974 resultados para Ferro-manganese


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Liquidus isotherms and phase equilibria have been determined experimentally for a pseudo-ternary section of the form MnO-(CaO+MgO)-(SiO2+Al2O3) with a fixed Al-2,O-3,/SiO2, weight ratio of 0.17 and MgO/CaO weight ratio of 0.17 for temperatures in the range 1473-1673 K. The primary phase fields present for the section investigated include manganosite (Mn,Mg,Ca)O; dicalcium silicate alpha-2(Ca,Mg,Mn)O (.) SiO2; merwinite 3CaO(.) ((Mg,Mn)O.2SiO(2); wollastonite [(Ca,Mg,Mn)(OSiO2)-Si-.]; ;tephroite [2(Mn,Mg)O.SiO2]; rhodonite [(Mn,Mg)O. diopside [(CaO,MgO,MnO,Al2O3)(SiO2)-Si-.]; tridymite (SiO2), SiO2] and melilite [2CaO (.) (MgO,MnO,Al2O3).2(SiO2,Al2O3)]. The liquidus temperatures relevant to ferro-manganese and silico-manganese smelting slags have been determined. The liquiclus temperature is shown to be principally dependent on the modified basicity weight ratio (CaO+Mgo)/(SiO2+Al2O3) at low MnO concentrations, and dependent on the mole ratio (CaO+ MgO+MnO)/(SiO2+Al2O3) at higher MnO concentrations.


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The Hf isotope composition of seawater does not match that expected from dissolution of bulk continental crust. This mismatch is generally considered to be due to retention of unradiogenic Hf in resistant zircons during incomplete weathering of continental crust. During periods of intense glacial weathering, zircons should break down more efficiently, resulting in the release of highly unradiogenic Hf to the oceans. We test this hypothesis by comparing Nd and Hf isotope time series obtained from NW Atlantic ferromanganese crusts. Both isotope systems show a decrease associated with the onset of northern hemisphere glaciation. The observed changes display distinct trajectories in epsilon Nd- epsilon Hf space, which differ from previously reported arrays of bulk terrestrial material and seawater. Such patterns are consistent with the release of highly unradiogenic Hf from very old zircons, facilitated by enhanced mechanical weathering.


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The Bedford Institute of Oceanography provided ship time on the C.S.S. Hudson during the B.I.0. 1967 Metrology and IODAL Cruise for surveying two separate bottom features in the North Atlantic; the Flemish Cap and the San Pablo Seamount one of the Kelvin Seamounts (also known as the New England Seamounts) about 400 miles SSE of Halifax, Nova Scotia. Underwater photography, dredging, and drilling showed San Pablo seamount to have a very considerable covering of manganese deposit, which may be recoverable by mining. San Pablo Seamount was surveyed and sampled; good hauls were made both on the top and on the slopes, at various depths from 500-1000 fathoms; in all cases samples of an unusual stratified manganese-iron ore were recovered. In the hope of gaining additional information in the immediate sample area, one of the dredges had been previously modified to accommodate underwater photographic equipment. X-ray chemical analyses indicate that the ore contains 20 to 25 per cent MnO2, with similar amounts of Fe2O3. Since bottom photographs indicate that these deposits form a continuous cover 1 foot to 3 feet thick over most of the seamount, it is estimated that there are ore reserves in the order of 10 to 30 M tons above 1,000 fathoms.


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The radioactivity of bottom sediments has been but little investigated. Data published by Joly, Pettersson, Piggot and Iimori refer to determinations of radium, contained mainly in oceanic deep-water sediments in red clays, radiolarian, globigerina oozes, blue muds and manganese concretions. The determinations have shown the manganese concretions to be richest as regards content of radium (up to 10-8 per cent); red clays and radiolarian ooze also possess a rather high content of radium. Other types of sediments are less rich in radium.


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The gross changes in concentrations of several trace elements in seawater after contact with ferro-manganese particle suspensions has been determined. Cobalt, Fe, and Zn concentrations in the seawater were greatly increased after contact with the par¬ticles. The concentrations of Rb, U, Cs, Sb, and Ag were altered to a lesser degree by this treatment. Similar results were observed where seawater was con¬tacted with suspensions of pelagic sediments. Of the trace elements measured, cobalt and iron appear to be the best elemental indicators of the presence of manganese mining effluents in the ocean. The addi¬tions of the essential elements Co, Fe and Zn toge¬ther with nutrients from the bottom waters may pro¬duce increased biological productivity. However, the toxic trace metals, such as Hg, Cu and Cd which could enter ocean water from the nodules and sedi¬ment and which may be high in effluent-affected areas should be investigated before conclusions as to the likely impact can be reached. Trace element analysis of seawater samples collected at a Pacific Ocean manganese nodule dredging site showed high t race element concentrations, but these are believed to have resulted from contamination during sample collection or storage rather than from the dredging operations.


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The determinations of the radioactivity of a series of ferro-manganese concretions of the seas and lakes of the U.S.S.R. (especially of the Kara Sea and lakes of Karelia) have brought out certain facts which make possible the determination of the age of the concretions by the content of radium in its different layers.


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Although various models have been proposed to explain the origin of manganese nodules (see Goldberg and Arrhenius), two major hypotheses have received extensive attention. One concept suggests that manganese nodules form as the result of interaction between submarine volcanic products and sea water. The common association of manganese nodules with volcanic materials constitutes the main evidence for this theory. The second theory involves a direct inorganic precipitation of manganese from sea water. Goldberg and Arrhenius view this process as the oxidation of divalent manganese to tetravalent manganese by oxygen under the catalytic action of particulate iron hydroxides. Manganese accumulation by the Goldberg and Arrhenius theory would be a relatively slow and comparatively steady process, whereas Bonatti and Nayudu believe manganese nodule formation takes place subsequent to the eruption of submarine volcanoes by the acidic leaching of lava.


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The aim of this work is to study MnO reduction by solid carbon. The influence of size of carbon particles, slag basicity, and bath temperature on MnO reduction was investigated. Fine Manganese ore particles were used as a source of MnO. Three sizes of carbon particles were used; 0.230 mm, 0.162 mm and 0.057 mm, binary basicity of 1 and 1.5 and temperatures of 1550, 1550 and 1600 degrees C. Curves were drawn for Mn content in the bath as a function of time and temperature for the several studied parameters. The MnO reduction rates were determined using these data. [doi:10.2320/matertrans.M2011007]


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We investigated surficial sediments for physico-chemical composition from numerous sites of seven study areas in the manganese nodule field of the northern Peru Basin as part of a deep-sea environmental study. Major results from this study are strong variability with respect to water depth, productivity in surface waters, locality, bottom water flow, and seafloor topography. Sediment sites are located mostly in 3900 to 4300 m water depth between the lysocline and the carbonate compensation depth (CCD). Large fluctuations in carbonate content (0% to 80%) determine sediment density and compressional-wave velocity, and, by dilution, contents of opal and non-biogenic material. Mass accumulation rates of biogenic components as well as geochemical proxies (barium and phosphorus) distinguish areas of higher productivity in the northwest near equatorial upwelling and in the northeast close to coastal upwelling, from areas of lower productivity in the west and south. Comparisons between the central Peru Basin area (Discol) and western Peru Basin area (Sediperu) reveals, for the Sediperu area, a shallower CCD, more carbonate but less opal, organic carbon, and non-biogenic material in sediments at the same water depth as well as larger down-core fluctuations of organic carbon and MnO2. Bottom water flow in the abyssal hill topography causes winnowing of material from summits of seamounts and ridges, where organic carbon preservation is poor, to basins where organic carbon preservation is better. Down-core measurements in box cores indicate a three-fold division in the upper 50 cm of the sediment column. An uppermost semi-liquid top layer is dark brown, 5-15 cm thick and contains most of the ferro-manganese nodules. A 5-15 cm thick transition zone of light sediment color has increasing shear strength, lowest opal contents and compressional-wave velocities, but highest carbonate contents and sediment densities. The lowermost layer contains stiffer light gray sediments.