferrofluids were then prepared employing these fine magnetic powders using oleic acid as surfactant and kerosene as carrier liquid by modifying the usually reported synthesis technique in order to induce anisotropy and enhance the magneto-optical signals. Liquid thin films of these fluids were prepared and field-induced laser transmission through these films was studied. The transmitted light intensity decreases at the centre with applied magnetic field in a linear fashion when subjected to low magnetic fields and saturate at higher fields. This is in accordance with the saturation in cluster formation. The pattern exhibited by these films in the presence of different magnetic fields was observed with the help of a CCD camera and was recorded photographically


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Ferrofluids belonging to the series NixFe1 xFe2O4 were synthesised by two different procedures—one by standard co-precipitation techniques, the other by co-precipitation for synthesis of particles and dispersion aided by high-energy ball milling with a view to understand the effect of strain and size anisotropy on the magneto-optical properties of ferrofluids. The birefringence measurements were carried out using a standard ellipsometer. The birefringence signal obtained for chemically synthesised samples was satisfactorily fitted to the standard second Langevin function. The ball-milled ferrofluids showed a deviation and their birefringence was enhanced by an order. This large enhancement in the birefringence value cannot be attributed to the increase in grain size of the samples, considering that the grain sizes of sample synthesised by both modes are comparable; instead, it can be attributed to the lattice strain-induced shape anisotropy(oblation) arising from the high-energy ball-milling process. Thus magnetic-optical (MO) signals can be tuned by ball-milling process, which can find potential applications


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The structure of a ferrofluid under the influence of an external magnetic field is expected to become anisotropic due to the alignment of the dipoles into the direction of the external field, and subsequently to the formation of particle chains due to the attractive head to tail orientations of the ferrofluid particles. Knowledge about the structure of a colloidal ferrofluid can be inferred from scattering data via the measurement of structure factors. We have used molecular-dynamics simulations to investigate the structure of both monodispersed and polydispersed ferrofluids. The results for the isotropic structure factor for monodispersed samples are similar to previous data by Camp and Patey that were obtained using an alternative Monte Carlo simulation technique, but in a different parameter region. Here we look in addition at bidispersed samples and compute the anisotropic structure factor by projecting the q vector onto the XY and XZ planes separately, when the magnetic field was applied along the z axis. We observe that the XY- plane structure factor as well as the pair distribution functions are quite different from those obtained for the XZ plane. Further, the two- dimensional structure factor patterns are investigated for both monodispersed and bidispersed samples under different conditions. In addition, we look at the scaling exponents of structure factors. Our results should be of value to interpret scattering data on ferrofluids obtained under the influence of an external field.


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Using a Langevin molecular dynamics simulation, we show that the magnetic properties of a mono- and bi-dispersed ferrofluid system depend on the volume fraction and the dipolar coupling parameter. For the bi-dispersed system, most of the chains are formed by the large particles, but the aggregation behavior of the large particles is hindered by the presence of the small particles, which are predominantly attached to the end of the particle chain. To further elucidate the microscopic fluid structure, anisotropic structure factors are calculated.


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The magnetization properties of aggregated ferrofluids are calculated by combining the chain formation model developed by Zubarev with the modified mean-field theory. Using moderate assumptions for the inter- and intrachain interactions we obtain expressions for the magnetization and initial susceptibility. When comparing the results of our theory to molecular dynamics simulations of the same model we find that at large dipolar couplings (lambda>3) the chain formation model appears to give better predictions than other analytical approaches. This supports the idea that chain formation is an important structural ingredient of strongly interacting dipolar particles.


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We study by Langevin molecular dynamics simulations systematically the influence of polydispersity in the particle size, and subsequently in the dipole moment, on the physical properties of ferrofluids. The polydispersity is in a first approximation modeled by a bidisperse system that consists of small and large particles at different ratios of their volume fractions. In the first part of our investigations the total volume fraction of the system is fixed, and the volume fraction phi(L) of the large particles is varied. The initial susceptibility chi and magnetization curve of the systems show a strong dependence on the value of phi(L). With the increase of phi(L), the magnetization M of the system has a much faster increment at weak fields, and thus leads to a larger chi. We performed a cluster analysis that indicates that this is due to the aggregation of the large particles in the systems. The average size of these clusters increases with increasing phi(L). In the second part of our investigations, we fixed the volume fraction of the large particles, and increased the volume fraction phi(S) of the small particles in order to study their influence on the chain formation of the large ones. We found that the average aggregate size formed by large particles decreases when phi(S) is increased, demonstrating a significant effect of the small particles on the structural properties of the system. A topological analysis of the structure reveals that the majority of the small particles remain nonaggregated. Only a small number of them are attracted to the ends of the chains formed by large particles.


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We investigate in detail the initial susceptibility, magnetization curves, and microstructure of ferrofluids in various concentration and particle dipole moment ranges by means of molecular dynamics simulations. We use the Ewald summation for the long-range dipolar interactions, take explicitly into account the translational and rotational degrees of freedom, coupled to a Langevin thermostat. When the dipolar interaction energy is comparable with the thermal energy, the simulation results on the magnetization properties agree with the theoretical predictions very well. For stronger dipolar couplings, however, we find systematic deviations from the theoretical curves. We analyze in detail the observed microstructure of the fluids under different conditions. The formation of clusters is found to enhance the magnetization at weak fields and thus leads to a larger initial susceptibility. The influence of the particle aggregation is isolated by studying ferro-solids, which consist of magnetic dipoles frozen in at random locations but which are free to rotate. Due to the artificial suppression of clusters in ferrosolids the observed susceptibility is considerably lowered when compared to ferrofluids.


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The magnetoviscous effect, change in viscosity with change in magnetic field strength, and the anisotropy of magnetoviscous effect, change in viscosity with orientation of magnetic field, have been a focus of interest since four decades. A satisfactory understanding of the microscopic origin of anisotropy of magnetoviscous effect in magnetic fluids is still a matter of debate and a field of intense research. Here, we present an extensive simulation study to understand the relation between the anisotropy of magnetoviscous effect and the underlying change in micro-structures of ferrofluids. Our results indicate that field-induced chain-like structures respond very differently depending on their orientation relative to the direction of an externally applied shear flow, which leads to a pronounced anisotropy of viscosity. In this work, we focus on three exemplary values of dipolar interaction strengths which correspond to weak, intermediate and strong interactions between dipolar colloidal particles. We compare our simulation results with an experimental study on cobalt-based ferrofluids as well as with an existing theoretical model called the chain model. A non-monotonic behaviour in the anisotropy of magnetoviscous effect is observed with increasing dipolar interaction strength and is explained in terms of micro-structure formation.


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The nonlinear index of refraction (n(2)) and the two-photon absorption coefficient (beta) of water-based ferrofluids made of magnetite nanocrystals of different sizes and with different coatings have been measured through the Z-scan technique, with ultrashort (femtoseconds) laser pulses. Their third-order susceptibility is calculated from the values of n(2) and beta. The influence of different particles' coatings and sizes on these nonlinear optical properties are investigated. The values of n(2) and beta depend more significantly on the nanoparticles' size than on the particular coating. We observe a decrease of beta as the nanoparticles' diameters decrease, although the optical gap is found to be the same for all samples. The results are interpreted considering modifications in the electronic orbital shape due to the particles' nanosize effect.